Esempio n. 1
void PrintBTree	( BTree <char *> *btree )

	UplinkAssert ( btree );

	DArray <char *> *uo = btree->ConvertToDArray ();
	DArray <char *> *uo_id = btree->ConvertIndexToDArray ();

	for ( int i = 0; i < uo->Size (); ++i ) {
		if ( uo->ValidIndex (i) ) {
			UplinkAssert ( uo_id->ValidIndex (i) );
			printf ( "Index = %s\n", uo_id->GetData (i) );

			if ( uo->GetData (i) )
				printf ( "%s\n", uo->GetData (i) );

				printf ( "NULL\n" );


	delete uo;
	delete uo_id;

Esempio n. 2
void DeleteBTreeData ( BTree <UplinkObject *> *btree )

	UplinkAssert ( btree );

	DArray <UplinkObject *> *uo = btree->ConvertToDArray ();

	for ( int i = 0; i < uo->Size (); ++i )
		if ( uo->ValidIndex (i) )
			if ( uo->GetData (i) )				
				delete uo->GetData (i);

	delete uo;	

Esempio n. 3
void SaveBTree  ( BTree <UplinkObject *> *btree, FILE *file )

	UplinkAssert ( btree );

	DArray <UplinkObject *> *uo = btree->ConvertToDArray ();
	DArray <char *> *uo_id = btree->ConvertIndexToDArray ();

	int size = uo->Size ();

	int nbitem = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
		if ( uo->ValidIndex (i) )

	if ( nbitem > MAX_ITEMS_DATA_STRUCTURE ) {
		UplinkPrintAbortArgs ( "WARNING: SaveBTree, number of items appears to be too big, size=%d, maxsize=%d",
		                       nbitem, MAX_ITEMS_DATA_STRUCTURE );

	fwrite ( &nbitem, sizeof(nbitem), 1, file );

	nbitem = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < size && nbitem < MAX_ITEMS_DATA_STRUCTURE; ++i ) {
		if ( uo->ValidIndex (i) ) {

			UplinkAssert ( uo_id->ValidIndex (i) );
			UplinkAssert ( uo->GetData (i) );

			SaveDynamicString ( uo_id->GetData (i), file );

			int OBJECTID = uo->GetData (i)->GetOBJECTID ();
			UplinkAssert ( OBJECTID != 0 );
			fwrite ( &OBJECTID, sizeof(int), 1, file );			

			uo->GetData (i)->Save ( file );



	delete uo;
	delete uo_id;

Esempio n. 4
void DeleteBTreeData ( BTree <char *> *btree )

	UplinkAssert ( btree );

	DArray <char *> *uo = btree->ConvertToDArray ();

	for ( int i = 0; i < uo->Size (); ++i )
		if ( uo->ValidIndex (i) )
			if ( uo->GetData (i) )
				// Even zero length string need to be deleted
				//if ( strcmp ( uo->GetData (i), "" ) != 0 )
					delete [] uo->GetData (i);

	delete uo;	

Esempio n. 5
void EclSuperUnHighlightAll	()

	DArray <char *> *highlights = superhighlightedbuttons.ConvertIndexToDArray ();

	for ( int i = 0; i < highlights->Size (); ++i )
		if ( highlights->ValidIndex (i) )
			EclSuperUnHighlight ( highlights->GetData (i) );

void InterfaceScreen::Remove ()
	DArray<char *> *btns = this->interface_buttons;
	for ( int i = 0; i < btns->Size(); ++i ) {
		if ( btns->ValidIndex( i ) ) {
			char *btn_name = btns->GetData( i );
			if ( (NULL != btn_name) && ('\0' != btn_name[0]) )
				EclRemoveButton( btn_name );
bool DirectoryEqual( DArray<T *> const &_a, DArray<T *> const &_b )
	int size = max( _a.Size(), _b.Size() );

