void CtrlText::handleEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvent )
    // Save the event to use it in callbacks
    m_pEvt = &rEvent;

    m_fsm.handleTransition( rEvent.getAsString() );
Esempio n. 2
void CtrlSliderBg::handleEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvent )
    if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down" ) != string::npos )
        // Compute the resize factors
        float factorX, factorY;
        getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );

        // Get the position of the control
        const Position *pPos = getPosition();

        // Get the value corresponding to the position of the mouse
        EvtMouse &rEvtMouse = (EvtMouse&)rEvent;
        int x = rEvtMouse.getXPos();
        int y = rEvtMouse.getYPos();
        m_rVariable.set( m_rCurve.getNearestPercent(
                            (int)((x - pPos->getLeft()) / factorX),
                            (int)((y - pPos->getTop()) / factorY) ) );

        // Forward the clic to the cursor
        EvtMouse evt( getIntf(), x, y, EvtMouse::kLeft, EvtMouse::kDown );
        TopWindow *pWin = getWindow();
        if( pWin && m_pCursor )
            EvtEnter evtEnter( getIntf() );
            // XXX It was not supposed to be implemented like that !!
            pWin->forwardEvent( evtEnter, *m_pCursor );
            pWin->forwardEvent( evt, *m_pCursor );
    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "scroll" ) != string::npos )
        int direction = ((EvtScroll&)rEvent).getDirection();

        float percentage = m_rVariable.get();
        if( direction == EvtScroll::kUp )
            percentage += SCROLL_STEP;
            percentage -= SCROLL_STEP;

        m_rVariable.set( percentage );
Esempio n. 3
void CtrlMove::handleEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvent )
    m_pEvt = &rEvent;
    m_fsm.handleTransition( rEvent.getAsString() );
    // Transmit the event to the decorated control
    // XXX: Is it really a good idea?
    m_rCtrl.handleEvent( rEvent );
Esempio n. 4
void CtrlImage::handleEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvent )
    // No FSM for this simple transition
    if( rEvent.getAsString() == "mouse:right:up:none" )
        CmdDlgShowPopupMenu cmd( getIntf() );
    else if( rEvent.getAsString() == "mouse:left:up:none" )
        CmdDlgHidePopupMenu cmd( getIntf() );
    else if( rEvent.getAsString() == "mouse:left:dblclick:none" )
void CtrlCheckbox::handleEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvent )
    m_fsm.handleTransition( rEvent.getAsString() );
Esempio n. 6
void CtrlTree::handleEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvent )
    bool bChangedPosition = false;
    VarTree::Iterator toShow; bool needShow = false;
    if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "key:down" ) != string::npos )
        int key = ((EvtKey&)rEvent).getKey();
        VarTree::Iterator it;
        bool previousWasSelected = false;

        /* Delete the selection */
        if( key == KEY_DELETE )
            /* Find first non selected item before m_pLastSelected */
            VarTree::Iterator it_sel = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf()
                                              : m_rTree.begin();
            for( it = (m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin());
                 it != m_rTree.end();
                 it = (m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                              : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it )) )
                if( &*it == m_pLastSelected ) break;
                if( !it->isSelected() ) it_sel = it;

            /* Delete selected stuff */

            /* Verify if there is still sthg selected (e.g read-only items) */
            m_pLastSelected = NULL;
            for( it = (m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin());
                 it != m_rTree.end();
                 it = (m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                              : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it )) )
                if( it->isSelected() )
                    m_pLastSelected = &*it;

            /* if everything was deleted, use it_sel as last selection */
            if( !m_pLastSelected )
                it_sel->setSelected( true );
                m_pLastSelected = &*it_sel;

