bool APIAccountDB::GetAccountInfo(uint32 accountID, std::vector<std::string> & accountInfoList) { DBQueryResult res; // Get account table info using the accountID: if( !sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " online, " " banned, " " logonCount, " " lastLogin " " FROM account " " WHERE `accountID` = %u ", accountID )) { sLog.Error( "APIAccountDB::GetAccountInfo()", "Cannot find accountID %u", accountID ); return false; } DBResultRow row; if( !res.GetRow(row) ) { sLog.Error( "APIServiceDB::GetAccountInfo()", "res.GetRow(row) failed for unknown reason." ); return false; } accountInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(0)) ); accountInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(1)) ); accountInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(2)) ); accountInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(3)) ); return true; }
void LSCDB::GetChannelNames(uint32 charID, std::vector<std::string> & names) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " entity.itemName AS characterName, " " corporation.corporationName, " " mapSolarSystems.solarSystemName, " " mapConstellations.constellationName, " " mapRegions.regionName " " FROM character_ " " LEFT JOIN entity ON character_.characterID = entity.itemID " " LEFT JOIN corporation ON character_.corporationID = corporation.corporationID " " LEFT JOIN mapSolarSystems ON character_.solarSystemID = mapSolarSystems.solarSystemID " " LEFT JOIN mapConstellations ON character_.constellationID = mapConstellations.constellationID " " LEFT JOIN mapRegions ON character_.regionID = mapRegions.regionID " " WHERE character_.characterID = %u ", charID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return; } DBResultRow row; if (!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "CharID %u isn't present in the database", charID); return; } names.push_back(row.GetText(0)); // charName names.push_back(row.GetText(1)); // corpName names.push_back(row.GetText(2)); // solsysName names.push_back(row.GetText(3)); // constName names.push_back(row.GetText(4)); // regionName }
bool APIServiceDB::GetApiAccountInfoUsingAccountID(std::string accountID, uint32 * userID, std::string * apiFullKey, std::string * apiLimitedKey, uint32 * apiRole) { DBQueryResult res; // Find userID, fullKey, limitedKey, and apiRole from 'accountApi' table using accountID obtained from 'account' table: if( !sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " userID, fullKey, limitedKey, apiRole " " FROM accountApi " " WHERE accountID='%s'" , accountID.c_str() )) { sLog.Error( "APIServiceDB::GetApiAccountInfoUsingAccountID()", "Cannot find accountID '%s' in 'accountApi' table", accountID.c_str() ); return false; } DBResultRow row; if( !res.GetRow(row) ) { sLog.Error( "APIServiceDB::GetApiAccountInfoUsingAccountID()", "res.GetRow(row) failed for unknown reason." ); return false; } *userID = row.GetUInt(0); // Grab userID from retrieved row from the 'accountApi' table *apiFullKey = row.GetText(1); // Grab Full API Key from retrieved row from the 'accountApi' table *apiLimitedKey = row.GetText(2); // Grab Limited API Key from retrieved row from the 'accountApi' table *apiRole = row.GetUInt(3); // Grab API Role from retrieved row from the 'accountApi' table return true; }
bool APIAccountDB::GetCharactersList(uint32 accountID, std::vector<std::string> & charIDList, std::vector<std::string> & charNameList, std::vector<std::string> & charCorpIDList, std::vector<std::string> & charCorpNameList) { DBQueryResult res; // Get list of characters and their corporation info from the accountID: if( !sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " character_.characterID, " " character_.corporationID, " " corporation.corporationName, " " entity.itemName AS name " " FROM `character_` " " LEFT JOIN corporation ON corporation.corporationID = character_.corporationID " " LEFT JOIN entity ON entity.itemID = character_.characterID " " WHERE `accountID` = %u ", accountID )) { sLog.Error( "APIAccountDB::GetCharactersList()", "Cannot find accountID %u", accountID ); return false; } DBResultRow row; std::map<std::string, std::string> charInfo; while( res.GetRow( row ) ) { charIDList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(0)) ); charCorpIDList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(1)) ); charCorpNameList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(2)) ); charNameList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(3)) ); } return true; }