	for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
		bool aValid = _a.ValidIndex( i ),
			 bValid = _b.ValidIndex( i );

		if( aValid != bValid )
			return false;

		if( aValid && bValid &&
			!(*_a.GetData( i ) == *_b.GetData( i )) )
			return false;

	return true;
void LanguageTable::ClearTranslation()
    DArray<char *> *translation = m_translation.ConvertToDArray();
    for( int i = 0; i < translation->Size(); ++i )
        if( translation->ValidIndex(i) )
            char *data = translation->GetData(i);
            delete data;

    delete translation;
void LanguageTable::ClearBaseLanguage()
    DArray<char *> *base = m_baseLanguage.ConvertToDArray();

    for( int i = 0; i < base->Size(); ++i )
        if( base->ValidIndex(i) )
            char *data = base->GetData(i);
            delete data;

    delete base;
void LanguageTable::LoadTranslation(char *_filename)
    LoadLanguage( _filename, m_translation );

#ifdef _DEBUG
    DArray<char *> *keys = m_baseLanguage.ConvertIndexToDArray();

    for( int i = 0; i < keys->Size(); ++i )
        if( keys->ValidIndex(i) )
            char *key = keys->GetData(i);
			if( !m_translation.GetData( key ) )
				AppDebugOut( "Warning : base language key '%s' with no translation in language file %s\n", key, _filename );

    delete keys;
void LanguageTable::TestTranslation( char *_logFilename )
    // Open the errors file

    FILE *output = fopen( _logFilename, "wt" );
    AppReleaseAssert( output, "Failed to open logfile %s", _logFilename );
    // Look for strings in the base that are not in the translation
    DArray<char *> *basePhraseIndex = m_baseLanguage.ConvertIndexToDArray();
    DArray<char *> *basePhrases = m_baseLanguage.ConvertToDArray();

    for( int i = 0; i < basePhraseIndex->Size(); ++i )
        if( basePhraseIndex->ValidIndex(i) )
            char *baseIndex = basePhraseIndex->GetData(i);
            char *basePhrase = basePhrases->GetData(i);

            if( !DoesTranslationExist( baseIndex ) )
                fprintf( output, "ERROR : Failed to find translation for string ID '%s'\n", baseIndex );
                char *translatedPhrase = m_translation.GetData( baseIndex );
                if( strcmp( basePhrase, translatedPhrase ) == 0 )
                    fprintf( output, "Warning : String ID appears not to be translated : '%s'\n", baseIndex );

    delete basePhraseIndex;
    delete basePhrases;

    // Look for phrases in the translation that are not in the base

    DArray<char *> *translatedIndex = m_translation.ConvertIndexToDArray();

    for( int i = 0; i < translatedIndex->Size(); ++i )
        if( translatedIndex->ValidIndex(i) )
            char *index = translatedIndex->GetData(i);

            if( !DoesPhraseExist( index ) )
                fprintf( output, "Warning : Found new string ID not present in original English : '%s'\n", index );               

    delete translatedIndex;

    // Clean up
    fclose( output );
Esempio n. 12
void EclUpdateAllAnimations ()

	int i;

	// Update all super-highlighted buttons

	DArray <char *> *superhighlighted = superhighlightedbuttons.ConvertIndexToDArray ();

	for ( i = 0; i < superhighlighted->Size (); ++i )
		if ( superhighlighted->ValidIndex (i) )
			EclUpdateSuperHighlights ( superhighlighted->GetData (i) );

	delete superhighlighted;

	// Update all animations

	for ( i = 0; i < anims.Size (); ++i ) {

		if ( anims.ValidIndex (i) ) {

			Animation *anim = anims [i];
			assert ( anim );
			// Button may have been deleted - attempt to re-aquire it here
			anim->button = EclGetButton ( anim->buttonname );
			if ( !anim->button ) {

				// This button has been destroyed - remove the anim
#ifdef _DEBUG
				printf ( "ECL WARNING : Animation defined on invalid button : %s\n", anim->buttonname );