            // Redraw the control
        else if( key == KEY_PAGEDOWN )
            it = m_firstPos;
            int i = (int)(maxItems()*1.5);
            while( i >= 0 )
                VarTree::Iterator it_old = it;
                it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                            : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it );
                /* End is already visible, dont' scroll */
                if( it == m_rTree.end() )
                    it = it_old;
                needShow = true;
            if( needShow )
                ensureVisible( it );
        else if (key == KEY_PAGEUP )
            it = m_firstPos;
            int i = maxItems();
            while( i >= maxItems()/2 )
                it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getPrevLeaf( it )
                            : m_rTree.getPrevVisibleItem( it );
                /* End is already visible, dont' scroll */
                if( it == ( m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin() ) )
            ensureVisible( it );
        else if ( key == KEY_UP ||
                  key == KEY_DOWN ||
                  key == KEY_LEFT ||
                  key == KEY_RIGHT ||
                  key == KEY_ENTER ||
                  key == ' ' )
            for( it = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin();
                 it != m_rTree.end();
                 it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                             : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it ) )
                VarTree::Iterator next = m_flat ?
                                         m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it ) :
                                         m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it );
                if( key == KEY_UP )
                    // Scroll up one item
                    if( ( it->parent()
                          && it != it->parent()->begin() )
                        || &*it != m_pLastSelected )
                        bool nextWasSelected = ( &*next == m_pLastSelected );
                        it->setSelected( nextWasSelected );
                        if( nextWasSelected )
                            m_pLastSelected = &*it;
                            needShow = true; toShow = it;
                else if( key == KEY_DOWN )
                    // Scroll down one item
                    if( ( it->parent()
                          && next != it->parent()->end() )
                        || &*it != m_pLastSelected )
                        it->setSelected( previousWasSelected );
                    if( previousWasSelected )
                        m_pLastSelected = &*it;
                        needShow = true; toShow = it;
                        previousWasSelected = false;
                        previousWasSelected = ( &*it == m_pLastSelected );

                    // Fix last tree item selection
                    if( ( m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                        : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it ) ) == m_rTree.end()
                     && &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                        it->setSelected( true );
                else if( key == KEY_RIGHT )
                    // Go down one level (and expand node)
                    if( &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                        if( it->isExpanded() )
                            if( it->size() )
                                it->setSelected( false );
                                it->begin()->setSelected( true );
                                m_pLastSelected = &*(it->begin());
                                m_rTree.action( &*it );
                            it->setExpanded( true );
                            bChangedPosition = true;
                else if( key == KEY_LEFT )
                    // Go up one level (and close node)
                    if( &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                        if( it->isExpanded() && it->size() )
                            it->setExpanded( false );
                            bChangedPosition = true;
                            if( it->parent() && it->parent() != &m_rTree)
                                it->setSelected( false );
                                m_pLastSelected = it->parent();
                                m_pLastSelected->setSelected( true );
                else if( key == KEY_ENTER || key == ' ' )
                    // Go up one level (and close node)
                    if( &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                        m_rTree.action( &*it );
            if( needShow )
                ensureVisible( toShow );
            // Redraw the control
            // other keys to be forwarded to vlc core
            EvtKey& rEvtKey = (EvtKey&)rEvent;
            var_SetInteger( getIntf()->p_libvlc, "key-pressed",
                            rEvtKey.getModKey() );


    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left" ) != string::npos )
        EvtMouse &rEvtMouse = (EvtMouse&)rEvent;
        const Position *pos = getPosition();
        int yPos = ( rEvtMouse.getYPos() - pos->getTop() ) / itemHeight();
        int xPos = rEvtMouse.getXPos() - pos->getLeft();
        VarTree::Iterator it;