bool APICharacterDB::GetCharacterInfo(uint32 characterID, std::vector<std::string> & charInfoList) { DBQueryResult res; // Get list of characters and their corporation info from the accountID: if( !sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " character_.balance, " " character_.skillPoints, " " character_.corporationID, " " character_.corpRole, " " character_.rolesAtAll, " " character_.rolesAtBase, " " character_.rolesAtHQ, " " character_.rolesAtOther, " " character_.startDateTime, " " character_.gender, " " chrAncestries.ancestryName, " " chrBloodlines.bloodlineName, " " chrRaces.raceName, " " entity.itemName, " " corporation.corporationName " " FROM character_ " " LEFT JOIN chrAncestries ON character_.ancestryID = chrAncestries.ancestryID " " LEFT JOIN chrBloodlines ON chrAncestries.bloodlineID = chrBloodlines.bloodlineID " " LEFT JOIN chrRaces ON chrBloodlines.raceID = chrRaces.raceID " " LEFT JOIN entity ON entity.itemID = character_.characterID " " LEFT JOIN corporation ON corporation.corporationID = character_.corporationID " " WHERE character_.characterID = %u ", characterID )) { sLog.Error( "APIAccountDB::GetCharacterSkillsTrained()", "Cannot find characterID %u", characterID ); return false; } DBResultRow row; if( !res.GetRow(row) ) { sLog.Error( "APIServiceDB::GetAccountIdFromUsername()", "res.GetRow(row) failed for unknown reason." ); return false; } charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(0)) ); // 0. Balance charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(1)) ); // 1. Skill Points charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(2)) ); // 2. corporationID charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(3)) ); // 3. corp Role charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(4)) ); // 4. roles At All charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(5)) ); // 5. roles At Base charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(6)) ); // 6. roles At HQ charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(7)) ); // 7. roles At Other charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(8)) ); // 8. birthday charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(10)) ); // 9. ancestry Name charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(11)) ); // 10. bloodline Name charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(12)) ); // 11. race Name charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(13)) ); // 12. char Name charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(14)) ); // 13. corp Name charInfoList.push_back( std::string(row.GetText(9)) ); // 14. gender (0 = female, 1 = male) return true; }
bool ServiceDB::GetAccountInformation( const char* username, const char* password, AccountInfo & account_info ) { std::string _username = username; std::string _escaped_username; DBcore::DoEscapeString(_escaped_username, _username); DBQueryResult res; if (!DBcore::RunQuery(res, "SELECT accountID, password, hash, role, online, banned, logonCount, lastLogin FROM srvAccount WHERE accountName = '%s'", _escaped_username.c_str())) { SysLog::Error( "ServiceDB", "Error in query: %s.", res.error.c_str() ); return false; } DBResultRow row; if (!res.GetRow( row )) { // account not found, create new one if autoAccountRole is not zero (0) if(EVEServerConfig::account.autoAccountRole > 0) { uint32 accountID = CreateNewAccount( _username.c_str(), password, EVEServerConfig::account.autoAccountRole); if( accountID > 0 ) { // add new account successful, get account info again bool ret = GetAccountInformation(username, password, account_info); return ret; } else return false; } else return false; } /* when any of the text gets are NULL it will fail... I think.. */ = row.GetUInt(0); if (!row.IsNull(1)) account_info.password = row.GetText(1); if (!row.IsNull(2)) account_info.hash = row.GetText(2); = _escaped_username; account_info.role = row.GetUInt64(3); = row.GetBool(4); account_info.banned = row.GetBool(5); account_info.visits = row.GetUInt(6); if (!row.IsNull(7)) account_info.last_login = row.GetText(7); return true; }
