void Nimbits::createPoint(String pointName) { EthernetClient client; if (client.connect(GOOGLE, PORT)) { client.println(F("POST /service/point HTTP/1.1")); String content; // writeAuthParams(content); content += "email="; content += _ownerEmail; if (_accessKey.length() > 0) { content += ("&key="); content += (_accessKey); } content += "&action=create&point="; content += (pointName); client.println(F("Host:nimbits1.appspot.com")); client.println(F("Connection:close")); client.println(F("Cache-Control:max-age=0")); client.print(F("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n")); client.print(F("Content-Length: ")); client.print(content.length()); client.print(F("\n\n")); client.print(content); while (client.connected() && !client.available()) { delay(1); //waits for data } client.stop(); client.flush(); } }
/* * Sends an HTTP POST request containing the name and the code to the server. */ void sendData() { Serial.print("attempting to send data (name = "); Serial.print(nameBuf); Serial.print(", code = "); Serial.print(buffer); Serial.println(")"); // if you get a connection, report back via serial: if (client.connect(server, port)) { Serial.println("connected"); // Make a HTTP request: client.print("POST /barcode"); client.print("?name="); client.print(nameBuf); client.print("&code="); client.print(buffer); client.print("&uptime="); client.print(millis()); client.println(" HTTP/1.0"); client.println(); client.flush(); client.stop(); Serial.println("request sent"); } else { // if you didn't get a connection to the server: Serial.println("connection failed"); } }
/* * Read client response from an HTTP request into a buffer. Return the number of * characters written to buf (EXCLUDING null character); */ void extract_client_response(struct HTTPObject *h, EthernetClient client){ extract_status_code(h, client); skip_http_headers(client); extract_body(h, client); // Clean up the connection client.flush(); client.stop(); }
void DataServeriOS::loop() { _client = _server->available(); if (_client) { WaitForRequest(); ParseReceivedRequest(); PerformRequestedCommand(); _client.flush(); _client.stop(); } else { _client.stop(); _substitudeLoop(); } }
String Nimbits::recordValue(String point, float value) { EthernetClient client; String content; if (client.connect(GOOGLE, PORT)) { client.println(F("POST /service/value HTTP/1.1")); // writeAuthParams(content); content += ("email="); content += _ownerEmail; if (_accessKey.length() > 0) { content += ("&key="); content += (_accessKey); } char buffer[10]; dtostrf(value, 5, 5, buffer); String str = buffer; content += ("&value="); content += (str); content += ("&point="); content += (point); client.println(F("Host:nimbits1.appspot.com")); client.println(F("Connection:close")); client.println(F("Cache-Control:max-age=0")); client.print(F("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n")); client.print(F("Content-Length: ")); client.print(content.length()); client.print(F("\n\n")); client.print(content); while (client.connected() && !client.available()) { delay(1); //waits for data } client.stop(); client.flush(); } return content; }
void updateDB_Door(){ Serial.println("connecting for DB update"); if (client.connect(server, 80)) { client.print("GET"); if(clientDoor) client.print(clientDoor,BIN); else client.print("'0'"); client.print(" HTTP/1.0"); client.println("Host:"); client.println(); doorChanged = 1; } else { //connection failed Serial.println("connection failed"); doorChanged = 0; } client.stop(); client.flush(); }
void updateDB_Shades(){ Serial.println("connecting for DB update"); if (client.connect(server, 80)) { client.print("GET"); if(clientShades) client.print(clientShades,BIN); else client.print("'0'"); client.print(" HTTP/1.0"); client.println("Host:"); client.println(); shadesChanged = 1; } else { Serial.println("connection failed"); shadesChanged = 0; } client.stop(); client.flush(); }
