Esempio n. 1
void ConcreteGridView<DuneGridView>::getRawElementDataImpl(
        arma::Mat<CoordinateType>& vertices,
        arma::Mat<int>& elementCorners,
        arma::Mat<char>& auxData) const
    typedef typename DuneGridView::Grid DuneGrid;
    typedef typename DuneGridView::IndexSet DuneIndexSet;
    const int dimGrid = DuneGrid::dimension;
    const int dimWorld = DuneGrid::dimensionworld;
    const int codimVertex = dimGrid;
    const int codimElement = 0;
    typedef Dune::LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<DuneGrid,
            Dune::MCMGElementLayout> DuneElementMapper;
    typedef typename DuneGridView::template Codim<codimVertex>::Iterator
    typedef typename DuneGridView::template Codim<codimElement>::Iterator
    typedef typename DuneGridView::template Codim<codimVertex>::Geometry
    typedef typename DuneGridView::template Codim<codimElement>::Geometry
    typedef typename DuneGrid::ctype ctype;

    const DuneIndexSet& indexSet = m_dune_gv.indexSet();

    vertices.set_size(dimWorld, indexSet.size(codimVertex));
    for (DuneVertexIterator it = m_dune_gv.template begin<codimVertex>();
         it != m_dune_gv.template end<codimVertex>(); ++it)
        size_t index = indexSet.index(*it);
        const DuneVertexGeometry& geom = it->geometry();
        Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dimWorld> vertex = geom.corner(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < dimWorld; ++i)
            vertices(i, index) = vertex[i];

    const int MAX_CORNER_COUNT = dimWorld == 2 ? 2 : 4;
    DuneElementMapper elementMapper(m_dune_gv.grid());
    elementCorners.set_size(MAX_CORNER_COUNT, elementMapper.size());
    for (DuneElementIterator it = m_dune_gv.template begin<codimElement>();
         it != m_dune_gv.template end<codimElement>(); ++it)
        size_t index =*it);
        const Dune::GenericReferenceElement<ctype, dimGrid>& refElement =
                Dune::GenericReferenceElements<ctype, dimGrid>::general(it->type());
        const int cornerCount = refElement.size(codimVertex);
        assert(cornerCount <= MAX_CORNER_COUNT);
        for (int i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i)
            elementCorners(i, index) = indexSet.subIndex(*it, i, codimVertex);
        for (int i = cornerCount; i < MAX_CORNER_COUNT; ++i)
            elementCorners(i, index) = -1;

    auxData.set_size(0, elementCorners.n_cols);
Esempio n. 2
void ConcreteGridView<DuneGridView>::getRawElementDataImpl(
    arma::Mat<CoordinateType> &vertices, arma::Mat<int> &elementCorners,
    arma::Mat<char> &auxData, std::vector<int> *domainIndices) const {
  typedef typename DuneGridView::Grid DuneGrid;
  typedef typename DuneGridView::IndexSet DuneIndexSet;
  const int dimGrid = DuneGrid::dimension;
  const int dimWorld = DuneGrid::dimensionworld;
  const int codimVertex = dimGrid;
  const int codimElement = 0;
  typedef Dune::LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<
      DuneGrid, Dune::MCMGElementLayout> DuneElementMapper;
  typedef typename DuneGridView::template Codim<codimVertex>::Iterator
  typedef typename DuneGridView::template Codim<codimElement>::Iterator
  typedef typename DuneGridView::template Codim<codimVertex>::Geometry
  typedef typename DuneGridView::template Codim<codimElement>::Geometry
  typedef typename DuneGrid::ctype ctype;

  const DuneIndexSet &indexSet = m_dune_gv.indexSet();

  vertices.set_size(dimWorld, indexSet.size(codimVertex));
  for (DuneVertexIterator it = m_dune_gv.template begin<codimVertex>();
       it != m_dune_gv.template end<codimVertex>(); ++it) {
    size_t index = indexSet.index(*it);
    const DuneVertexGeometry &geom = it->geometry();
    Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dimWorld> vertex = geom.corner(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < dimWorld; ++i)
      vertices(i, index) = vertex[i];

  const int MAX_CORNER_COUNT = dimWorld == 2 ? 2 : 4;
  DuneElementMapper elementMapper(m_dune_gv.grid());
  const int elementCount = elementMapper.size();
  elementCorners.set_size(MAX_CORNER_COUNT, elementCount);
  for (DuneElementIterator it = m_dune_gv.template begin<codimElement>();
       it != m_dune_gv.template end<codimElement>(); ++it) {
    size_t index = indexSet.index(*it);
    const Dune::GenericReferenceElement<ctype, dimGrid> &refElement =
        Dune::GenericReferenceElements<ctype, dimGrid>::general(it->type());
    const int cornerCount = refElement.size(codimVertex);
    assert(cornerCount <= MAX_CORNER_COUNT);
    for (int i = 0; i < cornerCount; ++i)
      elementCorners(i, index) = indexSet.subIndex(*it, i, codimVertex);
    for (int i = cornerCount; i < MAX_CORNER_COUNT; ++i)
      elementCorners(i, index) = -1;

  auxData.set_size(0, elementCorners.n_cols);

  if (domainIndices) {
    // Somewhat inelegant: we perform a second iteration over elements,
    // this time using the BEM++ interface to Dune.
    std::unique_ptr<EntityIterator<0>> it = this->entityIterator<0>();
    const IndexSet &indexSet = this->indexSet();
    while (!it->finished()) {
      const Entity<0> &entity = it->entity();
      const int index = indexSet.entityIndex(entity);
      const int domain = entity.domain();
      acc(*domainIndices, index) = domain;