Esempio n. 1
void taskExecuter(void *param)
    printf(">>[Executer] Started\n");

    ExeCmd RunCmd;
    int cmdStat, queueStat, cmdParam;

        /* Read the CMD that Dispatcher sent - BLOCKING */
        queueStat = xQueueReceive(executerCmdQueue, &RunCmd, portMAX_DELAY);

        if(queueStat == pdPASS)
            printf("[Executer] Running a command...\n");
            /* Commands may take a long time, so reset the WDT */

            /* Execute the command */
            cmdParam = RunCmd.param;
            cmdStat = RunCmd.fnct((void *)&cmdParam);

            /* Commands may take a long time, so reset the WDT */

            printf("[Executer] Command result: %d\n", cmdStat);

            /* Send the result to Dispatcher - BLOCKING */
            xQueueSend(executerStatQueue, &cmdStat, portMAX_DELAY);

Esempio n. 2
void taskExecuter(void *param)
        printf("[Executer] Started\r\n");

    ExeCmd RunCmd;
    int cmdStat, queueStat, cmdParam;
        /* Read the CMD that Dispatcher sent - BLOCKING */
        queueStat = xQueueReceive(executerCmdQueue, &RunCmd, portMAX_DELAY);

        printf("[Executer] Executing a new command...\r\n");
        if(queueStat == pdPASS)
            /* El comando tiene 2min aprox para ejecutarse */

            /* Execute the command */
            cmdParam = RunCmd.param;
            cmdStat = RunCmd.fnct((void *)&cmdParam);

            /* Si el comando se ejecuto bien reseteo el WDT */
            printf("[Executer] Return status: %d\n", (unsigned int)cmdStat );
            /* Send the result to Dispatcher - BLOCKING */
            xQueueSend(executerStatQueue, &cmdStat, portMAX_DELAY);

Esempio n. 3
int drp_fpl_check_and_exec(void *param){
    //FP, programmed actions
    unsigned int index, current_hour, current_mins;
    static unsigned int last_index; //to enter the first try, then check every time

    DispCmd NewCmd;
    NewCmd.idOrig = 0;
    NewCmd.cmdId = CMD_CMDNULL;
    NewCmd.param = 0;

    ExeCmd exeCmd; /* The cmd to executer */
    int cmdParam;
    int cmdResult;

    /* Map hh:mm to MM minutues of the day to obtain the
     * index of the next command to read from fligh plan */
    current_hour = sta_get_stateVar(sta_rtc_hours);
    current_mins = sta_get_stateVar(sta_rtc_minutes);
    index = current_hour*60 + current_mins;
    index = index / SCH_FLIGHTPLAN_RESOLUTION;
        /* Debug info */
        printf("  [drp_fpl_check_and_exec] index = %d = (%d*60+%d)/SCH_FP_RESOLUTION \n  last_index=%d | SCH_FP_N_CMD=%d\r\n",
                index, current_hour, current_mins, last_index, SCH_FLIGHTPLAN_N_CMD);

    /* If check time is less than flight plan resolution (as it should be)
     *  we need to prevent an index repetition */
    if(last_index != index)
        /* Update last_index */
        last_index = index;

        /* Get the next command from flight plan */
        NewCmd = dat_get_FlightPlan(index); //get cmdId and param
        //NewCmd.idOrig = CMD_IDORIG_TFLIGHTPLAN3;

        /* Check if valid cmd */
        if(NewCmd.cmdId == CMD_CMDNULL){
                printf("    [drp_fpl_check_and_exec] Se extrae CMD_CMDNULL, se omite\r\n");
            return 0;

            /* Print the command code */
            printf("    [drp_fpl_check_and_exec] Se extrae cmdId = 0x%X, param = %d, ejecutando .. \r\n",
                    (unsigned int)NewCmd.cmdId, (unsigned int)NewCmd.param);

        /* Queue NewCmd - Blocking */
        //xQueueSend(dispatcherQueue, &NewCmd, portMAX_DELAY);

        /* Check if command is executable */
        //not performed

        /* Fill the executer command */
        exeCmd.fnct = repo_getFunction(NewCmd.cmdId);
        exeCmd.param = NewCmd.param;

        /* Execute the command */
        cmdParam = exeCmd.param;
        cmdResult = exeCmd.fnct((void *)&cmdParam);
            /* Print the command code */
            printf("    [drp_fpl_check_and_exec] (last_index==index) => NO se genera comando\r\n");
        return 1;

    return cmdResult;