/** Loc is an anchor point in the world to guide which part of the infinite plane to draw. */
void DrawDebugSolidPlane(const UWorld* InWorld, FPlane const& P, FVector const& Loc, float Size, FColor const& Color, bool bPersistent, float LifeTime, uint8 DepthPriority)
	// no debug line drawing on dedicated server
	if (GEngine->GetNetMode(InWorld) != NM_DedicatedServer)
		FVector const ClosestPtOnPlane = Loc - P.PlaneDot(Loc) * P;

		FVector U, V;
		P.FindBestAxisVectors(U, V);
		U *= Size;
		V *= Size;

		TArray<FVector> Verts;
		Verts[0] = ClosestPtOnPlane + U + V;
		Verts[1] = ClosestPtOnPlane - U + V;
		Verts[2] = ClosestPtOnPlane + U - V;
		Verts[3] = ClosestPtOnPlane - U - V;

		TArray<int32> Indices;
		Indices[0] = 0; Indices[1] = 2; Indices[2] = 1;
		Indices[3] = 1; Indices[4] = 2; Indices[5] = 3;

		// plane quad
		DrawDebugMesh(InWorld, Verts, Indices, Color, bPersistent, LifeTime, DepthPriority);

		// arrow indicating normal
		DrawDebugDirectionalArrow(InWorld, ClosestPtOnPlane, ClosestPtOnPlane + P * 16.f, 8.f, FColor::White, bPersistent, LifeTime, DepthPriority);
 * Convert Convex Normal to Capsule Normal
 * For capsule, we'd like to get normal of capsule rather than convex, so the normal can be smooth when we move character
 * @param HalfHeight	: HalfHeight of the capsule
 * @param Radius		: Radius of the capsule
 * @param OutHit		: The result of hit from physX
 @ @param PointOnGeom	: If not null, use this point and the impact normal to recompute the impact point (which can yield a better normal).
 * @result OutHit.Normal is converted to Capsule Normal
static void ConvertConvexNormalToCapsuleNormal(float HalfHeight, float Radius, struct FHitResult& OutHit, const FVector* PointOnGeom)
	if ( OutHit.Time > 0.f )
		// Impact point is contact point where it meet 
		const float ContactZ = OutHit.ImpactPoint.Z;
		// Hit.Location is center of the object
		const FVector CenterOfCapsule = OutHit.Location; 
		// We're looking for end of the normal for this capsule
		FVector NormalEnd = CenterOfCapsule;

		// see if it's upper hemisphere 
		if (ContactZ > CenterOfCapsule.Z + HalfHeight)
			// if upper hemisphere, the normal should point to the center of upper hemisphere
			NormalEnd.Z = CenterOfCapsule.Z + HalfHeight;
		else if (ContactZ < CenterOfCapsule.Z - HalfHeight)
			// if lower hemisphere, the normal should point to the center of lower hemisphere	
			NormalEnd.Z = CenterOfCapsule.Z - HalfHeight;
			// otherwise, normal end is going to be same as contact point 
			// since it's the tube section of the capsule
			NormalEnd.Z = ContactZ;

		// Recompute ImpactPoint if requested
		if (PointOnGeom)
			const FPlane GeomPlane(*PointOnGeom, OutHit.ImpactNormal);
			const float DistToPlane = GeomPlane.PlaneDot(NormalEnd);
			if (DistToPlane >= Radius)
				OutHit.ImpactPoint = NormalEnd - DistToPlane * OutHit.ImpactNormal;

		//DrawDebugLine(ContactPoint, NormalEnd, FColor(0, 255, 0), true);
		//DrawDebugLine(NormalEnd, CenterOfCapsule, FColor(0, 0, 255), true);

		FVector ContactNormal = (NormalEnd - OutHit.ImpactPoint);
		// if ContactNormal is not nearly zero, set it
		// otherwise use previous normal
		const float Size = ContactNormal.Size();
			ContactNormal /= Size;
			OutHit.Normal = ContactNormal;

