uint ImageInstance::getPixelValue(long x, long y, EP_Representation &r) const { DicomImage *image; if (rawType) image = rawImage; else image = dcmImage; if (image) { const DiPixel* pixel = image->getInterData(); if (pixel && (x < (long)image->getWidth()) && (x >= 0) && (y < (long)image->getHeight()) && (y >= 0)) { r = pixel->getRepresentation(); switch (r) { case EPR_Sint8: case EPR_Uint8: return *((char*)(pixel->getData()) + (y * image->getWidth() + x)); case EPR_Sint16: case EPR_Uint16: return *((short*)(pixel->getData()) + (y * image->getWidth() + x)); case EPR_Sint32: case EPR_Uint32: return *((int*)(pixel->getData()) + (y * image->getWidth() + x)); } } } r = (EP_Representation)-1; return 0; }
void CDicomViewerView::DrawDicomImage(CDC* pDC) { CRect clientRect; this->GetClientRect(&clientRect); int nWidth=clientRect.Width(),nHeight=clientRect.Height(); CDC MemDC; //首先定义一个显示设备对象 CBitmap MemBitmap;//定义一个位图对象 //随后建立与屏幕显示兼容的内存显示设备 MemDC.CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); //这时还不能绘图,因为没有地方画 ^_^ //下面建立一个与屏幕显示兼容的位图,至于位图的大小嘛,可以用窗口的大小 MemBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC,nWidth,nHeight); //将位图选入到内存显示设备中 //只有选入了位图的内存显示设备才有地方绘图,画到指定的位图上 CBitmap *pOldBit=MemDC.SelectObject(&MemBitmap); //先用背景色将位图清除干净,这里我用的是白色作为背景 //你也可以用自己应该用的颜色 MemDC.FillSolidRect(0,0,nWidth,nHeight,RGB(0,0,0)); CDicomViewerDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); if(pDoc->m_pDicomImage != 0){ E_DecompressionColorSpaceConversion opt_decompCSconversion = EDC_photometricInterpretation; E_UIDCreation opt_uidcreation = EUC_default; E_PlanarConfiguration opt_planarconfig = EPC_default; OFBool opt_verbose = OFFalse; DJDecoderRegistration::registerCodecs( opt_decompCSconversion, opt_uidcreation, opt_planarconfig, opt_verbose); //根据传输语法构造 DicomImage 从 fstart 帧开始一共 fcount 帧 DicomImage *pDicomImg = pDoc->m_pDicomImage;//new DicomImage(pDoc->m_pFilePathName); //DicomImage *pNewDicomImg = pDicomImg->createScaledImage((const unsigned long)1024,1024); LPBITMAPINFOHEADER m_lpBMIH = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) new char [sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(RGBQUAD) * 256]; m_lpBMIH->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); m_lpBMIH->biWidth = pDicomImg->getWidth(); m_lpBMIH->biHeight = pDicomImg->getHeight(); m_lpBMIH->biPlanes = 1; m_lpBMIH->biBitCount = 24; m_lpBMIH->biCompression = BI_RGB; m_lpBMIH->biSizeImage = 0; m_lpBMIH->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; m_lpBMIH->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; pDicomImg->setWindow(pDoc->m_dCurrentWindowCenter, pDoc->m_dCurrentWindowWidth); //得到 DICOM文件第 frame 的 DIB数据(假设是 24 位的) unsigned long bufSize = 0; void* m_pDicomDibits; bufSize =pDicomImg->createWindowsDIB(m_pDicomDibits, bufSize, 0, 24, 1, 1); double originalX = (clientRect.Width() - m_lpBMIH->biWidth)/2; double originalY = (clientRect.Height() - m_lpBMIH->biHeight)/2; StretchDIBits (MemDC.GetSafeHdc(),originalX,originalY, m_lpBMIH->biWidth, m_lpBMIH ->biHeight,0,0,m_lpBMIH->biWidth,m_lpBMIH->biHeight, m_pDicomDibits, (LPBITMAPINFO) m_lpBMIH,DIB_RGB_COLORS,SRCCOPY); delete m_pDicomDibits; } //将内存中的图拷贝到屏幕上进行显示 pDC->BitBlt(0,0,nWidth,nHeight,&MemDC,0,0,SRCCOPY); MemBitmap.DeleteObject(); MemDC.DeleteDC(); }