                EclRemoveAnimation ( i );

			else {
				EclDirtyButton ( anim->buttonname );

				if ( EclGetAccurateTime () >= anim->finishtime || !animsenabled ) {

					// Animation has finished - set to final position / size / caption
					// OR Animations are not enabled - set to final position as well

					if ( anim->dX || anim->dY ) {

						EclDirtyRectangle ( anim->button->x, anim->button->y, anim->button->width, anim->button->height );		

						anim->button->x = anim->targetX;
						anim->button->y = anim->targetY;						

					if ( anim->dW || anim->dH ) {

						EclDirtyRectangle ( anim->button->x, anim->button->y, anim->button->width, anim->button->height );		

						anim->button->width = anim->targetW;
						anim->button->height = anim->targetH;						


					if ( anim->dC ) {

						anim->button->SetCaption ( anim->targetC );


					// Update any SuperHighlights that exist on this button

					if ( EclIsSuperHighlighted ( anim->buttonname ) )
						EclUpdateSuperHighlights ( anim->buttonname );
					// Call the callback if neccesary
					if ( anim->callback ) anim->callback ();

					// Remove the animation from the list
                    EclRemoveAnimation ( i );

				else {

					if ( anim->MOVETYPE == MOVE_STRAIGHTLINE ) {

						// Button moves at a constant rate in a straight line to target

						if ( anim->dX || anim->dY ) {
							int dX = (int)(anim->sourceX + ( EclGetAccurateTime () - anim->starttime ) * anim->dX) - anim->button->x;
							int dY = (int)(anim->sourceY + ( EclGetAccurateTime () - anim->starttime ) * anim->dY) - anim->button->y;

							//EclDirtyRectangle ( anim->button->x, anim->button->y, dX, anim->button->height );		
							EclDirtyRectangle ( anim->button->x, anim->button->y, anim->button->width, anim->button->height );		

							// Buttons location can change
							// Calculate location of button
							anim->button->x = anim->sourceX + (int)(( EclGetAccurateTime () - anim->starttime ) * anim->dX);
							anim->button->y = anim->sourceY + (int)(( EclGetAccurateTime () - anim->starttime ) * anim->dY);							
// 							double now = EclGetAccurateTime();
// 							double f = ( now - anim->starttime ) / (anim->finishtime - anim->starttime);
// 							anim->button->x = anim->sourceX + (anim->targetX - anim->sourceX) * f;
// 							anim->button->y = anim->sourceY + (anim->targetY - anim->sourceY) * f;
					else if ( anim->MOVETYPE == MOVE_XFIRST ) {

						// Button moves in X direction, then in Y direction

						if ( anim->dX || anim->dY ) {

							EclDirtyRectangle ( anim->button->x, anim->button->y, anim->button->width, anim->button->height );		
							float ratio = (anim->dX / (anim->dX + anim->dY));
							int halftime = anim->starttime + (int)(ratio * (anim->finishtime - anim->starttime));

							if ( EclGetAccurateTime () < halftime ) {
								float firsthalf = (float) ( EclGetAccurateTime () - anim->starttime ) / (float) ( halftime - anim->starttime );
								anim->button->x = anim->sourceX + (int)((anim->targetX - anim->sourceX) * firsthalf);
							else {
								float secondhalf = (float) ( EclGetAccurateTime () - halftime ) / (float) ( anim->finishtime - halftime );
								anim->button->x = anim->targetX;
								anim->button->y = anim->sourceY + (int)((anim->targetY - anim->sourceY) * secondhalf);


					else if ( anim->MOVETYPE == MOVE_YFIRST ) {

						// Button moves in Y direction, then in X direction

						if ( anim->dX || anim->dY ) {
							EclDirtyRectangle ( anim->button->x, anim->button->y, anim->button->width, anim->button->height );		