void VirtuinoEthernet_WebServer::run(){ EthernetServer server(serverPort); EthernetClient client = server.available(); if (client) { char c; if (DEBUG) Serial.println(clientConnected); while (client.connected()) { if (client.available()) { c = client.read(); lineBuffer.concat(c); if (DEBUG) Serial.write(c); } if (c == '\n' ) { int pos = lineBuffer.indexOf("GET /"); if (pos!=-1){ // We have a GET message if (DEBUG) Serial.println("\n\r LineBuffer="+lineBuffer); String responce = checkNetworkCommand(lineBuffer.substring(pos+5)); if (DEBUG) Serial.println("\n\r Responce="+responce); delay(10); client.flush(); client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); client.println("Content-Type: text/html"); client.println("Connection: close"); client.println(); client.println(responce); lineBuffer=""; break; } // if pos lineBuffer=""; } // if c=='\n' } // if client.available delay(1); client.stop(); // close the connection: if (DEBUG) Serial.println(clientDisconnected); } }
void updateDB_Lights(){ Serial.println("connecting for DB update"); if (client.connect(server, 80)) { client.print("GET"); if(clientLights) client.print(clientLights,BIN); else client.print("'0'"); client.print(" HTTP/1.0"); client.println("Host:"); client.println(); Serial.println("connection successful"); lightsChanged = 1; } else { lightsChanged = 0; Serial.println("connection failed"); } client.stop(); client.flush(); }
String readPage(){ int stringPos = 0; // string index counter boolean startRead = false; //read the page, and capture & return everything between '?' and '~' stringPos = 0; memset(inString,' ', 200); //clear inString memory while(true){ if (client.available()) { char c = client.read(); Serial.print(c); if (c == '?' ) { //'?' is our begining character startRead = true; //Ready to start reading the part } else if(startRead){ if(c != '~'){ //'~' is our ending character inString[stringPos] = c; stringPos ++; } else{ //got what we needed, disconnect startRead = false; c = 0; client.stop(); client.flush(); Serial.println("end of poll disconnecting."); return inString; } } } } }
void runExternalCommandsPersistent(EthernetServer* _server, systemState* _state) { // local variables int i, buffer_ptr; int room, radiatorState, automaticMode; float temperature; int commandError = 0; EthernetClient client = _server->available(); // is non-blocking if(client.available() > 2) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Connection established"); Serial.print("Available: "); Serial.println(client.available()); #endif char buffer[32]; // read command field if( readParam(buffer, 3, client) < 0 ) {commandError = 1; goto errorHandler;} // switch case on commands if(strcmp(buffer, "STM") == 0) // set temperature { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Set temperature command received"); #endif // read fisrt param: room number (one digit) if( readParam(buffer, 1, client) < 0 ) {commandError = 1; goto errorHandler;} room = atoi(buffer); // read second param: temperature (format xx.y) if( readParam(buffer, 4, client) < 0 ) {commandError = 1; goto errorHandler;} temperature = atof(buffer); _state->desiredTemp[room] = temperature; client.write((unsigned char*)"STM", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)"OOK", 3); } else if(strcmp(buffer, "RTM") == 0) // read temperature { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Read temperature command received"); #endif // read fisrt param: room number (one digit) if( readParam(buffer, 1, client) < 0 ) {commandError = 1; goto errorHandler;} room = atoi(buffer); temperature = _state->actualTemp[room]; //buffer_ptr = sprintf(buffer, "%4.1f", temperature); ttoa(buffer, temperature); client.write((unsigned char*)"RTM", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)"OOK", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)buffer, 4); } else if(strcmp(buffer, "SRD") == 0) // set radiator { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Set radiator command received"); #endif // read fisrt param: room number (one digit) if( readParam(buffer, 1, client) < 0 ) {commandError = 