int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { Cube c; c.Write(""); return 0; }
void IsisMain() { UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface(); string from = ui.GetFilename("FROM"); // Setup to read headers/labels ifstream input;, ios::in | ios::binary); // Check stream open status if (!input.is_open()) { string msg = "Cannot open input file [" + from + "]"; throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Io, msg, _FILEINFO_); } char reading[81]; iString line = ""; unsigned int place = 0; PvlGroup labels("OriginalLabels"); // Load first line input.seekg(0);, 80); reading[80] = '\0'; line = reading; place += 80; // Read in and place in PvlKeywords and a PvlGroup while (line.substr(0,3) != "END") { // Check for blank lines if (line.substr(0,1) != " " && line.substr(0,1) != "/") { // Name of keyword PvlKeyword label(line.Token(" =")); // Remove up to beginning of data line.TrimHead(" ='"); line.TrimTail(" "); if (label.Name() == "COMMENT" || label.Name() == "HISTORY") { label += line; } else { // Access the data without the comment if there is one iString value = line.Token("/"); // Clear to end of data, including single quotes value.TrimTail(" '"); label += value; line.TrimHead(" "); // If the remaining line string has anything, it is comments. if (line.size() > 0) { label.AddComment(line); // A possible format for units, other possiblites exist. if (line != line.Token("[")) { label.SetUnits(line.Token("[").Token("]")); } } } labels += label; } // Load next line input.seekg(place);, 80); reading[80] = '\0'; place += 80; line = reading; } // Done with stream input.close(); // Its possible they could have this instead of T, in which case we won't even try if (labels["SIMPLE"][0] == "F") { string msg = "The file [" + ui.GetFilename("FROM") + "] does not conform to the FITS standards"; throw iException::Message(iException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_); } ProcessImport pfits; pfits.SetInputFile(ui.GetFilename("FROM")); // Header size will be a multiple of 2880 int multiple = (int)((place + 2881)/2880); pfits.SetFileHeaderBytes(multiple * 2880); pfits.SaveFileHeader(); // Find pixel type, there are several unsupported possiblites Isis::PixelType type; string msg = ""; switch (labels["BITPIX"][0].ToInteger()) { case 8: type = Isis::UnsignedByte; break; case 16: type = Isis::SignedWord; break; case 32: msg = "Signed 32 bit integer (int) pixel type is not supported at this time"; throw iException::Message(iException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_); break; case 64: msg = "Signed 64 bit integer (long) pixel type is not supported at this time"; throw iException::Message(iException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_); break; case -32: type = Isis::Real; break; case -64: msg = "64 bit floating point (double) pixel type is not supported at this time"; throw iException::Message(iException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_); break; default: msg = "Unknown pixel type [" + labels["BITPIX"][0] + "] cannot be imported"; throw iException::Message(iException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_); break; } pfits.SetPixelType(type); // It is possible to have a NAXIS value of 0 meaning no data, the file could include // xtensions with data, however, those aren't supported as of Oct '09 if (labels["NAXIS"][0].ToInteger() == 2) { pfits.SetDimensions(labels["NAXIS1"][0], labels["NAXIS2"][0], 1); } else if (labels["NAXIS"][0].ToInteger() == 3) { pfits.SetDimensions(labels["NAXIS1"][0], labels["NAXIS2"][0], labels["NAXIS3"][0]); } else { string msg = "NAXIS count of [" + labels["NAXIS"][0] + "] is not supported at this time"; throw iException::Message(iException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_); } // Base and multiplier if (labels.HasKeyword("BZERO")) { pfits.SetBase(labels["BZERO"][0]); } if (labels.HasKeyword("BSCALE")) { pfits.SetMultiplier(labels["BSCALE"][0]); } // Byte order pfits.SetByteOrder(Isis::Msb); // Limited section of standardized keywords that could exist bool instGrp = false; PvlGroup inst("Instrument"); if (labels.HasKeyword("DATE-OBS")) { instGrp = true; inst += PvlKeyword("StartTime", labels["DATE-OBS"][0]); } if (labels.HasKeyword("OBJECT")) { instGrp = true; inst += PvlKeyword("Target", labels["OBJECT"][0]); } if (labels.HasKeyword("INSTRUME")) { instGrp = true; inst += PvlKeyword("InstrumentId", labels["INSTRUME"][0]); } if (labels.HasKeyword("OBSERVER")) { instGrp = true; inst += PvlKeyword("SpacecraftName", labels["OBSERVER"][0]); } Cube * output = pfits.SetOutputCube("TO"); // Add instrument group if any relevant data exists Pvl * lbls = output->Label(); if (instGrp) { lbls->FindObject("IsisCube") += inst; } // Save original labels Pvl pvl; pvl += labels; OriginalLabel originals(pvl); output->Write(originals); // Process... pfits.StartProcess(); pfits.EndProcess(); }
void IsisMain() { UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface(); /*Processing steps 1. Open and read the jitter table, convert the pixel offsets to angles, and create the polynomials (solve for the coefficients) to use to do the high pass filter putting the results into a rotation matrix in the jitter class. 2. Apply the jitter correction in the LineScanCameraRotation object of the master cube. 3. Loop through FROMLIST correcting the pointing and writing out the updated camera pointing from the master cube */ int degree = ui.GetInteger("DEGREE"); // Get the input file list to make sure it is not empty and the master cube is included FileList list; list.Read(ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST")); if (list.size() < 1) { string msg = "The input list file [" + ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST") + "is empty"; throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_); } int ifile = 0; // Make sure the master file is included in the input file list while (ifile < (int) list.size() && Filename(list[ifile]).Expanded() != Filename(ui.GetFilename("MASTER")).Expanded()) { ifile++; } if (ifile >= (int) list.size()) { string msg = "The master file, [" + Filename(ui.GetFilename("MASTER")).Expanded() + " is not included in " + "the input list file " + ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST") + "]"; throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_); } bool step2 = false; PvlGroup gp("AppjitResults"); //Step 1: Create the jitter rotation try { // Open the master cube Cube cube; cube.Open(ui.GetFilename("MASTER"),"rw"); //check for existing polygon, if exists delete it if (cube.Label()->HasObject("Polygon")){ cube.Label()->DeleteObject("Polygon"); } // Get the camera Camera *cam = cube.Camera(); if (cam->DetectorMap()->LineRate() == 0.0) { string msg = "[" + ui.GetFilename("MASTER") + "] is not a line scan camera image"; throw iException::Message(Isis::iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_); } // Create the master rotation to be corrected int frameCode = cam->InstrumentRotation()->Frame(); cam->SetImage(int(cube.Samples()/2), int(cube.Lines()/2) ); double tol = cam->PixelResolution(); if (tol < 0.) { // Alternative calculation of .01*ground resolution of a pixel tol = cam->PixelPitch()*cam->SpacecraftAltitude()*1000./cam->FocalLength()/100.; } LineScanCameraRotation