  const InputType &src,
  const ChartCellCollectionBase &cellColl,
  const PhraseDictionarySCFG &ruleTable)
  : ChartRuleLookupManagerCYKPlus(src, cellColl)
  , m_ruleTable(ruleTable)
  CHECK(m_dottedRuleColls.size() == 0);
  size_t sourceSize = src.GetSize();

  const PhraseDictionaryNodeSCFG &rootNode = m_ruleTable.GetRootNode();

  for (size_t ind = 0; ind < m_dottedRuleColls.size(); ++ind) {
    DottedRuleInMemory *initDottedRule = m_dottedRulePool.malloc();
    new (initDottedRule) DottedRuleInMemory(rootNode);
    DottedRuleInMemory *initDottedRule = new DottedRuleInMemory(rootNode);

    DottedRuleColl *dottedRuleColl = new DottedRuleColl(sourceSize - ind + 1);
    dottedRuleColl->Add(0, initDottedRule); // init rule. stores the top node in tree

    m_dottedRuleColls[ind] = dottedRuleColl;
  const ChartParser &parser,
  const ChartCellCollectionBase &cellColl,
  const PhraseDictionaryMemory &ruleTable)
  : ChartRuleLookupManagerCYKPlus(parser, cellColl)
  , m_ruleTable(ruleTable)
  UTIL_THROW_IF2(m_dottedRuleColls.size() != 0,
		  "Dotted rule collection not correctly initialized");

  size_t sourceSize = parser.GetSize();

  const PhraseDictionaryNodeMemory &rootNode = m_ruleTable.GetRootNode();

  for (size_t ind = 0; ind < m_dottedRuleColls.size(); ++ind) {
    DottedRuleInMemory *initDottedRule = m_dottedRulePool.malloc();
    new (initDottedRule) DottedRuleInMemory(rootNode);
    DottedRuleInMemory *initDottedRule = new DottedRuleInMemory(rootNode);

    DottedRuleColl *dottedRuleColl = new DottedRuleColl(sourceSize - ind + 1);
    dottedRuleColl->Add(0, initDottedRule); // init rule. stores the top node in tree

    m_dottedRuleColls[ind] = dottedRuleColl;
// Given a partial rule application ending at startPos-1 and given the sets of
// source and target non-terminals covering the span [startPos, endPos],
// determines the full or partial rule applications that can be produced through
// extending the current rule application by a single non-terminal.
void ChartRuleLookupManagerMemory::ExtendPartialRuleApplication(
  const DottedRuleInMemory &prevDottedRule,
  size_t startPos,
  size_t endPos,
  size_t stackInd,
  DottedRuleColl & dottedRuleColl)
  // source non-terminal labels for the remainder
  const NonTerminalSet &sourceNonTerms =
    GetSentence().GetLabelSet(startPos, endPos);

  // target non-terminal labels for the remainder
  const ChartCellLabelSet &targetNonTerms = GetTargetLabelSet(startPos, endPos);

  // note where it was found in the prefix tree of the rule dictionary
  const PhraseDictionaryNodeSCFG &node = prevDottedRule.GetLastNode();

  const PhraseDictionaryNodeSCFG::NonTerminalMap & nonTermMap =

  const size_t numChildren = nonTermMap.size();
  if (numChildren == 0) {
  const size_t numSourceNonTerms = sourceNonTerms.size();
  const size_t numTargetNonTerms = targetNonTerms.GetSize();
  const size_t numCombinations = numSourceNonTerms * numTargetNonTerms;

  // We can search by either:
  //   1. Enumerating all possible source-target NT pairs that are valid for
  //      the span and then searching for matching children in the node,
  // or
  //   2. Iterating over all the NT children in the node, searching
  //      for each source and target NT in the span's sets.
  // We'll do whichever minimises the number of lookups:
  if (numCombinations <= numChildren*2) {

		// loop over possible source non-terminal labels (as found in input tree)
    NonTerminalSet::const_iterator p = sourceNonTerms.begin();
    NonTerminalSet::const_iterator sEnd = sourceNonTerms.end();
    for (; p != sEnd; ++p) {
      const Word & sourceNonTerm = *p;

      // loop over possible target non-terminal labels (as found in chart)
      ChartCellLabelSet::const_iterator q = targetNonTerms.begin();
      ChartCellLabelSet::const_iterator tEnd = targetNonTerms.end();
      for (; q != tEnd; ++q) {
        const ChartCellLabel &cellLabel = q->second;

        // try to match both source and target non-terminal
        const PhraseDictionaryNodeSCFG * child =
          node.GetChild(sourceNonTerm, cellLabel.GetLabel());

        // nothing found? then we are done
        if (child == NULL) {

        // create new rule
        DottedRuleInMemory *rule = m_dottedRulePool.malloc();
        new (rule) DottedRuleInMemory(*child, cellLabel, prevDottedRule);
        DottedRuleInMemory *rule = new DottedRuleInMemory(*child, cellLabel,
        dottedRuleColl.Add(stackInd, rule);
    // loop over possible expansions of the rule
    PhraseDictionaryNodeSCFG::NonTerminalMap::const_iterator p;
    PhraseDictionaryNodeSCFG::NonTerminalMap::const_iterator end =
    for (p = nonTermMap.begin(); p != end; ++p) {
      // does it match possible source and target non-terminals?
      const PhraseDictionaryNodeSCFG::NonTerminalMapKey &key = p->first;
      const Word &sourceNonTerm = key.first;
      if (sourceNonTerms.find(sourceNonTerm) == sourceNonTerms.end()) {
      const Word &targetNonTerm = key.second;
      const ChartCellLabel *cellLabel = targetNonTerms.Find(targetNonTerm);
      if (!cellLabel) {

      // create new rule
      const PhraseDictionaryNodeSCFG &child = p->second;
      DottedRuleInMemory *rule = m_dottedRulePool.malloc();
      new (rule) DottedRuleInMemory(child, *cellLabel, prevDottedRule);
      DottedRuleInMemory *rule = new DottedRuleInMemory(child, *cellLabel,
      dottedRuleColl.Add(stackInd, rule);