1; goto errorHandler;} room = atoi(buffer); // read second param: radiator state (one digit) if( readParam(buffer, 1, client) < 0 ) {commandError = 1; goto errorHandler;} radiatorState = atoi(buffer); _state->radiatorState[room] = radiatorState; digitalWrite(radiatorPinByRoom(room), (radiatorState == 1) ? LOW : HIGH); // set zone valve int someoneIsOn = 0; for(room = 0; room < 6; room++) { if(_state->radiatorState[room] == ON) someoneIsOn = 1; } digitalWrite(ZONE_VALVE_NO1, someoneIsOn ? LOW : HIGH); client.write((unsigned char*)"SRD", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)"OOK", 3); } else if(strcmp(buffer, "RRD") == 0) // read radiator { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Read radiator command received"); #endif // read fisrt param: room number (one digit) if( readParam(buffer, 1, client) < 0 ) {commandError = 1; goto errorHandler;} room = atoi(buffer); radiatorState = _state->radiatorState[room]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", radiatorState); client.write((unsigned char*)"RRD", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)"OOK", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)buffer, 1); } else if(strcmp(buffer, "SAM") == 0) // set automatic mode { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Set automatic mode command received"); #endif // read second param: radiator state (one digit) if( readParam(buffer, 1, client) < 0 ) {commandError = 1; goto errorHandler;} automaticMode = atoi(buffer); _state->automaticMode = automaticMode; client.write((unsigned char*)"SAM", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)"OOK", 3); } else if(strcmp(buffer, "RAM") == 0) // read automatic mode { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Read automatic mode command received"); #endif automaticMode = _state->automaticMode; sprintf(buffer, "%d", automaticMode); client.write((unsigned char*)"RAM", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)"OOK", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)buffer, 1); } else if(strcmp(buffer, "RDT") == 0) // read desired temperature { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Read desired temperature command received"); #endif // read fisrt param: room number (one digit) if( readParam(buffer, 1, client) < 0 ) {commandError = 1; goto errorHandler;} room = atoi(buffer); temperature = _state->desiredTemp[room]; //buffer_ptr = sprintf(buffer, "%4.1f", temperature); ttoa(buffer, temperature); client.write((unsigned char*)"RDT", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)"OOK", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)buffer, 4); } else if(strcmp(buffer, "CLS") == 0) // Close connection { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.println("Close connection command received"); #endif client.write((unsigned char*)"CLS", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)"OOK", 3); client.flush(); // NEW to verify ---> it seems not working delay(2000); while(client.connected()) { client.stop(); delay(2000); } } else { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("Invalid command received: "); Serial.print(buffer[0]); Serial.print(buffer[1]); Serial.print(buffer[2]); Serial.println(); #endif client.write((unsigned char*)"ERR", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)"INV", 3); } // ============================================= errorHandler: if(commandError) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("Invalid command received: "); Serial.print(buffer[0]); Serial.print(buffer[1]); Serial.print(buffer[2]); Serial.println(); #endif client.write((unsigned char*)"ERR", 3); client.write((unsigned char*)"GEN", 3); } // ============================================= } }
