bool MenuBar::HotKey(dword key) { if(Ctrl::HotKey(key)) return true; if(IsChild()) { if((key == (K_ALT_KEY|K_KEYUP) || key == K_F10) && (submenu || HasFocusDeep())) { LLOG("CloseMenu()"); CloseMenu(); if(restorefocus) restorefocus->SetFocus(); s_doaltkey = false; return true; } if(key == K_ALT_KEY) { LLOG("K_ALT_KEY"); s_doaltkey = true; return true; } if((key == K_F10 || key == (K_ALT_KEY|K_KEYUP) && s_doaltkey) && !submenu && !HasFocusDeep() && GetTopWindow() && GetTopWindow()->IsForeground()) { LLOG("Open menu by F10 or ALT-UP"); SetupRestoreFocus(); for(Ctrl *q = pane.GetFirstChild(); q; q = q->GetNext()) if(q->SetFocus()) return true; } } LLOG("MenuBar::HotKey"); return (key == K_LEFT || key == K_RIGHT) && parentmenu ? parentmenu->Key(key, 1) : false; }
// get user options, process and save. void Options::onbtnSave() { int dontsplash = optSplash.Get(); // get the value from option control int savewinpos = optSaveWinPos.Get();// get the value from option control Ctrl* owner = GetOwner(); // get a handle to the Options dislog owner which is MyUppApp main window. Rect rc; // create a struct to store window position and size if ( savewinpos != 1 ) { // if Save Window option is not checked. rc.left = 0; // set window position x to 0 = 0; // set window position y to 0 } else { rc = owner->GetRect(); // get the position and size of MyUppApp main window } String cfg; // create a string to store config data cfg << "Splash=" << dontsplash << "\n" // save user's choice "SaveWinPos=" << savewinpos << "\n" // save user's choice "PosX=" << rc.left << "\n" // save window x position "PosY=" << << "\n"; // save window y position if( !SaveFile(cfgfile, cfg) ) // save the config file Exclamation("Error saving configuration!"); // if failed show error dialog else PromptOK("Options saved!"); // show success dialog Break(IDOK); // close this dialog }
void ShowToolTip() { LLOG("ShowToolTip"); CloseToolTip(); if(tipctrl) { String text = tipctrl->GetTip(); LLOG("-> showing tip: " << text << " tipctrl: " << UPP::Name(tipctrl)); Ctrl *top = tipctrl->GetTopCtrl(); if(!text.IsEmpty() && top && (top->IsForeground() || top->IsPopUp())) { LLOG("-> foreground"); ToolTip& q = AppToolTip(); q.Set(text); Size sz = q.GetMinSize(); Rect r = top->GetWorkArea(); Point p = GetMousePos() + Size(0, 22); if(p.y + > r.bottom) p = GetMousePos() - Size(0, 22); q.PopUp(top, p, !showmode); showmode = true; KillTimeCallback((void *)EndShowMode); return; } LLOG("-> background / empty text, top = " << UPP::Name(top)); } SetTimeCallback(200, callback(EndShowMode), (void *)EndShowMode); }
void Ctrl::RemoveFullRefresh() { GuiLock __; fullrefresh = false; for(Ctrl *q = GetFirstChild(); q; q = q->GetNext()) q->RemoveFullRefresh(); }
Ctrl * DockPane::FindCtrl(int ix) { Ctrl *c = GetFirstChild(); for (int i = 0; i < ix && c; i++) c = c->GetNext(); return c; }