        if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:ctrl,shift" ) !=
            string::npos )
            VarTree::Iterator itClicked = findItemAtPos( yPos );
            // Flag to know if the current item must be selected
            bool select = false;
            for( it = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin();
                 it != m_rTree.end();
                 it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                             : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it ) )
                bool nextSelect = select;
                if( it == itClicked || &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                    if( select )
                        nextSelect = false;
                        select = true;
                        nextSelect = true;
                it->setSelected( it->isSelected() || select );
                select = nextSelect;
            // Redraw the control
        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:ctrl" ) !=
                 string::npos )
            // Invert the selection of the item
            it = findItemAtPos( yPos );
            if( it != m_rTree.end() )
                m_pLastSelected = &*it;
            // Redraw the control
        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:shift" ) !=
                 string::npos )
            VarTree::Iterator itClicked = findItemAtPos( yPos );
            // Flag to know if the current item must be selected
            bool select = false;
            for( it = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin();
                 it != m_rTree.end();
                 it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                             : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it ) )
                bool nextSelect = select;
                if( it == itClicked || &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                    if( select )
                        nextSelect = false;
                        select = true;
                        nextSelect = true;
                it->setSelected( select );
                select = nextSelect;
            // Redraw the control
        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down" ) !=
                 string::npos )
            it = findItemAtPos(yPos);
            if( it != m_rTree.end() )
                if( ( it->size() && xPos > (it->depth() - 1) * itemImageWidth()
                      && xPos < it->depth() * itemImageWidth() )
                 && !m_flat )
                    // Fold/unfold the item
                    bChangedPosition = true;
                    // Unselect any previously selected item
                    VarTree::Iterator it2;
                    for( it2 = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin();
                         it2 != m_rTree.end();
                         it2 = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it2 )
                                      : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it2 ) )
                        it2->setSelected( false );
                    // Select the new item
                    if( it != m_rTree.end() )
                        it->setSelected( true );
                        m_pLastSelected = &*it;
            // Redraw the control
        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:dblclick" ) !=
                 string::npos )
            it = findItemAtPos(yPos);
            if( it != m_rTree.end() )
               // Execute the action associated to this item
               m_rTree.action( &*it );
            // Redraw the control

    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "scroll" ) != string::npos )
        // XXX ctrl_slider.cpp has two more (but slightly different)
        // XXX implementations of `scroll'. Figure out where it belongs.

        int direction = static_cast<EvtScroll&>(rEvent).getDirection();

        double percentage = m_rTree.getPositionVar().get();
        double step = 2.0 / (double)( m_flat ? m_rTree.countLeafs()
                                             : m_rTree.visibleItems() );
        if( direction == EvtScroll::kUp )
            percentage += step;
            percentage -= step;
        m_rTree.getPositionVar().set( percentage );

    /* We changed the nodes, let's fix the position var */
    if( bChangedPosition )
        VarTree::Iterator it;
        int iFirst = 0;
        for( it = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin();
             it != m_rTree.end();
             it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                         : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it ) )
            if( it == m_firstPos )

        int indexMax = ( m_flat ? m_rTree.countLeafs()
                                : m_rTree.visibleItems() ) - 1;
        float f_new = (float)iFirst / (float)indexMax;

        m_dontMove = true;
        m_rTree.getPositionVar().set( 1.0 - f_new );
        m_dontMove = false;
Esempio n. 7
void CtrlList::handleEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvent )
    if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "key:down" ) != std::string::npos )
        int key = ((EvtKey&)rEvent).getKey();
        VarList::Iterator it = m_rList.begin();
        bool previousWasSelected = false;
        while( it != m_rList.end() )
            VarList::Iterator next = it;
            if( key == KEY_UP )
                // Scroll up one item
                if( it != m_rList.begin() || &*it != m_pLastSelected )
                    bool nextWasSelected = ( &*next == m_pLastSelected );
                    (*it).m_selected = nextWasSelected;
                    if( nextWasSelected )
                        m_pLastSelected = &*it;
            else if( key == KEY_DOWN )
                // Scroll down one item
                if( next != m_rList.end() || &*it != m_pLastSelected )
                    (*it).m_selected = previousWasSelected;
                if( previousWasSelected )
                    m_pLastSelected = &*it;
                    previousWasSelected = false;
                    previousWasSelected = ( &*it == m_pLastSelected );
            it = next;

        // Redraw the control

    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left" ) != std::string::npos )
        EvtMouse &rEvtMouse = (EvtMouse&)rEvent;
        const Position *pos = getPosition();
        int yPos = m_lastPos + ( rEvtMouse.getYPos() - pos->getTop() ) /
            (m_rFont.getSize() + LINE_INTERVAL);
        VarList::Iterator it;
        int index = 0;

        if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:ctrl,shift" ) !=
                 std::string::npos )
            // Flag to know if the current item must be selected
            bool select = false;
            for( it = m_rList.begin(); it != m_rList.end(); ++it )
                bool nextSelect = select;
                if( index == yPos || &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                    if( select )
                        nextSelect = false;
                        select = true;
                        nextSelect = true;
                (*it).m_selected = (*it).m_selected || select;
                select = nextSelect;

