Esempio n. 1
/// Log chosen policy
void CvPolicyAI::LogBranchChoice(PolicyBranchTypes eBranch)
    if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging())
        CvString strOutBuf;
        CvString strBaseString;
        CvString strTemp;
        CvString playerName;
        CvString strDesc;

        // Find the name of this civ and city
        playerName = m_pCurrentPolicies->GetPlayer()->getCivilizationShortDescription();

        FILogFile* pLog;
        pLog = LOGFILEMGR.GetLog(GetLogFileName(playerName), FILogFile::kDontTimeStamp);

        // Get the leading info for this line
        strBaseString.Format("%03d, ", GC.getGame().getElapsedGameTurns());
        strBaseString += playerName + ", ";

        strTemp.Format("CHOSEN, Branch %d", eBranch);

        strOutBuf = strBaseString + strTemp;
bool CvSakke::DecodePublicParams( const String& aPublicParams, OUT octet& aPx, OUT octet& aPy )
	CvString publicParams = aPublicParams;
	vector<CvString> tokens;
	publicParams.Tokenize( "#", tokens );
	if ( tokens.size() != 2 )
		return false;
	vector<CvString> tokensP;
	tokens[0].Tokenize( ",", tokensP );
	if ( tokensP.size() != 2 )
		return false;
	String decoded;
	CvBase64::Decode( tokensP[0], decoded );
	OCTET_JOIN_BYTES(, (int)decoded.size(), &aPx );

	CvBase64::Decode( tokensP[1], decoded );
	OCTET_JOIN_BYTES(, (int)decoded.size(), &aPy );
	return true;
Esempio n. 3
/// Log all possible tech choices
void CvTechAI::LogPossibleResearch()
	if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging())
		CvString strOutBuf;
		CvString strBaseString;
		CvString strTemp;
		CvString playerName;
		CvString strDesc;

		// Find the name of this civ
		playerName = m_pCurrentTechs->GetPlayer()->getCivilizationShortDescription();

		FILogFile* pLog = LOGFILEMGR.GetLog(GetLogFileName(playerName), FILogFile::kDontTimeStamp);

		// Get the leading info for this line
		strBaseString.Format("%03d, ", GC.getGame().getElapsedGameTurns());
		strBaseString += playerName + ", ";

		// Dump out the weight of each Researchable Tech
		for(int iI = 0; iI < m_ResearchableTechs.size(); iI++)
			TechTypes eTech = (TechTypes) m_ResearchableTechs.GetElement(iI);
			int iWeight = m_ResearchableTechs.GetWeight(iI);

			CvTechEntry* pTechEntry = GC.getTechInfo(eTech);
			const char* szTechType = (pTechEntry != NULL)? pTechEntry->GetType() : "Unknown Tech";

			strTemp.Format("%s, %d", szTechType, iWeight);

			strOutBuf = strBaseString + strTemp;
CDpkgConfig* CvSakke::GetSakkeParams() //temporary
{ return CDpkgConfig::Instance(); 
bool CvSakke::DecodePublicKey( const String& aPublicKey, OUT octet& aZ_S )
	if ( aPublicKey[0] != '[' || aPublicKey[aPublicKey.length()-1] != ']' )
		return false;
	CvString publicKey = aPublicKey;
	publicKey.TrimLeft( "[" );
	publicKey.TrimRight( "]" );	
	vector<CvString> tokens;
	publicKey.Tokenize( ",", tokens );
	if ( tokens.size() != 2 )
		return false;
	OCTET_JOIN_BYTE( 4, 1, &aZ_S );
	for ( vector<CvString>::const_iterator itr = tokens.begin();
		 itr != tokens.end();
		 ++itr )
		String decoded;

		CvBase64::Decode( *itr, decoded );
		if ( decoded.size() != FS )
			return false;
	return true;
bool CvSakke::DecodeEncapsulatedData( const String& aEncapsulatedData, OUT octet& aRbS, OUT octet& aH )
	CvString encapsulatedData = aEncapsulatedData;
	vector<CvString> tokens;
	encapsulatedData.Tokenize( ",", tokens );
	if ( tokens.size() != 2 )
		return false;
	String decoded;

