   bool zipped = false;
   DataBuffer* maybeZippedBuf = getGfxFeatureMapData( zipped );
   if ( zipped ) {
      // Zipped, means that we should unzip it.
      // Check unzipped length.
      int unzippedLength = 
         GunzipUtil::origLength( maybeZippedBuf->getBufferAddress(),
                                 maybeZippedBuf->getBufferSize() );
      // Unzip.
      DataBuffer* unzippedBuf = new DataBuffer( unzippedLength );
      int retVal = GunzipUtil::gunzip( unzippedBuf->getBufferAddress(),
                                       maybeZippedBuf->getBufferSize() );
      delete maybeZippedBuf;
      if ( retVal < 0 ) {
         delete unzippedBuf;
         return NULL;
      // Better read past the bytes just to make sure..
      unzippedBuf->readPastBytes( unzippedLength );
      return unzippedBuf;
   } else {
      // Was already unzipped.
      return maybeZippedBuf;
std::auto_ptr< BitBuffer> convertToBitBuffer( DataBuffer& buffer ) {
   std::auto_ptr< BitBuffer > retBuffer;

   // Copy the buffer if it is mmaped, which hopefully will not happen
   // to often.
   if ( buffer.isMMaped() ) {
      uint8* data = new uint8[ buffer.getBufferSize() ];
      memcpy( data, buffer.getBufferAddress(), buffer.getBufferSize() );
      retBuffer = std::auto_ptr< BitBuffer >
         ( new BitBuffer( data, buffer.getBufferSize() ) );
   } else {
      // take ownership of the memory
      uint32 size = buffer.getBufferSize();
      retBuffer = std::auto_ptr< BitBuffer >
         ( new BitBuffer( buffer.release(), size ) );
      retBuffer->setSelfAlloc( true );

   return retBuffer;
Esempio n. 3
bool POIInfo::load( const MC2String& filename, uint32 offset ) {

   DataBuffer fileBuff;
   fileBuff.memMapFile( filename.c_str() );

   DataBuffer offsetBuff( fileBuff.getBufferAddress() + offset,
                          fileBuff.getBufferSize() - offset );
   load( offsetBuff );

   return true;
getDataBufferFromProgram(const char* command)
   FILE* program = popen( command, "r" );
   if ( program == NULL ) {
      return NULL;

   vector<uint8> byteBuffer;
   // 10 megabytes of temporary buffer
   const int tmpBufSize = 4 * 4096;
   uint8* tmpBuf = new uint8[tmpBufSize];

   while ( !feof(program) ) {
      int readSize = fread( tmpBuf, 1, tmpBufSize, program );
      byteBuffer.insert( byteBuffer.end(), tmpBuf, tmpBuf + readSize );

   delete [] tmpBuf;
   int progRes = pclose(program);
   if ( progRes == 0 && byteBuffer.size() > 2 ) {
      DataBuffer* db = new VectorDataBuffer( byteBuffer );
      mc2dbg << "[DataBufferCreator]: Read " << db->getBufferSize()
             << " bytes from " << command << endl;               
      return db;
   } else {
      mc2log << error << "[DataBufferCreator]: "
             << command << " returned to few bytes"
             << endl;
      return NULL;
GenericMapHeader::internalLoad(DataBuffer& dataBuffer)
   CLOCK_MAPLOAD(DebugClock loadClock);
   mc2dbg4 << "GenericMapHeader::internalLoad" << endl;
   // ***************************************************************
   //                                Read the general map information
   // ***************************************************************
   uint32 currentMapID = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
   // do check without map set bits
   if (currentMapID != MapBits::getMapIDWithoutMapSet( m_mapID )) {
      mc2log << fatal << "GenericMapHeader::createFromDataBuffer, currentMapID: " 
             << prettyMapIDFill(currentMapID) << " does not match filename, mapID: " 
             << prettyMapIDFill(m_mapID) << ". EXITING!" << endl;
   m_totalMapSize = dataBuffer.readNextLong(); // WARNING: Not set in file!!!
   mc2dbg << "[GMH]: Total map size variable = " << m_totalMapSize
          << " and size of DataBuffer = " << dataBuffer.getBufferSize()
          << endl;
   // Read the creationtime of this map
   m_creationTime = dataBuffer.readNextLong();