boolean P098SendCustomHTTPRequest(char* Request, byte ip, unsigned long port, byte varindex) { byte targetIP[4]; int InByteCounter,x,y; byte InByte; unsigned long TimeoutTimer; const int TimeOut=5000; EthernetClient HTTPClient; // Client class voor HTTP sessie. byte State=0; char *IPBuffer=(char*)malloc(IP_BUFFER_SIZE+1); targetIP[0] = EthernetNodo.localIP()[0]; targetIP[1] = EthernetNodo.localIP()[1]; targetIP[2] = EthernetNodo.localIP()[2]; targetIP[3] = ip; strcpy(IPBuffer,"GET "); // Alle spaties omzetten naar %20 en toevoegen aan de te verzenden regel. y=strlen(IPBuffer); for(x=0;x<strlen(Request);x++) { if(Request[x]==32) { IPBuffer[y++]='%'; IPBuffer[y++]='2'; IPBuffer[y++]='0'; } else { IPBuffer[y++]=Request[x]; } } IPBuffer[y]=0; strcat(IPBuffer," HTTP/1.1"); if(Settings.Debug==VALUE_ON) Serial.println(IPBuffer); if(HTTPClient.connect(targetIP,port)) { HTTPClient.println(IPBuffer); HTTPClient.println("Host:"); HTTPClient.println("User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0"); HTTPClient.println(F("Connection: Close")); HTTPClient.println();// Afsluiten met een lege regel is verplicht in http protocol/ TimeoutTimer=millis()+TimeOut; // Als er te lange tijd geen datatransport is, dan wordt aangenomen dat de verbinding (om wat voor reden dan ook) is afgebroken. IPBuffer[0]=0; InByteCounter=0; while(TimeoutTimer>millis() && HTTPClient.connected()) { if(HTTPClient.available()) { InByte=HTTPClient.read(); if(isprint(InByte) && InByteCounter<IP_BUFFER_SIZE) IPBuffer[InByteCounter++]=InByte; else if(InByte==0x0A) { IPBuffer[InByteCounter]=0; // De regel is binnen if(Settings.Debug==VALUE_ON) Serial.println(IPBuffer); String line = IPBuffer; if (varindex > 0 && line.substring(10, 14) == "Data") { String strValue = line.substring(19); byte pos = strValue.indexOf(',')-1; strValue = strValue.substring(0, pos); strValue.trim(); char tmp[80]; strValue.toCharArray(tmp,79); float value=0; if (tmp[0]=='O') value = (strValue == "On") ? 1 : 0; else value = atof(tmp); UserVar[varindex-1] = value; if(Settings.Debug==VALUE_ON) { Serial.println(strValue); Serial.println("Succes!"); } } InByteCounter=0; } } } delay(500); HTTPClient.flush();// Verwijder eventuele rommel in de buffer. HTTPClient.stop(); } free(IPBuffer); return State; }
void loop() { // ESPERA ENTRE CAPTURAS delay(5000); analogWrite(A2,0); analogWrite(A3,255); float h = dht.readHumidity(); float t = dht.readTemperature(); if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) { Serial.println("ERROR EN LA CAPTURA DEL SENSOR DE HUMEDAD"); return; } Serial.print("HUMEDAD: "); Serial.print(h); Serial.print(" %\t"); Serial.print("TEMERATURA AMBIENTE: "); Serial.print(t); Serial.print(" *C "); // FIN CAPTURA DE DATOS HUMEDAD Y TEMPERATURA AMBIENTE //INICIO CAPTURA DE TEMPERATURA CALDERA 1 Serial.println("TEMPERATURA AMBIENTE TERMO 1= "); Serial.println(thermocouple.readInternal()); double c = thermocouple.readCelsius(); if (isnan(c)) { Serial.println("Something wrong with thermocouple!"); } else { Serial.print("Caldera 1= "); Serial.println(c); } // FIN CAPTURA CALDERA 1 // INICIO CAPTURA DE TEMPERATURA CALDERA 2 //Serial.print("ambiente 2= "); Serial.println(thermocouple2.readInternal()); double c2 = thermocouple2.readCelsius(); if (isnan(c2)) { Serial.println("Something wrong with thermocouple!"); } else { Serial.print("Caldera2 = "); Serial.println(c2); } // FIN DE CAPTURA DE TEMPERATURA CALDERA 2 // INICIO DE SUBIDA A MYSQL SERVER TABLA TEMPERATURA Serial.println("Conectando..."); if (client.connect(server, 80)>0) { // Conexion con el servidor client.print("GET /angu/json/tmprUp.php?estf=1&ambiente="); client.print(t); client.print("&caldera1="); client.print(c2); client.print("&caldera2="); client.print(c2); // Enviamos los datos por GET client.println(" HTTP/1.0"); client.println("User-Agent: Arduino 1.0"); client.println(); Serial.println("Conectado ENVIANDO DATOS TABLA TEMPERATURA"); } else { Serial.println("Fallo en la conexion"); } if (!client.connected()) { Serial.println("Desconectado!"); } client.stop(); client.flush(); analogWrite(A2,255); analogWrite(A3,0); delay(2000); //FIN DE SUBIDA A MYSQL TABLA TEMPERATURA //INICIO SUBIDA A MYSQL SERVER TABLA HUMEDAD Serial.println("Conectando..."); if (client.connect(server, 80)>0) { // Conexion con el servidor