							float ratio = (anim->dY / (anim->dX + anim->dY));
							int halftime = anim->starttime + (int)(ratio * (anim->finishtime - anim->starttime));

							if ( EclGetAccurateTime () < halftime ) {
								float firsthalf = (float) ( EclGetAccurateTime () - anim->starttime ) / (float) ( halftime - anim->starttime );
								anim->button->y = anim->sourceY + (int)((anim->targetY - anim->sourceY) * firsthalf);
							else {
								float secondhalf = (float) ( EclGetAccurateTime () - halftime ) / (float) ( anim->finishtime - halftime );
								anim->button->y = anim->targetY;
								anim->button->x = anim->sourceX + (int)((anim->targetX - anim->sourceX) * secondhalf);



					if ( anim->dW || anim->dH ) {

						// Buttons size can change
						// Calculate new size
						EclDirtyRectangle ( anim->button->x, anim->button->y, anim->button->width, anim->button->height );		

						anim->button->width = anim->sourceW + (int)(( EclGetAccurateTime () - anim->starttime ) * anim->dW);
						anim->button->height = anim->sourceH + (int)(( EclGetAccurateTime () - anim->starttime ) * anim->dH);


					if ( anim->dC ) {

						// Buttons caption can change
						size_t showlength = (size_t)( ( (float)EclGetAccurateTime () - anim->starttime ) * anim->dC );
						char *caption = new char [strlen(anim->targetC)+1];
						strcpy ( caption, anim->targetC );
						if ( showlength < strlen(anim->targetC)+1 )
                                                    caption [showlength] = 0;
						anim->button->SetCaption ( caption );
						delete [] caption;


					// Update any SuperHighlights that exist on this button

					if ( EclIsSuperHighlighted ( anim->buttonname ) )
						EclUpdateSuperHighlights ( anim->buttonname );





void ParseMemoryLeakFile ( char *_inputFilename, char *_outputFilename )

    // Start up

    BTree <int> combined;
    BTree <int> frequency;
    int unrecognised = 0;

    // Open the file and start parsing

    ifstream memoryfile ( _inputFilename );

    while ( !memoryfile.eof () ) 
        char thisline [256];
        memoryfile.getline ( thisline, 256 );

        if ( !strncmp ( thisline, " Data:", 6 ) == 0 &&         // This line is a data line - useless to us
              strchr ( thisline, ':' ) ) {                      // This line does not have a source file location - useless to us

            // Get the size

            char *lastcomma = strrchr ( thisline, ',' );
            char *ssize = lastcomma+2;
            int size;
            char unused [32];
            sscanf ( ssize, "%d %s", &size, unused );

            // Get the source file name

            char *sourcelocation = thisline;
            char *colon = strrchr ( thisline, ':' );
            *(colon-1) = '\x0';
            char *lowercasesourcelocation = LowerCaseString ( sourcelocation );
            // Put the result into our BTree

            BTree <int> *btree = combined.LookupTree ( lowercasesourcelocation );
            if ( btree ) ((int) btree->data) += size;
            else combined.PutData ( lowercasesourcelocation, size );
            BTree <int> *freq = frequency.LookupTree ( lowercasesourcelocation );
            if ( freq ) ((int) freq->data) ++;
            else frequency.PutData ( lowercasesourcelocation, 1 );

            delete lowercasesourcelocation;
            char *lastcomma = strrchr ( thisline, ',' );
            if ( lastcomma ) 

                char *ssize = lastcomma+2;
                int size;
                char unused [32];
                if( sscanf ( ssize, "%d %s", &size, unused ) == 2 )
	                unrecognised += size;

    memoryfile.close ();