	CvBase64::Decode( tokens[0], decoded );
	if ( decoded.size() != aH.max )
		return false;
	OCTET_JOIN_BYTES(, aH.max, &aH );

	CvBase64::Decode( tokens[1], decoded );
	if ( decoded.size() != aRbS.max )
		return false;
	OCTET_JOIN_BYTES(, aRbS.max, &aRbS );

	return true;
//  FUNCTION:   LoadCivXml(FXml* pFXml, TCHAR* szFilename)
//  PURPOSE :   Gets the full pathname for the xml file from the FileManager .
//				If it is succesful we return true
//				from the function and a valid FXml pointer to the pFXml parameter.
bool CvXMLLoadUtility::LoadCivXml(FXml* pFXml, const TCHAR* szFilename)
	char szLog[256];
	sprintf(szLog, "LoadCivXml (%s)", szFilename);

	CvString szPath = szFilename;
	CvString fsFilename = szFilename;

	if (!gDLL->fileManagerEnabled())
		szPath = "Assets//" + szPath;

	logMsg("Loading XML file %s\n", szPath.c_str());

	if (!gDLL->getXMLIFace()->LoadXml(pFXml, szPath))
		logMsg("Load XML file %s FAILED\n", szPath.c_str());
		return false;

	logMsg("Load XML file %s SUCCEEDED\n", szPath.c_str());
	return true;	// success
bool CvTerrainPlaneInfo::read(CvXMLLoadUtility* pXML)
    CvString  szTextVal;
    if (!CvInfoBase::read(pXML))
        return false;

    pXML->GetChildXmlValByName( &m_bVisible, "bVisible");
    pXML->GetChildXmlValByName( &m_bGroundPlane, "bGroundPlane");
    pXML->GetChildXmlValByName( &m_fMaterialAlpha, "MaterialAlpha");
    pXML->GetChildXmlValByName( &m_fCloseAlpha, "CloseAlpha");

    pXML->GetChildXmlValByName( szTextVal, "TextureFile");

    pXML->GetChildXmlValByName( &m_BaseTextureScaleU, "TextureScalingU");
    pXML->GetChildXmlValByName( &m_BaseTextureScaleV, "TextureScalingV");
    pXML->GetChildXmlValByName( &m_fURate, "URate");
    pXML->GetChildXmlValByName( &m_fVRate, "VRate");
    pXML->GetChildXmlValByName( &m_fZHeight, "ZHeight");

    pXML->GetChildXmlValByName( szTextVal, "FogType");
    if(szTextVal.CompareNoCase("FOG_TYPE_NONE") == 0)
        m_eFogType = FOG_TYPE_NONE;
    else if(szTextVal.CompareNoCase("FOG_TYPE_PARALLEL") == 0)
        m_eFogType = FOG_TYPE_PARALLEL;
    else if(szTextVal.CompareNoCase("FOG_TYPE_PROJECTED") == 0)
        m_eFogType = FOG_TYPE_PROJECTED;
        FAssertMsg(false, "[Jason] Unknown fog type.");
        m_eFogType = FOG_TYPE_NONE;

    return true;
Esempio n. 8
/// Logging function to write out info on Ideology choices
void CvPolicyAI::LogIdeologyChoice(CvString &decisionState, int iWeightFreedom, int iWeightAutocracy, int iWeightOrder)
    if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging())
        CvString strOutBuf;
        CvString strBaseString;
        CvString strTemp;
        CvString playerName;

        // Find the name of this civ
        playerName = m_pCurrentPolicies->GetPlayer()->getCivilizationShortDescription();

        FILogFile* pLog;
        pLog = LOGFILEMGR.GetLog(GetLogFileName(playerName), FILogFile::kDontTimeStamp);