bool ImageInstance::dcm2bmpHelper(DicomImage &dcmImage, QPixmap &pixmap) { BITMAPFILEHEADER lpfh; BITMAPINFOHEADER lpih; RGBQUAD palette[256]; memset(&lpfh, 0, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); lpfh.bfType = 0x4d42; //'B''M' lpfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(palette); memset(&lpih, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); lpih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); lpih.biWidth = dcmImage.getWidth(); lpih.biHeight = dcmImage.getHeight(); lpih.biCompression = BI_RGB; lpih.biBitCount = 8; lpih.biPlanes = 1; memset(palette, 0, sizeof(palette)); for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { palette[i].rgbBlue = i; palette[i].rgbGreen = i; palette[i].rgbRed = i; } void *pDIB = NULL; int size = dcmImage.createWindowsDIB(pDIB, 0, 0, 8, 1, 1); //lpih.biSizeImage = size; lpfh.bfSize = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(palette) + size; QByteArray bmp; bmp.append((char*)&lpfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); bmp.append((char*)&lpih, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); bmp.append((char*)palette, sizeof(palette)); bmp.append((char*)pDIB, size); delete pDIB; return pixmap.loadFromData(bmp); }
void QtDcmManager::makePreview ( const QString &filename ) { DcmRLEDecoderRegistration::registerCodecs ( OFFalse, OFFalse ); DJDecoderRegistration::registerCodecs ( EDC_photometricInterpretation, EUC_default, EPC_default, OFFalse ); DcmFileFormat file; file.loadFile ( filename.toLatin1().data() ); DcmDataset * dset = file.getDataset(); DicomImage* dcimage = new DicomImage ( dset, file.getDataset()->getOriginalXfer(), CIF_MayDetachPixelData ); if ( dcimage != NULL ) { dcimage->setNoDisplayFunction(); dcimage->hideAllOverlays(); dcimage->setNoVoiTransformation(); if ( dcimage->getStatus() == EIS_Normal ) { Uint32 *pixelData = ( Uint32 * ) ( dcimage->getOutputData ( 32 /* bits per sample */ ) ); if ( pixelData != NULL ) { Uint8 *colored = new Uint8[dcimage->getWidth() * dcimage->getHeight() * 4]; //4 * dcimage->getWidth() * dcimage->getHeight() matrix Uint8 *col = colored; Uint32 *p = pixelData; //get the highest values for RGBA, then use them to scale the pixel luminosity Uint32 p_max = 0; #ifdef WIN32 Uint32 p_min = UINT_LEAST32_MAX; #else Uint32 p_min = std::numeric_limits<Uint32>::max(); #endif for ( unsigned i = 0; i < dcimage->getWidth(); ++i ) { for ( unsigned j = 0; j < dcimage->getHeight(); ++j, ++p ) { if ( *p > p_max ) { p_max = *p; } if ( *p < p_min ) { p_min = *p; } } } double a = 4294967295.f / ( ( double ) p_max - ( double ) p_min ); //re-initialize 'col' p = pixelData; //copy the pixels in our QImage for ( unsigned i = 0; i < dcimage->getWidth(); ++i ) { for ( unsigned j = 0; j < dcimage->getHeight(); ++j, ++p ) { *col = ( Uint8 ) ( ( 255.f / 4294967295.f ) * ( a * ( ( double ) ( *p ) - ( double ) p_min ) ) ); ++col; *col = ( Uint8 ) ( ( 255.f / 4294967295.f ) * ( a * ( ( double ) ( *p ) - ( double ) p_min ) ) ); ++col; *col = ( Uint8 ) ( ( 255.f / 4294967295.f ) * ( a * ( ( double ) ( *p ) - ( double ) p_min ) ) ); ++col; *col = 255; ++col; } } QImage image ( colored, dcimage->getWidth(), dcimage->getHeight(), QImage::Format_ARGB32 ); if ( d->previewWidget ) { d->previewWidget->imageLabel->setPixmap ( QPixmap::fromImage ( image.scaled ( 130,130 ), Qt::AutoColor ) ); } delete[] colored; } } delete dcimage; } DcmRLEDecoderRegistration::cleanup(); DJDecoderRegistration::cleanup(); }
