Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  if(argc < 3) {
    printf("Usage whateveryoujusttyped.exe readFileName writeFileName\n");
    return -1;

  const char* readFilename = argv[1];
  const char* writeFilename = argv[2];

  std::ifstream readFile(readFilename);
  if(!readFile.is_open()) {
    printf("Couldn't open %s for reading\n", readFilename);
    return -1;

  std::ofstream writeFile(writeFilename);
  if(!writeFile.is_open()) {
    printf("Couldn't open %s for writing\n", writeFilename);
    return -1;

  typedef std::list<std::string> Entries;
  Entries entries;

  std::string currentEntry;
  std::string line;
  while(std::getline(readFile, line)) {
    if(strstr(line.c_str(), "===") != NULL) {
      if(!currentEntry.empty()) {

    currentEntry += line;
    currentEntry += "\n";
  if(!currentEntry.empty()) {

  for(auto entryIt = entries.rbegin();
    entryIt != entries.rend();
    ++entryIt) {
    writeFile << (*entryIt);

  return 0;
void ArchiveTestCase<ClassFactoryT>::ExtractArchive(wxInputStream& in)
    typedef Ptr<EntryT> EntryPtr;
    typedef std::list<EntryPtr> Entries;
    typedef typename Entries::iterator EntryIter;

    auto_ptr<InputStreamT> arc(m_factory->NewStream(in));
    int expectedTotal = m_testEntries.size();
    EntryPtr entry;
    Entries entries;

    if ((m_options & PipeIn) == 0)
        OnArchiveExtracted(*arc, expectedTotal);

    while (entry = EntryPtr(arc->GetNextEntry()), entry.get() != NULL) {
        wxString name = entry->GetName(wxPATH_UNIX);

        // provide some context for the error message so that we know which
        // iteration of the loop we were on
        string error_entry((_T(" '") + name + _T("'")).mb_str());
        string error_context(" failed for entry" + error_entry);

        TestEntries::iterator it = m_testEntries.find(name);
            "archive contains an entry that shouldn't be there" + error_entry,
            it != m_testEntries.end());

        const TestEntry& testEntry = *it->second;

        wxDateTime dt = testEntry.GetDateTime();
        if (dt.IsValid())
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("timestamp check" + error_context,
                                   dt == entry->GetDateTime());

        // non-seekable entries are allowed to have GetSize == wxInvalidOffset
        // until the end of the entry's data has been read past
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("entry size check" + error_context,
            testEntry.GetLength() == entry->GetSize() ||
            ((m_options & PipeIn) != 0 && entry->GetSize() == wxInvalidOffset));
            "arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize()" + error_context,
            arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize());

        if (name.Last() != _T('/'))
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("!IsDir" + error_context,
            wxCharBuffer buf(testEntry.GetSize() + 1);
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Read until Eof" + error_context,
                arc->Read(, testEntry.GetSize() + 1).Eof());
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("LastRead check" + error_context,
                arc->LastRead() == testEntry.GetSize());
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("data compare" + error_context,
                !memcmp(, testEntry.GetData(), testEntry.GetSize()));
        } else {
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("IsDir" + error_context, entry->IsDir());

        // GetSize() must return the right result in all cases after all the
        // data has been read
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("entry size check" + error_context,
            testEntry.GetLength() == entry->GetSize());
            "arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize()" + error_context,
            arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize());

        if ((m_options & PipeIn) == 0) {
            OnEntryExtracted(*entry, testEntry, arc.get());
            delete it->second;
        } else {

    // check that the end of the input archive was reached without error

    // for non-seekable streams these data are only guaranteed to be
    // available once the end of the archive has been reached
    if (m_options & PipeIn) {
        for (EntryIter i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); ++i) {
            wxString name = (*i)->GetName(wxPATH_UNIX);
            TestEntries::iterator j = m_testEntries.find(name);
            OnEntryExtracted(**i, *j->second);
            delete j->second;
        OnArchiveExtracted(*arc, expectedTotal);
Esempio n. 3
 void make_entry(Tracked const * const r) {
   if (Entry * const e = entry(r)) if (e->status != destructed) error()() << "leaked: " << *e << '.';
   Entry const e = { r, "?", fresh };