   // Read some data about all the items in this map
   m_country = StringTable::countryCode(dataBuffer.readNextLong());
   byte flagByte = dataBuffer.readNextByte();
   byte nbrNativeLanguages = dataBuffer.readNextByte();
   byte nbrCurrencies = dataBuffer.readNextByte();
   m_loadedVersion= dataBuffer.readNextByte();

   if ( m_loadedVersion < 3 ) {
      m_driveOnRightSide = (flagByte != 0);
   } else {
      m_driveOnRightSide          = BitUtility::getBit( flagByte, 0 );
      m_groupsInLocationNameOrder = BitUtility::getBit( flagByte, 1 );
   m_nbrAllocators = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
   mc2dbg << "Nbr allocators: " << m_nbrAllocators << endl;

   // The languages
   m_nativeLanguages.resize( nbrNativeLanguages );
   for (NativeLanguageIndexes::size_type i=0; i<nbrNativeLanguages; i++) {
      m_nativeLanguages[ i ] = 
         ( dataBuffer.readNextLong() );

   // The currencies
   m_currency = new Vector(nbrCurrencies);
   for (uint32 i=0; i<nbrCurrencies; i++) {

   // Variable header: 
   delete [] m_name;
   delete [] m_origin;
   delete [] m_mapCountryDir;
   switch ( m_loadedVersion ) {
      case ( 0 ) :
         m_name = StringUtility::newStrDup( "" );
         m_origin = StringUtility::newStrDup( "" );
         m_trueCreationTime = MAX_UINT32;
         m_waspTime = MAX_UINT32;
         m_dynamicExtradataTime = MAX_UINT32;
         m_utf8Strings = false;
         m_mapFiltered = false;
         m_mapGfxDataFiltered = false;
         m_mapCountryDir = StringUtility::newStrDup("");

      case ( 1 ) : {
         uint32 offset = dataBuffer.getCurrentOffset();
         uint32 variableHeaderSize = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
         m_name = StringUtility::newStrDup( dataBuffer.readNextString() );
         m_origin = StringUtility::newStrDup( "" );
         m_trueCreationTime = MAX_UINT32;
         m_waspTime = MAX_UINT32;
         m_dynamicExtradataTime = MAX_UINT32;
         m_utf8Strings = false;
         m_mapFiltered = false;
         m_mapGfxDataFiltered = false;
         m_mapCountryDir = StringUtility::newStrDup("");

         dataBuffer.readPastBytes( variableHeaderSize - 
                                  ( dataBuffer.getCurrentOffset() - offset ) );
       } break;         
      case ( 2 ) :
      case ( 3 ) : {
         uint32 offset = dataBuffer.getCurrentOffset();
         uint32 variableHeaderSize = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
         m_name = StringUtility::newStrDup( dataBuffer.readNextString() );
         m_origin = StringUtility::newStrDup( dataBuffer.readNextString() );
         m_trueCreationTime = MAX_UINT32;
         m_waspTime = MAX_UINT32;
         m_dynamicExtradataTime = MAX_UINT32;
         m_utf8Strings = false;
         m_mapFiltered = false;
         m_mapGfxDataFiltered = false;
         m_mapCountryDir = StringUtility::newStrDup("");

         dataBuffer.readPastBytes( variableHeaderSize - 
                                  ( dataBuffer.getCurrentOffset() - offset ) );
       } break;
      case ( 4 ) : {
         uint32 offset = dataBuffer.getCurrentOffset();
         uint32 variableHeaderSize = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
         m_name = StringUtility::newStrDup( dataBuffer.readNextString() );
         m_origin = StringUtility::newStrDup( dataBuffer.readNextString() );
         m_trueCreationTime = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
         m_waspTime = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
         m_dynamicExtradataTime = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
         m_utf8Strings = false;
         m_mapFiltered = false;
         m_mapGfxDataFiltered = false;
         m_mapCountryDir = StringUtility::newStrDup("");