crot(frameCode, *(cube.Label()), cam->InstrumentRotation()->GetFullCacheTime(), tol ); crot.SetPolynomialDegree(ui.GetInteger("DEGREE")); crot.SetAxes(1, 2, 3); if (ui.WasEntered("PITCHRATE")) crot.ResetPitchRate(ui.GetDouble("PITCHRATE")); if (ui.WasEntered("YAW")) crot.ResetYaw(ui.GetDouble("YAW")); crot.SetPolynomial(); double baseTime = crot.GetBaseTime(); double timeScale = crot.GetTimeScale(); double fl = cam->FocalLength(); double pixpitch = cam->PixelPitch(); std::vector<double> cacheTime = cam->InstrumentRotation()->GetFullCacheTime(); // Get the jitter in pixels, compute jitter angles, and fit a polynomial to each angle PixelOffset jitter(ui.GetFilename("JITTERFILE"), fl, pixpitch, baseTime, timeScale, degree); jitter.LoadAngles(cacheTime); jitter.SetPolynomial(); // Set the jitter and apply to the instrument rotation crot.SetJitter( &jitter ); crot.ReloadCache(); // Pull out the pointing cache as a table and write it Table cmatrix = crot.Cache("InstrumentPointing"); cmatrix.Label().AddComment("Corrected using appjit and" + ui.GetFilename("JITTERFILE")); cube.Write(cmatrix); // Write out the instrument position table Isis::PvlGroup kernels = cube.Label()->FindGroup("Kernels",Isis::Pvl::Traverse); // Write out the "Table" label to the tabled kernels in the kernels group kernels["InstrumentPointing"] = "Table"; // kernels["InstrumentPosition"] = "Table"; cube.PutGroup(kernels); cube.Close(); gp += PvlKeyword("StatusMaster",ui.GetFilename("MASTER") + ": camera pointing updated"); // Apply the dejittered pointing to the rest of the files step2 = true; for (int ifile = 0; ifile < (int) list.size(); ifile++) { if (list[ifile] != ui.GetFilename("MASTER")) { // Open the cube cube.Open(list[ifile],"rw"); //check for existing polygon, if exists delete it if (cube.Label()->HasObject("Polygon")){ cube.Label()->DeleteObject("Polygon"); } // Get the camera and make sure it is a line scan camera Camera *cam = cube.Camera(); if (cam->DetectorMap()->LineRate() == 0.0) { string msg = "[" + ui.GetFilename("FROM") + "] is not a line scan camera"; throw iException::Message(Isis::iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_); } // Pull out the pointing cache as a table and write it cube.Write(cmatrix); cube.PutGroup(kernels); cube.Close(); gp += PvlKeyword("Status" + iString(ifile), list[ifile] + ": camera pointing updated"); } } Application::Log( gp ); } catch (iException &e) { string msg; if (!step2) { msg = "Unable to fit pointing for [" + ui.GetFilename("MASTER") + "]"; } else { msg = "Unable to update pointing for nonMaster file(s)"; } throw iException::Message(Isis::iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_); } }
void IsisMain(){ Process p; // Reset all the stats objects because they are global latStat.Reset(); lonStat.Reset(); resStat.Reset(); sampleResStat.Reset(); lineResStat.Reset(); aspectRatioStat.Reset(); phaseStat.Reset(); emissionStat.Reset(); incidenceStat.Reset(); localSolarTimeStat.Reset(); localRaduisStat.Reset(); northAzimuthStat.Reset(); UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface(); Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM"); Camera *cam = icube->Camera(); // Cube cube; // cube.Open(ui.GetFilename("FROM")); // Camera *cam = cube.Camera(); int eband = cam->Bands(); // if the camera is band independent that only run one band if (cam->IsBandIndependent()) eband = 1; int linc = ui.GetInteger("LINC"); int sinc = ui.GetInteger("SINC"); int pTotal = eband * ((cam->Lines()-2) / linc + 2) ; Progress progress; progress.SetMaximumSteps(pTotal); progress.CheckStatus(); for (int