client.print("GET /angu/json/hmdaUp.php?estf=1&humedad=");// estufa 1 client.print(h); client.println(" HTTP/1.0"); client.println("User-Agent: Arduino 1.0"); client.println(); Serial.println("Conectado ENVIANDO DATOS TABLA HUMEDAD"); } else { Serial.println("Fallo en la conexion"); } if (!client.connected()) { Serial.println("Desconectado!"); } client.stop(); client.flush(); analogWrite(A2,0); analogWrite(A3,255); delay(2000); // FIN DE SUBIDA A MYSQL SERVER TABLA HUMEDAD //captura datos gases float sensor_volt; float RS_gas; // Get value of RS in a GAS float ratio; // Get ratio RS_GAS/RS_air int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); sensor_volt=(float)sensorValue/1024*5.0; RS_gas = (5.0-sensor_volt)/sensor_volt; ratio = RS_gas/0.34; // ratio = RS/R0 Serial.print("CO2 = ");//gases calidad float co2,calidad; co2 = sensor_volt*440; Serial.println(co2); Serial.print("calidad aire = ");//gases calidad calidad = sensor_volt*340; Serial.println(calidad); Serial.print("NOX = ");//gases nox Serial.println(RS_gas); Serial.print("CO = ");//gases co Serial.println(ratio); analogWrite(A2,255); analogWrite(A3,0); delay(2000); delay(5000); // Espero un minuto //FIN CAPTURA DE GASES //INICIO SUBIDA MYSQL SERVER TABLA GASES //INICIO SUBIDA A MYSQL SERVER TABLA HUMEDAD Serial.println("Conectando..."); if (client.connect(server, 80)>0) { // Conexion con el servidor client.print("GET /angu/json/gsesUp.php?estf=1&co2="); client.print(co2); client.print("&calidad="); client.print(calidad); client.print("&nox="); client.print(RS_gas); client.print("&co=");// estufa client.print(ratio); client.println(" HTTP/1.0"); client.println("User-Agent: Arduino 1.0"); client.println(); Serial.println("Conectado ENVIANDO DATOS TABLA GASES"); } else { Serial.println("Fallo en la conexion"); } if (!client.connected()) { Serial.println("Desconectado!"); } client.stop(); client.flush(); // FIN DE SUBIDA A MYSQL SERVER TABLA HUMEDAD }
// The loop function is called in an endless loop void loop() { // if there's incoming data from the net connection. // send it out the serial port. This is for debugging // purposes only: if (client.available()) { char c = client.read(); Serial.print(c); } // if there's no net connection, but there was one last time // through the loop, then stop the client: if (!client.connected() && wasConnected) { Serial.println(); Serial.println("disconnecting."); client.stop(); wasConnected = false; } if (PowerSerial::solar.count < 0) { int waitTime = millis() - lastupdate; if (waitTime > 30000) { String jsonResult = PowerSerial::solar.jsonResult; Serial.println("transmit Every 30 seconds"); lastupdate = millis(); lmillis = tmillis; //timing to determine amount of time since last call tmillis = millis(); delay(1000); if (!client.connected()) { Serial.println(jsonResult); // if there's a successful connection: Serial.println("!client.connected() --> 1"); // DNSClient dns; // IPAddress remote_addr; // dns.begin(Ethernet.dnsServerIP()); // int ret = dns.getHostByName(serverName, remote_addr); // if (ret == 1) { // Serial.println(serverName); // Serial.println(remote_addr); // } else { // Serial.println("Fail !!!"); // } if (client.connect(serverName, 80)) { delay(1000); Serial.println("!client.connect() --> 2"); wasConnected = true; Serial.println("connecting..."); // send the HTTP PUT request: String str = "GET "; str.concat(input); str.concat(apikey); str.concat(inputJson); str.concat(jsonResult); str.concat(" HTTP/1.0"); client.println(str); client.println("Host: emoncms.org"); client.println("User-Agent: arduino-ethernet"); client.println("Connection: close"); client.println(); client.flush(); Serial.println(str); Serial.println("Respons:"); Serial.println(client.readString()); PowerSerial::solar.count = 0; } else { delay(1000); // if you couldn't make a connection: Serial.println("connection failed"); Serial.println(); Serial.println("disconnecting."); client.stop(); } } } else { // Serial.print("Still waiting: "); // Serial.println(waitTime); } } else { Serial.println("Powerserial has no result .... waiting: "); } if (PowerSerial::solar.count >= 0){ PowerSerial::parse(); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- Main loop update ------------------------------------------------------ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PLabFileServer::update() { // Main loop. // Check if we have any new connections EthernetClient client = available(); if (client) { if (out) { out->println(); // Buffer is initially considered empty strcpy_P(bigBuf, plabRequest); out->println(bigBuf); out->println(); } if (filter) { filter->start(); } // We should now start parsing our request RequestState_t state = REQ_START; RequestMethod_t method = METH_NOT_SUPPORTED; int indexTracker = 0; // While we still have an open connection to the client while (client.connected()) { if (client.available()) { char c = client.read(); if (out) { out->write(c); } state = reqStateTransition(state, c, indexTracker, method); } // By default we assume we have answered. bool answered = true; // Configuring answer, if we have any yet. switch (state) { case REQ_MESSAGE_BODY: if (out) { out->println(); // Safe to overwrite buffer: it should not contain anything strcpy_P(bigBuf, plabResponse); out->println(bigBuf); out->println(); } // GET and HEAD discard request body in this server // Currently this (HEAD and GET) covers every possibility. if (method == METH_HEAD || method == METH_GET) { if (userControlledResponse) { if (filter) filter->writeResponse(client); } else { // The exact same header strcpy_P(bigBuf, plabHeaderHttp); if (filter) filter->filterResponseHeader(bigBuf, client); cPrint(bigBuf, client); strcpy_P(bigBuf, plab200OK); if (filter) filter->filterResponseHeader(bigBuf, client); cPrintln(bigBuf, client); if (internalMIMEIndex >= 0) { strcpy_P(bigBuf, plabContentType); if (filter) filter->filterResponseHeader(bigBuf, client); cPrint(bigBuf, client); strcpy_P(bigBuf, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(plabMIMETypeTable[internalMIMEIndex]))); if (filter) filter->filterResponseHeader(bigBuf, client); cPrintln(bigBuf, client); } strcpy_P(bigBuf, plabConnectionClose); if (filter) filter->filterResponseHeader(bigBuf, client); cPrintln(bigBuf, client); // TODO Additional user defined header fields cPrintln("", client); // HEADER stop if (method == METH_GET) { // Rediricting file location if (filter) filter->redirectReplyFile(sdFile); #ifdef PLAB_DEBUG if (out) out->println("GET response"); #endif // PLAB_DEBUG // ONLY get has message body // TODO User defined body write if (sdFile) { while (sdFile.available()) { char c = sdFile.read(); if (filter) { if (filter->filterResponse(c, client)) cWrite(c, client); } else cWrite(c, client); } sdFile.close(); } #ifdef PLAB_DEBUG else if (out) out->println("File not open!"); #endif // PLAB_DEBUG } } } break; // TODO Better error treatment case BAD_REQ_400: printDefaultError(400, client); break; case NOT_FOUND_404: printDefaultError(404, client); break; case METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_405: printDefaultError(405, client); break; case REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG_414: printDefaultError(414, client); break; case INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500: printDefaultError(500, client); break; case NOT_IMPLEMENTED_501: printDefaultError(501, client); break; case HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED_505: printDefaultError(505, client); break; default: // No other state (as of yet) produces an answer answered = false; } // Clean, if need be if (answered) { if (sdFile) { sdFile.close(); } // Client should have some time to process answer delay(1); client.stop(); client.flush(); } } if (filter) filter->end(); } }
