Esempio n. 1
void ContourManager::children(const ContourVector & _contours, const Hierarchy & _hierarchy, int _parentIndex, ContourVector & _children)

    int currentChild = _hierarchy[_parentIndex][HIERARCHY_INDEX_FIRST_CHILD];//First child

    while (currentChild >= 0)

        currentChild = _hierarchy[currentChild][HIERARCHY_INDEX_NEXT];
    }//while (currentChild >= 0)
Esempio n. 2
 * \brief buildMassCenters Use this function to retrieve the mass centers of _contours.
 * \param _contours Input contours.
 * \param _massCenters Output mass centers.
void ContourManager::buildMassCenters(const ContourVector & _contours, PointVector & _massCenters)
    ContourVector::size_type contourSize = _contours.size();

    for (ContourVector::size_type i = 0; i < contourSize; ++i)
    }//for(ContourVector::size_type i = 0; i < contourSize; ++i)
Esempio n. 3
 * \brief buildMassCenters Use this function to retrieve the bounding rects of _contours.
 * \param _contours Input contours.
 * \param _massCenters Output bounding rects. Its size must be at least equal to _contours size. No control is made.
void ContourManager::buildBoundings(const ContourVector & _contours, RectVector & _boundings)
    ContourVector::size_type contourSize = _contours.size();

    //Approximate contour curves
    std::vector<ContourCurve> contourCurves(contourSize);

    //Retrieving bounding rects
    for(ContourVector::size_type i = 0; i < contourSize; ++i)
        cv::approxPolyDP(cv::Mat(_contours[i]), contourCurves[i], 3, true);
        _boundings[i] = cv::boundingRect(cv::Mat(contourCurves[i]));
        _boundings[i] = cv::boundingRect(cv::Mat(_contours[i]));
    }//for(ContourVector::size_type i = 0; i < contourSize; ++i)
void DepthProcessor::findBlobs()
  if (!getDepthData())
	Surface8u to8(mDepthSource->getDepthImage());
	cv::Mat input( toOcv( to8));
	cv::Mat gray;
	cv::Mat thresh;
  cv::cvtColor( input, gray, CV_RGB2GRAY );
  cv::threshold(gray, gray, mDepthLowPass, 0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV);
  if (mInitInitial < mInitFrames)
    if (mInitInitial == 0)
      mInitial = gray.clone();
      mInitial = cv::max(gray, mInitial);
  gray -= mInitial;

