bool LXDevice::Declare(const Declaration &declaration, gcc_unused const Waypoint *home, OperationEnvironment &env) { if (declaration.Size() < 2 || declaration.Size() > 12) return false; if (!EnableCommandMode(env)) return false; unsigned old_baud_rate = 0; if (bulk_baud_rate != 0) { old_baud_rate = port.GetBaudrate(); if (old_baud_rate == bulk_baud_rate) old_baud_rate = 0; else if (!port.SetBaudrate(bulk_baud_rate)) return false; } bool success = DeclareInner(port, declaration, env); LX::CommandModeQuick(port, env); return success; }
static bool DeclareInner(Port &port, const Declaration &declaration, const Waypoint *home, OperationEnvironment &env) { assert(declaration.Size() >= 2); VLAPI vl(port, 38400L, env); if (vl.connect(20) != VLA_ERR_NOERR) return false; memset(&vl.database, 0, sizeof(vl.database)); memset(&vl.declaration, 0, sizeof(vl.declaration)); CopyToNarrowBuffer(vl.declaration.flightinfo.pilot, sizeof(vl.declaration.flightinfo.pilot), declaration.pilot_name); CopyToNarrowBuffer(vl.declaration.flightinfo.gliderid, sizeof(vl.declaration.flightinfo.gliderid), declaration.aircraft_registration); CopyToNarrowBuffer(vl.declaration.flightinfo.glidertype, sizeof(vl.declaration.flightinfo.glidertype), declaration.aircraft_type); if (home != NULL) CopyWaypoint(vl.declaration.flightinfo.homepoint, *home); // start.. CopyTurnPoint(vl.declaration.task.startpoint, declaration.turnpoints.front()); // rest of task... const unsigned n = std::min(declaration.Size() - 2, 12u); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) CopyTurnPoint(vl.declaration.task.turnpoints[i], declaration.turnpoints[i + 1]); // Finish CopyTurnPoint(vl.declaration.task.finishpoint, declaration.turnpoints.back()); vl.declaration.task.nturnpoints = n; bool success = vl.write_db_and_declaration() == VLA_ERR_NOERR; Volkslogger::Reset(port, env); return success; }
bool VolksloggerDevice::Declare(const Declaration &declaration, const Waypoint *home, OperationEnvironment &env) { if (declaration.Size() < 2) return false; port.StopRxThread(); // change to IO mode baud rate unsigned old_baud_rate = port.GetBaudrate(); if (old_baud_rate == 9600) old_baud_rate = 0; else if (old_baud_rate != 0 && !port.SetBaudrate(9600)) return false; bool success = DeclareInner(port, declaration, home, env); // restore baudrate if (old_baud_rate != 0) port.SetBaudrate(old_baud_rate); return success; }
bool VolksloggerDevice::Declare(const Declaration &declaration, const Waypoint *home, OperationEnvironment &env) { if (declaration.Size() < 2) return false; env.SetText(_T("Comms with Volkslogger")); port.SetRxTimeout(500); // change to IO mode baud rate unsigned lLastBaudrate = port.SetBaudrate(9600L); VLAPI vl(port, env); bool success = DeclareInner(vl, declaration, home); vl.close(1); port.SetBaudrate(lLastBaudrate); // restore baudrate return success; }
void Logger::GUIStartLogger(const NMEAInfo& gps_info, const ComputerSettings& settings, const ProtectedTaskManager *protected_task_manager, bool noAsk) { if (IsLoggerActive() || gps_info.gps.replay) return; OrderedTask* task = protected_task_manager != nullptr ? protected_task_manager->TaskClone() : nullptr; const Declaration decl(settings.logger, settings.plane, task); if (task) { delete task; if (!noAsk) { TCHAR TaskMessage[1024]; _tcscpy(TaskMessage, _T("Start Logger With Declaration\r\n")); if (decl.Size()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i< decl.Size(); ++i) { _tcscat(TaskMessage, decl.GetName(i)); _tcscat(TaskMessage, _T("\r\n")); } } else { _tcscat(TaskMessage, _T("None")); } if (ShowMessageBox(TaskMessage, _("Start Logger"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) != IDYES) return; } } if (!LoggerClearFreeSpace(gps_info.date_time_utc.year)) { ShowMessageBox(_("Logger inactive, insufficient storage!"), _("Logger Error"), MB_OK| MB_ICONERROR); LogFormat("Logger not started: Insufficient Storage"); return; } const ScopeExclusiveLock protect(lock); logger.StartLogger(gps_info, settings.logger, asset_number, decl); }
