void WxGraphs::SetMargins() { int leftmargin = 36; int bottommargin = 12; int topmargin = 24; wxClientDC dc(this); dc.SetFont(GetFont()); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_graphs.size(); i++) { int tw, th; DrawInfo *di = m_draws[i]->GetDrawInfo(); wxString sval = di->GetValueStr(di->GetMax(), _T("")); dc.GetTextExtent(sval, &tw, &th); if (leftmargin < tw + 1) leftmargin = tw + 1; if (bottommargin < th + 1) bottommargin = th + 1; if (topmargin < th + m_screen_margins.infotopmargin) topmargin = th + m_screen_margins.infotopmargin; } m_screen_margins.leftmargin = leftmargin; m_screen_margins.bottommargin = bottommargin; m_screen_margins.topmargin = topmargin; m_bg_view->SetMargins(m_screen_margins.leftmargin, m_screen_margins.rightmargin, m_screen_margins.topmargin, m_screen_margins.bottommargin); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_graphs.size(); i++) m_graphs.at(i)->SetMargins(m_screen_margins.leftmargin, m_screen_margins.rightmargin, m_screen_margins.topmargin, m_screen_margins.bottommargin); }
void GCDCGraphs::RecalculateMargins(wxGraphicsContext &dc) { if (!m_recalulate_margins) return; double leftmargin = 36; double bottommargin = 12; double topmargin = 24; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_draws.size(); i++) { double tw, th, td, tel; DrawInfo *di = m_draws[i]->GetDrawInfo(); wxString sval = di->GetValueStr(di->GetMax(), _T("")); dc.GetTextExtent(sval, &tw, &th, &td, &tel); if (leftmargin < tw + 1) leftmargin = tw + 1; if (bottommargin < th + 1) bottommargin = th + 1; if (topmargin < th + m_screen_margins.infotopmargin) topmargin = th + m_screen_margins.infotopmargin; dc.GetTextExtent(di->GetUnit(), &tw, &th, &td, &tel); if (leftmargin < tw + 6) leftmargin = tw + 6; } m_screen_margins.leftmargin = leftmargin; m_screen_margins.bottommargin = bottommargin; m_screen_margins.topmargin = topmargin; m_recalulate_margins = false; }
void SummaryWindow::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent &event) { if (!m_active) return; bool resize = false; #define SHOW(wdg, show) \ wdg->Show(show); \ m_values_sizer->Show(wdg, show, true); if (m_update) { if (m_summary_draws_count == 0) { SHOW(m_no_draws_label, true) SHOW(m_no_draws_line, true) resize = true; } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_draws.Count(); ++i) { ObservedDraw* od = m_draws[i]; if (od == NULL) continue; TTLabel *l = m_labels[i]; wxStaticLine *li = m_lines[i]; double val = od->draw->GetValuesTable().m_hsum; double data_percentage = od->draw->GetValuesTable().m_data_probes_ratio; if (std::isnan(val) && l->IsShown()) { SHOW(l, false); SHOW(li, false); resize = true; continue; } if (od->draw->GetEnable() == false) { SHOW(l, false); SHOW(li, false); resize = true; continue; } if (!std::isnan(val) && !l->IsShown()) { SHOW(l, true); SHOW(li, true); resize = true; od->tooltip = true; m_tooltip = true; } od->update = false; if (l->IsShown() == false) continue; Draw* draw = od->draw; assert(draw); DrawInfo* info = draw->GetDrawInfo(); assert(info); //convert unit, idea taken from draw2 :) wxString sunit = info->GetSumUnit(); wxString unit = info->GetUnit(); wxString text; if (!sunit.IsEmpty()) { text = wxString(info->GetValueStr(val, _T(""))) + _T(" ") + sunit; } else if (unit == _T("kW")) { text = wxString(info->GetValueStr(val, _T(""))) + _T(" ") + _T("kWh") + _T(" (") + wxString(info->GetValueStr(val * 3.6 / 1000, _T(""))) + _T(" GJ)"); } else if (unit == _T("MW")) { text = wxString(info->GetValueStr(val, _T(""))) + _T(" ") + _T("MWh") + _T(" (") + wxString(info->GetValueStr(val * 3.6, _T(""))) + _T(" GJ)"); } else if (unit.Replace(_T("/h"), _T("")) == 0) { unit += _T("*h"); text = wxString(info->GetValueStr(val, _T(""))) + _T(" ") + unit; } else { text = wxString(info->GetValueStr(val, _T(""))) + _T(" ") + unit; } if (!std::isnan(data_percentage) && !