bool ShopBooster::unitTest() { //this tests the default random pack creation. MTGDeck * d = NEW MTGDeck(MTGCollection()); char result[1024]; randomStandard(); MTGPack * mP = MTGPacks::getDefault(); if(!altSet && mainSet->mPack) mP = mainSet->mPack; char buf[512]; if(!altSet) sprintf(buf,"set:%s;",mainSet->id.c_str()); else sprintf(buf,"set:%s;|set:%s;",mainSet->id.c_str(),altSet->id.c_str()); mP->pool = buf; mP->assemblePack(d); //Use the primary packfile. assemblePack deletes pool. DeckDataWrapper* ddw = NEW DeckDataWrapper(d); bool res = true; int u = 0, r = 0, s = 0; int card = 0; for(int i=0;i<ddw->Size(true);i++) { MTGCard * c = ddw->getCard(i); if(!c) break; if(c->getRarity() == Constants::RARITY_R || c->getRarity() == Constants::RARITY_M) r+=ddw->count(c); else if(c->getRarity() == Constants::RARITY_U) u+=ddw->count(c); else if(c->getRarity() == Constants::RARITY_S) s+=ddw->count(c); card++; } int count = ddw->getCount(); SAFE_DELETE(ddw); SAFE_DELETE(d); //Note: When there are special cards, the count IS going to be messed up, so do not perform the check for Rare and Uncommon in that case //also see if(!s && (r != 1 || u != 3) ) { sprintf(result, "<span class=\"error\">==Unexpected rarity count==</span><br />"); TestSuite::Log(result); res = false; } if(count < 14) { sprintf(result, "<span class=\"error\">==Unexpected card count==</span><br />"); TestSuite::Log(result); res = false; } sprintf(result, "<span class=\"success\">==Test Succesful !==</span><br />"); TestSuite::Log(result); SAFE_DELETE(ddw); SAFE_DELETE(d); return res; }
bool GameStateAwards::enterStats(int option) { if (option != Options::AWARD_COLLECTOR) return false; DeckDataWrapper* ddw = NEW DeckDataWrapper(NEW MTGDeck(options.profileFile(PLAYER_COLLECTION).c_str(), MTGCollection())); if (!ddw) return false; SAFE_DELETE(detailview); detailview = NEW WGuiList("Details"); detailview->Add(NEW WGuiHeader("Collection Stats")); detailview->Entering(JGE_BTN_NONE); //Discover favorite set if (setlist.size() > 0) { int * counts = (int*) calloc(setlist.size(), sizeof(int)); int setid = -1; int dupes = 0; MTGCard * many = NULL; MTGCard * costly = NULL; MTGCard * strong = NULL; MTGCard * tough = NULL; for (int t = 0; t < ddw->Size(); t++) { MTGCard * c = ddw->getCard(t); if (!c) continue; int count = ddw->count(c); if (!c->data->isLand() && (many == NULL || count > dupes)) { many = c; dupes = count; } counts[c->setId] += count; if (costly == NULL || c->data->getManaCost()->getConvertedCost() > costly->data->getManaCost()->getConvertedCost()) costly = c; if (c->data->isCreature() && (strong == NULL || c->data->getPower() > strong->data->getPower())) strong = c; if (c->data->isCreature() && (tough == NULL || c->data->getToughness() > tough->data->getToughness())) tough = c; } for (int i = 0; i < setlist.size(); i++) { if (setid < 0 || counts[i] > counts[setid]) setid = i; } free(counts); char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf, _("Total Value: %ic").c_str(), ddw->totalPrice()); detailview->Add(NEW WGuiItem(buf, WGuiItem::NO_TRANSLATE));//ddw->colors sprintf(buf, _("Total Cards (including duplicates): %i").c_str(), ddw->getCount(WSrcDeck::UNFILTERED_COPIES)); detailview->Add(NEW WGuiItem(buf, WGuiItem::NO_TRANSLATE));//ddw->colors sprintf(buf, _("Unique Cards: %i").c_str(), ddw->getCount(WSrcDeck::UNFILTERED_UNIQUE)); detailview->Add(NEW WGuiItem(buf, WGuiItem::NO_TRANSLATE)); if (many) { sprintf(buf, _("Most Duplicates: %i (%s)").c_str(), dupes, many->data->getName().c_str()); detailview->Add(NEW WGuiItem(buf, WGuiItem::NO_TRANSLATE)); } if (setid >= 0) { sprintf(buf, _("Favorite Set: %s").c_str(), setlist[setid].c_str()); detailview->Add(NEW WGuiItem(buf, WGuiItem::NO_TRANSLATE)); } if (costly) { sprintf(buf, _("Highest Mana Cost: %i (%s)").c_str(), costly->data->getManaCost()->getConvertedCost(), costly->data->getName().c_str()); detailview->Add(NEW WGuiItem(buf, WGuiItem::NO_TRANSLATE)); } if (strong) { sprintf(buf, _("Most Powerful: %i (%s)").c_str(), strong->data->getPower(), strong->data->getName().c_str()); detailview->Add(NEW WGuiItem(buf, WGuiItem::NO_TRANSLATE)); } if (tough) { sprintf(buf, _("Toughest: %i (%s)").c_str(), tough->data->getToughness(), strong->data->getName().c_str()); detailview->Add(NEW WGuiItem(buf, WGuiItem::NO_TRANSLATE)); } } SAFE_DELETE(ddw->parent); SAFE_DELETE(ddw); return true; }