CubitBoolean RefEdge::common_vertices( RefEdge *other_edge, DLIList<RefVertex*> &common_verts) { CubitBoolean result = CUBIT_FALSE; RefVertex *this_start = start_vertex(); RefVertex *this_end = end_vertex(); RefVertex *other_start = other_edge->start_vertex(); RefVertex *other_end = other_edge->end_vertex(); if ( this_start == other_start || this_start == other_end ) { common_verts.append(this_start); result = CUBIT_TRUE; } if ( this_end == other_start || this_end == other_end ) { common_verts.append(this_end); result = CUBIT_TRUE; } return result; }
void PointGridSearch::get_neighborhood_points_sorted( DLIList<CubitPoint*> &point_list, const CubitVector& center, double cut_off) { point_list.clean_out(); DLIList<CubitPoint*> temp_point_list; int i; for (int k = boundingCellMinimumZ; k <= boundingCellMaximumZ; k++) { int kn = numberGridCellsY * k; for (int j = boundingCellMinimumY; j <= boundingCellMaximumY; j++) { int jn = numberGridCellsX * (kn + j); for ( i = boundingCellMinimumX; i <= boundingCellMaximumX; i++) { int in = jn + i; if (neighborhoodList[in]) { temp_point_list += *(neighborhoodList[in]); } } } } // evaluate point distance to center ... remove those larger than cut_off SDLByDouble sorted_index_list; IndexedDouble *ID; CubitVector vec; cut_off *= cut_off; temp_point_list.reset(); for ( i = 0; i < temp_point_list.size(); i++) { vec = center - temp_point_list.get_and_step()->coordinates(); double distance = vec.length_squared(); if (distance < cut_off) { ID = new IndexedDouble( i, distance ); sorted_index_list.append( ID ); } } sorted_index_list.sort(); temp_point_list.reset(); for ( i = 0; i < sorted_index_list.size(); i++ ) { ID = sorted_index_list.get_and_step(); point_list.append( ID->index() ) ); delete ID; } }
void CompositePoint::get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& list ) { DLIList<TopologyBridge*> point_parents; realPoint->get_parents_virt( point_parents ); for( int i = point_parents.size(); i--; ) { TopologyBridge* tb = point_parents.get_and_step(); if( CompositeCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<CompositeCurve*>(tb->owner()) ) { if( ! dynamic_cast<HiddenEntitySet*>(curve->owner()) ) list.append_unique( curve ); } else if( ! dynamic_cast<HiddenEntitySet*>(tb->owner()) ) list.append( tb ); } // get point-curves also CompositeCurve* curve = 0; while ((curve = next_curve(curve))) if (curve->num_curves() == 0) list.append(curve); if (stitchNext) { point_parents.clean_out(); stitchNext->get_parents_virt( point_parents ); point_parents.reset(); for (int j = point_parents.size(); j--; ) { TopologyBridge* bridge = point_parents.get_and_step(); CompositeCurve* curv = dynamic_cast<CompositeCurve*>(bridge); if (curv) list.append_unique( curv->primary_stitched_curve() ); else list.append_unique( bridge ); } } }
int RefEntityName::get_refentity_name(const RefEntity *entity, DLIList<CubitString> &names) { // NOTE: There may be multiple names for one RefEntity. Make sure to // access all of them. RefEntityNameMapList temp_list; int found_match = get_refentity_name(entity, temp_list); for (int i=temp_list.size(); i > 0; i--) names.append(temp_list.get_and_step()->key()); return found_match; }
CubitStatus OCCBody::get_simple_attribute( const CubitString& name, DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib>& csas ) { if (myTopoDSShape != NULL) return OCCAttribSet::get_attributes( name, *myTopoDSShape, csa_list ); for(int i = 0 ; i < csa_list.size(); i ++) { const CubitSimpleAttrib& csa = csa_list.get_and_step(); if(csa.string_data_list().size() > 0) if (csa.string_data_list()[0] == name) csas.append(csa); } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose : Get parent CoEdges // // Special Notes : // // Creator : Jason Kraftcheck // // Creation Date : 07/29/03 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- CubitStatus RefEdge::get_co_edges( DLIList<CoEdge*>& co_edges_found_list, RefFace *input_ref_face_ptr ) { for (SenseEntity* coedge_ptr = get_first_sense_entity_ptr(); coedge_ptr; coedge_ptr = coedge_ptr->next_on_bte()) { if (!input_ref_face_ptr || coedge_ptr->get_parent_basic_topology_entity_ptr() == input_ref_face_ptr) { co_edges_found_list.append (dynamic_cast<CoEdge*>(coedge_ptr)); } } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
template <class Z> MY_INLINE void RStarTree<Z>::to_list(DLIList <RStarTreeNode<Z>*> &member_list, RStarTreeNode<Z> *top) { //Get the children of the top into the list. int ii; RStarTreeNode <Z> *curr_node; for ( ii = 0; ii < top->num_children(); ii++ ) { curr_node = top->get_child(ii); member_list.append(curr_node); //don't go below the bottom level... if ( curr_node->get_leaf_level() == 0 ) continue; to_list(member_list, curr_node); } return; }
//============================================================================= //Function: add_preexisting_feature_edges (PRIVATE) //Description: edges that were marked previously in function ChollaEngine::mark_features // are added to the feature edge list //Author: sjowen //Date: 01/08 //============================================================================= CubitStatus ChollaSurface::add_preexisting_feature_edges( DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> &feature_edge_list) { DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> edge_list; DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list; CAST_LIST( surfaceElemList, facet_list, CubitFacet ); FacetDataUtil::get_edges( facet_list, edge_list ); int iedge; CubitFacetEdge *edge; for (iedge=0; iedge < edge_list.size(); iedge++) { edge = edge_list.get_and_step(); if (edge->is_feature()) feature_edge_list.append(edge); } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