        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:ctrl" ) !=
                 std::string::npos )
            for( it = m_rList.begin(); it != m_rList.end(); ++it )
                if( index == yPos )
                    (*it).m_selected = ! (*it).m_selected;
                    m_pLastSelected = &*it;

        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:shift" ) !=
                 std::string::npos )
            // Flag to know if the current item must be selected
            bool select = false;
            for( it = m_rList.begin(); it != m_rList.end(); ++it )
                bool nextSelect = select;
                if( index == yPos ||  &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                    if( select )
                        nextSelect = false;
                        select = true;
                        nextSelect = true;
                (*it).m_selected = select;
                select = nextSelect;

        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down" ) !=
                 std::string::npos )
            for( it = m_rList.begin(); it != m_rList.end(); ++it )
                if( index == yPos )
                    (*it).m_selected = true;
                    m_pLastSelected = &*it;
                    (*it).m_selected = false;

        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:dblclick" ) !=
                 std::string::npos )
            for( it = m_rList.begin(); it != m_rList.end(); ++it )
                if( index == yPos )
                    (*it).m_selected = true;
                    m_pLastSelected = &*it;
                    // Execute the action associated to this item
                    m_rList.action( &*it );
                    (*it).m_selected = false;

        // Redraw the control

    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "scroll" ) != std::string::npos )
        int direction = ((EvtScroll&)rEvent).getDirection();

        double percentage = m_rList.getPositionVar().get();
        double step = 2.0 / (double)m_rList.size();
        if( direction == EvtScroll::kUp )
            percentage += step;
            percentage -= step;
        m_rList.getPositionVar().set( percentage );
Esempio n. 8
void CtrlTree::handleEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvent )
    bool bChangedPosition = false;
    VarTree::Iterator toShow; bool needShow = false;
    if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "key:down" ) != string::npos )
        int key = ((EvtKey&)rEvent).getKey();
        VarTree::Iterator it;
        bool previousWasSelected = false;

        /* Delete the selection */
        if( key == KEY_DELETE )
            /* Find first non selected item before m_pLastSelected */
            VarTree::Iterator it_sel = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf()
                                              : m_rTree.begin();
            for( it = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin();
                 it != m_rTree.end();
                 it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                             : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it ) )
                if( &*it == m_pLastSelected ) break;
                if( !it->m_selected ) it_sel = it;

            /* Delete selected stuff */

            /* Select it_sel */
            it_sel->m_selected = true;
            m_pLastSelected = &*it_sel;
        else if( key == KEY_PAGEDOWN )
            it = m_firstPos;
            int i = (int)(maxItems()*1.5);
            while( i >= 0 )
                VarTree::Iterator it_old = it;
                it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                            : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it );
                /* End is already visible, dont' scroll */
                if( it == m_rTree.end() )
                    it = it_old;
                needShow = true;
            if( needShow )
                ensureVisible( it );
        else if (key == KEY_PAGEUP )
            it = m_firstPos;
            int i = maxItems();
            while( i >= maxItems()/2 )
                it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getPrevLeaf( it )
                            : m_rTree.getPrevVisibleItem( it );
                /* End is already visible, dont' scroll */
                if( it == ( m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin() ) )
            ensureVisible( it );

        for( it = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin();
             it != m_rTree.end();
             it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                         : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it ) )
            VarTree::Iterator next = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                                            : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it );
            if( key == KEY_UP )
                // Scroll up one item
                if( ( it->parent()
                      && it != it->parent()->begin() )
                    || &*it != m_pLastSelected )
                    bool nextWasSelected = ( &*next == m_pLastSelected );
                    it->m_selected = nextWasSelected;
                    if( nextWasSelected )
                        m_pLastSelected = &*it;
                        needShow = true; toShow = it;
            else if( key == KEY_DOWN )
                // Scroll down one item
                if( ( it->parent()
                      && next != it->parent()->end() )
                    || &*it != m_pLastSelected )
                    (*it).m_selected = previousWasSelected;
                if( previousWasSelected )
                    m_pLastSelected = &*it;
                    needShow = true; toShow = it;
                    previousWasSelected = false;
                    previousWasSelected = ( &*it == m_pLastSelected );

