Esempio n. 1
PlugBoard::PlugBoard( char *pbFileName )
  /* Error and format check file */
  Errors checkPlugBoard; 
  checkPlugBoard.noRepContFile( pbFileName, 'p' );

  /* Open plugboard file. Loop through the file, counting
   * the total number of values in the file */
  ifstream pbfile; pbFileName );
  int contact;
  mapLength = 0;                          // set @mapLength to zero
  if( ){                    // Throw error if cannot open 
    throw FileOpenErrExptn( ERROR_OPENING_CONFIGURATION_FILE, pbFileName );

  while( !pbfile.eof() ){                 // Loop through file counting values
    if( !pbfile.eof() ){
      pbfile >> contact;
Esempio n. 2
Reflector::Reflector( char *rfFileName )

  /* Error and format check file */
  Errors checkReflector; 
  checkReflector.noRepContFile( rfFileName, 'f' );

  /* Open given reflector file. */
  ifstream reflectorFile; rfFileName );
  if( ){             // Throw error if cannot open
    throw FileOpenErrExptn( ERROR_OPENING_CONFIGURATION_FILE, rfFileName );

  /* Initialize elements of reflectorMap, by convering the 
   * int values from given file into uppercase characters
   * and assign these characters to elements in @reflectorMap.
   * Each column contains a 'wired' pair of characters. */
  int contactOne;             // first value in 'wired' pair from file
  int contactTwo;             // second value in 'wired'  pair from file
  int pair = 0;
  while( !reflectorFile.eof() ){
    reflectorFile >> contactOne;
    reflectorFile >> contactTwo;
    if( !reflectorFile.eof() ){
      reflectorMap[pair][0] = (contactOne+65);  // +65 for convert
      reflectorMap[pair][1] = (contactTwo+65);
Esempio n. 3
 /* ************************************************************************* */
 Errors GaussianFactorGraph::operator*(const VectorValues& x) const {
   Errors e;
   BOOST_FOREACH(const GaussianFactor::shared_ptr& Ai_G, *this) {
     JacobianFactor::shared_ptr Ai = convertToJacobianFactorPtr(Ai_G);
     e.push_back((*Ai) * x);
   return e;
Esempio n. 4
/* ************************************************************************* */
Errors Errors::operator-(const Errors& b) const {
#ifndef NDEBUG
  size_t m = size();
  if (b.size()!=m)
    throw(std::invalid_argument("Errors::operator-: incompatible sizes"));
  Errors result;
  Errors::const_iterator it = b.begin();
  BOOST_FOREACH(const Vector& ai, *this)
    result.push_back(ai - *(it++));
  return result;
Esempio n. 5
/* ************************************************************************* */
double dot(const Errors& a, const Errors& b) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
  size_t m = a.size();
  if (b.size()!=m)
    throw(std::invalid_argument("Errors::dot: incompatible sizes"));
  double result = 0.0;
  Errors::const_iterator it = b.begin();
  BOOST_FOREACH(const Vector& ai, a)
    result += gtsam::dot(ai, *(it++));
  return result;
Esempio n. 6
bool SickS300::getData(LaserScannerData& data, Errors& error) {
    // Bouml preserved body begin 000211E7
    if (!this->open(error)) {
        return false;
    try {

        if (newDataFlagOne == true) {
                boost::mutex::scoped_lock dataMutex1(mutexData1);
                data.setMeasurements(distanceBufferOne, angleBufferOne, si::meter, radian); //TODO dictance in centimeter
            newDataFlagOne = false;

        } else if (newDataFlagTwo == true) {
                boost::mutex::scoped_lock dataMutex2(mutexData2);
                data.setMeasurements(distanceBufferTwo, angleBufferTwo, meter, radian); //TODO dictance in centimeter
            newDataFlagTwo = false;
        } else {
            //   error.addError("unable_to_get_data", "could not get data from the Sick S300");
            return false;