        // Get the leading info for this line
        strBaseString.Format("%03d, ", GC.getGame().getElapsedGameTurns());
        strBaseString += playerName + ", ";

        strTemp.Format("%s, Freedom: %d, Order: %d, Autocracy: %d", decisionState.c_str(), iWeightFreedom, iWeightOrder, iWeightAutocracy);

        strOutBuf = strBaseString + strTemp;
CvPlot* CvArmyAI::DetectNearbyEnemy(PlayerTypes eEnemy, bool bNaval)
	UnitHandle pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
		for(int iDirectionLoop = 0; iDirectionLoop < NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES; ++iDirectionLoop)
			CvPlot* pAdjacentPlot = plotDirection(pUnit->getX(), pUnit->getY(), ((DirectionTypes)iDirectionLoop));
			if(pAdjacentPlot != NULL && pAdjacentPlot->isWater()==bNaval && pAdjacentPlot->getOwner() == eEnemy)
				UnitHandle pOtherUnit = pAdjacentPlot->getBestDefender(eEnemy);
					if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging())
						CvString strMsg;
						strMsg.Format("Ran into enemy unit during attack (x=%d y=%d). Need to declare war to continue!", pAdjacentPlot->getX(), pAdjacentPlot->getY());

					return pAdjacentPlot;
		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	return NULL;
/// Helper function to read a single type (as a string) and find its ID in a database table.
/// Assumes the type is in the table's field "Type"
int ReadDBLookup(FDataStream& kStream, const char* szTable, bool* bValid /*= NULL*/)
	FStringFixedBuffer(sTemp, 256);
	kStream >> sTemp;
	if (bValid) *bValid = true;
	if(sTemp.GetLength() > 0 && sTemp != "NO_TYPE")
		Database::Connection* pDB = GC.GetGameDatabase();
			Database::Results kResults;
			CvString szCommand;
			szCommand.Format("SELECT ID from %s where Type = ? LIMIT 1", szTable);
			if(pDB->Execute(kResults, szCommand.c_str()))
				kResults.Bind(1, sTemp.c_str());
					return kResults.GetInt(0);
					if (bValid) *bValid = false;
			if (bValid) *bValid = false;
	return -1;
Esempio n. 11
/// Log chosen policy
void CvPolicyAI::LogPolicyChoice(PolicyTypes ePolicy)
    if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging())
        CvString strOutBuf;
        CvString strBaseString;
        CvString strTemp;
        CvString playerName;
        CvString strDesc;

        // Find the name of this civ and city
        playerName = m_pCurrentPolicies->GetPlayer()->getCivilizationShortDescription();

        FILogFile* pLog;
        pLog = LOGFILEMGR.GetLog(GetLogFileName(playerName), FILogFile::kDontTimeStamp);

        // Get the leading info for this line
        strBaseString.Format("%03d, ", GC.getGame().getElapsedGameTurns());
        strBaseString += playerName + ", ";

        CvPolicyEntry* pPolicyEntry = GC.getPolicyInfo(ePolicy);
        const char* szPolicyType = (pPolicyEntry != NULL)? pPolicyEntry->GetType() : "Unknown";
        strTemp.Format("CHOSEN, %s", szPolicyType);

        strOutBuf = strBaseString + strTemp;
Esempio n. 12
void TreasuryHelpers::AppendToLog(CvString& strHeader, CvString& strLog, CvString strHeaderValue, float fValue)
	strHeader += strHeaderValue;
	strHeader += ",";
	CvString str;
	str.Format("%.2f,", fValue);
	strLog += str;
Esempio n. 13
void TreasuryHelpers::AppendToLog(CvString& strHeader, CvString& strLog, CvString strHeaderValue, int iValue)
	strHeader += strHeaderValue;
	strHeader += ",";
	CvString str;
	str.Format("%d,", iValue);
	strLog += str;
Esempio n. 14
/// Serialization read
void CvUnitProductionAI::Read(FDataStream& kStream)
	// Version number to maintain backwards compatibility
	uint uiVersion;
	kStream >> uiVersion;

	int iWeight;