int RefEdge::common_ref_faces ( RefEdge* input_edge, DLIList<RefFace*> &common_face_list ) { int nedges = 0; DLIList<RefFace*> ref_faces, ref_faces_for_other_edge; this->ref_faces(ref_faces); input_edge->ref_faces(ref_faces_for_other_edge); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < ref_faces.size(); i++) { RefFace * ref_face = ref_faces.get_and_step(); for (j = 0; j < ref_faces_for_other_edge.size(); j++) if (ref_face == ref_faces_for_other_edge.get_and_step()) { common_face_list.append(ref_face); nedges++; } } return nedges; }
template <class Z> MY_INLINE CubitStatus RStarTree<Z>::recursive_find(RStarTreeNode<Z> *rect_tree, const CubitBox &range_box, DLIList <Z> &range_members ) { CubitBox rect_box = rect_tree->bounding_box(); if ( !range_box.overlap(myTolerance, rect_box ) ) return CUBIT_SUCCESS; //Now see if this is a data member. If it is, append the data to the //list. if (rect_tree->is_data() ) { range_members.append(rect_tree->get_data()); return CUBIT_SUCCESS; } //Now if this is anything else we need to keep iterating... int loop_size = rect_tree->num_children(); //We are doing a depth-first search of the tree. Not //all branches will need to be followed since they won't //all overlap... int ii; RStarTreeNode<Z> *curr_node; CubitStatus stat; for ( ii = 0; ii < loop_size; ii++ ) { curr_node = rect_tree->get_child(ii); if ( curr_node == NULL ) { PRINT_ERROR("Problems finding boxes in range.\n"); assert(curr_node != NULL); return CUBIT_FAILURE; } stat = recursive_find(curr_node, range_box, range_members); if ( stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS ) return stat; } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
//============================================================================= //Function: non_manifold_edges (PRIVATE) //Description: mark all edges that are non-manifold (have more than 2 adj // facets) //Author: sjowen //Date: 5/01 //============================================================================= CubitStatus ChollaSurface::non_manifold_edges( DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> &feature_edge_list) { //CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS; int ii, jj; DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list; FacetEntity *face_ptr; TDGeomFacet *td_gm_face; for (ii=0; ii<surfaceElemList.size(); ii++) { face_ptr = surfaceElemList.get_and_step(); td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(face_ptr); edge_list.clean_out(); face_ptr->edges( edge_list ); for (jj=0; jj<edge_list.size(); jj++) { CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step(); TDGeomFacet *td_gm_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(edge_ptr); if (!td_gm_edge) { DLIList<FacetEntity*> adj_face_list; edge_ptr->get_parents( adj_face_list ); // non-manifold edges (edges with more than 2 adj facets) // must be features if (adj_face_list.size() > 2 || edge_ptr->is_feature()) { TDGeomFacet::add_geom_facet(edge_ptr, -1); td_gm_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(edge_ptr); edge_ptr->set_as_feature(); feature_edge_list.append( edge_ptr ); } } } } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
void PointGridSearch::get_neighborhood_facets( DLIList<CubitFacet*> &facet_list ) { // retrieve points over the current bounding box range facet_list.clean_out(); DLIList<CubitPoint*> point_list; get_neighborhood_points( point_list ); // retrieve all faces attached to the points in point_list for (int i = 0; i < point_list.size(); i++) { CubitPoint* point = point_list.get_and_step(); DLIList<CubitFacet*> temp_facet_list; point->facets(temp_facet_list); for (int j = 0; j < temp_facet_list.size(); j++) { CubitFacet* facet = temp_facet_list.get_and_step(); if (!facet->marked()) { facet->marked(CUBIT_TRUE); facet_list.append(facet); } } } // unmark the found faces and return face_list for (int m = 0; m < facet_list.size(); m++) { facet_list.get_and_step()->marked(CUBIT_FALSE); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose : gets the ref edges in order with respect to this Loop. // // Special Notes : appends the edges to the list, with respect to coedges. // // Creator : David White // // Creation Date : 03/25/97 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- CubitStatus Loop::ordered_ref_edges(DLIList<RefEdge*>& ordered_edge_list ) { CubitStatus status = CUBIT_SUCCESS; DLIList<SenseEntity*> sense_entity_list; status = this->get_sense_entity_list(sense_entity_list); if ( status == CUBIT_FAILURE ) { PRINT_ERROR("In Loop::ordered_ref_edges\n"); PRINT_ERROR(" Problem getting the CoEdges of this Loop.\n"); return CUBIT_FAILURE; } //Get the ref_edges associated with each co_edge. for ( int ii = sense_entity_list.size(); ii > 0; ii-- ) { SenseEntity* se_ptr = sense_entity_list.get_and_step(); BasicTopologyEntity* bte_ptr = se_ptr->get_basic_topology_entity_ptr(); ordered_edge_list.append( dynamic_cast<RefEdge*>(bte_ptr) ); } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