bool SystemDB::LoadSystemEntities(uint32 systemID, std::vector<DBSystemEntity> &into) { DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT " " itemID,typeID,groupID,orbitID," " x,y,z,radius,security,itemName" " FROM mapDenormalize" " WHERE solarSystemID=%u", systemID )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; DBSystemEntity entry; while(res.GetRow(row)) { entry.itemID = row.GetInt(0); entry.typeID = row.GetInt(1); entry.groupID = row.GetInt(2); entry.orbitID = (row.IsNull(3) ? 0 : row.GetInt(3)); entry.position.x = row.GetDouble(4); entry.position.y = row.GetDouble(5); entry.position.z = row.GetDouble(6); entry.radius = (row.IsNull(7) ? 1 : row.GetDouble(7)); = (row.IsNull(8) ? 0.0 : row.GetDouble(8)); entry.itemName = row.GetText(9); into.push_back(entry); } return true; }
bool APIServiceDB::GetAccountIdFromUsername(std::string username, std::string * accountID) { DBQueryResult res; // Find accountID in 'account' table using accountName: if( !sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " accountID " " FROM account " " WHERE accountName='%s'" , username.c_str() )) { sLog.Error( "APIServiceDB::GetAccountIdFromUsername()", "Cannot find accountID for username %s", username.c_str() ); return false; } DBResultRow row; if( !res.GetRow(row) ) { sLog.Error( "APIServiceDB::GetAccountIdFromUsername()", "res.GetRow(row) failed for unknown reason." ); return false; } *accountID = row.GetText(0); // Grab accountID from the retrieved row from the 'account' table return true; }
std::string LSCDB::GetChannelInfo(uint32 channelID, std::string & name, std::string & motd) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " displayName, " " motd " " FROM channels " " WHERE channelID = %u ", channelID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); char err[20]; snprintf(err, 20, "Unknown %u", channelID); return(err); } DBResultRow row; if (!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Couldn't find %u in table channels", channelID); char err[20]; snprintf(err, 20, "Unknown %u", channelID); return(err); } name = row.GetText(0); motd = row.GetText(1); return (""); }
std::string LSCDB::GetChannelName(uint32 id, const char * table, const char * column, const char * key) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " %s " " FROM %s " " WHERE %s = %u ", column, table, key, id)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); char err[20]; snprintf(err, 20, "Unknown %u", id); return(err); } DBResultRow row; if (!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Couldn't find %s %u in table %s", key, id, table); char err[20]; snprintf(err, 20, "Unknown %u", id); return(err); } return (row.GetText(0)); }
bool CorporationDB::CreateMemberAttributeUpdate(MemberAttributeUpdate & attrib, uint32 newCorpID, uint32 charID) { // What are we doing here exactly? // Corporation gets a new member // it's new to it DBQueryResult res; DBResultRow row; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " title, corporationDateTime, corporationID, " " corpRole, rolesAtAll, rolesAtBase, " " rolesAtHQ, rolesAtOther " " FROM character_ " " WHERE character_.characterID = %u ", charID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } if (!res.GetRow(row)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Cannot find character in database"); return false; } // this could be stored in the db #define PRN new PyNone() #define PRI(i) new PyInt(i) #define PRL(i) new PyLong(i) #define PRS(s) new PyString(s) #define PRNI(i) (row.IsNull(i) ? PRI(0) : PRI(row.GetUInt64(i))) #define F(name, o, n) \ = o; \ = n //element Old Value New Value F(accountKey, PRN, PRN); // i don't even know what this could refer to F(baseID, PRN, PRN); F(characterID, PRN, PRI(charID)); F(corporationID, PRI(row.GetUInt(2)), PRI(newCorpID)); // these also have to be queried from the db F(divisionID, PRN, PRN); F(roles, PRNI(3), PRI(0)); F(grantableRoles, PRNI(4), PRI(0)); F(grantableRolesAtBase, PRNI(5), PRI(0)); F(grantableRolesAtHQ, PRNI(6), PRI(0)); F(grantableRolesAtOther, PRNI(7), PRI(0)); F(squadronID, PRN, PRN); F(startDateTime, PRL(row.GetUInt64(1)), PRL(Win32TimeNow())); // another one i have no idea F(titleMask, PRN, PRI(0)); F(baseID, PRS(row.GetText(0)), PRS("")); #undef F #undef PRN #undef PRI #undef PRS #undef PRNI return true; }