(data_percentage > 0.9999)) text += wxString::Format(_T(" (%.2f%%)"), data_percentage * 100); l->SetValueText(text); resize = true; } if (m_no_draws_label->IsShown()) { SHOW(m_no_draws_label, false); SHOW(m_no_draws_line, false); } } } if (m_tooltip) for (size_t i = 0; i < m_draws.Count(); ++i) { ObservedDraw* od = m_draws[i]; if (od == NULL) continue; if (od->tooltip == false) continue; Draw* draw = od->draw; DrawInfo* info = draw->GetDrawInfo(); wxString tooltip = _T(""); tooltip += info->GetName(); tooltip += _T("\n"); PeriodType period = draw->GetPeriod(); const Draw::VT& vt = draw->GetValuesTable(); wxDateTime s = draw->GetTimeOfIndex(vt.m_stats.Start() - vt.m_view.Start()); wxDateTime e = draw->GetTimeOfIndex(vt.m_stats.End() - vt.m_view.Start()); tooltip += _("From:"); tooltip += _T("\n") + FormatTime(s, period) + _T("\n") + _("To:") + _T("\n") + FormatTime(e, period); double data_percentage = od->draw->GetValuesTable().m_data_probes_ratio; if (std::isnan(data_percentage)) data_percentage = 0; tooltip += _T("\n\n") + wxString::Format(_("Data contains %.2f%% probes from current period"), data_percentage * 100); m_labels[i]->SetToolTip(tooltip); od->tooltip = false; } if (resize) Resize(); m_update = m_tooltip = false; }
void GCDCGraphs::DrawYAxisVals(wxGraphicsContext& dc) { Draw* draw = m_draws_wdg->GetSelectedDraw(); if (draw == NULL) return; DrawInfo *di = draw->GetDrawInfo(); if (!di->IsValid()) return; double min = di->GetMin(); double max = di->GetMax(); if( max <= min ) { // FIXME: Draw3 should atomaticly detect axes in that case, but // it currently doesnt :( wxLogWarning(_T("Parameter %s has invalid min/max values: min %f, max %f. Min is set to 0, and max to 100."), di->GetName().c_str(), min, max); min = 0; max = 100; } //procedure for calculating distance between marks stolen from SzarpDraw2 double x = max - min; double step; int i = 0; if (x < 1) for (;x < 1; x *=10, --i); else for (;(int)x / 10; x /=10, ++i); if (x <= 1.5) step = .1; else if (x <= 3.) step = .2; else if (x <= 7.5) step = .5; else step = 1.; double acc = 1; int prec = di->GetPrec(); for (int p = prec; p > 0; --p) acc /= 10; double factor = (i > 0) ? 10 : .1; for (;i; i -= i / abs(i)) step *= factor; if (step < acc) step = acc; dc.SetPen(wxPen(*wxWHITE, 1, wxSOLID)); int w, h; GetClientSize(&w, &h); h -= m_screen_margins.bottommargin + m_screen_margins.topmargin; for (double val = max; (min - val) < acc; val -= step) { int y = GetY(val, di); dc.StrokeLine(m_screen_margins.leftmargin - 8, y, m_screen_margins.leftmargin, y); wxString sval = di->GetValueStr(val, _T("- -")); double textw, texth, textd, textel; dc.GetTextExtent(sval, &textw, &texth, &textd, &textel); dc.DrawText(sval, m_screen_margins.leftmargin - textw - 1, y + 2); } }
void DrawsPrintout::PrintDrawsInfo(wxDC *dc, int leftmargin, int topmargin, int rightmargin, int bottommargin) { int w, h; int tw, th; int maxy = 5; int info_print_start; dc->GetSize(&w, &h); //GetPageSizePixels(&w, &h); w -= leftmargin + rightmargin; int hw = w / 2; info_print_start = h * 2 / 3 + topmargin; dc->SetDeviceOrigin(leftmargin, info_print_start); Draw* fd = m_draws[0]; DrawInfo* fdi = m_draws[0]->GetDrawInfo(); wxFont font = dc->GetFont(); wxFont f = font; //wxFont f(10, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, _T("Helvetica"), wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_2); #ifdef __WXMSW__ f.SetPointSize(100); #else f.SetPointSize(16); #endif dc->SetTextForeground(*wxBLACK); dc->SetFont(f); wxString cn = GetPrintoutConfigTitle(); dc->GetTextExtent(cn, &tw, &th); dc->DrawText(cn, hw - tw / 2, maxy); maxy += int(1.4 * th); #ifdef __WXMSW__ f.SetPointSize(65); #else f.SetPointSize(8); #endif dc->SetFont(f); wxString wt = fdi->GetSetName(); dc->GetTextExtent(wt, &tw, &th); dc->DrawText(wt, hw - tw / 2, maxy); maxy += int(1.4 * th); PeriodType pt = fd->GetPeriod(); wxString period = _("For period: "); switch (pt) { case PERIOD_T_DECADE: period += _("DECADE "); break; case PERIOD_T_YEAR: period += _("YEAR "); break; case PERIOD_T_MONTH: period += _("MONTH "); break; case PERIOD_T_WEEK: period += _("WEEK "); break; case PERIOD_T_DAY: period += _("DAY "); break; case PERIOD_T_30MINUTE: period += _("HOUR "); break; case PERIOD_T_5MINUTE: period += _("5MINUTE "); break; case PERIOD_T_MINUTE: period += _("MINUTE "); break; case PERIOD_T_30SEC: period += _("30SEC "); break; case PERIOD_T_SEASON: period += _("SEASON "); break; default: assert(false); } dc->GetTextExtent(period, &tw, &th); dc->DrawText(period, hw - tw / 2, maxy); maxy += int(1.4 * th); int point_size = f.GetPointSize(); bool painted = false; do { wxString time; time += _("From: "); time += FormatTime(fd->GetTimeOfIndex(0), pt); time += _(" to: "); time += FormatTime(fd->GetTimeOfIndex(fd->GetValuesTable().size() - 1), pt); dc->GetTextExtent(time, &tw, &th); if (tw > w && f.GetPointSize() >= 2) { f.SetPointSize(f.GetPointSize() - 1); dc->SetFont(f); } else { dc->DrawText(time, hw - tw / 2, maxy); maxy += int(1.4 * th); painted = true; } } while (!painted); f.SetPointSize(point_size) ; dc->SetFont(f); painted = false; bool painting = false; int pmaxy = maxy; do { for (int i = 0; i < m_draws_count; ++i) { Draw *d = m_draws[i]; if (!d->GetEnable()) continue; DrawInfo* di = d->GetDrawInfo(); int cx = 0.02 * w; wxString str = wxString::Format(_T("%s = %s "), di->GetShortName().c_str(), di->GetName().c_str()); dc->SetTextForeground(di->GetDrawColor()); dc->GetTextExtent(str, &tw, &th); if (painting) dc->DrawText(str, cx, maxy); cx += tw; const Draw::VT& vt = d->GetValuesTable(); if (vt.m_count) { dc->SetTextForeground(*wxBLACK); wxString unit = di->GetUnit(); str = wxString(_T(": ")) + _("min.=") + d->GetDrawInfo()->GetValueStr(vt.m_min, _T("- -")) + + _T(" ; ") + _("avg.=") + wxString(d->GetDrawInfo()->GetValueStr(vt.m_sum / vt.m_count, _T("- -"))) + + _T(" ; ") + _("max.=") + wxString(d->GetDrawInfo()->GetValueStr(vt.m_max, _T("- -"))) + + _T(" ") + unit; if (painting) { dc->GetTextExtent(str, &tw, &th); dc->DrawText(str, cx, maxy); } cx += tw; if (di->GetSpecial() == TDraw::HOURSUM) { wxString u = unit; if (u.Replace(_T("/h"), _T("")) == 0) u += _T("*h"); wxString vals; double val = vt.m_hsum; wxString sunit = d->GetDrawInfo()->GetSumUnit(); if (!sunit.IsEmpty()) { vals = wxString(di->GetValueStr(val, _T(""))) + _T(" ") + sunit; } else if (unit == _T("kW")) { vals = wxString(di->GetValueStr(val, _T(""))) + _T(" ") + _T("kWh") + _T(" (") + wxString(di->GetValueStr(val * 3.6 / 1000, _T(""))) + _T(" GJ)"); } else if (unit == _T("MW")) { vals = wxString(di->GetValueStr(val, _T(""))) + _T(" ") + _T("MWh") + _T(" (") + wxString(di->GetValueStr(val * 3.6, _T(""))) + _T(" GJ)"); } else if (unit.Replace(_T("/h"), _T("")) == 0) { u += _T("*h"); vals = wxString(di->GetValueStr(val, _T(""))) + _T(" ") + u; } else { vals = wxString(di->GetValueStr(val, _T(""))) + _T(" ") + u; } str = wxString::Format(_T(" sum.: %s"), vals.c_str()); if (painting) dc->DrawText(str, cx, maxy); } } maxy += int(1.4 * th); } if (painting) painted = true; else { if (maxy + info_print_start + topmargin < dc->GetSize().GetHeight() - bottommargin) painting = true; else { f.SetPointSize(f.GetPointSize() - 1); if (f.GetPointSize() <= 2) painting = true; dc->SetFont(f); } maxy = pmaxy; } } while (!painted); }