        //  LOG(trace) << "receiving range scan from Sick S300";
    } catch (...) {
        error.addError("unable_to_get_data", "could not get data from the Sick S300");
        return false;

    return true;
    // Bouml preserved body end 000211E7
Esempio n. 7
File: scanner.cpp Progetto: c3d/elfe
Scanner::Scanner(kstring name, Syntax &stx, Positions &pos, Errors &err)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Open the file and make sure it's readable
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    : syntax(stx),
      input(*new utf8_ifstream(name)),
      textValue(""), realValue(0.0), intValue(0), base(10),
      indents(), indent(0), indentChar(0),
      position(0), lineStart(0),
      positions(pos), errors(err),
      caseSensitive(Options::options ? Options::options->case_sensitive : true),
      checkingIndent(false), settingIndent(false),
      hadSpaceBefore(false), hadSpaceAfter(false),
    indents.push_back(0);       // We start with an indent of 0
    position = positions.OpenFile(name);
    if (
        err.Log(Error("File $1 cannot be read: $2", position).

    // Skip UTF-8 BOM if present
    if (input.get() != 0xEF)
    else if (input.get() != 0xBB)
        input.unget(), input.unget();
    else if(input.get() != 0xBF)
        input.unget(), input.unget(), input.unget();
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {


  HokuyoURGConfiguration config;
  config.devicePath = "/dev/ttyACM0"; // Device path of the Sick LMS 2xx
  config.baud = BAUD_115200;
  config.scanAngleStart = 0 *radian;
  config.scanAngleStop = 1.5 *radian;

  HokuyoURG scanner;

  Errors errors;

  if (!scanner.setConfiguration(config, errors)) {
    return -1;

  LaserScannerTools tools;

 // tools.plot_laserscanner_values(scanner, errors);

   * Uninitialize the device
  try {
  } catch (...) {
    cerr << "Uninitialize failed!" << endl;
    return -1;

  /* Success! */
  return 0;

Esempio n. 9
bool SickS300::getConfiguration(LaserScannerConfiguration& configuration, Errors& error) {
    // Bouml preserved body begin 000210E7
    if (!this->open(error)) {
        return false;
    try {
        configuration.vendor = "SICK";
        configuration.product = "S300";

        configuration.scanAngleStart = -135.0 / 180.0 * M_PI * radian;
        configuration.scanAngleStop = 135.0 / 180.0 * M_PI * radian;
        configuration.scanResolution = ((-configuration.scanAngleStart) + configuration.scanAngleStop) / (double) numberOfScanPoints;

        LOG(trace) << "read Sick LMS configuration";

    } catch (...) {
        error.addError("unable_to_read_configuration", "could not get the configuration from the Sick S300");
        return false;

    return true;
    // Bouml preserved body end 000210E7
Esempio n. 10
File: scanner.cpp Progetto: c3d/elfe
Scanner::Scanner(std::istream &input,
                 Syntax &stx, Positions &pos, Errors &err,
                 kstring fileName)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Open the file and make sure it's readable
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    : syntax(stx),
      textValue(""), realValue(0.0), intValue(0), base(10),
      indents(), indent(0), indentChar(0),
      position(0), lineStart(0),
      positions(pos), errors(err),
      caseSensitive(Options::options ? Options::options->case_sensitive : true),
      checkingIndent(false), settingIndent(false),
      hadSpaceBefore(false), hadSpaceAfter(false),
    indents.push_back(0);       // We start with an indent of 0
    position = positions.OpenFile(fileName);
    if (
        err.Log(Error("Input stream cannot be read: $1", position)
Esempio n. 11
bool SickS300::open(Errors& error) {
    // Bouml preserved body begin 00021367
    if (this->isConnected) {
        return true;

    if (this->config->devicePath == "") {
        error.addError("no_DevicePath", "the device path is not specified in the configuration");
        this->isConnected = false;
        return false;