void Themed::ReadTheme() { int q = theme.Find(ToLower(GetClass())); if(q < 0) return; ClassTheme& cm = theme[q]; ThemeProperties tm(,, true); Properties(tm); Ctrl *p = dynamic_cast<Ctrl *>(this); if(p) for(Ctrl *q = p->GetFirstChild(); q; q = q->GetNext()) { Themed *t = dynamic_cast<Themed *>(q); if(t) { int i = cm.child.Find(t->GetClass()); if(i >= 0) { ThemeProperties tm(cm.child[i].property, cm.child[i].image, true); t->Properties(tm); } i = cm.child.Find(t->id); if(i >= 0) { q->SetPos(cm.child[i].pos); ThemeProperties tm(cm.child[i].property, cm.child[i].image, true); t->Properties(tm); } } } }
void DisplayPopup::Sync() { if(display && ctrl && !ctrl->IsDragAndDropTarget() && !IsDragAndDropTarget()) { Ctrl *top = ctrl->GetTopCtrl(); if(top && top->HasFocusDeep()) { Size sz = display->GetStdSize(value); if( + 2 * margin > item.GetWidth() || > item.GetHeight()) { slim = item + ctrl->GetScreenView().TopLeft(); if(slim.Contains(GetMousePos())) { // Rect wa = GetWorkArea(); Rect r = item; r.right = max(r.right, r.left + + 2 * margin); r.bottom = max(r.bottom, +; r.Inflate(1, 1); r.Offset(ctrl->GetScreenView().TopLeft()); SetRect(r); if(!IsOpen()) Ctrl::PopUp(ctrl, true, false, false); Refresh(); return; } } } } if(IsOpen()) Close(); }
void DockWindow::Undock(DockCont &c) { if (!c.IsFloating() && !c.IsHidden()) { if (c.IsAutoHide()) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int ix = hideframe[i].FindCtrl(c); if (ix >= 0) { hideframe[i].RemoveCtrl(ix); hideframe[i].RefreshFrame(); break; } } } else { int dock = GetDockAlign(c); if (dock >= 0 && dock < 4) { Ctrl *p = &c; while (p && p->GetParent() != &dockpane[dock]) p = p->GetParent(); ASSERT(p); bool v = !IsTB(dock); c.SyncUserSize(v, !v); } Undock0(c); } c.StateNotDocked(); } }
void TopWindow::Reject() { for(Ctrl *q = GetFirstChild(); q; q = q->GetNext()) q->Reject(); if(!backup.IsEmpty()) Restore(); }
PasteClip Ctrl::GtkDnd(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, guint time, gpointer user_data, bool paste) { DndTargets(context); g_object_ref(context); // make sure these always survive the action... g_object_ref(widget); dnd_context = context; dnd_widget = widget; dnd_time = time; PasteClip clip; clip.type = 1; clip.paste = paste; clip.accepted = false; clip.allowed = DND_MOVE|DND_COPY; gint dummy; GdkModifierType mod; gdk_window_get_pointer(gdk_get_default_root_window(), &dummy, &dummy, &mod); clip.action = mod & GDK_CONTROL_MASK ? DND_COPY : DND_MOVE; Ctrl *w = DragWnd(user_data); if(w) { gint mx, my; GdkModifierType mod; gdk_window_get_pointer(gdk_get_default_root_window(), &mx, &my, &mod); CurrentState = mod; CurrentMousePos = Point(x, y) + w->GetScreenRect().TopLeft(); w->DnD(CurrentMousePos, clip); } gdk_drag_status(context, clip.IsAccepted() ? clip.GetAction() == DND_MOVE ? GDK_ACTION_MOVE : GDK_ACTION_COPY : GdkDragAction(0), time); return clip; }
void Ctrl::WndUpdate(const Rect& r) { GuiLock __; LLOG("WndUpdate " << UPP::Name(this)); Ctrl *top = GetTopCtrl(); if(top->IsOpen()) { HWND hwnd = top->GetHWND(); HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); HRGN hrgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); if(GetUpdateRgn(hwnd, hrgn, FALSE) != NULLREGION) { SelectClipRgn(hdc, hrgn); SystemDraw draw(hdc); bool hcr = focusCtrl && focusCtrl->GetTopCtrl() == top && caretRect.Intersects(r + top->GetRect().TopLeft()); if(hcr) ::HideCaret(hwnd); draw.Clip(r); top->UpdateArea(draw, r); ValidateRect(hwnd, r); SelectClipRgn(hdc, NULL); if(hcr) ::ShowCaret(hwnd); } ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); DeleteObject(hrgn); } }
