Esempio n. 1
/// Get the amount of gold granted by connecting the city
int CvTreasury::GetCityConnectionRouteGoldTimes100(CvCity* pNonCapitalCity) const
	CvCity* pCapitalCity = m_pPlayer->getCapitalCity();
	if(!pNonCapitalCity || pNonCapitalCity == pCapitalCity || pCapitalCity == NULL)
		return 0;

	int iGold = 0;

	int iTradeRouteBaseGold = /*100*/ GC.getTRADE_ROUTE_BASE_GOLD();
	int iTradeRouteCapitalGoldMultiplier = /*0*/ GC.getTRADE_ROUTE_CAPITAL_POP_GOLD_MULTIPLIER();
	int iTradeRouteCityGoldMultiplier = /*125*/ GC.getTRADE_ROUTE_CITY_POP_GOLD_MULTIPLIER();

	iGold += iTradeRouteBaseGold;	// Base Gold: 0
	iGold += (pCapitalCity->getPopulation() * iTradeRouteCapitalGoldMultiplier);	// Capital Multiplier
	iGold += (pNonCapitalCity->getPopulation() * iTradeRouteCityGoldMultiplier);	// City Multiplier
	iGold += GetCityConnectionTradeRouteGoldChange() * 100;

	if(GetCityConnectionTradeRouteGoldModifier() != 0)
		iGold *= (100 + GetCityConnectionTradeRouteGoldModifier());
		iGold /= 100;

	return iGold;
Esempio n. 2
// What are our gold maintenance costs because of Vassals?
int CvTreasury::GetVassalGoldMaintenance() const
	int iRtnValue = 0;
	// We have a vassal
	for(int iI = 0; iI < MAX_MAJOR_CIVS; iI++)
			&& !GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).isBarbarian()
			&& GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).isAlive())
			int iLoop, iCityPop;
			// This player is our vassal
				// Loop through our vassal's cities
				for(CvCity* pLoopCity = GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).firstCity(&iLoop); pLoopCity != NULL; pLoopCity = GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).nextCity(&iLoop))
					iCityPop = pLoopCity->getPopulation();
					iRtnValue += std::max(0, (int)(pow((double)iCityPop, (double)/*0.6*/ GC.getVASSALAGE_VASSAL_CITY_POP_EXPONENT())));

				iRtnValue += std::max(0, (GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)iI).GetTreasury()->GetExpensePerTurnUnitMaintenance() * /*10*/GC.getVASSALAGE_VASSAL_UNIT_MAINT_COST_PERCENT() / 100));

	// Modifier for vassal maintenance?
	iRtnValue *= (100 + m_pPlayer->GetVassalGoldMaintenanceMod());
	iRtnValue /= 100;

	return iRtnValue;
/// Establish order of zone processing for the turn
void CvTacticalAnalysisMap::PrioritizeZones()
	// Loop through the dominance zones
	for(unsigned int iI = 0; iI < m_DominanceZones.size(); iI++)
		// Find the zone and compute dominance here
		CvTacticalDominanceZone* pZone = &m_DominanceZones[iI];
		eTacticalDominanceFlags eDominance = ComputeDominance(pZone);

		// Establish a base value for the region
		int iBaseValue = 1;
		int iMultiplier = 1;

		// Temporary zone?
		if(pZone->GetTerritoryType() == TACTICAL_TERRITORY_TEMP_ZONE)
			iMultiplier = 1000;
			CvCity* pClosestCity = pZone->GetZoneCity();
			if(pClosestCity && pClosestCity->isAdjacentToArea(pZone->GetAreaID()))
				iBaseValue += (1 + (int)sqrt((float)pClosestCity->getPopulation()));

					iBaseValue *= 2;

				else if (pClosestCity->isVisible( GET_PLAYER(m_ePlayer).getTeam(), false))
					iBaseValue *= 4;

					// How damaged is this visible city?
					int iMaxDamageMultiplier = 10;
					int iDamage = pClosestCity->getDamage();
					if (iDamage > (pClosestCity->GetMaxHitPoints() / iMaxDamageMultiplier))
						iBaseValue *= (int)((iDamage + 1) * 10 / pClosestCity->GetMaxHitPoints());

#if defined(MOD_BALANCE_CORE)
				if (GET_PLAYER(m_ePlayer).IsCityAlreadyTargeted(pClosestCity) || GET_PLAYER(m_ePlayer).GetMilitaryAI()->IsCurrentAttackTarget(pClosestCity) )
					iBaseValue *= 2;

				if (pClosestCity->GetPlayer()->isMinorCiv())
					//At war with ally of this minor? Greatly reduce priority.
					PlayerTypes eAlly = pClosestCity->GetPlayer()->GetMinorCivAI()->GetAlly();
					if (eAlly != NO_PLAYER && GET_TEAM(GET_PLAYER(m_ePlayer).getTeam()).isAtWar(GET_PLAYER(eAlly).getTeam()))
						iBaseValue = 1;

				iBaseValue *= 3;

			// Now compute a multiplier based on current conditions here
				if(pZone->GetTerritoryType() == TACTICAL_TERRITORY_ENEMY)
					iMultiplier = 1;
				else if(pZone->GetTerritoryType() == TACTICAL_TERRITORY_FRIENDLY)
					iMultiplier = 8;
			else if(eDominance == TACTICAL_DOMINANCE_EVEN)
				if(pZone->GetTerritoryType() == TACTICAL_TERRITORY_ENEMY)
					iMultiplier = 4;
				else if(pZone->GetTerritoryType() == TACTICAL_TERRITORY_FRIENDLY)
					iMultiplier = 4;
			else if(eDominance == TACTICAL_DOMINANCE_FRIENDLY)
				if(pZone->GetTerritoryType() == TACTICAL_TERRITORY_ENEMY)
					iMultiplier = 8;
				else if(pZone->GetTerritoryType() == TACTICAL_TERRITORY_FRIENDLY)
					iMultiplier = 1;
				if(GET_PLAYER(m_ePlayer).GetDiplomacyAI()->GetStateAllWars() == STATE_ALL_WARS_WINNING)
					if(pZone->GetTerritoryType() == TACTICAL_TERRITORY_ENEMY)
						iMultiplier *= 4;
						iMultiplier *= 2;
				else if(GET_PLAYER(m_ePlayer).GetDiplomacyAI()->GetStateAllWars() == STATE_ALL_WARS_LOSING)
					if(pZone->GetTerritoryType() == TACTICAL_TERRITORY_FRIENDLY)
						iMultiplier *= 4;

		// Save off the value for this zone
		pZone->SetDominanceZoneValue( iBaseValue * iMultiplier);

	std::stable_sort(m_DominanceZones.begin(), m_DominanceZones.end());