Esempio n. 1
bool FGdbDataSource::OpenFGDBTables(const std::wstring &type,
                                    const std::vector<std::wstring> &layers)
    fgdbError hr;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++ )
        Table* pTable = new Table;
        //CPLDebug("FGDB", "Opening %s", WStringToString(layers[i]).c_str());
        if (FAILED(hr = m_pGeodatabase->OpenTable(layers[i], *pTable)))
            delete pTable;
            GDBErr(hr, "Error opening " + WStringToString(layers[i]),
                   ". Skipping it. "
                   "Might be due to unsupported spatial reference system. Using OpenFileGDB driver should solve it");
        FGdbLayer* pLayer = new FGdbLayer();
        if (!pLayer->Initialize(this, pTable, layers[i], type))
            delete pLayer;
            return GDBErr(hr, "Error initializing OGRLayer for " + WStringToString(layers[i]));

    return true;
Esempio n. 2
bool FGdbDataSource::OpenFGDBTables(const std::wstring &type,
                                    const std::vector<std::wstring> &layers)
    fgdbError hr;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++ )
        Table* pTable = new Table;
        //CPLDebug("FGDB", "Opening %s", WStringToString(layers[i]).c_str());
        if (FAILED(hr = m_pGeodatabase->OpenTable(layers[i], *pTable)))
            delete pTable;
            GDBDebug(hr, "Error opening " + WStringToString(layers[i]) + ". Skipping it");
        FGdbLayer* pLayer = new FGdbLayer;
        if (!pLayer->Initialize(this, pTable, layers[i], type))
            delete pLayer;
            return GDBErr(hr, "Error initializing OGRLayer for " + WStringToString(layers[i]));

    return true;
Esempio n. 3
bool FGdbDataSource::OpenFGDBTables(const std::wstring &type,
                                    const std::vector<std::wstring> &layers)
    fgdbError hr;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++ )
        Table* pTable = new Table;
        //CPLDebug("FGDB", "Opening %s", WStringToString(layers[i]).c_str());
        if (FAILED(hr = m_pGeodatabase->OpenTable(layers[i], *pTable)))
            delete pTable;
            std::wstring fgdb_error_desc_w;
            fgdbError er;
            er = FileGDBAPI::ErrorInfo::GetErrorDescription(hr, fgdb_error_desc_w);
            const char* pszLikelyReason = "Might be due to unsupported spatial reference system. Using OpenFileGDB driver or FileGDB SDK >= 1.4 should solve it";
            if ( er == S_OK )
                std::string fgdb_error_desc = WStringToString(fgdb_error_desc_w);
                if( fgdb_error_desc == "FileGDB compression is not installed." )
                    pszLikelyReason = "Using FileGDB SDK 1.4 or later should solve this issue.";

            GDBErr(hr, "Error opening " + WStringToString(layers[i]),
                   (". Skipping it. " + CPLString(pszLikelyReason)).c_str());
        FGdbLayer* pLayer = new FGdbLayer();
        if (!pLayer->Initialize(this, pTable, layers[i], type))
            delete pLayer;
            return GDBErr(hr, "Error initializing OGRLayer for " + WStringToString(layers[i]));

    return true;
Esempio n. 4
// Flattens out hierarchichal GDB structure
bool FGdbDataSource::LoadLayersOld(const std::vector<wstring> & datasetTypes,
                                const wstring & parent)
    long hr = S_OK;

    // I didn't find an API to give me the type of the dataset based on name - I am *not*
    // parsing XML for something like this - in the meantime I can use this hack to see
    // if the dataset had any children whatsoever - if so, then I won't attempt to open it
    // otherwise, do attempt to do that

    bool childrenFound = false;
    bool errorsEncountered = false;

    for (size_t dsTypeIndex = 0; dsTypeIndex < datasetTypes.size(); dsTypeIndex++)
        std::vector<wstring> childDatasets;
        m_pGeodatabase->GetChildDatasets( parent, datasetTypes[dsTypeIndex], childDatasets);

        if (childDatasets.size() > 0)
            //it is a container of other datasets

            for (size_t childDatasetIndex = 0;
                 childDatasetIndex < childDatasets.size();
                childrenFound = true;

                // do something with it
                // For now, we just ignore dataset containers and only open the children
                //std::wcout << datasetTypes[dsTypeIndex] << L" " << childDatasets[childDatasetIndex] << std::endl;

                if (!LoadLayersOld(datasetTypes, childDatasets[childDatasetIndex]))
                    errorsEncountered = true;

    //it is a full fledged dataset itself without children - open it (except the root)

    if ((!childrenFound) && parent != L"\\")
        //wcout << "Opening " << parent << "...";
        Table* pTable = new Table;
        if (FAILED(hr = m_pGeodatabase->OpenTable(parent,*pTable)))
            delete pTable;
            return GDBErr(hr, "Error opening " + WStringToString(parent));

        FGdbLayer* pLayer = new FGdbLayer;

        //pLayer has ownership of the table pointer as soon Initialize is called
        if (!pLayer->Initialize(this, pTable, parent))
            delete pLayer;

            return GDBErr(hr, "Error initializing OGRLayer for " +


    return !errorsEncountered;