		CheckHitResultNormal(OutHit, TEXT("ConvertConvexNormalToCapsuleNormal"));
void ConvertQueryImpactHit(const PxLocationHit& PHit, FHitResult& OutResult, float CheckLength, const PxFilterData& QueryFilter, const FVector& StartLoc, const FVector& EndLoc, const PxGeometry* const Geom, const PxTransform& QueryTM, bool bReturnFaceIndex, bool bReturnPhysMat)
	if (Geom != NULL && PHit.hadInitialOverlap())
		ConvertOverlappedShapeToImpactHit(PHit.shape, PHit.actor, StartLoc, EndLoc, OutResult, *Geom, QueryTM, QueryFilter, bReturnPhysMat, PHit.faceIndex);

	SetHitResultFromShapeAndFaceIndex(PHit.shape,  PHit.actor, PHit.faceIndex, OutResult, bReturnPhysMat);

	// calculate the hit time
	const float HitTime = PHit.distance/CheckLength;

	// figure out where the the "safe" location for this shape is by moving from the startLoc toward the ImpactPoint
	const FVector TraceDir = EndLoc - StartLoc;

	const FVector SafeLocationToFitShape = StartLoc + (HitTime * TraceDir);

	// Other info
	OutResult.Location = SafeLocationToFitShape;
	OutResult.ImpactPoint = P2UVector(PHit.position);
	OutResult.Normal = P2UVector(PHit.normal);
	OutResult.ImpactNormal = OutResult.Normal;

	OutResult.TraceStart = StartLoc;
	OutResult.TraceEnd = EndLoc;
	OutResult.Time = HitTime;

	// See if this is a 'blocking' hit
	PxFilterData PShapeFilter = PHit.shape->getQueryFilterData();
	PxSceneQueryHitType::Enum HitType = FPxQueryFilterCallback::CalcQueryHitType(QueryFilter, PShapeFilter);
	OutResult.bBlockingHit = (HitType == PxSceneQueryHitType::eBLOCK); 

	OutResult.bStartPenetrating = (PxU32)(PHit.hadInitialOverlap());

	CheckHitResultNormal(OutResult, TEXT("Invalid Normal from ConvertQueryImpactHit"), StartLoc, EndLoc, Geom);

	// Special handling for swept-capsule results
	if(Geom && Geom->getType() == PxGeometryType::eCAPSULE)
		const PxCapsuleGeometry* Capsule = static_cast<const PxCapsuleGeometry*>(Geom);
		// Compute better ImpactNormal. This is the same as Normal except when we hit convex/trimesh, and then its the most opposing normal of the geom at point of impact.
		FVector PointOnGeom(P2UVector(PHit.position));
		if (FindGeomOpposingNormal(PHit, OutResult.ImpactNormal, PointOnGeom))
			ConvertConvexNormalToCapsuleNormal(Capsule->halfHeight, Capsule->radius, OutResult, &PointOnGeom);
			ConvertConvexNormalToCapsuleNormal(Capsule->halfHeight, Capsule->radius, OutResult, NULL);
			OutResult.ImpactNormal = OutResult.Normal;
	else if (Geom && Geom->getType() == PxGeometryType::eSPHERE)
		const PxSphereGeometry* Sphere = static_cast<const PxSphereGeometry*>(Geom);

		// Compute better ImpactNormal. This is the same as Normal except when we hit convex/trimesh, and then its the most opposing normal of the geom at point of impact.
		FVector PointOnGeom(P2UVector(PHit.position));
		if (FindGeomOpposingNormal(PHit, OutResult.ImpactNormal, PointOnGeom))
			const FPlane GeomPlane(PointOnGeom, OutResult.ImpactNormal);
			const float DistFromPlane = FMath::Abs(GeomPlane.PlaneDot(OutResult.Location));
			if (DistFromPlane >= Sphere->radius)
				// Use the new (better) impact normal to compute a new impact point by projecting the sphere's location onto the geometry.
				OutResult.ImpactPoint = OutResult.Location - DistFromPlane * OutResult.ImpactNormal;

