Esempio n. 1
 void checkOptions(const DeckKeyword& keyword, std::multimap<std::string , PartiallySupported<T> >& map, const ParseContext& parseContext, ErrorGuard& errorGuard)
     // check for partially supported keywords.
     typename std::multimap<std::string, PartiallySupported<T> >::iterator it, itlow, itup;
     itlow = map.lower_bound(;
     itup  = map.upper_bound(;
     for (it = itlow; it != itup; ++it) {
         const auto& record = keyword.getRecord(0);
         if (record.getItem(it->second.item).template get<T>(0) != it->second.item_value) {
             std::string msg = "For keyword '" + it->first + "' only value " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(it->second.item_value)
                 + " in item " + it->second.item + " is supported by flow.\n"
                 + "In file " + keyword.getFileName() + ", line " + std::to_string(keyword.getLineNumber()) + "\n";
             parseContext.handleError(ParseContext::SIMULATOR_KEYWORD_ITEM_NOT_SUPPORTED, msg, errorGuard);
Esempio n. 2
void VFPProdTable::check(const DeckKeyword& keyword, const double table_scaling_factor) {
    //Table number
    assert(m_table_num > 0);

    //Misc types
    assert(m_flo_type >= FLO_OIL && m_flo_type < FLO_INVALID);
    assert(m_wfr_type >= WFR_WOR && m_wfr_type < WFR_INVALID);
    assert(m_gfr_type >= GFR_GOR && m_gfr_type < GFR_INVALID);
    assert(m_alq_type >= ALQ_GRAT && m_alq_type < ALQ_INVALID);

    //Data axis size
    assert(m_flo_data.size() > 0);
    assert(m_thp_data.size() > 0);
    assert(m_wfr_data.size() > 0);
    assert(m_gfr_data.size() > 0);
    assert(m_alq_data.size() > 0);

    //Data axis sorted?
    assert(std::is_sorted(m_flo_data.begin(), m_flo_data.end()));
    assert(std::is_sorted(m_thp_data.begin(), m_thp_data.end()));
    assert(std::is_sorted(m_wfr_data.begin(), m_wfr_data.end()));
    assert(std::is_sorted(m_gfr_data.begin(), m_gfr_data.end()));
    assert(std::is_sorted(m_alq_data.begin(), m_alq_data.end()));

    //Check data size matches axes
    assert(m_data.num_dimensions() == 5);
    assert(m_data.shape()[0] == m_thp_data.size());
    assert(m_data.shape()[1] == m_wfr_data.size());
    assert(m_data.shape()[2] == m_gfr_data.size());
    assert(m_data.shape()[3] == m_alq_data.size());
    assert(m_data.shape()[4] == m_flo_data.size());

    //Check that all elements have been set
    typedef array_type::size_type size_type;
    for (size_type t=0; t<m_data.shape()[0]; ++t) {
        for (size_type w=0; w<m_data.shape()[1]; ++w) {
            for (size_type g=0; g<m_data.shape()[2]; ++g) {
                for (size_type a=0; a<m_data.shape()[3]; ++a) {
                    for (size_type f=0; f<m_data.shape()[4]; ++f) {
                        if (std::isnan(m_data[t][w][g][a][f])) {
                            //TODO: Replace with proper log message
                            std::cerr << "VFPPROD element ["
                                    << t << "," << w << "," << g << "," << a << "," << f
                                    << "] not set!" << std::endl;
                            throw std::invalid_argument("Missing VFPPROD value");

    //Check that bhp(thp) is a monotonic increasing function.
    //If this is not the case, we might not be able to determine
    //the thp from the bhp easily
    std::string points = "";
    for (size_type w=0; w<m_data.shape()[1]; ++w) {
        for (size_type g=0; g<m_data.shape()[2]; ++g) {
            for (size_type a=0; a<m_data.shape()[3]; ++a) {
                for (size_type f=0; f<m_data.shape()[4]; ++f) {
                    double bhp_last = m_data[0][w][g][a][f];
                    for (size_type t=0; t<m_data.shape()[0]; ++t) {
                        if (m_data[t][w][g][a][f] < bhp_last) {
                            points += "At point (FLOW, THP, WFR, GFR, ALQ) = "
                                    + std::to_string(f) + " " + std::to_string(t) + " "
                                    + std::to_string(w) + " " + std::to_string(g) + " "
                                    + std::to_string(a) + " at BHP = "
                                    + std::to_string(m_data[t][w][g][a][f] / table_scaling_factor) + "\n";
                        bhp_last = m_data[t][w][g][a][f];

    if (!points.empty()) {
        OpmLog::warning("VFP table for production wells has BHP versus THP not " 
                           + std::string("monotonically increasing.\nThis may cause convergence ")
                           + "issues due to switching between BHP and THP control mode."
                           + std::string("\nIn keyword VFPPROD table number ") 
                           + std::to_string(m_table_num)
                           + ", file " + keyword.getFileName()
                           + ", line " + std::to_string(keyword.getLineNumber())
                           + "\n");