         dataBuffer.readPastBytes( variableHeaderSize - 
                                  ( dataBuffer.getCurrentOffset() - offset ) );
       } break;
      case (5) :
      case (6) :  // GenericMap::m_userRightsTable
      case (7) :  // GenericMap::m_adminAreaCentres
      default : {
         uint32 offset = dataBuffer.getCurrentOffset();
         uint32 variableHeaderSize = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
         m_name = StringUtility::newStrDup( dataBuffer.readNextString() );
         m_origin = StringUtility::newStrDup( dataBuffer.readNextString() );
         m_trueCreationTime = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
         m_waspTime = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
         m_dynamicExtradataTime = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
         m_utf8Strings = dataBuffer.readNextBool();
         m_mapFiltered = dataBuffer.readNextBool();
         m_mapGfxDataFiltered = dataBuffer.readNextBool();
         m_mapCountryDir = 
            StringUtility::newStrDup( dataBuffer.readNextString() );

         dataBuffer.readPastBytes( variableHeaderSize - 
                                  ( dataBuffer.getCurrentOffset() - offset ) );
       } break;

   // Read string with copyright-information for images of this map
   m_copyrightString = StringUtility::newStrDup(dataBuffer.readNextString());

   CLOCK_MAPLOAD(mc2log << "[" << m_mapID << "] Header loaded in "
                 << loadClock
                 << ", m_loadedVersion=" << int(m_loadedVersion) << endl );
   return true;
OldCountryOverviewMap::internalLoad(DataBuffer& dataBuffer)
   // Load the general map data
   bool retVal = OldGenericMap::internalLoad(dataBuffer);

   if (retVal) {
      // Read the number of countries
      uint32 nbrCountries = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
      if (nbrCountries > 0) {
         CLOCK_MAPLOAD(uint32 startTime = TimeUtility::getCurrentMicroTime());
         // Insert the mapID's into the m_mapsInCountry-array
         for (uint32 i=0; i<nbrCountries; i++) {
            struct mapnotice_t notice;
            notice.mapID = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
            notice.creationTime = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
            notice.maxLat = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
            notice.minLon = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
            notice.minLat = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
            notice.maxLon = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
            mc2dbg2 << "[COMap] Creation time(0x" << hex << notice.mapID 
                    << dec  << "):" << notice.creationTime << endl;
            mc2dbg2 << "   Added map with ID=" << notice.mapID << endl;
         CLOCK_MAPLOAD(mc2log << "[" << m_mapID << "] Countries read in "
                        << (TimeUtility::getCurrentMicroTime()-startTime)/1000.0
                        << " ms" << endl;
                 startTime = TimeUtility::getCurrentMicroTime());

         // Read the number of original IDs
         uint32 nbrOrigIDs = dataBuffer.readNextLong();

         // Read the original IDs of the items in this map
         mc2dbg2 << "To insert " << nbrOrigIDs << " original IDs" << endl;
         for (uint32 i=0; i<nbrOrigIDs; i++) {
            uint32 newID = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
            struct originalIDs_t origIDs;
            origIDs.origMapID = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
            origIDs.origItemID = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
            mc2dbg4 << "   ID: " << newID << " <==> " << origIDs.origMapID
                    << "." << origIDs.origItemID << endl;
            m_originalIDs.insert(make_pair(newID, origIDs));
         CLOCK_MAPLOAD(mc2log << "[" << m_mapID << "] Orig IDs read in "
                        << (TimeUtility::getCurrentMicroTime()-startTime)/1000.0
                        << " ms" << endl;
                 startTime = TimeUtility::getCurrentMicroTime());

         // Create the simplified representation of the country gfxdata.
         // If it exists on disk, then read from there, otherwise filter.
         if ( (dataBuffer.getBufferSize() - dataBuffer.getCurrentOffset()) 
                  > 0) {
            // Read the size.(not used now)
            // Ok, read from disk.
            // Nbr levels of stack.
            uint32 levelsOfStack = dataBuffer.readNextLong();

