Esempio n. 1
boost::unordered_set<Model> MCSat::sampleSat(const Model& initialModel, const Domain& d, boost::mt19937& rng) {
    boost::unordered_set<Model> models;
    models.insert(initialModel); // always include the initial model

    // transform domain into a SAT problem
    Domain dSat;
    for (Domain::fact_const_iterator it = d.facts_begin(); it != d.facts_end(); it++) {
    for (Domain::formula_const_iterator it = d.formulas_begin(); it != d.formulas_end(); it++) {
        ELSentence s = *it;
    dSat.addAtoms(d.atoms_begin(), d.atoms_end());
    // perform UP (if possible)
    Domain reduced;
    if (useUnitPropagation_) {
        try {
            reduced = MCSat::applyUP(dSat);
        } catch (contradiction& c) {
            return models;  // can't continue, just return our models which has only one item.
    } else {
        reduced = dSat;

    // rewrite infinite weighted formulas so they have singular weight
    reduced = reduced.replaceInfForms();

    // do some random restarts and hope for different models
    MWSSolver walksatSolver(walksatIterations_, walksatRandomMoveProb_, &reduced);
    for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= walksatNumRandomRestarts_; i++) {
        Model iterInitModel = reduced.randomModel(rng);   // TODO: better way to make random models
        if (reduced.formulas_size() == 0) {
            // just add the random model and continue

        //std::cout << "--\nFormulas for maxwalksat: ";
        //std::copy(reduced.formulas_begin(), reduced.formulas_end(), std::ostream_iterator<ELSentence>(std::cout, ", "));
        //std::cout << std::endl;

        Model iterModel =, iterInitModel);
        if (reduced.isFullySatisfied(iterModel)) models.insert(iterModel);
    return models;
Esempio n. 2
Domain MCSat::applyUP(const Domain& d) {
    Domain reduced;
    try {
        reduced = performUnitPropagation(d);
    } catch (contradiction& c) {
        // rewrite error message
        throw contradiction("Contradiction found in MCSat::run() when running unit prop()");

    // default model is guaranteed to satisfy the facts
    Model m = reduced.defaultModel();
    // check to make sure hard clauses are satisfied
    std::vector<ELSentence> hardClauses;
    std::remove_copy_if(reduced.formulas_begin(), reduced.formulas_end(), std::back_inserter(hardClauses), std::not1(IsHardClausePred()));
    for (std::vector<ELSentence>::const_iterator it = hardClauses.begin(); it != hardClauses.end(); it++) {
        if (!it->fullySatisfied(m, reduced)) {
            throw contradiction("Contradiction found in MCSat::run() when verifying hard clauses are satisfied");
    return reduced;