bool CorporationDB::GetCurrentApplicationInfo(uint32 charID, uint32 corpID, ApplicationInfo & aInfo) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " status, applicationText, applicationDateTime, roles, grantableRoles, lastCorpUpdaterID, deleted " " FROM chrApplications " " WHERE characterID = %u AND corporationID = %u ", charID, corpID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); aInfo.valid = false; return false; } DBResultRow row; if (!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "There's no previous application."); aInfo.valid = false; return false; } aInfo.charID = charID; aInfo.corpID = corpID; aInfo.status = row.GetUInt(0); aInfo.appText = row.GetText(1); aInfo.appTime = row.GetUInt64(2); aInfo.role = row.GetUInt64(3); aInfo.grantRole = row.GetUInt64(4); aInfo.lastCID = row.GetUInt(5); aInfo.deleted = row.GetUInt(6); aInfo.valid = true; return true; }
void CharacterDB::load_name_validation_set() { DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " characterID, itemName AS characterName" " FROM character_" " JOIN entity ON characterID = itemID" )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query for %s", res.error.c_str()); return; } DBResultRow row; while(res.GetRow(row) == true) { uint32 characterID = row.GetUInt(0); const char* name = row.GetText(1); //printf("initializing name validation: %s\n", name); uint32 hash = djb2_hash(name); mNameValidation.insert(hash); mIdNameContainer.insert(std::make_pair(characterID, name)); } }
bool CommandDB::ItemSearch(const char *query, std::map<uint32, std::string> &into) { std::string escaped; sDatabase.DoEscapeString(escaped, query); DBQueryResult result; DBResultRow row; into.clear(); //we need to query out the primary message here... not sure how to properly //grab the "main message" though... the text/plain clause is pretty hackish. if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(result, " SELECT typeID,typeName" " FROM invTypes" " WHERE" " typeName rlike '%s'", escaped.c_str() )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", result.error.c_str()); return (false); } while(result.GetRow(row)) { into[row.GetUInt(0)] = row.GetText(1); } return true; }
bool SystemDB::LoadSystemDynamicEntities(uint32 systemID, std::vector<DBSystemDynamicEntity> &into) { DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " entity.itemID," " entity.itemName," " entity.typeID," " entity.ownerID," " entity.locationID," " entity.flag," " invTypes.groupID," " invGroups.categoryID," " 0,"//" character_.corporationID," " 0,"//" corporation.allianceID," " x," " y," " z" " FROM entity, invTypes, invGroups"//, character_, corporation" " WHERE" " entity.typeID=invTypes.typeID" " AND invTypes.groupID=invGroups.groupID" " AND invGroups.categoryID NOT IN (%d,%d)" //" AND character_.characterID = entity.ownerID" //" AND corporation.corporationID = character_.corporationID" " AND locationID=%u", //excluded categories: //celestials: EVEDB::invCategories::_System, EVEDB::invCategories::Station, //NPCs: //EVEDB::invCategories::Entity, systemID )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; DBSystemDynamicEntity entry; while(res.GetRow(row)) { entry.itemID = row.GetInt(0); entry.itemName = row.GetText(1); entry.typeID = row.GetInt(2); entry.ownerID = row.GetInt(3); entry.locationID = row.GetInt(4); entry.flag = row.GetInt(5); entry.groupID = row.GetInt(6); entry.categoryID = row.GetInt(7); entry.corporationID = row.GetInt(8); entry.allianceID = row.GetInt(9); entry.x = row.GetDouble(10); entry.y = row.GetDouble(11); entry.z = row.GetDouble(12); into.push_back(entry); } return true; }
