ExprListPtr clone(ExprListPtr x) { ExprListPtr out = new ExprList(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < x->size(); ++i) out->add(clone(x->exprs[i])); return out; }
ExprPtr desugarStaticIndexing(StaticIndexingPtr x, CompilerState* cst) { ExprListPtr args = new ExprList(x->expr); ValueHolderPtr vh = sizeTToValueHolder(x->index, cst); args->add(new StaticExpr(new ObjectExpr(vh.ptr()))); CallPtr call = new Call(operator_expr_staticIndex(cst), args); call->location = x->location; return call.ptr(); }
StatementPtr desugarSwitchStatement(SwitchPtr x, CompilerState* cst) { BlockPtr block = new Block(); block->location = x->location; block->statements.insert(block->statements.end(), x->exprStatements.begin(), x->exprStatements.end()); // %thing is the value being switched on IdentifierPtr thing = Identifier::get("%case", x->expr->location); NameRefPtr thingRef = new NameRef(thing); thingRef->location = x->expr->location; // initialize %case { BindingPtr b = new Binding(FORWARD, identV(thing), new ExprList(x->expr)); b->location = x->expr->location; block->statements.push_back(b.ptr()); } ExprPtr caseCallable = operator_expr_caseP(cst); StatementPtr root; StatementPtr *nextPtr = &root; // dispatch logic for (size_t i = 0; i < x->caseBlocks.size(); ++i) { CaseBlockPtr caseBlock = x->caseBlocks[i]; ExprListPtr caseArgs = new ExprList(thingRef.ptr()); ExprPtr caseCompareArgs = new Paren(caseBlock->caseLabels); caseCompareArgs->location = caseBlock->location; caseArgs->add(caseCompareArgs); ExprPtr condition = new Call(caseCallable, caseArgs); condition->location = caseBlock->location; IfPtr ifStmt = new If(condition, caseBlock->body); ifStmt->location = caseBlock->location; *nextPtr = ifStmt.ptr(); nextPtr = &(ifStmt->elsePart); } if (x->defaultCase.ptr()) *nextPtr = x->defaultCase; else *nextPtr = NULL; block->statements.push_back(root); return block.ptr(); }
void desugarFieldRef(FieldRefPtr x, ModulePtr module) { if (x->expr->exprKind == FIELD_REF || x->expr->exprKind == NAME_REF) { ModulePtr m = dottedImportedModule(x.ptr(), module.ptr()); if (m.ptr()) { x->isDottedModuleName = true; x->desugared = new ObjectExpr(m.ptr()); return; } } ExprListPtr args = new ExprList(x->expr); args->add(new ObjectExpr(x->name.ptr())); CallPtr call = new Call(operator_expr_fieldRef(module->cst), args); call->location = x->location; x->desugared = call.ptr(); }
static ExprPtr convertStaticObjectToExpr(TypePtr t) { if (t->typeKind == STATIC_TYPE) { StaticType *st = (StaticType *)t.ptr(); return new ObjectExpr(st->obj); } else if (t->typeKind == TUPLE_TYPE) { TupleType *tt = (TupleType *)t.ptr(); ExprListPtr exprs = new ExprList(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < tt->elementTypes.size(); ++i) exprs->add(convertStaticObjectToExpr(tt->elementTypes[i])); return new Tuple(exprs); } else { error("non-static value found in object property"); return NULL; } }
ExprPtr foreignExpr(EnvPtr env, ExprPtr expr) { if (expr->exprKind == UNPACK) { Unpack *y = (Unpack *)expr.ptr(); if (y->expr->exprKind == TUPLE) { Tuple *y2 = (Tuple *)y->expr.ptr(); ExprListPtr out = new ExprList(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < y2->args->size(); ++i) out->add(foreignExpr(env, y2->args->exprs[i])); return new Unpack(new Tuple(out)); } else { return new Unpack(foreignExpr(env, y->expr)); } } return new ForeignExpr(env, expr); }
static void setProperty(TypePtr type, ProcedurePtr proc, const vector<ExprPtr> &exprs) { CodePtr code = new Code(); TypePtr typeType = staticType(type.ptr()); ExprPtr argType = new ObjectExpr(typeType.ptr()); FormalArgPtr arg = new FormalArg(new Identifier("x"), argType); code->formalArgs.push_back(arg.ptr()); ExprListPtr returnExprs = new ExprList(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) returnExprs->add(exprs[i]); code->body = new Return(RETURN_VALUE, returnExprs); ExprPtr target = new ObjectExpr(proc.ptr()); OverloadPtr overload = new Overload(target, code, false, false); overload->env = new Env(); proc->overloads.insert(proc->overloads.begin(), overload); }