band=1; band<=eband; band++) { cam->SetBand(band); for (int line=1; line<(int)cam->Lines(); line=line+linc) { for (int sample=1; sample< cam->Samples(); sample=sample+sinc) { buildStats(cam, sample, line); } //set the sample value to the last sample and run buildstats int sample = cam->Samples(); buildStats(cam, sample, line); progress.CheckStatus(); } //set the line value to the last line and run on all samples(sample + sinc) int line = cam->Lines(); for (int sample=1; sample< cam->Samples(); sample=sample+sinc) { buildStats(cam, sample, line); } //set last sample and run with last line int sample = cam->Samples(); buildStats(cam, sample, line); progress.CheckStatus(); } //Set up the Pvl groups and get min, max, avg, and sd for each statstics object PvlGroup pUser("User Parameters"); pUser += PvlKeyword("Filename",ui.GetFilename("FROM")); pUser += PvlKeyword("Linc",ui.GetInteger("LINC")); pUser += PvlKeyword("Sinc",ui.GetInteger("SINC")); PvlGroup pLat("Latitude"); pLat += ValidateKey("LatitudeMinimum",latStat.Minimum()); pLat += ValidateKey("LatitudeMaximum",latStat.Maximum()); pLat += ValidateKey("LatitudeAverage",latStat.Average()); pLat += ValidateKey("LatitudeStandardDeviation",latStat.StandardDeviation()); PvlGroup pLon("Longitude"); pLon += ValidateKey("LongitudeMinimum",lonStat.Minimum()); pLon += ValidateKey("LongitudeMaximum",lonStat.Maximum()); pLon += ValidateKey("LongitudeAverage",lonStat.Average()); pLon += ValidateKey("LongitudeStandardDeviation",lonStat.StandardDeviation()); PvlGroup pSampleRes("SampleResolution"); pSampleRes += ValidateKey("SampleResolutionMinimum",sampleResStat.Minimum(), "meters/pixel"); pSampleRes += ValidateKey("SampleResolutionMaximum",sampleResStat.Maximum(), "meters/pixel"); pSampleRes += ValidateKey("SampleResolutionAverage",sampleResStat.Average(), "meters/pixel"); pSampleRes += ValidateKey("SampleResolutionStandardDeviation", sampleResStat.StandardDeviation(),"meters/pixel"); PvlGroup pLineRes("LineResolution"); pLineRes += ValidateKey("LineResolutionMinimum",lineResStat.Minimum(), "meters/pixel"); pLineRes += ValidateKey("LineResolutionMaximum",lineResStat.Maximum(), "meters/pixel"); pLineRes += ValidateKey("LineResolutionAverage",lineResStat.Average(), "meters/pixel"); pLineRes += ValidateKey("LineResolutionStandardDeviation", lineResStat.StandardDeviation(),"meters/pixel"); PvlGroup pResolution("Resolution"); pResolution += ValidateKey("ResolutionMinimum",resStat.Minimum(), "meters/pixel"); pResolution += ValidateKey("ResolutionMaximum",resStat.Maximum(), "meters/pixel"); pResolution += ValidateKey("ResolutionAverage",resStat.Average(), "meters/pixel"); pResolution += ValidateKey("ResolutionStandardDeviation", resStat.StandardDeviation(),"meters/pixel"); PvlGroup pAspectRatio("AspectRatio"); pAspectRatio += ValidateKey("AspectRatioMinimum",aspectRatioStat.Minimum()); pAspectRatio += ValidateKey("AspectRatioMaximun",aspectRatioStat.Maximum()); pAspectRatio += ValidateKey("AspectRatioAverage",aspectRatioStat.Average()); pAspectRatio += ValidateKey("AspectRatioStandardDeviation", aspectRatioStat.StandardDeviation()); PvlGroup pPhase("PhaseAngle"); pPhase += ValidateKey("PhaseMinimum",phaseStat.Minimum()); pPhase += ValidateKey("PhaseMaximum",phaseStat.Maximum()); pPhase += ValidateKey("PhaseAverage",phaseStat.Average()); pPhase += ValidateKey("PhaseStandardDeviation",phaseStat.StandardDeviation()); PvlGroup pEmission("EmissionAngle"); pEmission += ValidateKey("EmissionMinimum",emissionStat.Minimum()); pEmission += ValidateKey("EmissionMaximum",emissionStat.Maximum()); pEmission += ValidateKey("EmissionAverage",emissionStat.Average()); pEmission += ValidateKey("EmissionStandardDeviation", emissionStat.StandardDeviation()); PvlGroup pIncidence("IncidenceAngle"); pIncidence += ValidateKey("IncidenceMinimum",incidenceStat.Minimum()); pIncidence += ValidateKey("IncidenceMaximum",incidenceStat.Maximum()); pIncidence += ValidateKey("IncidenceAverage",incidenceStat.Average()); pIncidence += ValidateKey("IncidenceStandardDeviation", incidenceStat.StandardDeviation()); PvlGroup pTime("LocalSolarTime"); pTime += ValidateKey("LocalSolarTimeMinimum",localSolarTimeStat.Minimum(), "hours"); pTime += ValidateKey("LocalSolarTimeMaximum",localSolarTimeStat.Maximum(), "hours"); pTime += ValidateKey("LocalSolarTimeAverage",localSolarTimeStat.Average(), "hours"); pTime += ValidateKey("LocalSolarTimeStandardDeviation", localSolarTimeStat.StandardDeviation(),"hours"); PvlGroup pLocalRadius("LocalRadius"); pLocalRadius += ValidateKey("LocalRadiusMinimum",localRaduisStat.Minimum()); pLocalRadius += ValidateKey("LocalRadiusMaximum",localRaduisStat.Maximum()); pLocalRadius += ValidateKey("LocalRadiusAverage",localRaduisStat.Average()); pLocalRadius += ValidateKey("LocalRadiusStandardDeviation", localRaduisStat.StandardDeviation()); PvlGroup pNorthAzimuth("NorthAzimuth"); pNorthAzimuth += ValidateKey("NorthAzimuthMinimum",northAzimuthStat.Minimum()); pNorthAzimuth += ValidateKey("NorthAzimuthMaximum",northAzimuthStat.Maximum()); pNorthAzimuth += ValidateKey("NorthAzimuthAverage",northAzimuthStat.Average()); pNorthAzimuth += ValidateKey("NorthAzimuthStandardDeviation", northAzimuthStat.StandardDeviation()); // Send the Output to the log area Application::Log(pUser); Application::Log(pLat); Application::Log(pLon); Application::Log(pSampleRes); Application::Log(pLineRes); Application::Log(pResolution); Application::Log(pAspectRatio); Application::Log(pPhase); Application::Log(pEmission); Application::Log(pIncidence); Application::Log(pTime); Application::Log(pLocalRadius); Application::Log(pNorthAzimuth); if (ui.WasEntered("TO")) { string from = ui.GetFilename("FROM"); string outfile = Filename(ui.GetFilename("TO")).Expanded(); bool exists = Filename(outfile).Exists(); bool append = ui.GetBoolean("APPEND"); //If the user chooses a fromat of PVL then write to the output file ("TO") if (ui.GetString("FORMAT") == "PVL") { Pvl temp; temp.SetTerminator(""); temp.AddGroup(pUser); temp.AddGroup(pLat); temp.AddGroup(pLon); temp.AddGroup(pSampleRes); temp.AddGroup(pLineRes); temp.AddGroup(pResolution); temp.AddGroup(pAspectRatio); temp.AddGroup(pPhase); temp.AddGroup(pEmission); temp.AddGroup(pIncidence); temp.AddGroup(pTime); temp.AddGroup(pLocalRadius); temp.AddGroup(pNorthAzimuth); if (append) { temp.Append(outfile); } else { temp.Write(outfile); } } //Create a flatfile of the data with columhn headings // the flatfile is comma delimited and can be imported in to spreadsheets else { ofstream os; bool writeHeader = true; if (append) {,ios::app); if (exists) { writeHeader = false; } } else {,ios::out); } // if new file or append and no file exists then write header if(writeHeader){ os << "Filename,"<< "LatitudeMinimum,"<< "LatitudeMaximum,"<< "LatitudeAverage,"<< "LatitudeStandardDeviation,"<< "LongitudeMinimum,"<< "LongitudeMaximum,"<< "LongitudeAverage,"<< "LongitudeStandardDeviation,"<< "SampleResolutionMinimum,"<< "SampleResolutionMaximum,"<< "SampleResolutionAverage,"<< "SampleResolutionStandardDeviation,"<< "LineResolutionMinimum,"<< "LineResolutionMaximum,"<< "LineResolutionAverage,"<< "LineResolutionStandardDeviation,"<< "ResolutionMinimum,"<< "ResolutionMaximum,"<< "ResolutionAverage,"<< "ResolutionStandardDeviation,"<< "AspectRatioMinimum,