bool LXDevice::Declare(const Declaration &declaration, gcc_unused const Waypoint *home, OperationEnvironment &env) { if (declaration.Size() < 2 || declaration.Size() > 12) return false; if (!EnableCommandMode(env)) return false; bool success = DeclareInner(port, declaration, env); LX::CommandModeQuick(port, env); return success; }
static bool DeclareInner(VLAPI &vl, const Declaration &declaration, const Waypoint *home) { assert(declaration.Size() >= 2); if (, 38400L) != VLA_ERR_NOERR || vl.read_info() != VLA_ERR_NOERR) return false; memset(&vl.database, 0, sizeof(vl.database)); memset(&vl.declaration, 0, sizeof(vl.declaration)); CopyToNarrowBuffer(vl.declaration.flightinfo.pilot, sizeof(vl.declaration.flightinfo.pilot), declaration.pilot_name); CopyToNarrowBuffer(vl.declaration.flightinfo.gliderid, sizeof(vl.declaration.flightinfo.gliderid), declaration.aircraft_registration); CopyToNarrowBuffer(vl.declaration.flightinfo.glidertype, sizeof(vl.declaration.flightinfo.glidertype), declaration.aircraft_type); if (home != NULL) CopyWaypoint(vl.declaration.flightinfo.homepoint, *home); // start.. CopyTurnPoint(vl.declaration.task.startpoint, declaration.turnpoints.front()); // rest of task... const unsigned n = std::min(declaration.Size() - 2, 12u); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) CopyTurnPoint(vl.declaration.task.turnpoints[i], declaration.turnpoints[i + 1]); // Finish CopyTurnPoint(vl.declaration.task.finishpoint, declaration.turnpoints.back()); vl.declaration.task.nturnpoints = n; return vl.write_db_and_declaration() == VLA_ERR_NOERR; }
bool EWMicroRecorderDevice::Declare(const Declaration &declaration, const Waypoint *home, OperationEnvironment &env) { // Must have at least two, max 12 waypoints if (declaration.Size() < 2 || declaration.Size() > 12) return false; port.StopRxThread(); bool success = DeclareInner(port, declaration, env); // go back to NMEA mode port.FullWrite("!!\r\n", 4, env, 500); return success; }
bool EWMicroRecorderDevice::Declare(const Declaration &declaration, const Waypoint *home, OperationEnvironment &env) { // Must have at least two, max 12 waypoints if (declaration.Size() < 2 || declaration.Size() > 12) return false; /* during tests, the EW has taken up to one second to respond to the command \x18 */ port.SetRxTimeout(2500); bool success = DeclareInner(port, declaration, env); // go back to NMEA mode port.FullWrite("!!\r\n", 4, 500); return success; }
bool LXDevice::Declare(const Declaration &declaration, gcc_unused const Waypoint *home, OperationEnvironment &env) { if (declaration.Size() < 2 || declaration.Size() > 12) return false; const unsigned old_baud_rate = bulk_baud_rate != 0 ? port.SetBaudrate(bulk_baud_rate) : 0; bool success = DeclareInner(port, declaration, env); LX::CommandModeQuick(port, env); if (old_baud_rate != 0) port.SetBaudrate(old_baud_rate); return success; }