int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { // args string dicomStem(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "/data/subjects/xc_ferro/TrioTim-35115-20070929-151440-250000/250000"); int series = argc > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 10; int numImgs = argc > 3 ? atoi(argv[3]) : 248; long tr = 1000*(argc > 4 ? atof(argv[4]) : 2000); int port = argc > 5 ? atoi(argv[5]) : 15000; string host(argc > 6 ? argv[6] : "localhost"); cout << "1 using dicomStem=" << dicomStem << endl; cout << "2 using series=" << series << endl; cout << "3 using numImgs=" << numImgs << endl; cout << "4 using tr=" << tr << endl; cout << "5 using port=" << port << endl; cout << "6 using host=" << host << endl; // Local server address. ACE_INET_Addr my_addr (port, host.c_str()); // Data transfer object. ACE_SOCK_Stream stream; // Initialize the connector. ACE_SOCK_Connector connector; // keep making new connections while we havent sent the whole series DicomImage *image; for(int i = 0; i < numImgs && (image = loadNextInSeries(dicomStem,series)) != NULL && !connector.connect (stream, my_addr); i++) { cout << "made connection, loading image" << endl; image->setMinMaxWindow(); unsigned short *upixelData = (unsigned short*)(image->getOutputData(16 /* bits */)); RtExternalImageInfo *ei = new RtExternalImageInfo(); ei->lImageDataLength = image->getOutputDataSize(); ei->lNumberOfPixels = ei->lImageDataLength/2; ei->bIsMoCo = true; ei->iNoOfImagesInMosaic = 32; ei->iMosaicGridSize = 6; ei->nCol = image->getHeight()/ei->iMosaicGridSize; ei->nLin = image->getWidth()/ei->iMosaicGridSize; // ei->nCol = 64; // ei->nLin = 64; ei->dThick = 3.5; ei->dPosSag = 2.50517; ei->dPosCor = -29.9335; ei->dPosTra = -75.1856; ei->dNorSag = -0.00637429; ei->dNorCor = 0.337923; ei->dNorTra = 0.941152; ei->dRowSag = 0.99998; ei->dRowCor = 0.00194039; ei->dRowTra = 0.00607602; ei->dColSag = 0.000227022; ei->dColCor = 0.941172; ei->dColTra = -0.337928; ei->iAcquisitionNumber = i+1; cout << "sending img " << ei->iAcquisitionNumber << endl; char *data = new char[ei->iSizeOfRtExternalImageInfo]; data = ei->convertToScannerDataArray(); cout << "sending info of size " << ei->iSizeOfRtExternalImageInfo << endl; stream.send_n (data, ei->iSizeOfRtExternalImageInfo); delete data; cout << "sending img of size " << ei->lImageDataLength << endl; // shorten to 12 bits short *pixelData = (short*) malloc(image->getOutputDataSize()); for(int i = 0; i < ei->lImageDataLength/2; i++) { pixelData[i] = upixelData[i]/16; } stream.send_n (pixelData, ei->lImageDataLength); usleep(tr); stream.close(); delete ei; delete image; free(pixelData); } return 0; }
//************************************ // Method: ReadImageDataSet // FullName: CDcmMerger::ReadImageDataSet // Access: public // Returns: int // Qualifier: // Parameter: CImageDataSet * out_pImgDataSet // Purpose: //************************************ int CDcmMerger::ReadImageDataSet( CImageDataSet* out_pImgDataSet ) { //check validation of param ASSERT(out_pImgDataSet != NULL); if (out_pImgDataSet == NULL)return SV_MEMORY_ERR; if ((m_ImageList.GetCount() <= 0) || (m_FileList.GetCount() <= 0)) return SV_FILEIO_ERROR; int retcode = SV_NORMAL; //Get size of frame DicomImage* pDcmImage = NULL; POSITION pos = NULL; INT nWidth = 0; INT nHeight = 0; INT nNumberOfFrame = 0; ULONG nSizeOfDataSet = 0; UINT nSizeOfFrame = 0; pos = m_ImageList.FindIndex(0); pDcmImage = m_ImageList.GetAt(pos); nWidth = pDcmImage->getWidth(); nHeight = pDcmImage->getHeight(); //Count number