void convertFreeVars(ExprPtr &x, EnvPtr env, LambdaContext &ctx) { switch (x->exprKind) { case BOOL_LITERAL : case INT_LITERAL : case FLOAT_LITERAL : case CHAR_LITERAL : case STRING_LITERAL : case IDENTIFIER_LITERAL : break; case NAME_REF : { NameRef *y = (NameRef *)x.ptr(); bool isNonLocal = false; bool isGlobal = false; ObjectPtr z = lookupEnvEx(env, y->name, ctx.nonLocalEnv, isNonLocal, isGlobal); if (isNonLocal && !isGlobal) { if ((z->objKind == PVALUE) || (z->objKind == CVALUE)) { TypePtr t = typeOfValue(z); if (isStaticOrTupleOfStatics(t)) { ExprListPtr args = new ExprList(); args->add(new ObjectExpr(t.ptr())); CallPtr call = new Call(operator_expr_typeToRValue(), args); call->location = y->location; x = call.ptr(); } else { addFreeVar(ctx, y->name->str); IdentifierPtr a = new Identifier(ctx.closureDataName); a->location = y->location; NameRefPtr b = new NameRef(a); b->location = y->location; FieldRefPtr c = new FieldRef(b.ptr(), y->name); c->location = y->location; if (ctx.captureByRef) { vector<int> ops; ops.push_back(DEREFERENCE); ExprPtr d = new VariadicOp(ops, new ExprList(c.ptr())); d->location = y->location; x = d.ptr(); } else { x = c.ptr(); } } } else if ((z->objKind == MULTI_PVALUE) || (z->objKind == MULTI_CVALUE)) { vector<TypePtr> types = typesOfValues(z); bool allStatic = true; for (unsigned i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i) { if (!isStaticOrTupleOfStatics(types[i])) { allStatic = false; break; } } if (allStatic) { ExprListPtr args = new ExprList(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i) args->add(new ObjectExpr(types[i].ptr())); CallPtr call = new Call(operator_expr_typesToRValues(), args); call->location = y->location; x = call.ptr(); } else { addFreeVar(ctx, y->name->str); IdentifierPtr a = new Identifier(ctx.closureDataName); a->location = y->location; NameRefPtr b = new NameRef(a); b->location = y->location; FieldRefPtr c = new FieldRef(b.ptr(), y->name); c->location = y->location; if (ctx.captureByRef) { ExprPtr f = operator_expr_unpackMultiValuedFreeVarAndDereference(); CallPtr d = new Call(f, new ExprList()); d->parenArgs->add(c.ptr()); x = d.ptr(); } else { ExprPtr f = operator_expr_unpackMultiValuedFreeVar(); CallPtr d = new Call(f, new ExprList()); d->parenArgs->add(c.ptr()); x = d.ptr(); } } } } break; } case TUPLE : { Tuple *y = (Tuple *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->args, env, ctx); break; } case PAREN : { Paren *y = (Paren *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->args, env, ctx); break; } case INDEXING : { Indexing *y = (Indexing *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->expr, env, ctx); convertFreeVars(y->args, env, ctx); break; } case CALL : { Call *y = (Call *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->expr, env, ctx); convertFreeVars(y->parenArgs, env, ctx); convertFreeVars(y->lambdaArgs, env, ctx); break; } case FIELD_REF : { FieldRef *y = (FieldRef *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->expr, env, ctx); break; } case STATIC_INDEXING : { StaticIndexing *y = (StaticIndexing *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->expr, env, ctx); break; } case VARIADIC_OP : { VariadicOp *y = (VariadicOp *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->exprs, env, ctx); break; } case AND : { And *y = (And *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->expr1, env, ctx); convertFreeVars(y->expr2, env, ctx); break; } case OR : { Or *y = (Or *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->expr1, env, ctx); convertFreeVars(y->expr2, env, ctx); break; } case LAMBDA : { Lambda *y = (Lambda *)x.ptr(); EnvPtr env2 = new Env(env); for (unsigned i = 0; i < y->formalArgs.size(); ++i) addLocal(env2, y->formalArgs[i]->name, y->formalArgs[i]->name.ptr()); if (y->formalVarArg.ptr()) addLocal(env2, y->formalVarArg->name, y->formalVarArg->name.ptr()); convertFreeVars(y->body, env2, ctx); break; } case UNPACK : { Unpack *y = (Unpack *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->expr, env, ctx); break; } case STATIC_EXPR : { StaticExpr *y = (StaticExpr *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->expr, env, ctx); break; } case DISPATCH_EXPR : { DispatchExpr *y = (DispatchExpr *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(y->expr, env, ctx); break; } case EVAL_EXPR : { EvalExpr *eval = (EvalExpr *)x.ptr(); convertFreeVars(eval->args, env, ctx); break; } case FOREIGN_EXPR : case OBJECT_EXPR : case FILE_EXPR : case LINE_EXPR : case COLUMN_EXPR : case ARG_EXPR : break; } }