	// Reset vector

	// Loop through reading each one and adding it to our vector
		for (uint i = 0; i < m_pUnits->GetNumUnits(); i++)
		for(int i = 0; i < m_pUnits->GetNumUnits(); i++)
			m_UnitAIWeights.push_back(i, 0);

		uint iNumEntries;
		int iType;

		kStream >> iNumEntries;

		for (uint iI = 0; iI < iNumEntries; iI++)
		int iNumEntries;
		int iType;

		kStream >> iNumEntries;

		for(int iI = 0; iI < iNumEntries; iI++)
			bool bValid = true;
			iType = CvInfosSerializationHelper::ReadHashed(kStream, &bValid);
			if(iType != -1 || !bValid)
				kStream >> iWeight;
				if(iType != -1)
					m_UnitAIWeights.IncreaseWeight(iType, iWeight);
					CvString szError;
					szError.Format("LOAD ERROR: Unit Type not found");
					CvAssertMsg(false, szError);
/// Log dominance zone data
void CvTacticalAnalysisMap::LogZones()
	if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging())
		CvString szLogMsg;
		CvTacticalDominanceZone* pZone;

		for(unsigned int iI = 0; iI < m_DominanceZones.size(); iI++)
			pZone = &m_DominanceZones[iI];

			szLogMsg.Format("Zone ID: %d, Area ID: %d, Value: %d, FRIENDLY Str: %d (%d), Ranged: %d (%d), ENEMY Str: %d (%d), Ranged: %d (%d), Closest Enemy: %d",
			                pZone->GetDominanceZoneID(), pZone->GetAreaID(), pZone->GetDominanceZoneValue(),
			                pZone->GetFriendlyStrength(), pZone->GetFriendlyUnitCount(), pZone->GetFriendlyRangedStrength(), pZone->GetFriendlyRangedUnitCount(),
			                pZone->GetEnemyStrength(), pZone->GetEnemyUnitCount(), pZone->GetEnemyRangedStrength(), pZone->GetEnemyRangedUnitCount(), pZone->GetRangeClosestEnemyUnit());
			if(pZone->GetDominanceFlag() == TACTICAL_DOMINANCE_FRIENDLY)
				szLogMsg += ", Friendly";
			else if(pZone->GetDominanceFlag() == TACTICAL_DOMINANCE_ENEMY)
				szLogMsg += ", Enemy";
			else if(pZone->GetDominanceFlag() == TACTICAL_DOMINANCE_EVEN)
				szLogMsg += ", Even";
			else if(pZone->GetDominanceFlag() == TACTICAL_DOMINANCE_NO_UNITS_VISIBLE)
				szLogMsg += ", No Units Visible";

				szLogMsg += ", Water";
				szLogMsg += ", Land";

			if(pZone->GetTerritoryType() == TACTICAL_TERRITORY_TEMP_ZONE)
				szLogMsg += ", Temporary Zone";
			else if(pZone->GetClosestCity())
				szLogMsg += ", " + pZone->GetClosestCity()->getName();
				if (m_pPlayer->GetTacticalAI()->IsTemporaryZoneCity(pZone->GetClosestCity()))
					szLogMsg += " (Temp)";

			m_pPlayer->GetTacticalAI()->LogTacticalMessage(szLogMsg, true /*bSkipLogDominanceZone*/);
Esempio n. 16
//string GetGreatPersonRateModifierDetails(UnitClassTypes eGreatPersonClass);
int CvLuaLeague::lGetGreatPersonRateModifierDetails(lua_State* L)
	CvLeague* pLeague = GetInstance(L);
	const UnitClassTypes eGreatPersonClass = (UnitClassTypes) lua_tointeger(L, 2);

	CvString sValue = pLeague->GetGreatPersonRateModifierDetails(eGreatPersonClass);
	lua_pushstring(L, sValue.c_str());
	return 1;
Esempio n. 17
//string GetLeagueSplashNextEraDetails(LeagueSpecialSessionTypes eGoverningSpecialSession, bool bJustFounded);
int CvLuaLeague::lGetLeagueSplashNextEraDetails(lua_State* L)
	CvLeague* pLeague = GetInstance(L);
	const LeagueSpecialSessionTypes eGoverningSpecialSession = (LeagueSpecialSessionTypes) lua_tointeger(L, 2);
	const bool bJustFounded = lua_toboolean(L, 3);