    // Sort the results into a list

    DArray <int> *sizes = combined.ConvertToDArray ();
    DArray <char *> *sources = combined.ConvertIndexToDArray ();
    LList <char *> sorted;
    int totalsize = 0;

    for ( int i = 0; i < sources->Size (); ++i )
        char *newsource = sources->GetData (i);
        int newsize = sizes->GetData (i);
        totalsize += newsize;
        bool inserted = false;

        for ( int j = 0; j < sorted.Size (); ++j ) {

            char *existingsource = sorted.GetData (j);
            int existingsize = combined.GetData ( existingsource );

            if ( newsize <= existingsize ) {

                sorted.PutDataAtIndex ( newsource, j );
                inserted = true;



        if ( !inserted ) sorted.PutDataAtEnd ( newsource );

    // Open the output file

    FILE *output = fopen( _outputFilename, "wt" );

    // Print out our sorted list

    fprintf ( output, "Total recognised memory leaks   : %d Kbytes\n", int(totalsize/1024)  );
    fprintf ( output, "Total unrecognised memory leaks : %d Kbytes\n\n", int(unrecognised/1024) );
    for ( int k = sorted.Size () - 1; k >= 0; --k ) 

        char *source = sorted.GetData (k);
        int size = combined.GetData ( source );
        int freq = frequency.GetData ( source );

        if( size > 2048 )
            fprintf ( output, "%-95s (%d Kbytes in %d leaks)\n", source, int(size/1024), freq );
            fprintf ( output, "%-95s (%d  bytes in %d leaks)\n", source, size, freq );

    // Clear up

    fclose( output );

    delete sources;
    delete sizes;
Esempio n. 14
// Finds all the filenames in the specified directory that match the specified
// filter. Directory should be like "textures" or "textures/".
// Filter can be NULL or "" or "*.bmp" or "map_*" or "map_*.txt"
// Set _longResults to true if you want results like "textures/blah.bmp" 
// or false for "blah.bmp"
LList<char *> *FileSystem::ListArchive(char *_dir, char *_filter, bool fullFilename)
    LList<char *> *results = NULL;

    // List the search directories

    for( int i = 0; i < m_searchPath.Size(); ++i )
        char searchPathFilename[512];
        snprintf( searchPathFilename, sizeof(searchPathFilename), "%s%s", m_searchPath[i], _dir );
        searchPathFilename[ sizeof(searchPathFilename) - 1 ] = '\x0';
        LList<char *> *results2 = ListDirectory( searchPathFilename, _filter, fullFilename );
        if( !results )
            results = results2;
            ListArchiveFilterResults( results, results2 );
            delete results2;

    // List the localisation directory

    char localisationFilename[512];
    snprintf( localisationFilename, sizeof(localisationFilename), "localisation/%s", _dir );
    localisationFilename[ sizeof(localisationFilename) - 1 ] = '\0';
    LList<char *> *results3 = ListDirectory( localisationFilename, _filter, fullFilename );
    if( !results )
        results = results3;
        ListArchiveFilterResults( results, results3 );
        delete results3;

    // List the base data directory

    LList<char *> *results4 = ListDirectory( _dir, _filter, fullFilename );
    ListArchiveFilterResults( results, results4 );
    delete results4;

    // List the pre-loaded resource files

    if (m_archiveFiles.Size() > 0)
        if(_filter == NULL || _filter[0] == '\0')
            _filter = "*";

        DArray <char *> *unfilteredResults = m_archiveFiles.ConvertIndexToDArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < unfilteredResults->Size(); ++i)
            if (!unfilteredResults->ValidIndex(i)) continue;

            char *fullname = unfilteredResults->GetData(i);
            char *dirPart = (char *) GetDirectoryPart( fullname );
            if( stricmp( dirPart, _dir ) == 0 )
                char *filePart = (char *) GetFilenamePart( fullname );
                int result = WildCmp(_filter, filePart);
                if (result != 0)
                    if( !fullFilename )  OrderedInsert(results, filePart);
                    else                 OrderedInsert(results, fullname);

        delete unfilteredResults;

    return results;
void UserIDScreenInterface::Create ( ComputerScreen *newcs )