bool CorporationDB::UpdateDivisionNames(uint32 corpID, const Call_UpdateDivisionNames & divs, PyDict * notif) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " division1, division2, division3, division4, division5, division6, division7 " " FROM corporation " " WHERE corporationID = %u ", corpID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; if (!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Corporation %u doesn't exists.", corpID); return false; } // We are here, so something must have changed... std::vector<std::string> dbQ; ProcessStringChange("division1", row.GetText(0), divs.div1, notif, dbQ); ProcessStringChange("division2", row.GetText(1), divs.div2, notif, dbQ); ProcessStringChange("division3", row.GetText(2), divs.div3, notif, dbQ); ProcessStringChange("division4", row.GetText(3), divs.div4, notif, dbQ); ProcessStringChange("division5", row.GetText(4), divs.div5, notif, dbQ); ProcessStringChange("division6", row.GetText(5), divs.div6, notif, dbQ); ProcessStringChange("division7", row.GetText(6), divs.div7, notif, dbQ); std::string query = " UPDATE corporation SET "; int N = dbQ.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { query = dbQ[i]; if (i < N - 1) query += ", "; } query += " WHERE corporationID = %u"; if ((N > 0) && (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res.error, query.c_str(), corpID))) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } return true; }
PyRep *LSCDB::GetMailDetails(uint32 messageID, uint32 readerID) { DBQueryResult result; DBResultRow row; //we need to query out the primary message here... not sure how to properly //grab the "main message" though... the text/plain clause is pretty hackish. if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(result, " SELECT eveMail.messageID, eveMail.senderID, eveMail.subject, " // need messageID as char* " eveMailDetails.attachment, eveMailDetails.mimeTypeID, " " eveMailMimeType.mimeType, eveMailMimeType.`binary`, " " eveMail.created, eveMail.channelID " " FROM eveMail " " LEFT JOIN eveMailDetails" " ON eveMailDetails.messageID = eveMail.messageID " " LEFT JOIN eveMailMimeType" " ON eveMailMimeType.mimeTypeID = eveMailDetails.mimeTypeID " " WHERE eveMail.messageID=%u" " AND channelID=%u", messageID, readerID )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", result.error.c_str()); return (NULL); } if (!result.GetRow(row)) { codelog(SERVICE__MESSAGE, "No message with messageID %u", messageID); return (NULL); } Rsp_GetEVEMailDetails details; details.messageID = row.GetUInt(0); details.senderID = row.GetUInt(1); details.subject = row.GetText(2); details.body = row.GetText(3); details.created = row.GetUInt64(7); details.channelID = row.GetUInt(8); details.deleted = 0; // If a message's details are sent, then it isn't deleted. If it's deleted, details cannot be sent details.mimeTypeID = row.GetInt(4); details.mimeType = row.GetText(5); details.binary = row.GetInt(6); return(details.Encode()); }
//this is a crap load of work... there HAS to be a better way to do this.. PyRep *MarketDB::GetMarketGroups() { DBQueryResult res; DBResultRow row; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT * " " FROM invMarketGroups")) { codelog(MARKET__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return NULL; } DBRowDescriptor *header = new DBRowDescriptor(res); CFilterRowSet *filterRowset = new CFilterRowSet(&header); PyDict *keywords = filterRowset->GetKeywords(); keywords->SetItemString("giveMeSets", new PyBool(false)); //+ keywords->SetItemString("allowDuplicateCompoundKeys", new PyBool(false)); //+ keywords->SetItemString("indexName", new PyNone); //+ keywords->SetItemString("columnName", new PyString("parentGroupID")); //+ std::map< int, PyRep* > tt; while( res.GetRow(row) ) { int parentGroupID = ( row.IsNull( 0 ) ? -1 : row.GetUInt( 0 ) ); PyRep *pid; CRowSet *rowset; if(tt.count(parentGroupID) == 0) { pid = parentGroupID!