StatementPtr desugarCatchBlocks(llvm::ArrayRef<CatchPtr> catchBlocks, CompilerState* cst) { assert(!catchBlocks.empty()); Location firstCatchLocation = catchBlocks.front()->location; IdentifierPtr expVar = Identifier::get("%exp", firstCatchLocation); CallPtr activeException = new Call(primitive_expr_activeException(cst), new ExprList()); activeException->location = firstCatchLocation; BindingPtr expBinding = new Binding(VAR, identVtoFormalV(vector<IdentifierPtr>(1, expVar)), new ExprList(activeException.ptr())); expBinding->location = firstCatchLocation; bool lastWasAny = false; IfPtr lastIf; StatementPtr result; for (size_t i = 0; i < catchBlocks.size(); ++i) { CatchPtr x = catchBlocks[i]; if (lastWasAny) error(x, "unreachable catch block"); if (x->exceptionType.ptr()) { ExprListPtr asTypeArgs = new ExprList(x->exceptionType); ExprPtr expVarName = new NameRef(expVar); expVarName->location = x->exceptionVar->location; asTypeArgs->add(expVarName); CallPtr cond = new Call(operator_expr_exceptionIsP(cst), asTypeArgs); cond->location = x->exceptionType->location; BlockPtr block = new Block(); block->location = x->location; vector<IdentifierPtr> identifiers; makeExceptionVars(identifiers, x); CallPtr getter = new Call(operator_expr_exceptionAs(cst), asTypeArgs); getter->location = x->exceptionVar->location; BindingPtr binding = new Binding(VAR, identVtoFormalV(identifiers), new ExprList(getter.ptr())); binding->location = x->exceptionVar->location; BindingPtr exceptionVarForRethrow = new Binding(REF, identVtoFormalV(vector<IdentifierPtr>(1, Identifier::get("%exception", x->location))), new ExprList(new NameRef(Identifier::get(x->exceptionVar->str, x->location)))); exceptionVarForRethrow->location = x->exceptionVar->location; block->statements.push_back(binding.ptr()); block->statements.push_back(exceptionVarForRethrow.ptr()); block->statements.push_back(x->body); IfPtr ifStatement = new If(cond.ptr(), block.ptr()); ifStatement->location = x->location; if (!result) result = ifStatement.ptr(); if (lastIf.ptr()) lastIf->elsePart = ifStatement.ptr(); lastIf = ifStatement; } else { BlockPtr block = new Block(); block->location = x->location; vector<IdentifierPtr> identifiers; makeExceptionVars(identifiers, x); ExprListPtr asAnyArgs = new ExprList(new NameRef(expVar)); CallPtr getter = new Call(operator_expr_exceptionAsAny(cst), asAnyArgs); getter->location = x->exceptionVar->location; BindingPtr binding = new Binding(VAR, identVtoFormalV(identifiers), new ExprList(getter.ptr())); binding->location = x->exceptionVar->location; BindingPtr exceptionVarForRethrow = new Binding(REF, identVtoFormalV(vector<IdentifierPtr>(1, Identifier::get("%exception", x->location))), new ExprList(new NameRef(Identifier::get(x->exceptionVar->str, x->location)))); exceptionVarForRethrow->location = x->exceptionVar->location; block->statements.push_back(binding.ptr()); block->statements.push_back(exceptionVarForRethrow.ptr()); block->statements.push_back(x->body); if (!result) result = block.ptr(); if (lastIf.ptr()) lastIf->elsePart = block.ptr(); lastWasAny = true; lastIf = NULL; } } assert(result.ptr()); if (!lastWasAny) { assert(lastIf.ptr()); BlockPtr block = new Block(); block->location = firstCatchLocation; ExprPtr expVarName = new NameRef(expVar); expVarName->location = firstCatchLocation; ExprListPtr continueArgs = new ExprList(expVarName); CallPtr continueException = new Call(operator_expr_continueException(cst), continueArgs); continueException->location = firstCatchLocation; StatementPtr stmt = new ExprStatement(continueException.ptr()); stmt->location = firstCatchLocation; block->statements.push_back(stmt); block->statements.push_back(new Unreachable()); lastIf->elsePart = block.ptr(); } BlockPtr block = new Block(); block->location = firstCatchLocation; block->statements.push_back(expBinding.ptr()); block->statements.push_back(result.ptr()); return block.ptr(); }