Esempio n. 1
static void
AddPrimaryAttrToDBFSchema( DBFHandle hDBF, SDTSTransfer *poTransfer,
                           char ** papszModuleList )

    for( int iModule = 0;
         papszModuleList != NULL && papszModuleList[iModule] != NULL;
         iModule++ )
        SDTSAttrReader  *poAttrReader;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get a reader on the desired module.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poAttrReader = (SDTSAttrReader *)
                poTransfer->FindLayer( papszModuleList[iModule] ) );

        if( poAttrReader == NULL )
            printf( "Unable to open attribute module %s, skipping.\n" ,
                    papszModuleList[iModule] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the first record so we can clone schema information off    */
/*      of it.                                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        SDTSAttrRecord  *poAttrFeature;

        poAttrFeature = (SDTSAttrRecord *) poAttrReader->GetNextFeature();
        if( poAttrFeature == NULL )
            fprintf( stderr,
                     "Didn't find any meaningful attribute records in %s.\n",
                     papszModuleList[iModule] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Clone schema off the first record.  Eventually we need to       */
/*      get the information out of the DDR record, but it isn't         */
/*      clear to me how to accomplish that with the SDTS++ API.         */
/*                                                                      */
/*      The following approach may fail (dramatically) if some          */
/*      records do not include all subfields.  Furthermore, no          */
/*      effort is made to make DBF field names unique.  The SDTS        */
/*      attributes often have names much beyond the 14 character dbf    */
/*      limit which may result in non-unique attributes.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        DDFFieldDefn    *poFDefn = poAttrFeature->poATTR->GetFieldDefn();
        int             iSF;
        DDFField        *poSR = poAttrFeature->poATTR;
        for( iSF=0; iSF < poFDefn->GetSubfieldCount(); iSF++ )
            DDFSubfieldDefn     *poSFDefn = poFDefn->GetSubfield( iSF );
            int         nWidth = poSFDefn->GetWidth();
            switch( poSFDefn->GetType() )
              case DDFString:
                if( nWidth == 0 )
                    int         nMaxBytes;
                    const char * pachData = poSR->GetSubfieldData(poSFDefn,

                    nWidth = strlen(poSFDefn->ExtractStringData(pachData,
                                                                nMaxBytes, NULL ));
                DBFAddField( hDBF, poSFDefn->GetName(), FTString, nWidth, 0 );

              case DDFInt:
                if( nWidth == 0 )
                    nWidth = 9;

                DBFAddField( hDBF, poSFDefn->GetName(), FTInteger, nWidth, 0 );

              case DDFFloat:
                DBFAddField( hDBF, poSFDefn->GetName(), FTDouble, 18, 6 );

                fprintf( stderr,
                         "Dropping attribute `%s' of module `%s'.  "
                         "Type unsupported\n",
                         papszModuleList[iModule] );

        if( !poAttrReader->IsIndexed() )
            delete poAttrFeature;

    } /* next module */