=-1 ? (PyRep*)new PyInt(parentGroupID) : (PyRep*)new PyNone(); tt.insert( std::pair<int, PyRep*>(parentGroupID, pid) ); rowset = filterRowset->NewRowset(pid); } else { pid = tt[parentGroupID]; rowset = filterRowset->GetRowset(pid); } PyPackedRow* pyrow = rowset->NewRow(); pyrow->SetField((uint32)0, pid); //prentGroupID pyrow->SetField(1, new PyInt(row.GetUInt( 1 ) ) ); //marketGroupID pyrow->SetField(2, new PyString(row.GetText( 2 ) ) ); //marketGroupName pyrow->SetField(3, new PyString(row.GetText( 3 ) ) ); //description pyrow->SetField(4, row.IsNull( 4 ) ? (PyRep*)(new PyNone()) : new PyInt(row.GetUInt( 4 )) ); //graphicID pyrow->SetField(5, new PyBool(row.GetBool( 5 ) ) ); //hasTypes pyrow->SetField(6, row.IsNull( 6 ) ? (PyRep*)(new PyNone()) : new PyInt(row.GetUInt( 6 )) ); // iconID pyrow->SetField(7, new PyInt( row.GetUInt(7) ) ); //dataID pyrow->SetField(8, new PyInt( row.GetUInt(8) ) ); //marketGroupNameID pyrow->SetField(9, new PyInt( row.GetUInt(9) ) ); //descriptionID } return filterRowset; }
bool CorporationDB::UpdateCorporation(uint32 corpID, const Call_UpdateCorporation & upd, PyDict * notif) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT description, url, taxRate " " FROM corporation " " WHERE corporationID = %u ", corpID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; if (!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Corporation %u doesn't exists.", corpID); return false; } std::vector<std::string> dbQ; ProcessStringChange("description", row.GetText(0), upd.description, notif, dbQ); ProcessStringChange("url", row.GetText(1), upd.address, notif, dbQ); ProcessRealChange("taxRate", row.GetDouble(2),, notif, dbQ); std::string query = " UPDATE corporation SET "; int N = dbQ.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { query += dbQ[i]; if (i < N - 1) query += ", "; } query += " WHERE corporationID = %u"; // only update if there is anything to update if ((N > 0) && (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res.error, query.c_str(), corpID))) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return false; } return true; }
bool BookmarkDB::GetBookmarkInformation(uint32 bookmarkID, uint32 &ownerID, uint32 &itemID, uint32 &typeID, uint32 &flag, std::string &memo, uint64 &created, double &x, double &y, double &z, uint32 &locationID, std::string ¬e, uint32 &creatorID, uint32 folderID) { DBQueryResult res; DBResultRow row; // Query database 'srvBookmarks' table for the supplied bookmarkID and retrieve entire row: if (!DBcore::RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " bookmarkID, " " ownerID, " " itemID, " " typeID, " " flag, " " memo, " " created, " " x, " " y, " " z, " " locationID, " " note," " creatorID," " folderID" " FROM srvBookmarks " " WHERE bookmarkID = %u ", bookmarkID)) { SysLog::Error( "BookmarkDB::GetBookmarkInformation()", "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str() ); return false; } // Query went through, but check to see if there were zero rows, ie bookmarkID was invalid: if ( !(res.GetRow(row)) ) return false; // Bookmark 'bookmarkID' was found, Send back bookmark information: ownerID = row.GetUInt(1); itemID = row.GetUInt(2); typeID = row.GetUInt(3); flag = row.GetUInt(4); memo = row.GetText(5); created = row.GetUInt64(6); x = row.GetDouble(7); y = row.GetDouble(8); z = row.GetDouble(9); locationID = row.GetUInt(10); note = row.GetUInt(11); creatorID = row.GetUInt(12); folderID = row.GetUInt(13); return true; }
bool ServiceDB::GetSystemInfo(uint32 systemID, uint32 *constellationID, uint32 *regionID, std::string *name, std::string *securityClass) { if( constellationID == NULL && regionID == NULL && name == NULL && securityClass == NULL ) return true; DBQueryResult res; if(!DBcore::RunQuery(res, "SELECT" " constellationID," " regionID," " solarSystemName," " securityClass" " FROM mapSolarSystems" " WHERE solarSystemID = %u", systemID)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Failed to query info for system %u: %s.", systemID, res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Failed to query info for system %u: System not found.", systemID); return false; } if(constellationID != NULL) *constellationID = row.GetUInt(0); if(regionID != NULL) *regionID = row.GetUInt(1); if(name != NULL) *name = row.GetText(2); if(securityClass != NULL) *securityClass = row.IsNull(3) ? "" : row.GetText(3); return true; }