void Ctrl::PopUp(Ctrl *owner, bool savebits, bool activate, bool dropshadow, bool topmost) { popup = false; Ctrl *q = owner ? owner->GetTopCtrl() : GetActiveCtrl(); PopUpHWND(q ? q->GetHWND() : NULL, savebits, activate, dropshadow, topmost); if(top) top->owner = owner; }
ViewDraw::ViewDraw(Ctrl *ctrl) { EnterGuiMutex(); Ctrl *top = ctrl->GetTopCtrl(); cr = gdk_cairo_create(top->gdk()); Clipoff(ctrl->GetScreenView() - top->GetScreenRect().TopLeft()); }
VisGenDlg::VisGenDlg(LayoutData& layout, const Vector<int>& cursor) : layout(layout) { type <<= 0; CtrlLayoutOKCancel(*this, "Code generator"); type <<= THISBACK(Type); // needs to be before Refresh to maintain the proper order of action toupper1 << [=] { tolower1 <<= false; initcaps1 <<= false; }; tolower1 << [=] { toupper1 <<= false; initcaps1 <<= false; }; initcaps1 << [=] { toupper1 <<= false; tolower1 <<= false; }; toupper2 << [=] { tolower2 <<= false; initcaps2 <<= false; }; tolower2 << [=] { toupper2 <<= false; initcaps2 <<= false; }; initcaps2 << [=] { toupper2 <<= false; tolower2 <<= false; }; for(Ctrl *q = GetFirstChild(); q; q = q->GetNext()) if(dynamic_cast<Option *>(q)) *q << [=] { Refresh(); }; name << [=] { Refresh(); }; Refresh(); view.Highlight("cpp"); view.HideBar(); view.SetFont(CourierZ(12)); if(cursor.GetCount()) sel <<= cursor; else for(int i = 0; i < layout.item.GetCount(); i++) sel.Add(i); }
Image DockCont::GetHighlightImage() { Ctrl *ctrl = GetCtrl(GetCursor()); ImageDraw img(ctrl->GetRect().GetSize()); ctrl->DrawCtrlWithParent(img); return img; }
void DockCont::AddRemoveButton(Ctrl &c, bool state) { if (state && !c.GetParent()) Add(c); else if (!state) c.Remove(); }
bool TopWindow::Key(dword key, int count) { if(Ctrl::Key(key, count)) return true; if(IsChild()) return false; if(key == K_DOWN || key == K_RIGHT || key == K_TAB) { Ctrl *ctrl = GetFocusChildDeep(); if(ctrl && IterateFocusForward(ctrl, this)) return true; ctrl = GetFirstChild(); if(ctrl) { if(ctrl->SetWantFocus()) return true; return IterateFocusForward(ctrl, this); } } if(key == K_UP || key == K_LEFT || key == K_SHIFT_TAB) { Ctrl *ctrl = GetFocusChildDeep(); if(ctrl && IterateFocusBackward(ctrl, this)) return true; ctrl = GetLastChild(); if(ctrl) { if(ctrl->SetWantFocus()) return true; return IterateFocusBackward(ctrl, this); } } return false; }
void Ctrl::GatherTransparentAreas(Vector<Rect>& area, SystemDraw& w, Rect r, const Rect& clip) { GuiLock __; LTIMING("GatherTransparentAreas"); Point off = r.TopLeft(); Point viewpos = off + GetView().TopLeft(); r.Inflate(overpaint); Rect notr = GetVoidRect(); if(notr.IsEmpty()) notr = GetOpaqueRect(); notr += viewpos; if(!IsShown() || r.IsEmpty() || !clip.Intersects(r) || !w.IsPainting(r)) return; if(notr.IsEmpty()) CombineArea(area, r & clip); else { if(notr != r) { CombineArea(area, clip & Rect(r.left,, notr.left, r.bottom)); CombineArea(area, clip & Rect(notr.right,, r.right, r.bottom)); CombineArea(area, clip & Rect(notr.left,, notr.right,; CombineArea(area, clip & Rect(notr.left, notr.bottom, notr.right, r.bottom)); } for(Ctrl *q = firstchild; q; q = q->next) { Point qoff = q->InView() ? viewpos : off; Rect qr = q->GetRect() + qoff; if(clip.Intersects(qr)) q->GatherTransparentAreas(area, w, qr, clip); } } }