// TODO: fix scope so only gui things can start it void LoggerImpl::StartLogger(const NMEAInfo &gps_info, const LoggerSettings &settings, const TCHAR *asset_number, const Declaration &decl) { if (!settings.logger_id.empty()) asset_number = settings.logger_id.c_str(); // chars must be legal in file names char logger_id[4]; unsigned asset_length = _tcslen(asset_number); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) logger_id[i] = i < asset_length && IsAlphaNumericASCII(asset_number[i]) ? asset_number[i] : _T('A'); logger_id[3] = _T('\0'); if (!StartLogger(gps_info, settings, logger_id)) return; simulator = gps_info.location_available && !gps_info.gps.real; writer->WriteHeader(gps_info.date_time_utc, decl.pilot_name, decl.aircraft_type, decl.aircraft_registration, decl.competition_id, logger_id, GetGPSDeviceName(), simulator); if (decl.Size()) { BrokenDateTime FirstDateTime = !pre_takeoff_buffer.empty() ? pre_takeoff_buffer.peek().date_time_utc : gps_info.date_time_utc; writer->StartDeclaration(FirstDateTime, decl.Size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i< decl.Size(); ++i) writer->AddDeclaration(decl.GetLocation(i), decl.GetName(i)); writer->EndDeclaration(); } }
bool IMIDevice::Declare(const Declaration &declaration, gcc_unused const Waypoint *home, OperationEnvironment &env) { // verify WP number unsigned size = declaration.Size(); if (size < 2 || size > 13) return false; bool success = Connect(env) && !env.IsCancelled(); success = success && IMI::DeclarationWrite(port, declaration); // disconnect Disconnect(); return success; }
bool IMI::DeclarationWrite(Port &port, const Declaration &decl, OperationEnvironment &env) { if (!_connected) return false; TDeclaration imiDecl; memset(&imiDecl, 0, sizeof(imiDecl)); // ignored - will be set by FR ConvertToChar(decl.pilot_name, imiDecl.header.plt, sizeof(imiDecl.header.plt)); ConvertToChar(decl.aircraft_type, imiDecl.header.gty, sizeof(imiDecl.header.gty)); ConvertToChar(decl.aircraft_registration, imiDecl.header.gid, sizeof(imiDecl.header.gid)); ConvertToChar(decl.competition_id, imiDecl.header.cid, sizeof(imiDecl.header.cid)); ConvertToChar(_T("XCSOARTASK"), imiDecl.header.tskName, sizeof(imiDecl.header.tskName)); ConvertWaypoint(decl.turnpoints[0].waypoint, imiDecl.wp[0]); unsigned size = decl.Size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { ConvertWaypoint(decl.turnpoints[i].waypoint, imiDecl.wp[i + 1]); ConvertOZ(decl.turnpoints[i], i == 0, i == size - 1, imiDecl.wp[i + 1]); } ConvertWaypoint(decl.turnpoints[size - 1].waypoint, imiDecl.wp[size + 1]); // send declaration for current task return SendRet(port, env, MSG_DECLARATION, &imiDecl, sizeof(imiDecl), MSG_ACK_SUCCESS, 0, -1) != nullptr; }
/** * Loads LX task structure from XCSoar task structure * @param decl The declaration */ static bool LoadTask(LX::Declaration &lxDevice_Declaration, const Declaration &declaration) { if (declaration.Size() > 10) return false; if (declaration.Size() < 2) return false; memset((void*)lxDevice_Declaration.unknown1, 0, sizeof(lxDevice_Declaration.unknown1)); BrokenDate DeclDate; = 1; DeclDate.month = 1; DeclDate.year = 2010; if ( > 0 && < 32 && DeclDate.month > 0 && DeclDate.month < 13) { lxDevice_Declaration.dayinput = (unsigned char); lxDevice_Declaration.monthinput = (unsigned char)DeclDate.month; int iCentury = DeclDate.year / 100; // Todo: if no gps fix, use system time iCentury *= 100; lxDevice_Declaration.yearinput = (unsigned char)(DeclDate.year - iCentury); } else { lxDevice_Declaration.dayinput = (unsigned char)1; lxDevice_Declaration.monthinput = (unsigned char)1; lxDevice_Declaration.yearinput = (unsigned char)10; } lxDevice_Declaration.dayuser = lxDevice_Declaration.dayinput; lxDevice_Declaration.monthuser = lxDevice_Declaration.monthinput; lxDevice_Declaration.yearuser = lxDevice_Declaration.yearinput; lxDevice_Declaration.taskid = 0; lxDevice_Declaration.numtps = declaration.Size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < LX::NUMTPS; i++) { if (i == 0) { // takeoff lxDevice_Declaration.tptypes[i] = 3; lxDevice_Declaration.Latitudes[i] = 0; lxDevice_Declaration.Longitudes[i] = 0; copy_space_padded(lxDevice_Declaration.WaypointNames[i], _T("TAKEOFF"), sizeof(lxDevice_Declaration.WaypointNames[i])); } else if (i <= declaration.Size()) { lxDevice_Declaration.tptypes[i] = 1; lxDevice_Declaration.Longitudes[i] = AngleToLX(declaration.GetLocation(i - 1).longitude); lxDevice_Declaration.Latitudes[i] = AngleToLX(declaration.GetLocation(i - 1).latitude); copy_space_padded(lxDevice_Declaration.WaypointNames[i], declaration.GetName(i - 1), sizeof(lxDevice_Declaration.WaypointNames[i])); } else if (i == declaration.Size() + 1) { // landing lxDevice_Declaration.tptypes[i] = 2; lxDevice_Declaration.Longitudes[i] = 0; lxDevice_Declaration.Latitudes[i] = 0; copy_space_padded(lxDevice_Declaration.WaypointNames[i], _T("LANDING"), sizeof(lxDevice_Declaration.WaypointNames[i])); } else { // unused lxDevice_Declaration.tptypes[i] = 0; lxDevice_Declaration.Longitudes[i] = 0; lxDevice_Declaration.Latitudes[i] = 0; memset((void*)lxDevice_Declaration.WaypointNames[i], 0, 9); } } return true; }
static bool DeclareInner(Port &port, const Declaration &declaration, OperationEnvironment &env) { assert(declaration.Size() >= 2); assert(declaration.Size() <= 12); char user_data[2500]; if (!TryConnectRetry(port, user_data, sizeof(user_data), env)) return false; char *p = strstr(user_data, "USER DETAILS"); if (p != NULL) *p = 0; port.Write('\x18'); // start to upload file if (!port.FullWriteString(user_data, env, 5000) || !port.FullWriteString("USER DETAILS\r\n--------------\r\n\r\n", env, 1000)) return false; WritePair(port, "Pilot Name", declaration.pilot_name.c_str(), env); WritePair(port, "Competition ID", declaration.competition_id.c_str(), env); WritePair(port, "Aircraft Type", declaration.aircraft_type.c_str(), env); WritePair(port, "Aircraft ID", declaration.aircraft_registration.c_str(), env); if (!port.FullWriteString("\r\nFLIGHT DECLARATION\r\n-------------------\r\n\r\n", env, 1000)) return false; WritePair(port, "Description", _T("XCSoar task declaration"), env); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 11; i++) { if (env.IsCancelled()) return false; if (i+1>= declaration.Size()) { port.FullWriteString("TP LatLon: 0000000N00000000E TURN POINT\r\n", env, 1000); } else { const Waypoint &wp = declaration.GetWaypoint(i); if (i == 0) { if (!EWMicroRecorderWriteWaypoint(port, "Take Off LatLong", wp, env) || !EWMicroRecorderWriteWaypoint(port, "Start LatLon", wp, env)) return false; } else if (i + 1 < declaration.Size()) { if (!EWMicroRecorderWriteWaypoint(port, "TP LatLon", wp, env)) return false; } } } const Waypoint &wp = declaration.GetLastWaypoint(); if (!EWMicroRecorderWriteWaypoint(port, "Finish LatLon", wp, env) || !EWMicroRecorderWriteWaypoint(port, "Land LatLon", wp, env) || env.IsCancelled()) return false; port.Write('\x03'); // finish sending user file return port.ExpectString("uploaded successfully", env, 5000); }