//============================================================================= //Function: get_adj_facets (PRIVATE) //Description: non recursive function that creates a list of all facets connected // to the passed in facet //Author: sjowen //Date: 12/22/00 //============================================================================= CubitStatus ChollaSurface::get_adj_facets( FacetEntity *start_face_ptr, DLIList<FacetEntity*> &face_list, int mydebug, bool bound_check, bool feature_edge_check) { //int found = 0; int ii; CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS; DLIList<FacetEntity*> temp_list; FacetEntity *face_ptr = NULL; FacetEntity *adj_face_ptr = NULL; DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>edge_list; CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = NULL; DLIList<FacetEntity *>adj_face_list; if (mydebug) { for(ii=0; ii<surfaceElemList.size(); ii++) { face_ptr = surfaceElemList.get_and_step(); TDGeomFacet *td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(face_ptr); PRINT_INFO("%d ", td_gm_face->get_hit_flag()); if (ii%10 == 0) { PRINT_INFO("\n"); } } } // add this face to the list temp_list.append( start_face_ptr ); TDGeomFacet *td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(start_face_ptr); td_gm_face->set_hit_flag( 0 ); while (temp_list.size()) { face_ptr = temp_list.pop(); td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(face_ptr); if (td_gm_face->get_hit_flag() == 0) { face_list.append( face_ptr ); if (mydebug) { face_ptr->debug_draw( CUBIT_RED ); GfxDebug::flush(); } edge_list.clean_out(); face_ptr->edges( edge_list ); for (ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++) { edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step(); // edges that already have a tool data defined are the result // of a feature angle. Don't traverse past a feature angle edge TDGeomFacet *td_gm_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(edge_ptr); if (td_gm_edge == NULL || !feature_edge_check ) { adj_face_list.clean_out(); edge_ptr->get_parents( adj_face_list ); // keep traversing only if there are two adjacent faces to this edge, // otherwise, this is a boundary if (adj_face_list.size() != 2) { continue; } if( bound_check ) { TDFacetBoundaryEdge *td_facet_bnd_edge = TDFacetBoundaryEdge::get_facet_boundary_edge( edge_ptr ); if( td_facet_bnd_edge ) continue; } adj_face_ptr = adj_face_list.get_and_step(); if (adj_face_ptr == face_ptr) adj_face_ptr = adj_face_list.get(); // go to its neighbor if it is part of the surface td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(adj_face_ptr); if (td_gm_face->get_hit_flag() == id) { temp_list.append( adj_face_ptr ); td_gm_face->set_hit_flag( 0 ); } } } } } return stat; }
//============================================================================= //Function: feature_angle (PRIVATE) //Description: mark all edges that exceed the specified feature angle // min_dot is the minimum dot product between adjacent face normals //Author: sjowen //Date: 12/22/00 //============================================================================= CubitStatus ChollaSurface::feature_angle( double min_dot, DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> &feature_edge_list) { //CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS; int ii, jj; // compute face normals int mydebug = 0; double dot; CubitVector face_normal, adj_face_normal; FacetEntity *face_ptr, *adj_face_ptr; TDGeomFacet *td_gm_face; CubitFacet *tri_ptr; for (ii=0; ii<surfaceElemList.size(); ii++) { face_ptr = surfaceElemList.get_and_step(); td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(face_ptr); tri_ptr = CAST_TO( face_ptr, CubitFacet ); face_normal = tri_ptr->normal( ); face_normal.normalize(); td_gm_face->set_normal( face_normal ); } // check adjacencies and compute the dot product between them // where dot product is less than the min_dot, create a tool data // on the edge if(mydebug) GfxDebug::clear(); for (ii=0; ii<surfaceElemList.size(); ii++) { face_ptr = surfaceElemList.get_and_step(); CubitFacet* curr_facet = CAST_TO(face_ptr, CubitFacet); CubitFacet* temp_facet = NULL; double curr_area=curr_facet->area(); td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(face_ptr); face_normal = td_gm_face->get_normal(); DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list; face_ptr->edges( edge_list ); for (jj=0; jj<edge_list.size(); jj++) { CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step(); TDGeomFacet *td_gm_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(edge_ptr); if (!td_gm_edge) { DLIList<FacetEntity*> adj_face_list; edge_ptr->get_parents( adj_face_list ); // it has to be an internal edge - ignore boundaries if (adj_face_list.size() == 2) { adj_face_ptr = adj_face_list.get_and_step(); if (adj_face_ptr == face_ptr) adj_face_ptr = adj_face_list.get(); td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(adj_face_ptr); // make sure the adj face is on the same surface if (td_gm_face->get_hit_flag() == id) { // test the dot product between normals adj_face_normal = td_gm_face->get_normal(); temp_facet = CAST_TO(adj_face_ptr, CubitFacet); double adj_area=temp_facet->area(); //mbrewer:: ensure no NULL dot = adj_face_normal % face_normal; bool add_an_edge = true; if(mydebug){ PRINT_INFO("This area %f, other %f\n",curr_area,adj_area); } if(curr_area<(1.e-10*adj_area)){ DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list_tmp; CubitFacetEdge* edge_ptr_tmp=NULL; curr_facet->edges(edge_list_tmp); double edge_length = edge_ptr->length(); int k = 0; if(edge_list_tmp.size()>0) add_an_edge=false; for(k=edge_list_tmp.size();k>0;k--){ edge_ptr_tmp=edge_list_tmp.get_and_step(); if(edge_ptr_tmp != edge_ptr && edge_ptr_tmp->length() > edge_length){ add_an_edge=true; } } } if(adj_area<(1.e-10*curr_area)) { DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list_tmp; CubitFacetEdge* edge_ptr_tmp=NULL; temp_facet->edges(edge_list_tmp); double