PyRep *CharacterDB::GetCharSelectInfo(uint32 characterID) { DBQueryResult res; uint32 worldSpaceID = 0; std::string shipName = "My Ship"; uint32 shipTypeID = 606; DBQueryResult res2; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res2, "SELECT itemName, typeID FROM entity WHERE itemID = (SELECT shipID FROM character_ WHERE characterID = %u)", characterID)) { codelog(SERVICE__WARNING, "Unable to get current ship: %s", res.error.c_str()); } else { DBResultRow row; while(res2.GetRow(row)) { sDatabase.DoEscapeString(shipName, row.GetText(0)); shipTypeID = row.GetUInt(1); } } uint32 unreadMailCount = 0; uint32 upcomingEventCount = 0; uint32 unprocessedNotifications = 0; uint32 daysLeft = 14; uint32 userType = 23; uint64 skillQueueEndTime = ( Win32TimeNow() + (5*Win32Time_Hour) + (25*Win32Time_Minute) ); uint64 allianceMemberStartDate = Win32TimeNow() - 15*Win32Time_Day; uint64 startDate = Win32TimeNow() - 24*Win32Time_Day; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT " " itemName AS shortName,bloodlineID,gender,bounty,character_.corporationID,allianceID,title,startDateTime,createDateTime," " securityRating,character_.balance, 0 As aurBalance,character_.stationID,solarSystemID,constellationID,regionID," " petitionMessage,logonMinutes,tickerName, %u AS worldSpaceID, '%s' AS shipName, %u AS shipTypeID, %u AS unreadMailCount," " %u AS upcomingEventCount, %u AS unprocessedNotifications, %u AS daysLeft, %u AS userType, 0 AS paperDollState, 0 AS newPaperdollState," " 0 AS oldPaperdollState, skillPoints, %" PRIu64 " AS skillQueueEndTime, %" PRIu64 " AS allianceMemberStartDate, %" PRIu64 " AS startDate," " 0 AS locationSecurity" " FROM character_ " " LEFT JOIN entity ON characterID = itemID" " LEFT JOIN corporation USING (corporationID)" " LEFT JOIN bloodlineTypes USING (typeID)" " WHERE characterID=%u", worldSpaceID, shipName.c_str(), shipTypeID, unreadMailCount, upcomingEventCount, unprocessedNotifications, daysLeft, userType, skillQueueEndTime, allianceMemberStartDate, startDate, characterID)) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return NULL; } return DBResultToCRowset(res); }
PyString* MailDB::GetMailBody(int id) const { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT body FROM mailMessage WHERE messageID = %u", id)) return NULL; if (res.GetRowCount() <= 0) return NULL; DBResultRow row; if (!res.GetRow(row) || row.IsNull(0)) return NULL; return new PyString(row.GetText(0), row.ColumnLength(0)); }
AgentLevel *MissionDB::LoadAgentLevel(uint8 level) { AgentLevel *result = new AgentLevel; DBQueryResult res; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT missionID,missionName,missionLevel," " agtMissions.missionTypeID,missionTypeName," " importantMission" " FROM agtMissions" " NATURAL JOIN agtMissionTypes" " WHERE missionLevel=%d", level )) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); delete result; return NULL; } std::vector<uint32> IDs; DBResultRow row; IDs.clear(); while(res.GetRow(row)) { AgentMissionSpec *spec = new AgentMissionSpec; spec->missionID = row.GetUInt(0); spec->missionName = row.GetText(1); spec->missionLevel = row.GetUInt(2); spec->missionTypeID = row.GetUInt(3); spec->missionTypeName = row.GetText(1); spec->importantMission = (row.GetUInt(2)==0)?false:true; result->missions.push_back(spec); } }
PyString *CharacterDB::GetNote(uint32 ownerID, uint32 itemID) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT `note` FROM `chrNotes` WHERE ownerID = %u AND itemID = %u", ownerID, itemID) ) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error on query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return NULL; } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) return NULL; return(new PyString(row.GetText(0))); }
PyRep* MailDB::GetLabels(int characterID) const { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT bit, name, color, ownerId FROM mailLabel WHERE ownerID = %u", characterID)) return NULL; PyDict* ret = new PyDict(); DBResultRow row; while (res.GetRow(row)) { MailLabel label; = (int)pow((float)2, row.GetInt(0)); = row.GetText(1); label.color = row.GetInt(2); ret->SetItem(new PyInt(, label.Encode()); } return ret; }