static bool DeclareInner(Port &port, const Declaration &declaration, gcc_unused OperationEnvironment &env) { using CAI302::UploadShort; unsigned size = declaration.Size(); env.SetProgressRange(6 + size); env.SetProgressPosition(0); CAI302::PilotMeta pilot_meta; if (!CAI302::UploadPilotMeta(port, pilot_meta, env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(1); CAI302::Pilot pilot; if (!CAI302::UploadPilot(port, 0, pilot, env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(2); CAI302::PolarMeta polar_meta; if (!CAI302::UploadPolarMeta(port, polar_meta, env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(3); CAI302::Polar polar; if (!CAI302::UploadPolar(port, polar, env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(4); if (!CAI302::DownloadMode(port, env)) return false; char GliderType[13], GliderID[13]; convert_string(GliderType, sizeof(GliderType), declaration.aircraft_type); convert_string(GliderID, sizeof(GliderID), declaration.aircraft_registration); convert_string(, sizeof(, declaration.pilot_name); if (!CAI302::DownloadPilot(port, pilot, 0, env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(5); convert_string(polar.glider_type, sizeof(polar.glider_type), declaration.aircraft_type); convert_string(polar.glider_id, sizeof(polar.glider_id), declaration.aircraft_registration); if (!CAI302::DownloadPolar(port, polar, env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(6); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (!cai302DeclAddWaypoint(port, i, declaration.GetWaypoint(i), env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(7 + i); } return CAI302::DeclareSave(port, env); }
bool FlarmDevice::DeclareInternal(const Declaration &declaration, OperationEnvironment &env) { unsigned size = declaration.Size(); env.SetProgressRange(6 + size); env.SetProgressPosition(0); if (!SetPilot(declaration.pilot_name.c_str(), env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(1); if (!SetPlaneRegistration(declaration.aircraft_registration.c_str(), env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(2); if (!SetPlaneType(declaration.aircraft_type.c_str(), env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(3); if (!SetConfig("NEWTASK", "Task", env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(4); if (!SetConfig("ADDWP", "0000000N,00000000E,T", env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(5); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) { int DegLat, DegLon; fixed tmp, MinLat, MinLon; char NoS, EoW; tmp = declaration.GetLocation(i).latitude.Degrees(); if (negative(tmp)) { NoS = 'S'; tmp = -tmp; } else { NoS = 'N'; } DegLat = (int)tmp; MinLat = (tmp - fixed(DegLat)) * 60 * 1000; tmp = declaration.GetLocation(i).longitude.Degrees(); if (negative(tmp)) { EoW = 'W'; tmp = -tmp; } else { EoW = 'E'; } DegLon = (int)tmp; MinLon = (tmp - fixed(DegLon)) * 60 * 1000; /* * We use the waypoint index here as name to get around the 192 byte * task size limit of the FLARM devices. * * see Flarm DataPort Manual: * "The total data size entered through this command may not surpass * 192 bytes when calculated as follows: 7+(Number of Waypoints * 9) + * (sum of length of all task and waypoint descriptions)" */ NarrowString<90> buffer; buffer.Format("%02d%05.0f%c,%03d%05.0f%c,%d", DegLat, (double)MinLat, NoS, DegLon, (double)MinLon, EoW, i + 1); if (!SetConfig("ADDWP", buffer, env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(6 + i); } if (!SetConfig("ADDWP", "0000000N,00000000E,L", env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(6 + size); // PFLAC,S,KEY,VALUE // Expect // PFLAC,A,blah // PFLAC,,COPIL: // PFLAC,,COMPID: // PFLAC,,COMPCLASS: // PFLAC,,NEWTASK: // PFLAC,,ADDWP: // Reset the FLARM to activate the declaration Restart(env); return true; }