	CvString sValue = pLeague->GetLeagueSplashNextEraDetails(eGoverningSpecialSession, bJustFounded);
	lua_pushstring(L, sValue.c_str());
	return 1;
Esempio n. 18
//string GetProjectDetails(LeagueProjectTypes eProject, PlayerTypes eObserver);
int CvLuaLeague::lGetProjectDetails(lua_State* L)
	CvLeague* pLeague = GetInstance(L);
	const LeagueProjectTypes eProject = (LeagueProjectTypes) lua_tointeger(L, 2);
	const PlayerTypes eObserver = (PlayerTypes) luaL_optint(L, 3, NO_PLAYER);

	CvString sValue = pLeague->GetProjectDetails(eProject, eObserver);
	lua_pushstring(L, sValue.c_str());
	return 1;
Esempio n. 19
//string GetMemberDetails(PlayerTypes eMember, PlayerTypes eObserver);
int CvLuaLeague::lGetMemberDetails(lua_State* L)
	CvLeague* pLeague = GetInstance(L);
	const PlayerTypes eMember = (PlayerTypes) lua_tointeger(L, 2);
	const PlayerTypes eObserver = (PlayerTypes) lua_tointeger(L, 3);

	CvString sValue = pLeague->GetMemberDetails(eMember, eObserver);
	lua_pushstring(L, sValue.c_str());
	return 1;
Esempio n. 20
/// Log GrandStrategy state: what are the Priorities and who is Active?
void CvGrandStrategyAI::LogGrandStrategies(const FStaticVector< int, 5, true, c_eCiv5GameplayDLL >& vModifiedGrandStrategyPriorities)
	if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging())
		CvString strOutBuf;
		CvString strBaseString;
		CvString strTemp;
		CvString playerName;
		CvString strDesc;
		CvString strLogName;

		// Find the name of this civ and city
		playerName = GetPlayer()->getCivilizationShortDescription();

		// Open the log file
			strLogName = "GrandStrategyAI_Log_" + playerName + ".csv";
			strLogName = "GrandStrategyAI_Log.csv";

		FILogFile* pLog;
		pLog = LOGFILEMGR.GetLog(strLogName, FILogFile::kDontTimeStamp);

		AIGrandStrategyTypes eGrandStrategy;

		// Loop through Grand Strategies
		for(int iGrandStrategyLoop = 0; iGrandStrategyLoop < GC.getNumAIGrandStrategyInfos(); iGrandStrategyLoop++)
			// Get the leading info for this line
			strBaseString.Format("%03d, ", GC.getGame().getElapsedGameTurns());
			strBaseString += playerName + ", ";

			eGrandStrategy = (AIGrandStrategyTypes) iGrandStrategyLoop;

			// GrandStrategy Info
			CvAIGrandStrategyXMLEntry* pEntry = GC.getAIGrandStrategyInfo(eGrandStrategy);
			const char* szAIGrandStrategyType = (pEntry != NULL)? pEntry->GetType() : "Unknown Type";

			if(GetActiveGrandStrategy() == eGrandStrategy)
				strTemp.Format("*** %s, %d, %d", szAIGrandStrategyType, GetGrandStrategyPriority(eGrandStrategy), vModifiedGrandStrategyPriorities[eGrandStrategy]);
				strTemp.Format("%s, %d, %d", szAIGrandStrategyType, GetGrandStrategyPriority(eGrandStrategy), vModifiedGrandStrategyPriorities[eGrandStrategy]);
			strOutBuf = strBaseString + strTemp;
Esempio n. 21
//string GetResolutionDetails(ResolutionTypes eResolution, PlayerTypes eObserver, int iResolutionID, int iProposerChoice);
int CvLuaLeague::lGetResolutionDetails(lua_State* L)
	CvLeague* pLeague = GetInstance(L);
	const ResolutionTypes eResolution = (ResolutionTypes) lua_tointeger(L, 2);
	const PlayerTypes eObserver = (PlayerTypes) lua_tointeger(L, 3);
	const int iResolutionID = lua_tointeger(L, 4);
	const int iProposerChoice = lua_tointeger(L, 5);