edge_length = edge_ptr->length(); int k = 0; if(edge_list_tmp.size()>0) add_an_edge=false; for(k=edge_list_tmp.size();k>0;k--){ edge_ptr_tmp=edge_list_tmp.get_and_step(); if(edge_ptr_tmp != edge_ptr && edge_ptr_tmp->length() > edge_length){ add_an_edge=true; } } } if (dot <= min_dot && add_an_edge ) { if(mydebug){ edge_ptr->debug_draw(CUBIT_MAGENTA); } TDGeomFacet::add_geom_facet(edge_ptr, -1); td_gm_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(edge_ptr); edge_ptr->set_as_feature(); feature_edge_list.append( edge_ptr ); } } } // non-manifold edges (edges with more than 2 adj facets) // must be features else if (adj_face_list.size() > 2) { TDGeomFacet::add_geom_facet(edge_ptr, -1); td_gm_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(edge_ptr); edge_ptr->set_as_feature(); feature_edge_list.append( edge_ptr ); } } } } if(mydebug){ GfxDebug::mouse_xforms(); } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
void FacetCoEdge::get_curves( DLIList<FacetCurve*>& result_list ) { if (FacetCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<FacetCurve*>(myCurve)) result_list.append(curve); }
//============================================================================= //Function: get_adj_facets (PRIVATE) //Description: recursive funstion that creates a list of all faces connected // the passed in face //Author: sjowen //Date: 12/22/00 //============================================================================= CubitStatus ChollaSurface::get_adj_facets( FacetEntity *start_face_ptr, DLIList<FacetEntity*> &face_list, int mydebug) { CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS; // add this face to the list if (mydebug) { //start_face_ptr->draw( CUBIT_RED ); //CDrawingTool::instance()->flush(); } face_list.append( start_face_ptr ); TDGeomFacet *td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(start_face_ptr); td_gm_face->set_hit_flag( 0 ); // loop through its edges CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr; FacetEntity *face_ptr; DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list; start_face_ptr->edges( edge_list ); int ii; for (ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++) { edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step(); // edges that already have a tool data defined are the result // of a feature angle. Don't traverse past a feature angle edge TDGeomFacet *td_gm_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(edge_ptr); if (td_gm_edge == NULL) { DLIList<FacetEntity*> adj_face_list; edge_ptr->get_parents( adj_face_list ); // keep traversing only if there are two adjacent faces to this edge, // otherwise, this is a boundary if (adj_face_list.size() == 2) { face_ptr = adj_face_list.get_and_step(); if (face_ptr == start_face_ptr) face_ptr = adj_face_list.get(); // go to its neighbor if it is part of the surface td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(face_ptr); if (td_gm_face->get_hit_flag() == id) { stat = get_adj_facets( face_ptr, face_list, mydebug ); if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS) return stat; } } } } return stat; }
CubitStatus Faceter::get_boundary_points( DLIList <DLIList<CubitPoint*>*> &boundary_point_loops ) const { DLIList<DLIList<CoEdge*>*> co_edge_loops; thisRefFacePtr->co_edge_loops(co_edge_loops); int ii, jj; DLIList <CoEdge*> *co_edge_list_ptr; DLIList <CubitPoint*> *new_point_loop_ptr, tmp_point_list; RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr; CoEdge *co_edge_ptr; CubitStatus stat; CubitSense sense; for ( ii = co_edge_loops.size(); ii > 0; ii-- ) { co_edge_list_ptr = co_edge_loops.get_and_step(); new_point_loop_ptr = new DLIList <CubitPoint*>; for ( jj = co_edge_list_ptr->size(); jj > 0; jj-- ) { co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list_ptr->get_and_step(); ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr(); tmp_point_list.clean_out(); stat = get_curve_facets( ref_edge_ptr, tmp_point_list ); PRINT_DEBUG_129("curve %d has %d points\n", ref_edge_ptr->id(), tmp_point_list.size()); if ( !stat ) return CUBIT_FAILURE; tmp_point_list.reset(); //the points are in order from start vertex to end vertex. //append them now according to the loop. sense = co_edge_ptr->get_sense(); if ( CUBIT_FORWARD != sense ) tmp_point_list.reverse(); //Now take off the last point as it is a duplicate with the //other list... tmp_point_list.reset(); delete tmp_point_list.pop(); (*new_point_loop_ptr) += tmp_point_list; } CubitVector curr, prev; for ( jj = new_point_loop_ptr->size(); jj > 0; jj-- ) { prev = new_point_loop_ptr->prev()->coordinates(); curr = new_point_loop_ptr->get_and_step()->coordinates(); if ( prev.about_equal(curr) ) { PRINT_DEBUG_129("Points within tolerance in boundaryloop.\n"); new_point_loop_ptr->back(); delete new_point_loop_ptr->remove(); } } boundary_point_loops.append(new_point_loop_ptr); } //clean up the list memory. for(ii = co_edge_loops.size(); ii>0; ii-- ) delete co_edge_loops.pop(); co_edge_loops.clean_out(); return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
