Esempio n. 1
// Action_NativeContacts::WriteContacts()
void Action_NativeContacts::WriteContacts(contactListType& ContactsIn, bool isNative) {
  if (ContactsIn.empty()) return;
  // Map of residue pairs to total contact values.
  typedef std::map<Cpair, resContact> resContactMap;
  resContactMap ResContacts;
  std::pair<resContactMap::iterator, bool> ret;
  // Normalize native contacts. Place them into an array where they will
  // be sorted. Sum up total contact over residue pairs.
  std::vector<contactType> sortedList;
  for (contactListType::iterator it = ContactsIn.begin();
                                 it != ContactsIn.end(); ++it)
    sortedList.push_back( it->second );
    ret = ResContacts.insert( Rpair(Cpair(it->second.Res1(),it->second.Res2()),
                                    resContact(it->second.Nframes(), it->second.DataPtr())) );
    if (!ret.second) // residue pair exists, update it.
      ret.first->second.Increment( it->second.Nframes(), it->second.DataPtr() );
  std::sort( sortedList.begin(), sortedList.end() );
  // Place residue pairs into an array to be sorted.
  std::vector<Rpair> ResList;
  for (resContactMap::const_iterator it = ResContacts.begin(); it != ResContacts.end(); ++it)
    ResList.push_back( *it );
    if (Rseries_ != NO_RESSERIES) {
      const char* resDsAspect;
      std::string lprefix = "";
      if (isNative)
        resDsAspect = "NCRES";
      else {
        resDsAspect = "NNRES";
        lprefix = "nn_";
      // Ensure r1 < r2 so we can calculate a unique index for residue pairs
      // that can match between native/non-native contacts
      int r1, r2;
      if (it->first.second < it->first.first) {
        r1 = it->first.second;
        r2 = it->first.first;
      } else {
        r1 = it->first.first;
        r2 = it->first.second;
      int ridx = (r2 * CurrentParm_->Nres()) + r1;
      std::string legend(lprefix +
                         CurrentParm_->TruncResNameNum(r1) + "_" +
      MetaData md(numnative_->Meta().Name(), resDsAspect, ridx);
      md.SetLegend( legend );
      DataSet_integer* ds = (DataSet_integer*)masterDSL_->AddSet(DataSet::INTEGER, md);
      if (ds != 0) {
        ds->Allocate(DataSet::SizeArray(1, nframes_));
        if (seriesRout_ != 0) seriesRout_->AddDataSet( ds );
        // All series will be the same size thanks to UpdateSeries()
        for (unsigned int f = 0; f != nframes_; f++) {
          int total_present = 0;
          for (DSarray::const_iterator set = it->second.Sets().begin();
                                       set != it->second.Sets().end(); ++set)
            total_present += (*(*set))[f];
          if (Rseries_ == RES_PRESENT && total_present > 0) total_present = 1;
          ds->AddElement( total_present );
  std::sort( ResList.begin(), ResList.end(), res_cmp() );
  // Print out total fraction frames for residue pairs.
  const char* ctitle;
  if (isNative)
    ctitle = "Contacts";
    ctitle = "nnContacts";
  rfile_->Printf("%-8s %8s %10s %10s\n", "#Res1", "#Res2", "TotalFrac", ctitle);
  //for (resContactMap::const_iterator it = ResContacts.begin(); it != ResContacts.end(); ++it)
  for (std::vector<Rpair>::const_iterator it = ResList.begin();
                                          it != ResList.end(); ++it)
    rfile_->Printf("%-8i %8i %10g %10i\n", it->first.first+1, it->first.second+1,
  // Print out sorted atom contacts.
  cfile_->Printf("%-8s %20s %8s %8s %8s %8s\n", "#", "Contact", "Nframes", "Frac.", "Avg", "Stdev");
  unsigned int num = 1;
  for (std::vector<contactType>::const_iterator NC = sortedList.begin();
                                                NC != sortedList.end(); ++NC, ++num)
    double fracPresent = (double)NC->Nframes() / (double)nframes_;
    cfile_->Printf("%8u %20s %8i %8.3g %8.3g %8.3g\n", num, NC->id(),
                   NC->Nframes(), fracPresent, NC->Avg(), NC->Stdev());