"<< "AspectRatioMaximum,"<< "AspectRatioAverage,"<< "AspectRatioStandardDeviation,"<< "PhaseMinimum,"<< "PhaseMaximum,"<< "PhaseAverage,"<< "PhaseStandardDeviation,"<< "EmissionMinimum,"<< "EmissionMaximum,"<< "EmissionAverage,"<< "EmissionStandardDeviation,"<< "IncidenceMinimum,"<< "IncidenceMaximum,"<< "IncidenceAverage,"<< "IncidenceStandardDeviation,"<< "LocalSolarTimeMinimum,"<< "LocalSolarTimeMaximum,"<< "LocalSolarTimeAverage,"<< "LocalSolarTimeStandardDeviation,"<< "LocalRadiusMaximum,"<< "LocalRadiusMaximum,"<< "LocalRadiusAverage,"<< "LocalRadiusStandardDeviation,"<< "NorthAzimuthMinimum,"<< "NorthAzimuthMaximum,"<< "NorthAzimuthAverage,"<< "NorthAzimuthStandardDeviation,"<<endl; } os << Filename(from).Expanded() <<","; //call the function to write out the values for each group writeFlat(os, latStat); writeFlat(os, lonStat); writeFlat(os, sampleResStat); writeFlat(os, lineResStat); writeFlat(os, resStat); writeFlat(os, aspectRatioStat); writeFlat(os, phaseStat); writeFlat(os, emissionStat); writeFlat(os, incidenceStat); writeFlat(os, localSolarTimeStat); writeFlat(os, localRaduisStat); writeFlat(os, northAzimuthStat); os << endl; } } if( ui.GetBoolean("ATTACH") ) { string cam_name = "CameraStatistics"; //Creates new CameraStatistics Table TableField fname( "Name", Isis::TableField::Text, 20 ); TableField fmin( "Minimum", Isis::TableField::Double ); TableField fmax( "Maximum", Isis::TableField::Double ); TableField favg( "Average", Isis::TableField::Double ); TableField fstd( "StandardDeviation", Isis::TableField::Double ); TableRecord record; record += fname; record += fmin; record += fmax; record += favg; record += fstd; Table table( cam_name, record ); vector<PvlGroup> grps; grps.push_back( pLat ); grps.push_back( pLon ); grps.push_back( pSampleRes ); grps.push_back( pLineRes ); grps.push_back( pResolution ); grps.push_back( pAspectRatio ); grps.push_back( pPhase ); grps.push_back( pEmission ); grps.push_back( pIncidence ); grps.push_back( pTime ); grps.push_back( pLocalRadius ); grps.push_back( pNorthAzimuth ); for( vector<PvlGroup>::iterator g = grps.begin(); g != grps.end(); g++ ) { int i = 0; record[i++] = g->Name(); record[i++] = (double) (*g)[0][0]; record[i++] = (double) (*g)[1][0]; record[i++] = (double) (*g)[2][0]; record[i++] = (double) (*g)[3][0]; table += record; } icube->ReOpen( "rw" ); icube->Write( table ); p.WriteHistory(*icube); icube->Close(); } }
void IsisMain() { // Get the list of cubes to mosaic UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface(); FileList flist(ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST")); vector<Cube *> clist; try { if (flist.size() < 1) { string msg = "the list file [" +ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST") + "does not contain any data"; throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_); } // open all the cube and place in vector clist for (int i=0; i<(int)flist.size(); i++) { Cube *c = new Cube(); clist.push_back(c); c->Open(flist[i]); } // run the compair function here. This will conpair the // labels of the first cube to the labels of each following cube. PvlKeyword sourceProductId("SourceProductId"); string ProdId; for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) { Pvl *pmatch = clist[0]->Label(); Pvl *pcomp = clist[i]->Label(); CompareLabels(*pmatch, *pcomp); PvlGroup g = pcomp->FindGroup("Instrument",Pvl::Traverse); if (g.HasKeyword("StitchedProductIds")) { PvlKeyword k = g["StitchedProductIds"]; for (int j=0; j<(int)k.Size(); j++) { sourceProductId += g["stitchedProductIds"][j]; } } ProdId = (string)pmatch->FindGroup("Archive",Pvl::Traverse)["ObservationId"]; iString