Esempio n. 1
CodeVisitor::visitEnum(const EnumPtr& p)
    string scoped = p->scoped();
    string name = getName(p);
    string type = getTypeVar(p);
    string abs = getAbsolute(p, _ns);
    EnumeratorList enums = p->getEnumerators();
    EnumeratorList::iterator q;
    long i;


    _out << sp << nl << "if(!class_exists('" << escapeName(abs) << "'))";
    _out << sb;
    _out << nl << "class " << name;
    _out << sb;

    for(q = enums.begin(), i = 0; q != enums.end(); ++q, ++i)
        string fixedEnum = fixIdent((*q)->name());
        ostringstream idx;
        idx << i;
        _out << nl << "const " << fixedEnum << " = " << idx.str() << ';';

    _out << eb;

    // Emit the type information.
    _out << sp << nl << type << " = IcePHP_defineEnum('" << scoped << "', array(";
    for(q = enums.begin(); q != enums.end(); ++q)
        if(q != enums.begin())
            _out << ", ";
        _out << "'" << (*q)->name() << "'";
    _out << "));";

    _out << eb;

Esempio n. 2
void Slice::ChecksumVisitor::visitEnum(const EnumPtr& p)
  if (p->isLocal()) {

  ostringstream ostr;

  ostr << "enum " << p->name() << endl;

  EnumeratorList enums = p->getEnumerators();
  for (EnumeratorList::iterator q = enums.begin(); q != enums.end(); ++q) {
    ostr << (*q)->name() << endl;

  updateMap(p->scoped(), ostr.str());
Esempio n. 3
Slice::Ruby::CodeVisitor::visitEnum(const EnumPtr& p)
    string scoped = p->scoped();
    string name = fixIdent(p->name(), IdentToUpper);
    EnumeratorList enums = p->getEnumerators();
    EnumeratorList::iterator q;
    int i;

    _out << sp << nl << "if not defined?(" << getAbsolute(p, IdentToUpper) << ')';;
    _out << nl << "class " << name;;
    _out << nl << "include Comparable";
    _out << sp << nl << "def initialize(val)";;
        ostringstream assertion;
        assertion << "fail(\"invalid value #{val} for " << name << "\") unless(val >= 0 and val < "
                  << enums.size() << ')';
        _out << nl << assertion.str();
    _out << nl << "@val = val";
    _out << nl << "end";

    // from_int
        _out << sp << nl << "def " << name << ".from_int(val)";
        ostringstream sz;
        sz << enums.size() - 1;;
        _out << nl << "raise IndexError, \"#{val} is out of range 0.." << sz.str() << "\" if(val < 0 || val > "
             << sz.str() << ')';
        _out << nl << "@@_values[val]";
        _out << nl << "end";

    // to_s
    _out << sp << nl << "def to_s";;
    _out << nl << "@@_names[@val]";
    _out << nl << "end";

    // to_i
    _out << sp << nl << "def to_i";;
    _out << nl << "@val";
    _out << nl << "end";

    // <=>
    _out << sp << nl << "def <=>(other)";;
    _out << nl << "other.is_a?(" << name << ") or raise ArgumentError, \"value must be a " << name << "\"";
    _out << nl << "@val <=> other.to_i";
    _out << nl << "end";

    // hash
    _out << sp << nl << "def hash";;
    _out << nl << "@val.hash";
    _out << nl << "end";

    // inspect
    _out << sp << nl << "def inspect";;
    _out << nl << "@@_names[@val] + \"(#{@val})\"";
    _out << nl << "end";

    // each
    _out << sp << nl << "def " << name << ".each(&block)";;
    _out << nl << "@@_values.each(&block)";
    _out << nl << "end";

    _out << sp << nl << "@@_names = [";
    for(q = enums.begin(); q != enums.end(); ++q)
        if(q != enums.begin())
            _out << ", ";
        _out << "'" << (*q)->name() << "'";
    _out << ']';

    _out << nl << "@@_values = [";
    for(EnumeratorList::size_type j = 0; j < enums.size(); ++j)
        if(j > 0)
            _out << ", ";
        ostringstream idx;
        idx << j;
        _out << name << ".new(" << idx.str() << ')';
    _out << ']';

    // Constant for each enumerator.
    _out << sp;
    for(q = enums.begin(), i = 0; q != enums.end(); ++q, ++i)
        ostringstream idx;
        idx << i;
        _out << nl << fixIdent((*q)->name(), IdentToUpper) << " = @@_values[" << idx.str() << "]";

    _out << sp << nl << "private_class_method :new";

    _out << nl << "end"; // End of class.

    // Emit the type information.
    _out << sp << nl << "T_" << name << " = ::Ice::__defineEnum('" << scoped << "', " << name << ", [";
    for(q = enums.begin(); q != enums.end(); ++q)
        if(q != enums.begin())
            _out << ", ";
        _out << name << "::" << fixIdent((*q)->name(), IdentToUpper);
    _out << "])";

    _out << nl << "end"; // if not defined?()