        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock_it(mutexSickS300);

        if (sickS300 != NULL) {
            error.addError("still_Connected", "a previous connection was not closed correctly please close it again.");
            this->isConnected = false;
            return false;

        this->sickS300 = new ScannerSickS300();


    unsigned int desired_baud = 500000;

    switch (this->config->baud) {
    case BAUD_9600:
        desired_baud = 9600;
        LOG(trace) << "using 9600 baut to comunicate to Sick S300";
    case BAUD_19200:
        desired_baud = 19200;
        LOG(trace) << "using 19200 baut to comunicate to Sick S300";
    case BAUD_38400:
        desired_baud = 38400;
        LOG(trace) << "using 38400 baut to comunicate to Sick S300";
    case BAUD_500K:
        desired_baud = 500000;
        LOG(trace) << "using 500000 baut to comunicate to Sick S300";
    case BAUD_UNKNOWN:
        desired_baud = 0;

    //Initialize the Sick S300
    try {
            boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock_it(mutexSickS300);
            if (!sickS300->open(this->config->devicePath.c_str(), desired_baud)) {
                throw "could not initilize Sick S300";
            this->isConnected = true;
        LOG(trace) << "connection to Sick S300 initialized";

        stopThread = false;

        threads.create_thread(boost::bind(&SickS300::receiveScan, this));

    } catch (...) {
        error.addError("Initialize_failed", "could not initilize Sick S300");
            boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock_it(mutexSickS300);
            this->isConnected = false;
            delete sickS300;
            sickS300 = NULL;
        return false;
    return true;
    // Bouml preserved body end 00021367
Esempio n. 12
bool SickS300::resetDevice(Errors& error) {
    // Bouml preserved body begin 000212E7
    error.addError("unable_to_reset_sick_s300", "could not reset the Sick S300");
    return false;
    // Bouml preserved body end 000212E7
Esempio n. 13
// Pre-Processamento:
// Remove os comentarios e linhas em branco
// E coloca o codigo numa estrutura do tipo CodeLines
// Tambem verifica os labels e equs e ifs
void readAndPreProcess (const char* fileName) {

    ifstream infile(fileName);
    string line;
    int textMemAddr = textStartAddress;
    int dataMemAddr = 0;
    int BSSMemAddr = 0;
    stringstream tempSS;
    CodeSection codeSection = NONE;

    // Le linha a linha
	for (int lineCount = 1; getline(infile, line); ++lineCount) {

        // Troca virgulas por espaco
        strReplace(line, ",", " ");

        // Ignora linhas em branco
        if (line.empty()) continue;

        // Pega palavra a palavra de acordo com os espacos
        istringstream iss(line);
        string tempStr;
        while (iss >> tempStr) {

            if ("SECTION" == tempStr) {

                string tempStr2;
                iss >> tempStr2;

                if ("TEXT" == tempStr2)
                    codeSection = TEXT;
                else if ("DATA" == tempStr2)
                    codeSection = DATA;




            // Ignora comentarios
            if (";" == tempStr.substr(0,1)) break;

            // Desconsidera o caso (maiusculas/minusculas)
            transform(tempStr.begin(), tempStr.end(), tempStr.begin(), ::toupper);

            // Ve se eh um label / define
            if (":" == tempStr.substr(tempStr.length() - 1, 1)) {

                // Ve se ainda restam tokens na linha
                if (iss.rdbuf()->in_avail() != 0) {

                    // Remove o ':'
                    tempStr = tempStr.substr(0, tempStr.length() - 1);

                    string tempStr2;
                    iss >> tempStr2;

                    // Ve se o proximo token eh EQU
                    if ("EQU" == tempStr2) {

                        string tempStr3;
                        iss >> tempStr3;

                        // Se define já existe
                        if (defines.find(tempStr3) != defines.end()){
                            tempSS << lineCount;
                            errors.push("ERRO NA LINHA " + tempSS.str() + ": EQU ja declarado.");
                        } else {
                            // Coloca o valor do EQU na tabela de defines
                            defines[tempStr] = tempStr3;