                // Fix last tree item selection
                if( ( m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                    : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it ) ) == m_rTree.end()
                 && &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                    (*it).m_selected = true;
            else if( key == KEY_RIGHT )
                // Go down one level (and expand node)
                if( &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                    if( it->m_expanded )
                        if( it->size() )
                            it->m_selected = false;
                            it->begin()->m_selected = true;
                            m_pLastSelected = &*(it->begin());
                            m_rTree.action( &*it );
                        it->m_expanded = true;
                        bChangedPosition = true;
            else if( key == KEY_LEFT )
                // Go up one level (and close node)
                if( &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                    if( it->m_expanded && it->size() )
                        it->m_expanded = false;
                        bChangedPosition = true;
                        if( it->parent() && it->parent() != &m_rTree)
                            it->m_selected = false;
                            m_pLastSelected = it->parent();
                            m_pLastSelected->m_selected = true;
            else if( key == KEY_ENTER || key == ' ' )
                // Go up one level (and close node)
                if( &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                    m_rTree.action( &*it );
        if( needShow )
            ensureVisible( toShow );

        // Redraw the control

    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left" ) != string::npos )
        EvtMouse &rEvtMouse = (EvtMouse&)rEvent;
        const Position *pos = getPosition();
        int yPos = ( rEvtMouse.getYPos() - pos->getTop() ) / itemHeight();
        int xPos = rEvtMouse.getXPos() - pos->getLeft();
        VarTree::Iterator it;

        if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:ctrl,shift" ) !=
            string::npos )
            VarTree::Iterator itClicked = findItemAtPos( yPos );
            // Flag to know if the current item must be selected
            bool select = false;
            for( it = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin();
                 it != m_rTree.end();
                 it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                             : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it ) )
                bool nextSelect = select;
                if( it == itClicked || &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                    if( select )
                        nextSelect = false;
                        select = true;
                        nextSelect = true;
                it->m_selected = (*it).m_selected || select;
                select = nextSelect;
        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:ctrl" ) !=
                 string::npos )
            // Invert the selection of the item
            it = findItemAtPos( yPos );
            if( it != m_rTree.end() )
                it->m_selected = !it->m_selected;
                m_pLastSelected = &*it;
        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:shift" ) !=
                 string::npos )
            VarTree::Iterator itClicked = findItemAtPos( yPos );
            // Flag to know if the current item must be selected
            bool select = false;
            for( it = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin();
                 it != m_rTree.end();
                 it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                             : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it ) )
                bool nextSelect = select;
                if( it == itClicked || &*it == m_pLastSelected )
                    if( select )
                        nextSelect = false;
                        select = true;
                        nextSelect = true;
                it->m_selected = select;
                select = nextSelect;
        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down" ) !=
                 string::npos )
            it = findItemAtPos(yPos);
            if( it != m_rTree.end() )
                if( ( it->size() && xPos > (it->depth() - 1) * itemImageWidth()
                      && xPos < it->depth() * itemImageWidth() )
                 && !m_flat )
                    // Fold/unfold the item
                    it->m_expanded = !it->m_expanded;
                    bChangedPosition = true;
                    // Unselect any previously selected item
                    VarTree::Iterator it2;
                    for( it2 = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin();
                         it2 != m_rTree.end();
                         it2 = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it2 )
                                      : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it2 ) )
                        it2->m_selected = false;
                    // Select the new item
                    if( it != m_rTree.end() )
                        it->m_selected = true;
                        m_pLastSelected = &*it;

        else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:dblclick" ) !=
                 string::npos )
            it = findItemAtPos(yPos);
            if( it != m_rTree.end() )
               // Execute the action associated to this item
               m_rTree.action( &*it );
        // Redraw the control

    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "scroll" ) != string::npos )
        int direction = ((EvtScroll&)rEvent).getDirection();

        double percentage = m_rTree.getPositionVar().get();
        double step = 2.0 / (double)( m_flat ? m_rTree.countLeafs()
                                             : m_rTree.visibleItems() );
        if( direction == EvtScroll::kUp )
            percentage += step;
            percentage -= step;
        m_rTree.getPositionVar().set( percentage );