  cv::accumulateWeighted(gray, mLastGray, 0.9);
  mLastGray.convertTo(gray, CV_8U);
  cv::threshold( gray, thresh, mStepFrom, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
  auto& blobs = mBlobs[1 - mIndexFG];
	float largest = mAreaThreshold;
  ContourVector vec;
  cv::findContours( thresh, vec, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
  for( ContourVector::iterator iter = vec.begin(); iter != vec.end(); ++iter )
    float a = cv::contourArea(*iter);
    if (a > largest)
      Blob b;
      b.mContourArea = a;
      copy(iter->begin(), iter->end(), b.mContourPoints.begin());
      push_heap(blobs.begin(), blobs.end(), SortDescendingArea());
      if (blobs.size() > DepthProcessor::smMAX_BLOBS)
        largest = blobs.rbegin()->mContourArea;
	for (BlobVector::iterator i = blobs.begin(); i != blobs.end(); i++)
		i->mCentroid.x = i->mCentroid.y = 0.0f;
    float mag = 10000.0f;
		i->mLeftMost.x = mag;
		i->mRightMost.x = -mag;
		i->mTopMost.y = mag;
		i->mBottomMost.y = -mag;
    i->mBounds.x1 = i->mBounds.y1 = mag;
    i->mBounds.x2 = i->mBounds.y2 = -mag;
		for (vector<cv::Point>::iterator pt = i->mContourPoints.begin(); pt != i->mContourPoints.end(); ++pt)
			i->mCentroid.x += pt->x;
			i->mCentroid.y += pt->y;
      i->mBounds.include(Vec2f(pt->x, pt->y));
			if (i->mLeftMost.x > pt->x)
				i->mLeftMost.x = pt->x;
				i->mLeftMost.y = pt->y;
			if (i->mRightMost.x < pt->x)
				i->mRightMost.x = pt->x;
				i->mRightMost.y = pt->y;
			if (i->mTopMost.y > pt->y)
				i->mTopMost.x = pt->x;
				i->mTopMost.y = pt->y;
			if (i->mBottomMost.y < pt->y)
				i->mBottomMost.x = pt->x;
				i->mBottomMost.y = pt->y;
		float sz = i->mContourPoints.size();
		if (sz > 0.0f)
			i->mCentroid.x /= sz;
			i->mCentroid.y /= sz;
		i->mZDist = *to8.getDataRed(i->mCentroid);
		// Loop through and do z calc
		float steps = 10.0f;
		Vec3f step = (i->mBottomMost - i->mTopMost) / steps;
		Vec3f sample = i->mTopMost;
		for (int x = 0; x < steps; x++)
      if (<uint8_t>(cv::Point(sample.x, sample.y)) > 0)
        float val = *to8.getDataRed(Vec2f(sample.x, sample.y));
        if (val < mDepthLowPass) 
          i->mZDist = max(i->mZDist, val);
      sample += step; 
		step = (i->mRightMost - i->mLeftMost) / steps;
		sample = i->mLeftMost;
		for (int x = 0; x < steps; x++)
      if (<uint8_t>(cv::Point(sample.x, sample.y)) > 0)
        float val = *to8.getDataRed(Vec2f(sample.x, sample.y));
        if (val < mDepthLowPass)
          i->mZDist = max(i->mZDist, val);
      sample += step;
	sort(blobs.begin(), blobs.end(), SortDescendingZ());
    BlobLock b(mBlobMutex);
    mIndexFG = 1 - mIndexFG;
void MotionTrackingTestApp::draw()
   // gl::setViewport( getWindowBounds() );
    // clear out the window with black
	gl::clear( Color( 1, 1, 1 ) );
//    if( mSurface ){
//        if( mTexture ){
//            mTexture->update( mSurface );
//        } else {
//            mTexture = gl::Texture::create( mSurface );
//        }
//        gl::draw( mTexture, mTexture->getBounds(), getWindowBounds() );
//    }
    if( mSurfaceDepth ){
        if( mTextureDepth ){
            mTextureDepth->update( Channel32f( mSurfaceDepth ) );
        } else {
            mTextureDepth = gl::Texture::create( Channel32f( mSurfaceDepth ) );
        gl::color( Color::white() );
        gl::draw( mTextureDepth, mTextureDepth->getBounds() );
    gl::translate( Vec2f( 320, 0 ) );
    if( mSurfaceBlur ){
        if( mTextureDepth ){
            mTextureDepth->update( Channel32f( mSurfaceBlur ) );
        } else {
            mTextureDepth = gl::Texture::create( Channel32f( mSurfaceBlur ) );
        gl::draw( mTextureDepth, mTextureDepth->getBounds() );
    gl::translate( Vec2f( 0, 240 ) );
    if( mSurfaceSubtract ){
        if( mTextureDepth ){
            mTextureDepth->update( Channel32f( mSurfaceSubtract ) );
        } else {
            mTextureDepth = gl::Texture::create( Channel32f( mSurfaceSubtract ) );
        gl::draw( mTextureDepth, mTextureDepth->getBounds() );
    gl::translate( Vec2f( -320, 0 ) );
    for( ContourVector::iterator iter = mContours.begin(); iter != mContours.end(); ++iter ){
        glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
            for( vector< cv::Point >::iterator pt = iter->begin(); pt != iter->end(); ++pt ){
                gl::color( Color( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
                gl::vertex( fromOcv( *pt ) );
    gl::translate( Vec2f( 0, 240 ) );
    for( int i=0; i<mTrackedShapes.size(); i++){
        glBegin( GL_POINTS );
        for( int j=0; j<mTrackedShapes[i].hull.size(); j++ ){
           gl::color( Color( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
           gl::vertex( fromOcv( mTrackedShapes[i].hull[j] ) );
void MotionTrackingTestApp::onDepth( openni::VideoFrameRef frame, const OpenNI::DeviceOptions& deviceOptions){
    mInput = toOcv( OpenNI::toChannel16u( frame ) );
    cv::Mat withoutBlack;
    withoutBlack = removeBlack( mInput, mNearLimit, mFarLimit );
    cv::Mat eightBit;
    cv::Mat thresh;
    // convert to RGB color space, with some compensation
    withoutBlack.convertTo( eightBit, CV_8UC3, 0.1/1.0  );
    cv::bitwise_not(eightBit, eightBit);
    cv::threshold( eightBit, thresh, mThresh, mMaxVal, CV_8U );
    cv::findContours( thresh, mContours, mHierarchy, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
    vector<cv::Point> approx;
    // approx number of points per contour
    for( int i=0; i<mContours.size(); i++ ) {
        cv::approxPolyDP(mContours[i], approx, 3, true );
        mApproxContours.push_back( approx );
    // get data that we can later compare
    mShapes = getEvaluationSet( mApproxContours, 75, 100000 );
    // find the nearest match for each shape
    for( int i = 0; i<mTrackedShapes.size(); i++ ){
        Shape* nearestShape = findNearestMatch( mTrackedShapes[i], mShapes, 5000 );
        if( nearestShape != NULL){
            // update our tracked contour
            // last frame seen
            nearestShape->matchFound = true;
            mTrackedShapes[i].centroid = nearestShape->centroid;
            mTrackedShapes[i].lastFrameSeen = ci::app::getElapsedFrames();
            mTrackedShapes[i].hull = nearestShape->hull;
    // if shape->matchFound is false, add it as a new shape
    for( int i = 0; i<mShapes.size(); i++ ){
        if( mShapes[i].matchFound == false ){
            mShapes[i].ID = shapeUID;
            mShapes[i].lastFrameSeen = ci::app::getElapsedFrames();
            mTrackedShapes.push_back( mShapes[i]);
//            std::cout << "adding a new tracked shape with ID: " << mShapes[i].ID << std::endl;
    // if we didnt find a match for x frames, delete the tracked shape
    for( vector<Shape>::iterator it=mTrackedShapes.begin(); it!=mTrackedShapes.end(); ){
//        std::cout << "tracked shapes size: " << mTrackedShapes.size() << std::endl;
        if( ci::app::getElapsedFrames() - it->lastFrameSeen > 20 ){
//            std::cout << "deleting shape with ID: " << it->ID << std::endl;
            it = mTrackedShapes.erase(it);
        } else {
    cv::Mat gray8Bit;
    withoutBlack.convertTo( gray8Bit, CV_8UC3, 0.1/1.0  );
    mSurfaceDepth = Surface8u( fromOcv( mInput  ) );
    mSurfaceBlur = Surface8u( fromOcv( withoutBlack ) );
    mSurfaceSubtract = Surface8u( fromOcv( eightBit ) );