bandname = (string)pmatch->FindGroup("BandBin",Pvl::Traverse)["Name"]; bandname = bandname.UpCase(); ProdId = ProdId + "_" + bandname; } bool runXY=true; //calculate the min and max lon double minLat = DBL_MAX; double maxLat = -DBL_MAX; double minLon = DBL_MAX; double maxLon = -DBL_MAX; double avgLat; double avgLon; for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) { Projection *proj = clist[i]->Projection(); if (proj->MinimumLatitude() < minLat) minLat = proj->MinimumLatitude(); if (proj->MaximumLatitude() > maxLat) maxLat = proj->MaximumLatitude(); if (proj->MinimumLongitude() < minLon) minLon = proj->MinimumLongitude(); if (proj->MaximumLongitude() > maxLon) maxLon = proj->MaximumLongitude(); } avgLat = (minLat + maxLat) / 2; avgLon = (minLon + maxLon) / 2; Projection *proj = clist[0]->Projection(); proj->SetGround(avgLat,avgLon); avgLat = proj->UniversalLatitude(); avgLon = proj->UniversalLongitude(); // Use camera class to get Inc., emi., phase, and other values double Cemiss; double Cphase; double Cincid; double ClocalSolTime; double CsolarLong; double CsunAzimuth; double CnorthAzimuth; for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) { Camera *cam = clist[i]->Camera(); if (cam->SetUniversalGround(avgLat,avgLon)) { Cemiss = cam->EmissionAngle(); Cphase = cam->PhaseAngle(); Cincid = cam->IncidenceAngle(); ClocalSolTime = cam->LocalSolarTime(); CsolarLong = cam->SolarLongitude(); CsunAzimuth = cam->SunAzimuth(); CnorthAzimuth = cam->NorthAzimuth(); runXY = false; break; } } //The code within the if runXY was added in 10/07 to find an intersect with //pole images that would fail when using projection set universal ground. // This is run if no intersect is found when using lat and lon in // projection space. if (runXY) { double startX = DBL_MAX; double endX = DBL_MIN; double startY = DBL_MAX; double endY = DBL_MIN; for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) { Projection *proj = clist[i]->Projection(); proj->SetWorld(0.5,0.5); if (i==0) { startX = proj->XCoord(); endY = proj->YCoord(); } else { if (proj->XCoord() < startX) startX = proj->XCoord(); if (proj->YCoord() > endY) endY = proj->YCoord(); } Pvl *p = clist[i]->Label(); double nlines = p->FindGroup("Dimensions",Pvl::Traverse)["Lines"]; double nsamps = p->FindGroup("Dimensions",Pvl::Traverse)["Samples"]; proj->SetWorld((nsamps+0.5),(nlines+0.5)); if (i==0) { endX = proj->XCoord(); startY = proj->YCoord(); } else { if (proj->XCoord() > endX) endX = proj->XCoord(); if (proj->YCoord() < startY) startY = proj->YCoord(); } } double avgX = (startX + endX) / 2; double avgY = (startY + endY) / 2; double sample = proj->ToWorldX(avgX); double line = proj->ToWorldY(avgY); for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) { Camera *cam = clist[i]->Camera(); if (cam->SetImage(sample,line)) { Cemiss = cam->EmissionAngle(); Cphase = cam->PhaseAngle(); Cincid = cam->IncidenceAngle(); ClocalSolTime = cam->LocalSolarTime(); CsolarLong = cam->SolarLongitude(); CsunAzimuth = cam->SunAzimuth(); CnorthAzimuth = cam->NorthAzimuth(); runXY = false; break; } } } if (runXY) { string msg = "Camera did not intersect images to gather stats"; throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_); } // get the min and max SCLK values ( do this with string comp.) // get the value from the original label blob string startClock; string stopClock; string startTime; string stopTime; for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) { OriginalLabel origLab; clist[i]->Read(origLab); PvlGroup timegrp = origLab.ReturnLabels().FindGroup("TIME_PARAMETERS",Pvl::Traverse); if (i==0) { startClock = (string)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStartCount"]; stopClock = (string)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStopCount"]; startTime = (string)timegrp["StartTime"]; stopTime = (string)timegrp["StopTime"]; } else { string testStartTime = (string)timegrp["StartTime"]; string testStopTime = (string)timegrp["StopTime"]; if (testStartTime < startTime) { startTime = testStartTime; startClock = (string)timegrp["SpacecraftClockStartCount"]; } if (testStopTime > stopTime) { stopTime = testStopTime; stopClock = (string)timegrp["spacecraftClockStopCount"]; } } } // Concatenate all TDI's and summing and specialProcessingFlat into one keyword PvlKeyword cpmmTdiFlag("cpmmTdiFlag"); PvlKeyword cpmmSummingFlag("cpmmSummingFlag"); PvlKeyword specialProcessingFlag("SpecialProcessingFlag"); for (int i=0; i<14; i++) { cpmmTdiFlag +=(string)""; cpmmSummingFlag +=(string)""; specialProcessingFlag +=(string)""; } for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) { Pvl *clab = clist[i]->Label(); PvlGroup cInst = clab->FindGroup("Instrument",Pvl::Traverse); OriginalLabel cOrgLab; clist[i]->Read(cOrgLab); PvlGroup cGrp = cOrgLab.ReturnLabels().FindGroup("INSTRUMENT_SETTING_PARAMETERS",Pvl::Traverse); cpmmTdiFlag[(int)cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (string) cGrp["MRO:TDI"]; cpmmSummingFlag[(int)cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (string) cGrp["MRO:BINNING"]; if (cInst.HasKeyword("Special_Processing_Flag")) { specialProcessingFlag[cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = (string) cInst["Special_Processing_Flag"]; } else { // there may not be the keyword Special_Processing_Flag if no //keyword then set the output to NOMINAL specialProcessingFlag[cInst["CpmmNumber"]] = "NOMINAL"; } } // Get the blob of original labels from first image in list OriginalLabel org; clist[0]->Read(org); //close all cubes for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) { clist[i]->Close(); delete clist[i]; } clist.clear(); // automos step string list = ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST"); string toMosaic = ui.GetFilename("TO"); string MosaicPriority = ui.GetString("PRIORITY"); string parameters = "FROMLIST=" + list + " MOSAIC=" + toMosaic + " PRIORITY=" + MosaicPriority; Isis::iApp ->Exec("automos",parameters); // write out new information to new group mosaic PvlGroup mos("Mosaic"); mos += PvlKeyword("ProductId ", ProdId); mos += PvlKeyword(sourceProductId); mos += PvlKeyword("StartTime ", startTime); mos += PvlKeyword("SpacecraftClockStartCount ", startClock); mos += PvlKeyword("StopTime ", stopTime); mos += PvlKeyword("SpacecraftClockStopCount ", stopClock); mos += PvlKeyword("IncidenceAngle ", Cincid, "DEG"); mos += PvlKeyword("EmissionAngle ", Cemiss, "DEG"); mos += PvlKeyword("PhaseAngle ", Cphase, "DEG"); mos += PvlKeyword("LocalTime ", ClocalSolTime, "LOCALDAY/24"); mos += PvlKeyword("SolarLongitude ", CsolarLong, "DEG"); mos += PvlKeyword("SubSolarAzimuth ", CsunAzimuth, "DEG"); mos += PvlKeyword("NorthAzimuth ", CnorthAzimuth, "DEG"); mos += cpmmTdiFlag; mos += cpmmSummingFlag; mos += specialProcessingFlag; Cube mosCube; mosCube.Open(ui.GetFilename("TO"), "rw"); PvlObject &lab=mosCube.Label()->FindObject("IsisCube"); lab.AddGroup(mos); //add orginal label blob to the output cube mosCube.Write(org); mosCube.Close(); } catch (iException &e) { for (int i=0; i<(int)clist.size(); i++) { clist[i]->Close(); delete clist[i]; } string msg = "The mosaic [" + ui.GetFilename("TO") + "] was NOT created"; throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_); } } // end of isis main