                    // Se nao eh so um label
                    // Com algo a mais na mesma linha
                    } else {

                        if ( (labels.find(tempStr) != labels.end()) ||
                             (dataLabels.find(tempStr) != dataLabels.end())  ){
                            tempSS << lineCount;
                            errors.push("ERRO NA LINHA " + tempSS.str() + ": Label ja declarado.");
                        } else {
                            // Adiciona na tabela de labels
                            if(codeSection == TEXT){
                                labels[tempStr] = textMemAddr;
                            } else if (codeSection == DATA) {

                                dataLabels[tempStr] = dataMemAddr;
                                dataMemAddr += 4;
                        // Adiciona endereco de memoria
                        if (instructions.find(tempStr2) != instructions.end())
                            textMemAddr += get<3>(instructions[tempStr2]);

                        // Adiciona os tokens ao vetor


                // Se nao eh um label "sozinho"
                // Adiciona no vetor
                } else {
Esempio n. 14
void Reporter::printErrors(std::ostream& os, Errors& errors, const int verbose)
    StrStream strstream;    
    strstream << "Summary:";
    // Parsing (not really errors)
    if (unlikely(errors.commentedLines))
        strstream << "\n [" << errors.commentedLines << "] commented lines";
    if (unlikely(errors.blankLines))
        strstream << "\n [" << errors.blankLines << "] blank lines";
    auto nbErrors = errors.nbErrors();
    if (unlikely(nbErrors > 0))
        strstream << "\nFound " << nbErrors << " error:";
        // Parsing
        if (unlikely(errors.corruptedMessages))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.corruptedMessages << "] corrupted messages";
        if (unlikely(errors.IncompleteMessages))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.IncompleteMessages << "] incomplete messages";
        if (unlikely(errors.wrongActions))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.wrongActions << "] wrong actions";
        if (unlikely(errors.wrongSides))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.wrongSides << "] wrong sides";
        if (unlikely(errors.negativeOrderIds))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.negativeOrderIds << "] negative orderIds";
        if (unlikely(errors.negativeQuantities))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.negativeQuantities << "] negative quantities";
        if (unlikely(errors.negativePrices))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.negativePrices << "] negative prices";
        if (unlikely(errors.missingActions))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.missingActions << "] missing actions";
        if (unlikely(errors.missingOrderIds))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.missingOrderIds << "] missing orderIds";
        if (unlikely(errors.missingSides))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.missingSides << "] missing sides";
        if (unlikely(errors.missingQuantities))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.missingQuantities << "] missing quantities";
        if (unlikely(errors.missingPrices))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.missingPrices << "] missing prices";
        if (unlikely(errors.zeroOrderIds))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.zeroOrderIds << "] zero orderIds";
        if (unlikely(errors.zeroQuantities))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.zeroQuantities << "] zero quantities";
        if (unlikely(errors.zeroPrices))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.zeroPrices << "] zero prices";
        if (unlikely(errors.outOfBoundsOrderIds))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.outOfBoundsOrderIds << "] out of bounds orderIds";