    /* We changed the nodes, let's fix teh position var */
    if( bChangedPosition )
        VarTree::Iterator it;
        int i = 0;
        int iFirst = 0;
        for( it = m_flat ? m_rTree.firstLeaf() : m_rTree.begin();
             it != m_rTree.end();
             it = m_flat ? m_rTree.getNextLeaf( it )
                         : m_rTree.getNextVisibleItem( it ) )
            if( it == m_firstPos )
                iFirst = i;
        iFirst += maxItems();
        if( iFirst >= m_flat ? m_rTree.countLeafs() : m_rTree.visibleItems() )
            iFirst = m_flat ? m_rTree.countLeafs() : m_rTree.visibleItems();
        float f_new = (float)iFirst / (float)( m_flat ? m_rTree.countLeafs()
                                                      :m_rTree.visibleItems() );
        m_dontMove = true;
        m_rTree.getPositionVar().set( 1.0 - f_new );
        m_dontMove = false;
void CtrlTree::handleEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvent )
    bool needShow = false;
    bool needRefresh = false;
    Iterator toShow = m_firstPos;
    if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "key:down" ) != string::npos )
        int key = ((EvtKey&)rEvent).getKey();

        /* Delete the selection */
        if( key == KEY_DELETE )
            /* Delete selected stuff */
        else if( key == KEY_PAGEDOWN )
            int numSteps = (int)m_capacity / 2;
            VarPercent &rVarPos = m_rTree.getPositionVar();
            rVarPos.increment( -numSteps );
        else if( key == KEY_PAGEUP )
            int numSteps = (int)m_capacity / 2;
            VarPercent &rVarPos = m_rTree.getPositionVar();
            rVarPos.increment( numSteps );
        else if( key == KEY_UP )
            // Scroll up one item
            if( m_lastClicked != m_rTree.end() )
                if( --m_lastClicked != m_rTree.end() )
                    m_lastClicked->setSelected( true );
            if( m_lastClicked == m_rTree.end() )
                m_lastClicked = m_firstPos;
                if( m_lastClicked != m_rTree.end() )
                    m_lastClicked->setSelected( true );
            needRefresh = true;
            needShow = true; toShow = m_lastClicked;
        else if( key == KEY_DOWN )
            // Scroll down one item
            if( m_lastClicked != m_rTree.end() )
                Iterator it_old = m_lastClicked;
                if( ++m_lastClicked != m_rTree.end() )
                    m_lastClicked->setSelected( true );
                    it_old->setSelected( true );
                    m_lastClicked = it_old;
                m_lastClicked = m_firstPos;
                if( m_lastClicked != m_rTree.end() )
                    m_lastClicked->setSelected( true );
            needRefresh = true;
            needShow = true; toShow = m_lastClicked;
        else if( key == KEY_RIGHT )
            // Go down one level (and expand node)
            Iterator& it = m_lastClicked;
            if( it != m_rTree.end() )
                if( !m_flat && !it->isExpanded() && it->size() )
                    it->setExpanded( true );
                    needRefresh = true;
                    Iterator it_old = m_lastClicked;
                    if( ++m_lastClicked != m_rTree.end() )
                        m_lastClicked->setSelected( true );
                        it_old->setSelected( true );
                        m_lastClicked = it_old;
                    needRefresh = true;
                    needShow = true; toShow = m_lastClicked;
        else if( key == KEY_LEFT )
            // Go up one level (and close node)
            Iterator& it = m_lastClicked;
            if( it != m_rTree.end() )
                if( m_flat )
                    if( --m_lastClicked != m_rTree.end() )
                        m_lastClicked->setSelected( true );
                        m_lastClicked = m_firstPos;
                        if( m_lastClicked != m_rTree.end() )
                            m_lastClicked->setSelected( true );
                    needRefresh = true;
                    needShow = true; toShow = m_lastClicked;
                    if( it->isExpanded() )
                        it->setExpanded( false );
                        needRefresh = true;
                        Iterator it_parent = it.getParent();
                        if( it_parent != m_rTree.end() )
                            it->setSelected( false );
                            m_lastClicked = it_parent;
                            m_lastClicked->setSelected( true );
                            needRefresh = true;
                            needShow = true; toShow = m_lastClicked;
        else if( key == KEY_ENTER || key == ' ' )
            // Go up one level (and close node)
            if( m_lastClicked != m_rTree.end() )
                m_rTree.action( &*m_lastClicked );
            // other keys to be forwarded to vlc core
            EvtKey& rEvtKey = (EvtKey&)rEvent;
            var_SetInteger( getIntf()->p_libvlc, "key-pressed",
                            rEvtKey.getModKey() );

