void UniformHelmholtzGreens
( ElementalMatrix<Complex<Real>>& A, Int n, Real lambda )
    typedef Complex<Real> C;
    const Real pi = 4*Atan( Real(1) );
    const Real k0 = 2*pi/lambda;
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();

    // Generate a list of n uniform samples from the 3D unit ball
    DistMatrix<Real,STAR,VR> X_STAR_VR(3,n,g);
    for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<X_STAR_VR.LocalWidth(); ++jLoc )
        Real x0, x1, x2;
        // Sample uniformly from [-1,+1]^3 until a point is drawn from the ball
        while( true )
            x0 = SampleUniform( Real(-1), Real(1) );
            x1 = SampleUniform( Real(-1), Real(1) );
            x2 = SampleUniform( Real(-1), Real(1) );
            const Real radiusSq = x0*x0 + x1*x1 + x2*x2;
            if( radiusSq > 0 && radiusSq <= 1 )
        X_STAR_VR.SetLocal( 0, jLoc, x0 );
        X_STAR_VR.SetLocal( 1, jLoc, x1 );
        X_STAR_VR.SetLocal( 2, jLoc, x2 );
    DistMatrix<Real,STAR,STAR> X_STAR_STAR( X_STAR_VR );

    A.Resize( n, n );
    for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<A.LocalWidth(); ++jLoc )
        const Int j = A.GlobalCol(jLoc);
        const Real xj0 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(0,j);
        const Real xj1 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(1,j);
        const Real xj2 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(2,j);
        for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<A.LocalHeight(); ++iLoc )
            const Int i = A.GlobalRow(iLoc);
            if( i == j )
                A.SetLocal( iLoc, jLoc, 0 );
                const Real d0 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(0,i)-xj0;
                const Real d1 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(1,i)-xj1;
                const Real d2 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(2,i)-xj2;
                const Real gamma = k0*Sqrt(d0*d0+d1*d1+d2*d2);
                const Real realPart = Cos(gamma)/gamma;
                const Real imagPart = Sin(gamma)/gamma;
                A.SetLocal( iLoc, jLoc, C(realPart,imagPart) );
Esempio n. 2
void IndexDependentMap
( const ElementalMatrix<S>& A,
        ElementalMatrix<T>& B, 
  function<T(Int,Int,S)> func )
    const Int mLoc = A.LocalHeight();
    const Int nLoc = A.LocalWidth();
    B.AlignWith( A.DistData() );
    B.Resize( A.Height(), A.Width() );
    auto& ALoc = A.LockedMatrix();
    auto& BLoc = B.Matrix();
    for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<nLoc; ++jLoc )
        const Int j = A.GlobalCol(jLoc);
        for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<mLoc; ++iLoc )
            const Int i = A.GlobalRow(iLoc);
            BLoc(iLoc,jLoc) = func(i,j,ALoc(iLoc,jLoc));