Esempio n. 1
streamer_dsp_init (void) {
    // load dsp chain from file
    char fname[PATH_MAX];
    snprintf (fname, sizeof (fname), "%s/dspconfig", plug_get_config_dir ());
    dsp_chain = streamer_dsp_chain_load (fname);
    if (!dsp_chain) {
        // first run, let's add resampler
        DB_dsp_t *src = (DB_dsp_t *)plug_get_for_id ("SRC");
        if (src) {
            ddb_dsp_context_t *inst = src->open ();
            inst->enabled = 1;
            src->set_param (inst, 0, "48000"); // samplerate
            src->set_param (inst, 1, "2"); // quality=SINC_FASTEST
            src->set_param (inst, 2, "1"); // auto
            inst->next = dsp_chain;
            dsp_chain = inst;

    eqplug = (DB_dsp_t *)plug_get_for_id ("supereq");
    streamer_dsp_postinit ();

    // load legacy eq settings from pre-0.5
    if (eq && eqplug && conf_find ("eq.", NULL)) {
        eq->enabled = deadbeef->conf_get_int ("eq.enable", 0);
        char s[50];

        // 0.4.4 was writing buggy settings, need to multiply by 2 to compensate
        conf_get_str ("eq.preamp", "0", s, sizeof (s));
        snprintf (s, sizeof (s), "%f", atof(s)*2);
        eqplug->set_param (eq, 0, s);
        for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
            char key[100];
            snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "", i);
            conf_get_str (key, "0", s, sizeof (s));
            snprintf (s, sizeof (s), "%f", atof(s)*2);
            eqplug->set_param (eq, 1+i, s);
        // delete obsolete settings
        conf_remove_items ("eq.");
Esempio n. 2
ddb_dsp_context_t *
streamer_dsp_chain_load (const char *fname) {
    int err = 1;
    FILE *fp = fopen (fname, "rt");
    if (!fp) {
        return NULL;

    char temp[100];
    ddb_dsp_context_t *chain = NULL;
    ddb_dsp_context_t *tail = NULL;
    for (;;) {
        // plugin enabled {
        int enabled = 0;
        int err = fscanf (fp, "%99s %d {\n", temp, &enabled);
        if (err == EOF) {
        else if (2 != err) {
            fprintf (stderr, "error plugin name\n");
            goto error;

        DB_dsp_t *plug = (DB_dsp_t *)plug_get_for_id (temp);
        if (!plug) {
            fprintf (stderr, "streamer_dsp_chain_load: plugin %s not found. preset will not be loaded\n", temp);
            goto error;
        ddb_dsp_context_t *ctx = plug->open ();
        if (!ctx) {
            fprintf (stderr, "streamer_dsp_chain_load: failed to open ctxance of plugin %s\n", temp);
            goto error;

        if (tail) {
            tail->next = ctx;
            tail = ctx;
        else {
            tail = chain = ctx;

        int n = 0;
        for (;;) {
            char value[1000];
            if (!fgets (temp, sizeof (temp), fp)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "streamer_dsp_chain_load: unexpected eof while reading plugin params\n");
                goto error;
            if (!strcmp (temp, "}\n")) {
            else if (1 != sscanf (temp, "\t%1000[^\n]\n", value)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "streamer_dsp_chain_load: error loading param %d\n", n);
                goto error;
            if (plug->num_params) {
                plug->set_param (ctx, n, value);
        ctx->enabled = enabled;

    err = 0;
    if (err) {
        fprintf (stderr, "streamer_dsp_chain_load: error loading %s\n", fname);
    if (fp) {
        fclose (fp);
    if (err && chain) {
        dsp_chain_free (chain);
        chain = NULL;
    return chain;
Esempio n. 3
dsp_preset_load (const char *fname, ddb_dsp_context_t **head) {
    if (!head) {
        return -1;
    int err = 1;
    FILE *fp = fopen (fname, "rt");
    if (!fp) {
        return -1;

    ddb_dsp_context_t *tail = NULL;

    char temp[100];
    for (;;) {
        // plugin {
        int err = fscanf (fp, "%100s {\n", temp);
        if (err == EOF) {
        else if (1 != err) {
            fprintf (stderr, "error plugin name\n");
            goto error;

        DB_dsp_t *plug = (DB_dsp_t *)plug_get_for_id (temp);
        if (!plug) {
            fprintf (stderr, "ddb_dsp_preset_load: plugin %s not found. preset will not be loaded\n", temp);
            goto error;
        ddb_dsp_context_t *ctx = plug->open ();
        if (!ctx) {
            fprintf (stderr, "ddb_dsp_preset_load: failed to open ctxance of plugin %s\n", temp);
            goto error;

        if (tail) {
            tail->next = ctx;
            tail = ctx;
        else {
            tail = *head = ctx;

        int n = 0;
        for (;;) {
            char value[1000];
            if (!fgets (temp, sizeof (temp), fp)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "unexpected eof while reading plugin params\n");
                goto error;
            if (!strcmp (temp, "}\n")) {
            else if (1 != sscanf (temp, "\t%1000[^\n]\n", value)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "error loading param %d\n", n);
                goto error;
            if (plug->num_params) {
                plug->set_param (ctx, n, value);

    err = 0;
    if (err) {
        fprintf (stderr, "error loading %s\n", fname);
    if (fp) {
        fclose (fp);
    if (err && *head) {
        dsp_preset_free (*head);
        *head = NULL;
    return err ? -1 : 0;