Esempio n. 1
 * Push flow along a path and update the unsatisfied_demand of the associated
 * edge.
 * @param edge Edge whose ends the path connects.
 * @param path End of the path the flow should be pushed on.
 * @param accuracy Accuracy of the calculation.
 * @param max_saturation If < UINT_MAX only push flow up to the given
 * 	                     saturation, otherwise the path can be "overloaded".
uint MultiCommodityFlow::PushFlow(Edge &edge, Path *path, uint accuracy,
		uint max_saturation)
	assert(edge.UnsatisfiedDemand() > 0);
	uint flow = Clamp(edge.Demand() / accuracy, 1, edge.UnsatisfiedDemand());
	flow = path->AddFlow(flow, this->job, max_saturation);
	return flow;
Esempio n. 2
 * Run the first pass of the MCF calculation.
 * @param job Link graph job to calculate.
MCF1stPass::MCF1stPass(LinkGraphJob &job) : MultiCommodityFlow(job)
	PathVector paths;
	uint size = job.Size();
	uint accuracy = job.Settings().accuracy;
	bool more_loops;

	do {
		more_loops = false;
		for (NodeID source = 0; source < size; ++source) {
			/* First saturate the shortest paths. */
			this->Dijkstra<DistanceAnnotation, GraphEdgeIterator>(source, paths);

			for (NodeID dest = 0; dest < size; ++dest) {
				Edge edge = job[source][dest];
				if (edge.UnsatisfiedDemand() > 0) {
					Path *path = paths[dest];
					assert(path != NULL);
					/* Generally only allow paths that don't exceed the
					 * available capacity. But if no demand has been assigned
					 * yet, make an exception and allow any valid path *once*. */
					if (path->GetFreeCapacity() > 0 && this->PushFlow(edge, path,
							accuracy, this->max_saturation) > 0) {
						/* If a path has been found there is a chance we can
						 * find more. */
						more_loops = more_loops || (edge.UnsatisfiedDemand() > 0);
					} else if (edge.UnsatisfiedDemand() == edge.Demand() &&
							path->GetFreeCapacity() > INT_MIN) {
						this->PushFlow(edge, path, accuracy, UINT_MAX);
			this->CleanupPaths(source, paths);
	} while (more_loops || this->EliminateCycles());