	UplinkAssert ( newcs );
	cs = newcs;

	if ( !IsVisible () ) {

		EclRegisterButton ( 130, 90, 320, 25, GetComputerScreen ()->maintitle, "", "useridscreen_maintitle" );
		EclRegisterButtonCallbacks ( "useridscreen_maintitle", DrawMainTitle, NULL, NULL, NULL );
		EclRegisterButton ( 130, 110, 320, 20, GetComputerScreen ()->subtitle, "", "useridscreen_subtitle" );
		EclRegisterButtonCallbacks ( "useridscreen_subtitle", DrawSubTitle, NULL, NULL, NULL );

		EclRegisterButton ( 168, 155, 220, 120, "", "", "useridscreen_image" );
		button_assignbitmap ( "useridscreen_image", "userid.tif" );
		EclRegisterButtonCallbacks ( "useridscreen_image", imagebutton_draw, CodeButtonClick, button_click, button_highlight );

		EclRegisterButton ( 227, 210, 148, 15, "", "Enter your userID here", "useridscreen_name" );
		EclRegisterButtonCallbacks ( "useridscreen_name", UserIDButtonDraw, CodeButtonClick, button_click, button_highlight );

		EclRegisterButton ( 227, 236, 148, 15, "", "Enter your access code here", "useridscreen_code" );
		EclRegisterButtonCallbacks ( "useridscreen_code", CodeButtonDraw, CodeButtonClick, button_click, button_highlight );

		EclRegisterButton ( 168, 280, 120, 15, "", "", "useridscreen_message" );
		EclRegisterButtonCallbacks ( "useridscreen_message", textbutton_draw, NULL, NULL, NULL );

		EclRegisterButton ( 308, 280, 80, 15, "Proceed", "Click here when done", "useridscreen_proceed" );
		button_assignbitmaps ( "useridscreen_proceed", "proceed.tif", "proceed_h.tif", "proceed_c.tif" );
		EclRegisterButtonCallback ( "useridscreen_proceed", ProceedClick );

		EclMakeButtonEditable ( "useridscreen_name" );
		EclMakeButtonEditable ( "useridscreen_code" );

		// Create the box that will show the currently known codes for this screen

		UplinkAssert ( cs->GetComputer () );

		if ( game->GetWorld ()->GetPlayer ()->codes.LookupTree ( cs->GetComputer ()->ip ) ) {

			DArray <char *> *codes = game->GetWorld ()->GetPlayer ()->codes.ConvertToDArray ();
			DArray <char *> *ips   = game->GetWorld ()->GetPlayer ()->codes.ConvertIndexToDArray ();

			EclRegisterButton ( 200, 310, 250, 15, "Known Access Codes", "", "useridscreen_codestitle" );
			EclRegisterButtonCallbacks ( "useridscreen_codestitle", textbutton_draw, NULL, NULL, NULL );

			int currentcode = 0;

			for ( int i = 0; i < codes->Size (); ++i ) {
				if ( codes->ValidIndex (i) && ips->ValidIndex (i) ) {
					if ( strcmp ( ips->GetData (i), cs->GetComputer ()->ip ) == 0 ) {

						char name [64];
						UplinkSnprintf ( name, sizeof ( name ), "useridscreen_code %d", currentcode );
						EclRegisterButton ( 200, 330 + currentcode*15, 250, 15, codes->GetData (i), "Use this code", name );
						EclRegisterButtonCallbacks ( name, textbutton_draw, AccessCodeClick, button_click, button_highlight );


			delete codes;
			delete ips;


		// Create a symbol for quick entry into this screen
		EclRegisterButton ( 3, 20, 30, 15, "#", "Click here to bypass this screen (DEBUG MODE ONLY)", "useridscreen_bypass" );
		EclRegisterButtonCallbacks ( "useridscreen_bypass", textbutton_draw, BypassClick, button_click, button_highlight );