			// Use the impact point to compute a better sphere surface normal (impact point to center of sphere).
			ConvertConvexNormalToSphereNormal(Sphere->radius, OutResult);
			ConvertConvexNormalToSphereNormal(Sphere->radius, OutResult);
			OutResult.ImpactNormal = OutResult.Normal;
	if( PHit.shape->getGeometryType() == PxGeometryType::eHEIGHTFIELD)
		// Lookup physical material for heightfields
		PxMaterial* HitMaterial = PHit.shape->getMaterialFromInternalFaceIndex(PHit.faceIndex);
		if( HitMaterial != NULL )
			OutResult.PhysMaterial = FPhysxUserData::Get<UPhysicalMaterial>(HitMaterial->userData);
	if(bReturnFaceIndex && PHit.shape->getGeometryType() == PxGeometryType::eTRIANGLEMESH)
		PxTriangleMeshGeometry PTriMeshGeom;
		PxConvexMeshGeometry PConvexMeshGeom;
		if(	PHit.shape->getTriangleMeshGeometry(PTriMeshGeom) && 
			PTriMeshGeom.triangleMesh != NULL &&
			PHit.faceIndex < PTriMeshGeom.triangleMesh->getNbTriangles() )
			OutResult.FaceIndex	= PTriMeshGeom.triangleMesh->getTrianglesRemap()[PHit.faceIndex];
			OutResult.FaceIndex	= INDEX_NONE;
		OutResult.FaceIndex	= INDEX_NONE;
Esempio n. 4
int32 FPoly::SplitWithPlaneFast
    const FPlane&	Plane,
    FPoly*			FrontPoly,
    FPoly*			BackPoly
) const
    FMemMark MemMark(FMemStack::Get());
    enum EPlaneClassification
    EPlaneClassification Status,PrevStatus;
    EPlaneClassification* VertStatus = new(FMemStack::Get()) EPlaneClassification[Vertices.Num()];
    int32 Front=0,Back=0;

    EPlaneClassification* StatusPtr = &VertStatus[0];
    for( int32 i=0; i<Vertices.Num(); i++ )
        float Dist = Plane.PlaneDot(Vertices[i]);
        if( Dist >= 0.f )
            *StatusPtr++ = V_FRONT;
            if( Dist > +THRESH_SPLIT_POLY_WITH_PLANE )
            *StatusPtr++ = V_BACK;
            if( Dist < -THRESH_SPLIT_POLY_WITH_PLANE )
    ESplitType Result;
    if( !Front )
        if( Back ) Result = SP_Back;
        else       Result = SP_Coplanar;
    else if( !Back )
        Result = SP_Front;
        // Split.
        if( FrontPoly )
            const FVector *V  = Vertices.GetData();
            const FVector *W  = V + Vertices.Num()-1;
            FVector *V1       = FrontPoly->Vertices.GetData();
            FVector *V2       = BackPoly ->Vertices.GetData();
            StatusPtr         = &VertStatus        [0];
            PrevStatus        = VertStatus         [Vertices.Num()-1];

            for( int32 i=0; i<Vertices.Num(); i++ )
                Status = *StatusPtr++;
                if( Status != PrevStatus )
                    // Crossing.
                    const FVector& Intersection = FMath::LinePlaneIntersection( *W, *V, Plane );
                    new(FrontPoly->Vertices) FVector(Intersection);
                    new(BackPoly->Vertices) FVector(Intersection);
                    if( PrevStatus == V_FRONT )
                        new(BackPoly->Vertices) FVector(*V);
                        new(FrontPoly->Vertices) FVector(*V);
                else if( Status==V_FRONT )
                    new(FrontPoly->Vertices) FVector(*V);
                    new(BackPoly->Vertices) FVector(*V);

                PrevStatus = Status;
                W          = V++;
            FrontPoly->Base			= Base;
            FrontPoly->Normal		= Normal;
            FrontPoly->PolyFlags	= PolyFlags;

            BackPoly->Base			= Base;
            BackPoly->Normal		= Normal;
            BackPoly->PolyFlags		= PolyFlags;
        Result = SP_Split;


    return Result;