of frame and check size of all frame. for (INT i=0; i< m_ImageList.GetCount(); i++) { pos = NULL; pos = m_ImageList.FindIndex(i); if(pos != NULL) { pDcmImage = m_ImageList.GetAt(pos); if ((nWidth != pDcmImage->getWidth())|| (nHeight != pDcmImage->getHeight())) { retcode = SV_UNSUPPORT_FORMAT; } else { nNumberOfFrame += pDcmImage->getFrameCount(); } } else { retcode = SV_SYSTEM_ERR; } if (retcode != SV_NORMAL) break; } //if all frame have the same size -> allocate memory for the dataset if (retcode == SV_NORMAL) { out_pImgDataSet->m_tSize.ndx = nWidth; out_pImgDataSet->m_tSize.ndy = nHeight; out_pImgDataSet->m_tSize.ndz = nNumberOfFrame; nSizeOfDataSet = out_pImgDataSet->m_tSize.ndx * out_pImgDataSet->m_tSize.ndy * out_pImgDataSet->m_tSize.ndz; nSizeOfFrame = pDcmImage->getOutputDataSize(SV_DCM_OUTPUTBITS); ASSERT((nSizeOfFrame * nNumberOfFrame) == nSizeOfDataSet); retcode = out_pImgDataSet->PrepareBuffer(nSizeOfDataSet); } //Copy data from DICOM file to the dataset uchar* pBuff = out_pImgDataSet->GetDataBuff(); POSITION pos1 = NULL; for (INT i=0; i< m_ImageList.GetCount(); i++) { pos1 = NULL; pos1 = m_ImageList.FindIndex(i); if(pos1 != NULL) { pDcmImage = m_ImageList.GetAt(pos1); for (INT j=0; j < pDcmImage->getFrameCount(); j++) { BOOL sts = pDcmImage->getOutputData(pBuff, nSizeOfFrame,SV_DCM_OUTPUTBITS,j); if (!sts) retcode = SV_FILEIO_ERROR; else pBuff += nSizeOfFrame; if (retcode != SV_NORMAL) break; } } else retcode = SV_SYSTEM_ERR; if (retcode != SV_NORMAL) break; } return retcode; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ctkDICOMDatasetView::addImage( DicomImage & dcmImage, bool defaultIntensity ) { Q_D(ctkDICOMDatasetView); QImage image; // Check whether we have a valid image EI_Status result = dcmImage.getStatus(); if (result != EIS_Normal) { logger.error(QString("Rendering of DICOM image failed for thumbnail failed: ") + DicomImage::getString(result)); return; } // Select first window defined in image. If none, compute min/max window as best guess. // Only relevant for monochrome if (d->AutoWindowLevel) { if (dcmImage.isMonochrome()) { if (defaultIntensity && dcmImage.getWindowCount() > 0) { dcmImage.setWindow(0); } else { dcmImage.setMinMaxWindow(OFTrue /* ignore extreme values */); dcmImage.getWindow(d->DicomIntensityLevel, d->DicomIntensityWindow); } } } else { dcmImage.setWindow(d->DicomIntensityLevel, d->DicomIntensityWindow); } /* get image extension and prepare image header */ const unsigned long width = dcmImage.getWidth(); const unsigned long height = dcmImage.getHeight(); unsigned long offset = 0; unsigned long length = 0; QString header; if (dcmImage.isMonochrome()) { // write PGM header (binary monochrome image format) header = QString("P5 %1 %2 255\n").arg(width).arg(height); offset = header.length(); length = width * height + offset; } else { // write PPM header (binary color image format) header = QString("P6 %1 %2 255\n").arg(width).arg(height); offset = header.length(); length = width * height * 3 /* RGB */ + offset; } /* create output buffer for DicomImage class */ QByteArray buffer; /* copy header to output buffer and resize it for pixel data */ buffer.append(header); buffer.resize(length); /* render pixel data to buffer */ if (dcmImage.getOutputData(static_cast<void *>(buffer.data() + offset), length - offset, 8, 0)) { if (!image.loadFromData( buffer )) { logger.error("QImage couldn't created"); } } this->addImage(image); }