void CubitUtil::sort_and_print_ids( const char *const heading, DLIList<int> &id_list, int should_sort, int report_once, int wrap ) { // sort, if desired if ( should_sort ) { id_list.sort(); } if ( report_once ) { DLIList <int> id_list_2( id_list ); id_list_2.reset(); id_list.clean_out(); id_list.append( id_list_2.get_and_step() ); for ( int j = id_list_2.size()-1; j--; ) { if ( id_list_2.get() != id_list_2.prev() ) id_list.append( id_list_2.get() ); id_list_2.step(); } } if( wrap == -1 ) { // print out ranges int begin = id_list.get_and_step(); int end = begin; int current = -1; PRINT_INFO(" The %d %s ids are %d", id_list.size(), heading, begin); for (int i=id_list.size()-1; i > 0; i--) { current = id_list.get_and_step(); if (current == end+1) { end++; } else { if (end == begin) { PRINT_INFO(", %d", current); } else if (end == begin+1) { PRINT_INFO(", %d, %d", end, current); } else { PRINT_INFO(" to %d, %d", end, current); } begin = current; end = begin; } } if (current == begin + 1) { PRINT_INFO(", %d", current); } else if (current != begin) { PRINT_INFO(" to %d", current); } PRINT_INFO(".\n"); } else { char pre_string[67]; sprintf( pre_string, " The %d %s ids are: ", id_list.size(),heading ); CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( pre_string, id_list, wrap, ".\n", CUBIT_FALSE, CUBIT_FALSE ); } }
CubitStatus Faceter::get_curve_facets( RefEdge* curve, DLIList<CubitPoint*>& segments ) const { //const double COS_ANGLE_TOL = 0.965925826289068312213715; // cos(15) const double COS_ANGLE_TOL = 0.984807753012208020315654; // cos(10) //const double COS_ANGLE_TOL = 0.996194698091745545198705; // cos(5) GMem curve_graphics; const double dist_tol = GEOMETRY_RESABS; const double dist_tol_sqr = dist_tol*dist_tol; Curve* curve_ptr = curve->get_curve_ptr(); curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->get_graphics( curve_ptr, &curve_graphics ); GPoint* gp = curve_graphics.point_list(); CubitPoint* last = (CubitPoint*) new FaceterPointData( gp->x, gp->y, gp->z ); ((FaceterPointData*)last)->owner(dynamic_cast<RefEntity*>(curve)); CubitVector lastv = last->coordinates(); segments.append( last ); GPoint* end = gp + curve_graphics.pointListCount - 1; for( gp++; gp < end; gp++ ) { CubitVector pos( gp->x, gp->y, gp->z ); CubitVector step1 = (pos - lastv); double len1 = step1.length(); if( len1 < dist_tol ) continue; GPoint* np = gp + 1; CubitVector next( np->x, np->y, np->z ); CubitVector step2 = next - pos; double len2 = step2.length(); if( len2 < dist_tol ) continue; double cosine = (step1 % step2) / (len1 * len2); if( cosine > COS_ANGLE_TOL ) continue; last = new FaceterPointData( pos ); ((FaceterPointData*)last)->owner(dynamic_cast<RefEntity*>(curve)); segments.append( last ); lastv = last->coordinates(); } CubitVector last_pos( gp->x, gp->y, gp->z ); segments.last(); while( (last_pos - (segments.get()->coordinates())).length_squared() < dist_tol_sqr ) { delete segments.pop(); segments.last(); } CubitPoint *tmp_point = (CubitPoint*) new FaceterPointData( last_pos ); segments.append( tmp_point ); ((FaceterPointData*)tmp_point)->owner( dynamic_cast<RefEntity*>(curve) ); // Now check if the segment list is reversed wrt the curve direction. segments.reset(); double u1, u2; if( segments.size() > 2 ) { u1 = curve->u_from_position( (>coordinates()) ); u2 = curve->u_from_position( (>coordinates()) ); } else { u1 = curve->u_from_position( (segments.get()->coordinates() ) ); u2 = curve->u_from_position( (>coordinates()) ); } if( (u2 < u1) && (curve->start_param() <= curve->end_param()) ) segments.reverse(); //Make sure we don't have duplicate points. int jj; CubitVector curr, prev; for ( jj = segments.size(); jj > 0; jj-- ) { prev = segments.prev()->coordinates(); curr = segments.get_and_step()->coordinates(); if ( prev.about_equal(curr) ) { PRINT_DEBUG_129("Points on curve %d within tolerance...\n", curve->id()); segments.back(); delete segments.remove(); } } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
//============================================================================= //Function: split_surface (PUBLIC) //Description: split this surface into multiple ChollaSurface where there are // discontinuous faces. //Author: sjowen //Date: 12/22/00 //============================================================================= CubitStatus ChollaSurface::split_surface( DLIList<ChollaSurface*> &facet_surface_list ) { DLIList<ChollaSurface*> new_surface_list; CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS; // Go through the surfaceElemList and pull faces off one by one as we // determine which surface it belongs to. Continue until we have depleted // the list int jj; int mydebug = 0; int num_surfs_created = 0; while( surfaceElemList.size() > 0) { // start with the first face and create a list of all elements // attached to the face DLIList<FacetEntity*> face_list; FacetEntity *start_face_ptr = surfaceElemList.get_and_step(); stat = get_adj_facets( start_face_ptr, face_list, mydebug ); if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS) return stat; // if we have the same number of faces on the face_list as we do // on the surfaceElemList, then we are done. This surface is // not multiply connected. Oherwise continue... if (face_list.size() == surfaceElemList.size()) { // if this surface had a curve already defined (its a 2D topology // defined in skin2D) then its no longer valid if the surface was split // (for 3D the curves aren't defined until later) if (num_surfs_created > 0 && curveList.size() > 0) { ChollaCurve *fcm_ptr = curveList.get(); // there should only be 1 curveList.remove(); fcm_ptr->remove_td_associativity( this ); delete fcm_ptr; } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; } // create a new surface to hold the face info num_surfs_created++; ChollaSurface *fsm_ptr = new ChollaSurface( blockId ); facet_surface_list.append( fsm_ptr ); // update the geometric curve pointer fsm_ptr->assign_geometric_surface( NULL ); // add the faces to this surface and update the surface // pointers in the face tool data // surfaceElemList: nullify the items then compress the list // afterwards, instead of removing the items one by one, for // speed. for (jj=face_list.size(); jj > 0; jj--) { FacetEntity *face_ptr = face_list.get_and_step(); TDGeomFacet *td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(face_ptr); td_gm_face->remove_cholla_surf( this ); td_gm_face->add_cholla_surf( fsm_ptr ); surfaceElemList.move_to_nearby( face_ptr ); surfaceElemList.extract(); fsm_ptr->add_facet( face_ptr ); } } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