void ModbusTCP::run(void) { int16_t i, iStart, iQty; int16_t iTXLen = 0; // response packet length uint8_t *ptr, iFC = MB_FC_NONE, iEC = MB_EC_NONE; // // Initialize and check for a request from a MODBUS master // #ifdef MB_ETHERNET EthernetClient clientrequest = mb_server.available(); if (clientrequest.available()) { #endif #ifdef MB_CC3000 Adafruit_CC3000_ClientRef clientrequest = mb_server.available(); if (clientrequest.available()) { #endif #ifdef MB_ESP8266 if (!clientrequest.connected()) clientrequest = mb_server.available(); if (clientrequest.available()) { #endif // // Retrieve request // for (i = 0 ; clientrequest.available() ; i++) mb_adu[i] = clientrequest.read(); #ifdef MB_ESP8266 clientrequest.flush(); #endif #ifdef MB_DEBUG printMB("RX: ", word(mb_adu[MB_TCP_LEN], mb_adu[MB_TCP_LEN + 1]) + 6); #endif // // Unpack the function code // iFC = mb_adu[MB_TCP_FUNC]; } // // Handle request // switch (iFC) { case MB_FC_NONE: break; case MB_FC_READ_REGISTERS: // // 03 (0x03) Read Holding Registers // // modpoll -m tcp -t 4:float -r 40001 -c 1 -1 192.168.x.x // // [TransID] [ProtID-] [Length-] [Un] [FC] [Start--] [Qty----] // RX: 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x06 0x01 0x03 0x9C 0x40 0x00 0x02 // // [TransID] [ProtID-] [Length-] [Un] [FC] [Bc] [float------------] // TX: 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x07 0x01 0x03 0x04 0x20 0x00 0x47 0xF1 // // 123456.0 = 0x00 0x20 0xF1 0x47 (IEEE 754) // // Unpack the start and length // ptr = mb_adu + MB_TCP_DATA; iStart = word(*ptr++, *ptr++) - 40000; iQty = 2 * word(*ptr++, *ptr); // // check for valid register addresses // if (iStart < 0 || (iStart + iQty / 2 - 1) > MB_REGISTERS_MAX) { iEC = MB_EC_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS; break; } // // Write data length // ptr = mb_adu + MB_TCP_DATA; *ptr++ = iQty; // // Write data // for (i = 0 ; i < iQty / 2 ; i++) { *ptr++ = highByte(mb_reg[iStart + i]); *ptr++ = lowByte(mb_reg[iStart + i]); } iTXLen = iQty + 9; break; case MB_FC_WRITE_REGISTER: // // 06 (0x06) Write register // ptr = mb_adu + MB_TCP_DATA; iStart = word(*ptr++, *ptr++) - 40000; // // check for valid register addresses // if (iStart < 0 || (iStart - 1) > MB_REGISTERS_MAX) { iEC = MB_EC_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS; break; } // Unpack and store data // mb_reg[iStart] = word(*ptr++, *ptr); // // Build a response // iTXLen = 12; break; case MB_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS: // // 16 (0x10) Write Multiple registers // // modpoll -m tcp -t 4:float -r 40001 -c 1 -1 192.168.x.x 123456.0 // // [TransID] [ProtID-] [Length-] [Un] [FC] [Start--] [Qty----] [Bc] [float------------] // RX: 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0B 0x01 0x10 0x9C 0x40 0x00 0x02 0x04 0x20 0x00 0x47 0xF1 // // 123456.0 = 0x00 0x20 0xF1 0x47 (IEEE 754) // // Unpack the start and length // ptr = mb_adu + MB_TCP_DATA; iStart = word(*ptr++, *ptr++) - 40000; iQty = 2 * word(*ptr++, *ptr); // // check for valid register addresses // if (iStart < 0 || (iStart + iQty / 2 - 1) > MB_REGISTERS_MAX) { iEC = MB_EC_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS; break; } // // Unpack and store data // ptr = mb_adu + MB_TCP_DATA + 5; // todo: check for valid length for (i = 0 ; i < iQty / 2 ; i++) { mb_reg[iStart + i] = word(*ptr++, *ptr++); } // // Build a response // iTXLen = 12; break; default: iEC = MB_EC_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION; break; } // // Build exception response if necessary because we were too // lazy to do it earlier. Other responses should already be // built. // if (iEC) { ptr = mb_adu + MB_TCP_FUNC; *ptr = *ptr++ | 0x80; // flag the function code *ptr = iEC; // write the exception code iTXLen = 9; } // // If there's a response, transmit it // if (iFC) { ptr = mb_adu + MB_TCP_LEN; // write the header length *ptr++ = 0x00; *ptr = iTXLen - MB_TCP_UID; #ifdef MB_DEBUG printMB("TX: ", word(mb_adu[MB_TCP_LEN], mb_adu[MB_TCP_LEN + 1]) + MB_TCP_UID); #endif #ifdef MB_ETHERNET clientrequest.write(mb_adu, iTXLen); // send it #endif #ifdef MB_CC3000 clientrequest.write(mb_adu, iTXLen); // send it #endif #ifdef MB_ESP8266 clientrequest.write((byte*) mb_adu, iTXLen); // send it //clientrequest.stop(); #endif } } #ifdef MB_Float int ModbusTCP::setFloat(uint16_t iAddress, float fValue) { int iRet; union { float f; uint16_t w[2]; } fw; for (iRet = 0 ; !iRet ; iRet = 2) { if ((iAddress -= 40001) < 0 || (iAddress + 1) >= MB_REGISTERS_MAX) // invalid address break; fw.f = fValue; mb_reg[iAddress++] = fw.w[0]; mb_reg[iAddress] = fw.w[1]; } return (iRet); }