std::string RamProxyDB::GetStationName(const uint32 stationID) { DBQueryResult res; if(!DBcore::RunQuery(res, "SELECT stationName" " FROM staStations" " WHERE stationID = %u", stationID)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Failed to query station name of station %u: %s.", stationID, res.error.c_str()); return(""); } DBResultRow row; if(!res.GetRow(row)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Station %u not found.", stationID); return(""); } return(row.GetText(0)); }
//replace all the typeID of the character's clones bool CorporationDB::ChangeCloneType(uint32 characterID, uint32 typeID) { DBQueryResult res; DBerror err; if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, "SELECT " " typeID, typeName " "FROM " " invTypes " "WHERE typeID = %u", typeID)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Failed to change clone type of char %u: %s.", characterID, res.error.c_str()); return false; } DBResultRow row; if( !(res.GetRow(row)) ) { sLog.Error( "CorporationDB::ChangeCloneType()", "Could not find Clone typeID = %u in invTypes table.", typeID ); return false; } std::string typeNameString = row.GetText(1); if(!sDatabase.RunQuery(err, "UPDATE " "entity " "SET typeID=%u, itemName='%s' " "where ownerID=%u " "and flag='400'", typeID, typeNameString.c_str(), characterID)) { _log(DATABASE__ERROR, "Failed to change clone type of char %u: %s.", characterID, err.c_str()); return false; } sLog.Debug( "CorporationDB", "Clone upgrade successful" ); return true; }
// Function: Query 'channels' table for the channel whose 'displayName' matches the name specified, // then return all parameters for that channel. void LSCDB::GetChannelInformation(std::string & name, uint32 & id, std::string & motd, uint32 & ownerid, std::string & compkey, bool & memberless, std::string & password, bool & maillist, uint32 & cspa, uint32 & temp, uint32 & mode) { DBQueryResult res; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(res, " SELECT " " channelID, " " displayName, " " motd, " " ownerID, " " comparisonKey, " " memberless, " " password, " " mailingList, " " cspa, " " temporary, " " mode " " FROM channels " " WHERE displayName = upper('%s')", name.c_str())) { codelog(SERVICE__ERROR, "Error in query: %s", res.error.c_str()); return; } DBResultRow row; if (!(res.GetRow(row))) { _log(SERVICE__ERROR, "Channel named '%s' isn't present in the database", name.c_str() ); return; } id = row.GetUInt(0); name = (row.GetText(1) == NULL ? "" : row.GetText(1)); // empty displayName field in channels table row returns NULL, so fill this string with "" in that case motd = (row.GetText(2) == NULL ? "" : row.GetText(2)); // empty motd field in channels table row returns NULL, so fill this string with "" in that case ownerid = row.GetUInt(3); compkey = (row.GetText(4) == NULL ? "" : row.GetText(4)); // empty comparisonKey field in channels table row returns NULL, so fill this string with "" in that case memberless = row.GetUInt(5) ? true : false; password = (row.GetText(6) == NULL ? "" : row.GetText(6)); // empty password field in channels table row returns NULL, so fill this string with "" in that case maillist = row.GetUInt(7) ? true : false; cspa = row.GetUInt(8); temp = row.GetUInt(9); mode = row.GetUInt(10); }
bool CommandDB::ItemSearch(uint32 typeID, uint32 &actualTypeID, std::string &actualTypeName, uint32 &actualGroupID, uint32 &actualCategoryID, double &actualRadius) { DBQueryResult result; DBResultRow row; if (!sDatabase.RunQuery(result, "SELECT " " invTypes.typeID," " invTypes.typeName," " invTypes.groupID," " invTypes.radius," " invGroups.categoryID" " FROM invTypes" " LEFT JOIN invGroups" " ON invGroups.groupID = invTypes.groupID" " WHERE typeID = %u", typeID )) { sLog.Error( "CommandDB::ItemSearch()", "Error in query: %s", result.error.c_str() ); return (false); } if( !result.GetRow(row) ) { sLog.Error( "CommandDB::ItemSearch()", "Query returned NO results: %s", result.error.c_str() ); return (false); } // Extract values from the first row: actualTypeID = row.GetUInt( 0 ); actualTypeName = row.GetText( 1 ); actualGroupID = row.GetUInt( 2 ); actualCategoryID = row.GetUInt( 4 ); actualRadius = row.GetDouble( 3 ); return true; }