void PartitionShell::get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents ) { if( myLump ) parents.append( myLump ); }
//============================================================================= //Function: split_curve (PRIVATE) //Description: split this curve into multiple ChollaCurve where there are // discontinuous strings of edges. Define start and end nodes // for each curve while we are at it //Author: sjowen //Date: 12/4/00 //============================================================================= CubitStatus ChollaCurve::split_curve( DLIList<ChollaCurve*> &facet_curve_list) { DLIList<ChollaCurve*> new_curve_list; // Go through the curveEdgeList and pull edges off one by one as we // determine which curve it belongs to. Continue until we have depleted // the list int periodic = 0; int start_size = curveEdgeList.size(); int icount = 0; curveEdgeList.reset(); while( curveEdgeList.size() > 0) { // First, find an edge that has a start point on it CubitFacetEdge *start_edge_ptr = (CubitFacetEdge *)curveEdgeList.get_and_step(); CubitPoint *point0_ptr = start_edge_ptr->point(0); CubitPoint *point1_ptr = start_edge_ptr->point(1); CubitPoint *start_point = NULL; if (periodic) { start_point = startPoint; } else { if (next_edge( point0_ptr, start_edge_ptr ) == NULL) start_point = point0_ptr; else if(next_edge( point1_ptr, start_edge_ptr ) == NULL) start_point = point1_ptr; } if (start_point != NULL || periodic) { // create a new curve to hold the edge info TDGeomFacet *td_gm_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(start_edge_ptr); int block_id = (td_gm_edge == NULL) ? -1 : td_gm_edge->get_block_id(); ChollaCurve *fcm_ptr = new ChollaCurve( block_id ); new_curve_list.append( fcm_ptr ); // assign the edges to the new curve in the correct order and orientation CubitStatus rv = fcm_ptr->build_curve_from_edges( start_point, periodic, start_size, start_edge_ptr, this ); if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS) return rv; // remove the edges in the new curve from this curve int ii; DLIList<FacetEntity *> flist = fcm_ptr->get_facet_list(); DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> elist; CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr; CAST_LIST( flist, elist, CubitFacetEdge ); for ( ii = elist.size(); ii > 0; ii-- ) { edge_ptr = elist.get_and_step(); curveEdgeList.remove( edge_ptr ); } start_size = curveEdgeList.size(); icount = 0; periodic = 0; } // if we have gone through all of the edges without finding an end, // then we have a periodic curve. Choose an arbirary node to act as // the beginning and end if (curveEdgeList.size() > 0) { icount++; if (icount > start_size) { curveEdgeList.reset(); CubitFacetEdge *edge = (CubitFacetEdge *)curveEdgeList.get(); CubitPoint *point_ptr = edge->point(0); startPoint = point_ptr; endPoint = point_ptr; periodic = 1; } } } // add the new curves to the global curve list int ii, jj; for (ii=new_curve_list.size(); ii>0; ii--) { ChollaCurve *fcm_ptr = new_curve_list.get_and_step(); facet_curve_list.append( fcm_ptr ); // update the surface info for (jj=surfaceList.size(); jj>0; jj--) { ChollaSurface *fsm_ptr = surfaceList.get_and_step(); fcm_ptr->add_surface( fsm_ptr ); fsm_ptr->remove_curve( this ); fsm_ptr->add_curve( fcm_ptr ); } // update the geometric curve pointer fcm_ptr->assign_geometric_curve( NULL ); // update the curve pointers in the edge tool data DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_list = fcm_ptr->get_facet_list(); for (jj=facet_list.size(); jj > 0; jj--) { FacetEntity *edge_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step(); TDGeomFacet *td_gm_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(edge_ptr); td_gm_edge->remove_cholla_curve( this ); td_gm_edge->add_cholla_curve( fcm_ptr ); } } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
CubitStatus FacetLump::mass_properties( CubitVector& centroid, double& volume ) { int i; DLIList<FacetShell*> shells( myShells.size() ); CAST_LIST( myShells, shells, FacetShell ); assert( myShells.size() == shells.size() ); DLIList<FacetSurface*> surfaces; DLIList<FacetShell*> surf_shells; get_surfaces( surfaces ); DLIList<CubitFacet*> facets, surf_facets; DLIList<CubitPoint*> junk; DLIList<CubitSense> senses; for (i = surfaces.size(); i--; ) { FacetSurface* surf = surfaces.step_and_get(); surf_shells.clean_out(); surf->get_shells( surf_shells ); surf_shells.intersect( shells ); assert( surf_shells.size() ); CubitSense sense = surf->get_shell_sense( surf_shells.get() ); if (surf_shells.size() == 1 && CUBIT_UNKNOWN != sense) { surf_facets.clean_out(); junk.clean_out(); surf->get_my_facets( surf_facets, junk ); facets += surf_facets; for (int j = surf_facets.size(); j--; ) senses.append(sense); } } const CubitVector p0 = bounding_box().center(); CubitVector p1, p2, p3, normal; centroid.set( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); volume = 0.0; facets.reset(); senses.reset(); for (i = facets.size(); i--; ) { CubitFacet* facet = facets.get_and_step(); CubitSense sense = senses.get_and_step(); p1 = facet->point(0)->coordinates(); p2 = facet->point(1)->coordinates(); p3 = facet->point(2)->coordinates(); normal = (p3 - p1) * (p2 - p1); double two_area = normal.length(); if (two_area > CUBIT_RESABS ) { if (CUBIT_REVERSED == sense) normal = -normal; normal /= two_area; double height = normal % (p0 - p1); double vol = two_area * height; volume += vol; centroid += vol * (p0 + p1 + p2 + p3); } } if (volume > CUBIT_RESABS) centroid /= 4.0 * volume; volume /= 6.0; return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
