Esempio n. 1
ConstantRange::multiply(const ConstantRange &Other) const {
  // TODO: If either operand is a single element and the multiply is known to
  // be non-wrapping, round the result min and max value to the appropriate
  // multiple of that element. If wrapping is possible, at least adjust the
  // range according to the greatest power-of-two factor of the single element.

  if (isEmptySet() || Other.isEmptySet())
    return ConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/false);

  // Multiplication is signedness-independent. However different ranges can be
  // obtained depending on how the input ranges are treated. These different
  // ranges are all conservatively correct, but one might be better than the
  // other. We calculate two ranges; one treating the inputs as unsigned
  // and the other signed, then return the smallest of these ranges.

  // Unsigned range first.
  APInt this_min = getUnsignedMin().zext(getBitWidth() * 2);
  APInt this_max = getUnsignedMax().zext(getBitWidth() * 2);
  APInt Other_min = Other.getUnsignedMin().zext(getBitWidth() * 2);
  APInt Other_max = Other.getUnsignedMax().zext(getBitWidth() * 2);

  ConstantRange Result_zext = ConstantRange(this_min * Other_min,
                                            this_max * Other_max + 1);
  ConstantRange UR = Result_zext.truncate(getBitWidth());

  // If the unsigned range doesn't wrap, and isn't negative then it's a range
  // from one positive number to another which is as good as we can generate.
  // In this case, skip the extra work of generating signed ranges which aren't
  // going to be better than this range.
  if (!UR.isWrappedSet() &&
      (UR.getUpper().isNonNegative() || UR.getUpper().isMinSignedValue()))
    return UR;

  // Now the signed range. Because we could be dealing with negative numbers
  // here, the lower bound is the smallest of the cartesian product of the
  // lower and upper ranges; for example:
  //   [-1,4) * [-2,3) = min(-1*-2, -1*2, 3*-2, 3*2) = -6.
  // Similarly for the upper bound, swapping min for max.

  this_min = getSignedMin().sext(getBitWidth() * 2);
  this_max = getSignedMax().sext(getBitWidth() * 2);
  Other_min = Other.getSignedMin().sext(getBitWidth() * 2);
  Other_max = Other.getSignedMax().sext(getBitWidth() * 2);
  auto L = {this_min * Other_min, this_min * Other_max,
            this_max * Other_min, this_max * Other_max};
  auto Compare = [](const APInt &A, const APInt &B) { return A.slt(B); };
  ConstantRange Result_sext(std::min(L, Compare), std::max(L, Compare) + 1);
  ConstantRange SR = Result_sext.truncate(getBitWidth());

  return UR.isSizeStrictlySmallerThan(SR) ? UR : SR;
Esempio n. 2
ConstantRange::sub(const ConstantRange &Other) const {
  if (isEmptySet() || Other.isEmptySet())
    return ConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/false);
  if (isFullSet() || Other.isFullSet())
    return ConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/true);

  APInt NewLower = getLower() - Other.getUpper() + 1;
  APInt NewUpper = getUpper() - Other.getLower();
  if (NewLower == NewUpper)
    return ConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/true);

  ConstantRange X = ConstantRange(std::move(NewLower), std::move(NewUpper));
  if (X.isSizeStrictlySmallerThan(*this) ||
    // We've wrapped, therefore, full set.
    return ConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/true);
  return X;