        if (unlikely(errors.outOfBoundsQuantities))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.outOfBoundsQuantities << "] out of bounds quantities";
        if (unlikely(errors.outOfBoundsPrices))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.outOfBoundsPrices << "] out of bounds prices";
        // Order Management
        if (unlikely(errors.duplicateOrderIds))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.duplicateOrderIds << "] duplicate OrderIds";
        if (unlikely(errors.modifiesWithUnknownOrderId))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.modifiesWithUnknownOrderId << "] modifies with unknown OrderIds";
        if (unlikely(errors.modifiesNotMatchedPrice))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.modifiesNotMatchedPrice << "] modifies with not matched order price";
        if (unlikely(errors.cancelsWithUnknownOrderId))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.cancelsWithUnknownOrderId << "] cancels with unknown OrderIds";
        if (unlikely(errors.cancelsNotMatchedQtyOrPrice))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.cancelsNotMatchedQtyOrPrice << "] cancels with not matched order price";
        if (unlikely(errors.bestBidEqualOrUpperThanBestAsk))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.bestBidEqualOrUpperThanBestAsk << "] best bid equal or upper than best ask";
        strstream << "\nNo error found";
    auto nbCriticalErrors = errors.nbCriticalErrors();
    if (unlikely(nbCriticalErrors > 0))
        strstream << "\nFound [" << nbCriticalErrors << "] critical error:";
        if (unlikely(errors.modifiesLimitQtyTooLow))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.modifiesLimitQtyTooLow << "] modifies with limit quantity too low";
        if (unlikely(errors.modifiesLimitNotFound))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.modifiesLimitNotFound << "] modifies limit not found";
        if (unlikely(errors.cancelsLimitQtyTooLow))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.cancelsLimitQtyTooLow << "] cancels with limit quantity too low";
        if (unlikely(errors.cancelsLimitNotFound))
            strstream << "\n [" << errors.cancelsLimitNotFound << "] cancels limit not found";
        strstream << "\nNo critical error found";
    strstream << '\n';
    if (unlikely(verbose))
        strstream << "Summary length: " << strstream.length() << '\n';
    os.rdbuf()->sputn(strstream.c_str(), strstream.length());
Esempio n. 15
bool Errors::equals(const Errors& expected, double tol) const {
  if( size() != expected.size() ) return false;
  return equal(begin(),end(),expected.begin(),equalsVector(tol));
Esempio n. 16
/* ************************************************************************* */
void print(const Errors& a, const string& s) {
Esempio n. 17
void axpy<Errors,Errors>(double alpha, const Errors& x, Errors& y) {
  Errors::const_iterator it = x.begin();
  BOOST_FOREACH(Vector& yi, y)
Esempio n. 18
bool TypeInference::Unify(Tree *t1, Tree *t2, unify_mode mode)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Unify two type forms
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  A type form in XL can be:
//   - A type name              integer
//   - A generic type name      #ABC
//   - A litteral value         0       1.5             "Hello"
//   - A range of values        0..4    1.3..8.9        "A".."Z"
//   - A union of types         0,3,5   integer|real
//   - A block for precedence   (real)
//   - A rewrite specifier      integer => real
//   - The type of a pattern    type (X:integer, Y:integer)
// Unification happens almost as "usual" for Algorithm W, except for how
// we deal with XL "shape-based" type constructors, e.g. type(P)
    // Make sure we have the canonical form
    t1 = Base(t1);
    t2 = Base(t2);
    if (t1 == t2)
        return true;            // Already unified