void Ctrl::DoMouseFB(int event, Point p, int zdelta, CParser& cp) { ReadKeyMods(cp); MousePos = p; int a = event & ACTION; if(a == UP && Ctrl::ignoreclick) { EndIgnore(); return; } else if(a == DOWN && ignoreclick) return; LLOG("### Mouse event: " << event << " position " << p << " zdelta " << zdelta << ", capture " << Upp::Name(captureCtrl)); if(captureCtrl) MouseEventFB(captureCtrl->GetTopCtrl(), event, p, zdelta); else for(int i = topctrl.GetCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Ptr<Ctrl> t = topctrl[i]; Rect rr = t->GetRect(); if(rr.Contains(p)) { MouseEventFB(t, event, p, zdelta); return; } } Ctrl *desktop = GetDesktop(); if(desktop) { desktop->DispatchMouse(event, p, zdelta); desktop->PostInput(); } }
int DockWindow::GetDockAlign(const Ctrl &c) const { Ctrl *p = c.GetParent(); while (p && p->GetParent() != this) p = p->GetParent(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (dockpane[i].GetParent() == p) return i; return DOCK_NONE; }
void PaintBarArea(Draw& w, Ctrl *x, const Value& look, int bottom) { Ctrl *tc = x->GetTopCtrl(); Rect sr = tc->GetScreenRect(); sr.bottom = Nvl(bottom, tc->GetScreenView().top); sr.Offset(-x->GetScreenRect().TopLeft()); ChPaint(w, sr, look); }
Ctrl * Ctrl::GetIndexChild(int ii) const { GuiLock __; Ctrl *c = GetFirstChild(); for(int i = 0; i < ii && c; i++) c = c->GetNext(); return c; }
void Ctrl::RefreshAccessKeys() { GuiLock __; if(GetAccessKeys()) Refresh(); for(Ctrl *ctrl = GetFirstChild(); ctrl; ctrl = ctrl->GetNext()) ctrl->RefreshAccessKeys(); }
bool TopWindow::Accept() { Ctrl *q; for(q = GetFirstChild(); q; q = q->GetNext()) if(!q->Accept()) return false; return true; }
int Ctrl::GetChildCount() const { GuiLock __; int n = 0; for (Ctrl *c = GetFirstChild(); c; c = c->GetNext()) n++; return n; }
ViewDraw::ViewDraw(Ctrl *ctrl) { EnterGuiMutex(); Ctrl *top = ctrl->GetTopCtrl(); hwnd = top->GetHWND(); ASSERT(hwnd); Attach(GetDC(hwnd)); Clipoff(ctrl->GetScreenView() - top->GetScreenRect().TopLeft()); }
bool Ctrl::HasFocusDeep() const { GuiLock __; if(HasFocus() || HasChildDeep(FocusCtrl())) return true; Ctrl *a = GetActiveCtrl(); if(!a || !a->IsPopUp()) return false; a = a->GetOwnerCtrl(); return a && HasChildDeep(a); }
Size DockWindow::CtrlBestSize(const Ctrl &c, bool restrict) const { Size mn = c.GetMinSize(); Size mx = c.GetMaxSize(); Size std = c.GetStdSize(); if (restrict) mx = minmax(GetSize()/2, mn, mx); return minmax(std, mn, mx); }
int DockPane::FindIndex(Ctrl &child) { int ix = 0; for (Ctrl *c = GetFirstChild(); c; c = c->GetNext()) { if (c == &child) return ix; ix++; } return -1; }
void Ctrl::DoSync(Ctrl *q, Rect r, bool inframe) { GuiLock __; ASSERT(q); LLOG("DoSync " << UPP::Name(q) << " " << r); Ctrl *top = q->GetTopRect(r, inframe); top->SyncScroll(); top->WndUpdate(r); }