void FacetLump::get_bodies( DLIList<FacetBody*>& result_list ) { FacetBody* body = dynamic_cast<FacetBody*>(myBodyPtr); if (body) result_list.append(body); }
//- "k_nearest_neighbor" //- Find the K nearest neighbors to a point. //- //- Description: //- This algorithm is based on the best-first search. The goal of this //- algorithm is to minimize the number of nodes visited by using the //- distance to each subtree's bounding box to avoid visiting subtrees //- which could not possibly contain one of the k nearest objects. //- template <class Z> CubitStatus KDDTree<Z>::k_nearest_neighbor (CubitVector &q, int k, double &closest_dist, DLIList<Z> &nearest_neighbors, typename KDDTree<Z>::DistSqFunc dist_sq_point_data ) { //// Create the priority queues PriorityQueue<KDDTreeNode<Z>*> *queue = new PriorityQueue<KDDTreeNode<Z>*> (KDDTree<Z>::less_than_func); PriorityQueue<KDDTreeNode<Z>*> *queueTemp = new PriorityQueue<KDDTreeNode<Z>*> (KDDTree<Z>::less_than_func); KDDTreeNode<Z> *element = root; // push this node on the queue element->set_dist (min_dist_sq (q, element->safetyBox)); element->set_dist_data (DD_SAFETY); queue->push (element); // if the k closest nodes on the tree are not leaf-nodes, expand the closest // non-leaf node while ( !queue->empty() ) { element = queue->top(); queue->pop(); if (element->get_dist_data() == DD_LEAF) { // this node is a leaf, so it can be pushed onto the temporary queue queueTemp->push (element); } else { // one of the top k nodes is a non-leaf node, so expand it if (element->left) { element->left->set_dist (min_dist_sq (q, element->left->safetyBox)); element->left->set_dist_data (DD_SAFETY); queue->push (element->left); } if (element->right) { element->right->set_dist (min_dist_sq (q, element->right->safetyBox)); element->right->set_dist_data (DD_SAFETY); queue->push (element->right); } element->set_dist (dist_sq_point_data (q, element->data)); element->set_dist_data (DD_LEAF); queue->push (element); // take all the elements in the temporary queue and reinsert them into // the actual queue while ( !queueTemp->empty() ) { queue->push ( queueTemp->top() ); queueTemp->pop (); } } if (queueTemp->size() == k) { // success-- place the k nodes into the nearest_neighbors list element = queueTemp->top(); queueTemp->pop(); closest_dist = element->get_dist(); nearest_neighbors.append (element->data); while ( !queueTemp->empty() ) { nearest_neighbors.append ( queueTemp->top()->data ); queueTemp->pop(); } return CUBIT_SUCCESS; } } return CUBIT_FAILURE; }
// order edges in list beginning at start_point // report the endpoint // return CUBIT_SUCCESS if all edges are connected and ordered successfully // otherwise return CUBIT_FAILURE, in which case no changes are made CubitStatus CubitFacetEdge::order_edge_list(DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> &edge_list, CubitPoint *start_point, CubitPoint *&end_point) { int i; assert(start_point); end_point = NULL; // invalid input if (0 == edge_list.size()) return CUBIT_FAILURE; // simple case of a single edge - endpoitn if (1 == edge_list.size()) { end_point = edge_list.get()->other_point(start_point); return end_point ? CUBIT_SUCCESS : CUBIT_FAILURE; } edge_list.reset(); // note that a periodic/closed curve will fail // we could handle that case here if needed, but we may need more information // to know where to start and end the curve if (NULL == start_point) return CUBIT_FAILURE; // put edges in a set for faster searching std::set<CubitFacetEdge *> edge_set; for (i=0; i<edge_list.size(); i++) edge_set.insert(dynamic_cast<CubitFacetEdge*> (edge_list.step_and_get())); // a vector for the ordered list std::vector<CubitFacetEdge*> ordered_edges; // find connected edges from the start point CubitPoint *cur_pt = start_point; do { // get edges connected to the current point and find the next edge DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> pt_edges; cur_pt->edges(pt_edges); std::set<CubitFacetEdge *>::iterator iter_found; CubitFacetEdge *cur_edge = NULL; for (i=0; i<pt_edges.size() && !cur_edge; i++) { CubitFacetEdge *tmp_edge = pt_edges.get_and_step(); iter_found = edge_set.find(tmp_edge); if ( iter_found != edge_set.end() ) cur_edge = tmp_edge; } // if we don't find a connection before we empty the set // then not all the edges are connected -- return failure if (NULL == cur_edge) return CUBIT_FAILURE; // add the edge to the ordered list ordered_edges.push_back( cur_edge ); edge_set.erase(iter_found); cur_pt = cur_edge->other_point(cur_pt); } while ( edge_set.size()); if (ordered_edges.size() != edge_list.size()) return CUBIT_FAILURE; // store the edges in the correct order edge_list.clean_out(); std::vector<CubitFacetEdge*>::iterator iter; for (iter=ordered_edges.begin(); iter!=ordered_edges.end(); iter++) edge_list.append(*iter); // get the end point CubitFacetEdge *edge1 = edge_list[edge_list.size() - 1]; CubitFacetEdge *edge2 = edge_list[edge_list.size() - 2]; end_point = edge1->other_point( edge1->shared_point(edge2) ); return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