    // Strip out blocks in type specification
    if (Block *b1 = t1->AsBlock())
        if (Unify(b1->child, t2))
            return Join(b1, t2);
    if (Block *b2 = t2->AsBlock())
        if (Unify(t1, b2->child))
            return Join(t1, b2);

    // Lookup type names, replace them with their value
    t1 = LookupTypeName(t1);
    t2 = LookupTypeName(t2);
    if (t1 == t2)
        return true;            // This may have been enough for unifiation

    // Special case of constants
    if (t1->IsConstant())
        if (Name *t2n = t2->AsName())
            return JoinConstant(t1, t2n);
    if (t2->IsConstant())
        if (Name *t1n = t1->AsName())
            return JoinConstant(t2, t1n);

    // If either is a generic, unify with the other
    if (IsGeneric(t1))
        return Join(t1, t2);
    if (IsGeneric(t2))
        return Join(t1, t2);

    // Check if t1 is one of the infix constructor types
    if (Infix *i1 = t1->AsInfix())
        // Function types: Unifies only with a function type
        if (i1->name == "=>")
            if (Infix *i2 = t2->AsInfix())
                if (i2->name == "=>")
                        Unify(i1->left, i2->left, i1, i2) &&
                        Unify(i1->right, i2->right, i1, i2);
            return TypeError(i1, t2);
        // Union types: Unify with either side
        if (i1->name == "|" || i1->name == ",")
            if (mode != DECLARATION)
                Errors errors;
                if (Unify(i1->left, t2))
                    return true;
                if (Unify(i1->right, t2))
                    return true;
            return TypeError(t1, t2);
        Ooops("Malformed type definition $2 for $1", left, i1);
        return false;

    if (Infix *i2 = t2->AsInfix())
        // Union types: Unify with either side
        if (i2->name == "|" || i2->name == ",")
            Errors errors;
            if (Unify(t1, i2->left))
                return true;
            if (Unify(t1, i2->right))
                return true;
            return false;

        Ooops("Malformed type definition $2 for $1", right, i2);
        return false;

    // If we have a type name at this stage, this is a failure
    if (IsTypeName(t1))
        // In declaration mode, we have success if t2 covers t1
        if (mode == DECLARATION && TypeCoversType(context, t2, t1, false))
            return true;
        return TypeError(t1, t2);
    if (IsTypeName(t2))
        return TypeError(t1, t2);

    // Check prefix constructor types
    if (Prefix *p1 = t1->AsPrefix())
        if (Name *pn1 = p1->left->AsName())
            if (pn1->value == "type")
                if (Prefix *p2 = t2->AsPrefix())
                    if (Name *pn2 = p2->right->AsName())
                        if (pn2->value == "type")
                            if (UnifyPatterns(p1->right, p2->right))
                                return Join(t1, t2);

    // None of the above: fail
    return TypeError(t1, t2);
Esempio n. 19
bool TypeInference::Evaluate(Tree *what)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Find candidates for the given expression and infer types from that
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // We don't evaluate expressions while prototyping a pattern
    if (prototyping)
        return true;

    // Record if we are matching patterns
    bool matchingPattern = matching;
    matching = false;

    // Look directly inside blocks
    while (Block *block = what->AsBlock())
        what = block->child;

    // Evaluating constants is always successful
    if (what->IsConstant() && !context->hasConstants)
        return AssignType(what, what);

    // Test if we are already trying to evaluate this particular form
    rcall_map::iterator found = rcalls.find(what);
    bool recursive = found != rcalls.end();
    if (recursive)
        return true;

    // Identify all candidate rewrites in the current context
    RewriteCalls_p rc = new RewriteCalls(this);
    rcalls[what] = rc;
    uint count = 0;
    ulong key = context->Hash(what);
    Errors errors;
    errors.Log (Error("Unable to evaluate $1 because", what), true);
    context->Evaluate(what, *rc, key, Context::NORMAL_LOOKUP);
    // If we have no candidate, this is a failure
    count = rc->candidates.size();
    if (count == 0)
        if (matchingPattern && what->Kind() > KIND_LEAF_LAST)
            Tree *wtype = Type(what);
            return Unify(wtype, tree_type, what, what);
        Ooops("No form matches $1", what);
        return false;
    errors.Log(Error("Unable to check types in $1 because", what), true);

    // The resulting type is the union of all candidates
    Tree *type = Base(rc->candidates[0].type);
    Tree *wtype = Type(what);
    for (uint i = 1; i < count; i++)
        Tree *ctype = rc->candidates[i].type;
        ctype = Base(ctype);
        if (IsGeneric(ctype) && IsGeneric(wtype))
            // foo:#A rewritten as bar:#B and another type
            // Join types instead of performing a union
            if (!Join(ctype, type))
                return false;
            if (!Join(wtype, type))
                return false;
        type = UnionType(context, type, ctype);

    // Perform type unification
    return Unify(type, wtype, what, what, DECLARATION);
Esempio n. 20
 /* ************************************************************************* */
 void GaussianFactorGraph::multiplyInPlace(const VectorValues& x, Errors& e) const {
   multiplyInPlace(x, e.begin());
Esempio n. 21
/* ************************************************************************* */
Errors Errors::operator-() const {
  Errors result;
  BOOST_FOREACH(const Vector& ai, *this)
  return result;