	CvString sValue = pLeague->GetResolutionDetails(eResolution, eObserver, iResolutionID, iProposerChoice);
	lua_pushstring(L, sValue.c_str());
	return 1;
Esempio n. 22
//string GetResolutionName(ResolutionTypes eResolution, int iResolutionID, int iProposerChoice, bool bIncludePrefix);
int CvLuaLeague::lGetResolutionName(lua_State* L)
	CvLeague* pLeague = GetInstance(L);
	const ResolutionTypes eResolution = (ResolutionTypes) lua_tointeger(L, 2);
	const int iResolutionID = lua_tointeger(L, 3);
	const int iProposerChoice = lua_tointeger(L, 4);
	const bool bIncludePrefix = lua_toboolean(L, 5);

	CvString sValue = pLeague->GetResolutionName(eResolution, iResolutionID, iProposerChoice, bIncludePrefix);
	lua_pushstring(L, sValue.c_str());
	return 1;
void CvFlavorManager::LogFlavors(FlavorTypes eFlavor)
    CvString strOutBuf;
    CvString strBaseString;
    CvString strTemp;
    CvString playerName;
    CvString strDesc;
    CvString strLogName;

    if(GC.getLogging() && GC.getAILogging())
        // Find the name of this civ
        playerName = m_pPlayer->getCivilizationShortDescription();

        // Open the log file
            strLogName = "FlavorAILog_" + playerName + ".csv";
            strLogName = "FlavorAILog.csv";

        FILogFile* pLog;
        pLog = LOGFILEMGR.GetLog(strLogName, FILogFile::kDontTimeStamp);

        // Get the leading info for this line
        strBaseString.Format("%03d, ", GC.getGame().getElapsedGameTurns());
        strBaseString += playerName + ", ";

        // Dump out the setting for each flavor
        if(eFlavor == NO_FLAVOR)
            for(int iI = 0; iI < GC.getNumFlavorTypes(); iI++)
                // Only dump if non-zero
                //		if (m_piLatestFlavorValues[iI] > 0)
                    strTemp.Format("Flavor, %s, %d", GC.getFlavorTypes((FlavorTypes)iI).GetCString(), GetIndividualFlavor((FlavorTypes) iI));
                    strOutBuf = strBaseString + strTemp;
            strTemp.Format("Flavor, %s, %d", GC.getFlavorTypes(eFlavor).GetCString(), GetIndividualFlavor(eFlavor));
            strOutBuf = strBaseString + strTemp;
Esempio n. 24
/// Serialization read
void CvUnitProductionAI::Read(FDataStream& kStream)
	// Version number to maintain backwards compatibility
	uint uiVersion;
	kStream >> uiVersion;
	// modVersion - v1, Snarko
	// We are using our own value here to keep backwards compatibility.
	// While we could use the Firaxis value that would cause issues when they update it, so we use our own for maximum backward compatibility. 
	// Old firaxis patch and old mod version? No problem! Except if you weren't using our mod before...
	uint modVersion;
	kStream >> modVersion;
	// END modVersion

	int iWeight;

	// Reset vector

	// Loop through reading each one and adding it to our vector
		for(int i = 0; i < m_pUnits->GetNumUnits(); i++)
			m_UnitAIWeights.push_back(i, 0);

		int iNumEntries;
		int iType;

		kStream >> iNumEntries;

		for(int iI = 0; iI < iNumEntries; iI++)
			bool bValid = true;
			iType = CvInfosSerializationHelper::ReadHashed(kStream, &bValid);
			if(iType != -1 || !bValid)
				kStream >> iWeight;
				if(iType != -1)
					m_UnitAIWeights.IncreaseWeight(iType, iWeight);
					CvString szError;
					szError.Format("LOAD ERROR: Unit Type not found");
					CvAssertMsg(false, szError);
Esempio n. 25
/* Check if corrent admin password is given and set player password to new value.
 * I do not test specical chars in passwords. Simply omit them...
 * */
int CyGame::setCivPassword(int ePlayer, const char *szNewPw, const char *szAdminPw)
	//convert adminpassword to CvString
	CvString adminPW;
	adminPW.Convert ( GC.getInitCore().getAdminPassword() );
	if( strcmp( adminPW.GetCString(), szAdminPw ) == 0 ){
		CvWString newCivPW( szNewPw );
		GC.getInitCore().setCivPassword((PlayerTypes)ePlayer, newCivPW );
		return -1;
	return 0;
/// Serialization read
void CvUnitProductionAI::Read(FDataStream& kStream)
	// Version number to maintain backwards compatibility
	uint uiVersion;
	kStream >> uiVersion;

	int iWeight;