    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left" ) != string::npos )
        EvtMouse &rEvtMouse = (EvtMouse&)rEvent;
        const Position *pos = getPosition();
        int xPos = rEvtMouse.getXPos() - pos->getLeft();
        int yPos = ( rEvtMouse.getYPos() - pos->getTop() ) / itemHeight();

        Iterator itClicked = findItemAtPos( yPos );
        if( itClicked != m_rTree.end() )
            if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:ctrl,shift" ) !=
                string::npos )
                // Flag to know if the current item must be selected
                bool select = false;
                for( Iterator it = m_firstPos; it != m_rTree.end(); ++it )
                    bool nextSelect = select;
                    if( it == itClicked || it == m_lastClicked )
                        if( select )
                            nextSelect = false;
                            select = true;
                            if( itClicked != m_lastClicked )
                                nextSelect = true;
                    it->setSelected( it->isSelected() || select );
                    select = nextSelect;
                    needRefresh = true;
            else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:ctrl" ) !=
                     string::npos )
                // Invert the selection of the item
                m_lastClicked = itClicked;
                needRefresh = true;
            else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down:shift" ) !=
                     string::npos )
                bool select = false;
                for( Iterator it = m_firstPos; it != m_rTree.end(); ++it )
                    bool nextSelect = select;
                    if( it == itClicked || it == m_lastClicked )
                        if( select )
                            nextSelect = false;
                            select = true;
                            if( itClicked != m_lastClicked )
                                nextSelect = true;
                    it->setSelected( select );
                    select = nextSelect;
                needRefresh = true;
            else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:down" ) !=
                     string::npos )
                if( !m_flat &&
                    itClicked->size() &&
                    xPos > (itClicked->depth() - 1) * itemImageWidth() &&
                    xPos < itClicked->depth() * itemImageWidth() )
                    // Fold/unfold the item
                    // Unselect any previously selected item
                    // Select the new item
                    itClicked->setSelected( true );
                    m_lastClicked = itClicked;
                needRefresh = true;
            else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "mouse:left:dblclick" ) !=
                     string::npos )
               // Execute the action associated to this item
               m_rTree.action( &*itClicked );

    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "scroll" ) != string::npos )
        int direction = static_cast<EvtScroll&>(rEvent).getDirection();
        if( direction == EvtScroll::kUp )
            m_rTree.getPositionVar().increment( +1 );
            m_rTree.getPositionVar().increment( -1 );

    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "drag:over" ) != string::npos )
        EvtDragOver& evt = static_cast<EvtDragOver&>(rEvent);
        const Position *pos = getPosition();
        int yPos = ( evt.getYPos() - pos->getTop() ) / itemHeight();

        Iterator it = findItemAtPos( yPos );
        if( it != m_itOver )
            m_itOver = it;
            needRefresh = true;

    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "drag:drop" ) != string::npos )
        EvtDragDrop& evt = static_cast<EvtDragDrop&>(rEvent);
        Playtree& rPlaytree = static_cast<Playtree&>(m_rTree);
        VarTree& item = ( m_itOver != m_rTree.end() ) ? *m_itOver : m_rTree;
        rPlaytree.insertItems( item, evt.getFiles(), false );
        m_itOver = m_rTree.end();
        needRefresh = true;

    else if( rEvent.getAsString().find( "drag:leave" ) != string::npos )
        m_itOver = m_rTree.end();
        needRefresh = true;

    if( needShow )
        if( toShow == m_rTree.end() ||
            !ensureVisible( toShow ) )
            needRefresh = true;
    if( needRefresh )