void FacetCoEdge::get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents ) { parents.append( myLoop ); }
void CubitUtil::process_entity_ids( int method, CubitString &ret_str, const char *pre_string, DLIList<int> &id_list, int max_len, const char *post_string, int sort, int unique, int tab_len, const char *sep_string, const char* post_string_none ) { // Method: 0 - to a string // 1 - to PRINT_INFO char temp[200]; if ( id_list.size() == 0 ) { if( method ) PRINT_INFO("%s%s", pre_string, post_string_none ); else { sprintf( temp, "%s%s", pre_string, post_string_none ); ret_str = temp; } if( fp ) fprintf( fp, "%s%s", pre_string, post_string_none ); return; } // sort if( sort ) { id_list.sort(); // make unique if( unique ) { int i; DLIList <int> id_list_2( id_list ); id_list_2.reset(); id_list.clean_out(); id_list.append( id_list_2.get_and_step() ); for ( i=id_list_2.size()-1; i--; ) { if ( id_list_2.get() != id_list_2.prev() ) id_list.append( id_list_2.get() ); id_list_2.step(); } } } if( max_len < 0 ) max_len = CUBIT_INT_MAX/2; // TODO: wrap prestring, if necessary if( method ) PRINT_INFO( "%s", pre_string ); else ret_str = pre_string; if( fp ) fprintf( fp, "%s", pre_string ); // Keep track of length printed int curr_len = strlen(pre_string); int num = 0; int begin = id_list.get(); int previous = begin; int current; int comma = 0; // Is comma needed int beg_len, prev_len; int sep_len = strlen( sep_string ); // Setup the tab char* tab = new char[tab_len+1]; for( int i=0; i<tab_len; i++ ) tab[i] = ' '; tab[tab_len] = '\0'; // Loop until all the ids are printed. Use ranges if possible. while( num < id_list.size()+1 ) { current = id_list.get_and_step(); num++; // Handle last entity if( num <= id_list.size() ) { if( num==1 ) // Handle 1st time in loop continue; if( current==previous+1 ) { previous = current; continue; } } // If we are here, we are no longer tracking a range and // need to print the range or a number. if( comma ) { if( method ) PRINT_INFO("%s", sep_string ); else ret_str += sep_string; if( fp ) fprintf( fp, "%s", sep_string ); curr_len += sep_len; } if( begin==previous ) { // a single number prev_len = int_len(previous); if( curr_len+1+prev_len+sep_len > max_len ) { if( method ) { PRINT_INFO( "\n" ); PRINT_INFO( "%s%d", tab, previous ); } else { sprintf( temp, "\n%s%d", tab, previous ); ret_str += temp; } if( fp ) fprintf( fp, "\n%s%d", tab, previous ); curr_len = tab_len + prev_len; } else { if( comma ) // Don't print space before first item { if( method ) PRINT_INFO( " " ); else ret_str += " "; if( fp ) fprintf( fp, " " ); curr_len++; } if( method ) PRINT_INFO( "%d", previous ); else { sprintf( temp, "%d", previous ); ret_str += temp; } if( fp ) fprintf( fp, "%d", previous ); curr_len = curr_len + prev_len; } } else if( previous==begin+1 ) { // a range, but only 2 consecutive numbers prev_len = int_len(previous); beg_len = int_len(begin); // Print 1st if( curr_len+1+beg_len+sep_len > max_len ) { if( method ) { PRINT_INFO( "\n" ); PRINT_INFO( "%s%d%s", tab, begin, sep_string ); } else { sprintf( temp, "\n%s%d%s", tab, begin, sep_string ); ret_str += temp; } if( fp ) fprintf( fp, "\n%s%d%s", tab, begin, sep_string ); curr_len = tab_len + beg_len + sep_len; } else { if( comma ) // Don't print space before first item { if( method ) PRINT_INFO( " " ); else ret_str += " "; if( fp ) fprintf( fp, " " ); curr_len++; } if( method ) PRINT_INFO( "%d%s", begin, sep_string ); else { sprintf( temp, "%d%s", begin, sep_string ); ret_str += temp; } if( fp ) fprintf( fp, "%d%s", begin, sep_string ); curr_len = curr_len + beg_len + sep_len; } // Print 2nd if( curr_len+1+prev_len+sep_len > max_len ) { if( method ) { PRINT_INFO( "\n" ); PRINT_INFO( "%s%d", tab, previous ); } else { sprintf( temp, "\n%s%d", tab, previous ); ret_str += temp; } if( fp ) fprintf( fp, "\n%s%d", tab, previous ); curr_len = tab_len + prev_len; } else { if( method ) PRINT_INFO( " %d", previous ); else { sprintf( temp, " %d", previous ); ret_str += temp; } if( fp ) fprintf( fp, " %d", previous ); curr_len = curr_len + 1+prev_len; } } else { // a range of 3 or more consecutive numbers prev_len = int_len(previous); beg_len = int_len(begin); if( curr_len+beg_len+prev_len+5+sep_len > max_len ) { if( method ) { PRINT_INFO( "\n" ); PRINT_INFO( "%s%d to %d", tab, begin, previous ); } else { sprintf( temp, "\n%s%d to %d", tab, begin, previous ); ret_str += temp; } if( fp ) fprintf( fp, "\n%s%d to %d", tab, begin, previous ); curr_len = tab_len + beg_len+prev_len+4; } else { if( comma ) // Don't print space before first item { if( method ) PRINT_INFO( " " ); else ret_str += " "; if( fp ) fprintf( fp, " " ); curr_len++; } if( method ) PRINT_INFO( "%d to %d", begin, previous ); else { sprintf( temp, "%d to %d", begin, previous ); ret_str += temp; } if( fp ) fprintf( fp, "%d to %d", begin, previous ); curr_len = curr_len + beg_len+4+prev_len; } } begin = current; previous = current; comma = 1; } //TODO: wrap poststring, if required if (post_string) { if( method ) PRINT_INFO( "%s", post_string ); else ret_str += post_string; if( fp ) fprintf( fp, "%s", post_string ); } delete [] tab; }
void FacetCoEdge::get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children ) { children.append( myCurve ); }