	// Reset vector

	// Loop through reading each one and adding it to our vector
		if(uiVersion >= 2)
			for(int i = 0; i < m_pUnits->GetNumUnits(); i++)
				m_UnitAIWeights.push_back(i, 0);

			int iNumEntries;
			FStringFixedBuffer(sTemp, 64);
			int iType;

			kStream >> iNumEntries;

			for(int iI = 0; iI < iNumEntries; iI++)
				kStream >> sTemp;
				if(sTemp != "NO_UNIT")
					iType = GC.getInfoTypeForString(sTemp);
					kStream >> iWeight;
					if(iType != -1)
						m_UnitAIWeights.IncreaseWeight(iType, iWeight);
						CvString szError;
						szError.Format("LOAD ERROR: Unit Type not found: %s", sTemp);
						CvAssertMsg(false, szError);
			for(int i = 0; i < 90 /* Units in gold master */; i++)
Esempio n. 27
bool CvDllGameContext::GetDefineSTRING(char* szBuffer, size_t lenBuffer, const char* szName, bool bReportErrors)
	if(szBuffer != NULL && lenBuffer > 0)
		CvString strDefine = GC.getDefineSTRING(szName, bReportErrors);
		if(strDefine.size() < lenBuffer)
			strncpy_s(szBuffer, lenBuffer, strDefine.c_str(), strDefine.size());
			return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 28
CvString CvXMLLoadUtilityModTools::deleteFileName(const char* szDirName, const char szLocateChar)
	CvString szDirNameStrip = szDirName;
	string::size_type pos = szDirNameStrip.find_last_of(szLocateChar);
	if(pos != string::npos) 
		szDirNameStrip.erase(pos + 1);
		FAssertMsg(false, "Couldn't find the directory slash")

	return szDirNameStrip;
Esempio n. 29
void CvArmyAI::RemoveStuckUnits()
	CvAIOperation* pOperation = GET_PLAYER(GetOwner()).getAIOperation(GetOperationID());

	for(unsigned int iI = 0; iI < m_FormationEntries.size(); iI++)
		if(m_FormationEntries[iI].GetUnitID() > ARMYSLOT_NO_UNIT && m_FormationEntries[iI].GetTurnAtCheckpoint()==ARMYSLOT_UNKNOWN_TURN_AT_CHECKPOINT)
			CvString strMsg;
			strMsg.Format("Removing unit %d from army %d because no path to checkpoint",m_FormationEntries[iI].GetUnitID(),GetID());

/// Serialization read
void CvBuildingProductionAI::Read(FDataStream& kStream)
	// Version number to maintain backwards compatibility
	uint uiVersion;
	kStream >> uiVersion;

	// Reset vector

	// Loop through reading each one and adding it to our vector
		for(int i = 0; i < m_pCityBuildings->GetPossibleBuildings()->GetNumBuildings(); i++)
			m_BuildingAIWeights.push_back(i, 0);

		int iNumEntries;
		FStringFixedBuffer(sTemp, 64);
		int iType;

		kStream >> iNumEntries;

		for(int iI = 0; iI < iNumEntries; iI++)
			bool bValid = true;
			iType = CvInfosSerializationHelper::ReadHashed(kStream, &bValid);
			if(iType != -1 || !bValid)
				int iWeight;
				kStream >> iWeight;
				if(iType != -1)
					m_BuildingAIWeights.IncreaseWeight(iType, iWeight);
					CvString szError;
					szError.Format("LOAD ERROR: Building Type not found");
					CvAssertMsg(false, szError);