            // Nbr polygons per level.
            m_nbrGfxPolygons = dataBuffer.readNextLong();

            // Allocate stack matrix.
            m_simplifiedGfxStack = new Stack**[levelsOfStack];

            // For each level.
            for (byte i = 0; i < levelsOfStack; i++) {
               // And each stack for that level
               m_simplifiedGfxStack[i] = new Stack*[m_nbrGfxPolygons];
               for (uint32 j = 0; j < m_nbrGfxPolygons; j++) {
                  Stack* curStack = new Stack;
                  // The number of elements of this stack.
                  uint32 nbrElems = dataBuffer.readNextLong();
                  // And read all elements
                  for (uint32 k = 0; k < nbrElems; k++) {
                  m_simplifiedGfxStack[i][j] = curStack;
         } else {
            // Could not read from disk, filter now instead.
            mc2log << info << "OldCountryOverviewMap::internalLoad(), "
                   << "Error reading simplified representation of "
                   << "country gfxdata. Exits." << endl;
         CLOCK_MAPLOAD(mc2log << "[" << m_mapID << "] Country GfxData "
                        << "created/read in "
                        << (TimeUtility::getCurrentMicroTime()-startTime)/1000.0
                        << " ms" << endl;
                 startTime = TimeUtility::getCurrentMicroTime());
      } else {
ModuleMap::saveCachedMap(DataBuffer& mapBuffer,
                         const GenericMap* theMap,
                         uint32 loadMapRequestType,
                         uint32 mapVersion,
                         uint32 generatorVersion,
                         bool update,
                         byte zoomlevel)
   uint32 mapID = theMap->getMapID();
   MC2String finalFileName(
                                  loadMapRequestType, zoomlevel) );
   if ( update && cacheIsUpToDate(theMap->getMapID(), theMap->getFilename(), 
                                  loadMapRequestType, zoomlevel) ){
      return true;
   const char* fileName = finalFileName.c_str();
   MC2String tmpDir = ModuleMap::getCachePath();
   if ( tmpDir[0] == '\0' ) {
      mc2log << info << "[ModuleMap]: No cachepath set - will not save "
             << "map 0x" << hex << mapID << dec << endl;
      return false;
   } else {
      mc2log << info << "[ModuleMap]: Will try to save "
             << MC2CITE(fileName) << endl;
   char tempTemplate[1024];
   sprintf(tempTemplate, "%scachingXXXXXX", tmpDir.c_str());
   int tmpDesc = mkstemp(tempTemplate);
   MC2String tempName = MC2String(tempTemplate);
   // Remove the old file if there is one ( to make space for new map )
   mc2dbg << "[ModuleMap]: Removing " << MC2CITE(fileName)
          << " if it exists" << endl;

   int headerSize;
   byte* header = makeHeader( headerSize, mapID, mapVersion, generatorVersion);
   FILE* writeFile = NULL;
   if ( tmpDesc < 0 ) {
      mc2dbg << "[ModuleMap]: Could not make tempfile" << endl;
      writeFile = NULL;
      return false;
   } else {
      writeFile = fdopen(tmpDesc, "w");
      if ( header ) {
         if ( fwrite(header, headerSize, 1, writeFile) != 1 ) {
            mc2dbg << "[ModuleMap]: Could not write header: "
                   << strerror(errno)
                   << endl;
            writeFile = NULL;
            return false;
      } else {
         mc2log << "[ModuleMap]: Header is NULL" << endl;
         return false;
   delete [] header;
   MC2_ASSERT( writeFile != NULL );
   // Now the header should be written.
   if ( fwrite(mapBuffer.getBufferAddress(),
               mapBuffer.getBufferSize(), 1, writeFile) != 1 ) {
      writeFile = NULL;
      mc2dbg << "[ModuleMap]: Could not write map data" << endl;
      return false;
   } else {
      rename(tempName.c_str(), fileName);
      chmod (fileName, (S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH) );
      mc2log << info << "[ModuleMap]: Map 0x" << hex << mapID << dec 
             << " saved." << endl;
      return true;