/** * Process HTTP request * * @return EthernetClient client **/ EthernetClient uHTTP::available(){ EthernetClient client; memset(__uri, 0, sizeof(__uri)); memset(__query, 0, sizeof(__query)); memset(__body, 0, sizeof(__body)); memset(&__head, 0, sizeof(__head)); if(client = EthernetServer::available()){ uint8_t cursor = 0, cr = 0; char buffer[uHTTP_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0}; bool sub = false; enum state_t {METHOD, URI, QUERY, PROTO, KEY, VALUE, BODY}; state_t state = METHOD; enum header_t {START, AUTHORIZATION, CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_LENGTH, ORIGIN}; header_t header = START; while(client.connected() && client.available()){ char c = client.read(); (c == '\r' || c == '\n') ? cr++ : cr = 0; switch(state){ case METHOD: if(c == ' '){ if(strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR("OP"), 2) == 0) __method = uHTTP_METHOD_OPTIONS; else if(strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR("HE"), 2) == 0) __method = uHTTP_METHOD_HEAD; else if(strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR("PO"), 2) == 0) __method = uHTTP_METHOD_POST; else if(strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR("PU"), 2) == 0) __method = uHTTP_METHOD_PUT; else if(strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR("PA"), 2) == 0) __method = uHTTP_METHOD_PATCH; else if(strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR("DE"), 2) == 0) __method = uHTTP_METHOD_DELETE; else if(strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR("TR"), 2) == 0) __method = uHTTP_METHOD_TRACE; else if(strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR("CO"), 2) == 0) __method = uHTTP_METHOD_CONNECT; else __method = uHTTP_METHOD_GET; state = URI; cursor = 0; }else if(cursor < uHTTP_METHOD_SIZE - 1){ buffer[cursor++] = c; buffer[cursor] = '\0'; } break; case URI: if(c == ' '){ state = PROTO; cursor = 0; }else if(c == '?'){ state = QUERY; cursor = 0; }else if(cursor < uHTTP_URI_SIZE - 1){ __uri[cursor++] = c; __uri[cursor] = '\0'; } break; case QUERY: if(c == ' '){ state = PROTO; cursor = 0; }else if(cursor < uHTTP_QUERY_SIZE - 1){ __query[cursor++] = c; __query[cursor] = '\0'; } break; case PROTO: if(cr == 2){ state = KEY; cursor = 0; } break; case KEY: if (cr == 4){ state = BODY; cursor = 0; } else if(c == ' '){ state = VALUE; cursor = 0; } else if(c != ':' && cursor < uHTTP_BUFFER_SIZE){ buffer[cursor++] = c; buffer[cursor] = '\0'; } break; case VALUE: if(cr == 2){ switch(header){ case AUTHORIZATION: strncpy(__head.auth, buffer, uHTTP_AUTH_SIZE); break; case CONTENT_TYPE: strncpy(__head.type, buffer, uHTTP_TYPE_SIZE); break; case ORIGIN: strncpy(__head.orig, buffer, uHTTP_ORIG_SIZE); break; case CONTENT_LENGTH: __head.length = atoi(buffer); break; break; } state = KEY; header = START; cursor = 0; sub = false; }else if(c != '\r' && c!= '\n'){ if(header == START){ if(strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR("Auth"), 4) == 0) header = AUTHORIZATION; else if(strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR("Content-T"), 9) == 0) header = CONTENT_TYPE; else if(strncmp_P(buffer, PSTR("Content-L"), 9) == 0) header = CONTENT_LENGTH; } // Fill buffer if(cursor < uHTTP_BUFFER_SIZE - 1){ switch(header){ case AUTHORIZATION: if(sub){ buffer[cursor++] = c; buffer[cursor] = '\0'; } else if(c == ' ') sub = true; break; case CONTENT_TYPE: case CONTENT_LENGTH: buffer[cursor++] = c; buffer[cursor] = '\0'; break; } } } break; case BODY: if(cr == 2 || __head.length == 0) client.flush(); else if(cursor < uHTTP_BODY_SIZE - 1){ __body[cursor++] = c; __body[cursor] = '\0'; } break; } } } return client; }