bool GenerateProjectFiles(const FString& ProjectFileName)
	IDesktopPlatform* DesktopPlatform = FDesktopPlatformModule::Get();

	// Check it's a code project
	FString SourceDir = FPaths::GetPath(ProjectFileName) / TEXT("Source");
		FPlatformMisc::MessageBoxExt(EAppMsgType::Ok, TEXT("This project does not have any source code. You need to add C++ source files to the project from the Editor before you can generate project files."), TEXT("Error"));
		return false;

	// Get the engine root directory
	FString RootDir;
	if (!GetValidatedEngineRootDir(ProjectFileName, RootDir))
		return false;

	// Build the argument list
	FString Arguments = TEXT("-game");
	if (FDesktopPlatformModule::Get()->IsSourceDistribution(RootDir))
		Arguments += TEXT(" -engine");

	// Start capturing the log output
	FStringOutputDevice LogCapture;

	// Generate project files
	FFeedbackContext* Warn = DesktopPlatform->GetNativeFeedbackContext();
	bool bResult = DesktopPlatform->GenerateProjectFiles(RootDir, ProjectFileName, Warn);

	// Display an error dialog if we failed
		FPlatformInstallation::ErrorDialog(TEXT("Failed to generate project files."), LogCapture);
		return false;

	return true;
Esempio n. 2
// If analysis/clang compilation gives an error, we still can provide some meaningful data to user,
// which is why we return 0 in such cases. We return error only when -OutputFile is not provided and
// when saving output file fails.
int main(int32 ArgC, const char* ArgV[])
	FString CmdLine = CreateCommandLine(ArgC, ArgV);
	FString ShortCmdLine = FCommandLine::RemoveExeName(*CmdLine);
	ShortCmdLine = ShortCmdLine.Trim();


	if (!FParse::Value(*CmdLine, TEXT("-OutputFile="), OutputFileName))
		return 1;


	if (FParse::Param(*CmdLine, TEXT("AnalyzePCHFile")))

	if (FParse::Param(*CmdLine, TEXT("CreateIncludeFiles")))
		CreateIncludeFiles(ArgC, ArgV);

	if (FParse::Param(*CmdLine, TEXT("CheckThreadSafety")))
		CheckThreadSafety(ArgC, ArgV);

	if (!FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(OutputFileContents, *OutputFileName))
		return 2;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
bool ANUTActor::NotifyControlMessage(UNetConnection* Connection, uint8 MessageType, FInBunch& Bunch)
	bool bHandledMessage = false;

	if (MessageType == NMT_NUTControl)
		uint8 CmdType = 0;
		FString Command;
		FNetControlMessage<NMT_NUTControl>::Receive(Bunch, CmdType, Command);

		// Console command
		if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Command_NoResult || CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Command_SendResult)
			UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("NMT_NUTControl: Executing command: %s"), *Command);

			FStringOutputDevice CmdResult;

			bool bCmdSuccess = false;

			bCmdSuccess = GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), *Command, CmdResult);

			UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("NMT_NUTControl: Command result: %s"), *CmdResult);

			bool bSendResult = CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Command_SendResult;

			if (bSendResult)
				uint8 ReturnCmdType = (bCmdSuccess ? ENUTControlCommand::CommandResult_Success :

				FNetControlMessage<NMT_NUTControl>::Send(Connection, ReturnCmdType, CmdResult);
		// Console command result
		else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::CommandResult_Failed || CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::CommandResult_Success)
			bool bCmdSuccess = CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::CommandResult_Success;

			if (bCmdSuccess)
				UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("NMT_NUTControl: Got command result:"));
				UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("%s"), *Command);
				UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("NMT_NUTControl: Failed to execute command"));
		// Ping request
		else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Ping)
			uint8 TempCmdType = ENUTControlCommand::Pong;
			FString Dud;

			FNetControlMessage<NMT_NUTControl>::Send(Connection, TempCmdType, Dud);
		// Pong reply - this should only be implemented by custom unit tests; hence the assert
		else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Pong)
		// Custom implemented events, with the result triggered through 'NotifyEvent'
		else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::WatchEvent)
			// NOTE: Only the last NetConnection to request a WatchEvent, will receive notifications
			EventWatcher = Connection;

			// Watch for the end of seamless travel
			if (Command == TEXT("SeamlessTravelEnd"))
		// Event watch notification - should only be implemented by custom unit tests
		else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::NotifyEvent)
		// Create an actor instance (the 'summon' console command, doesn't work without a cheat manager)
		else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::Summon)
			const TCHAR* Cmd = *Command;
			FString SpawnClassName = FParse::Token(Cmd, false);
			bool bForceBeginPlay = FParse::Param(Cmd, TEXT("ForceBeginPlay"));

			// Hack specifically for getting the GameplayDebugger working - think the mainline code is broken
			bool bGameplayDebuggerHack = FParse::Param(Cmd, TEXT("GameplayDebuggerHack"));

			UClass* SpawnClass = FindObject<UClass>(NULL, *SpawnClassName);

			if (SpawnClass != NULL)
				FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParms;
				SpawnParms.Owner = GetOwner();

				AActor* NewActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AActor>(SpawnClass, SpawnParms);

				if (NewActor != NULL)
					UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("Successfully summoned actor of class '%s'"), *SpawnClassName);

					if (bForceBeginPlay && !NewActor->HasActorBegunPlay())
						UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("Forcing call to 'BeginPlay' on newly spawned actor."));


					if (bGameplayDebuggerHack)
						// Assign the LocalPlayerOwner property, to the PC owning this NUTActor, using reflection (to avoid dependency)
						UObjectProperty* LocalPlayerOwnerProp =
								FindField<UObjectProperty>(NewActor->GetClass(), TEXT("LocalPlayerOwner"));

						if (LocalPlayerOwnerProp != NULL)
								LocalPlayerOwnerProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<UObject*>(NewActor), GetOwner());
							UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("WARNING: Failed to find 'LocalPlayerOwner' property. Unit test broken."));

						// Also hack-disable ticking, so that the replicator doesn't spawn a second replicator
					UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("SpawnActor failed for class '%s'"), *Command);
				UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("Could not find actor class '%s'"), *Command);
		// Suspend the game, until a resume request is received (used for giving time, to attach a debugger)
		else if (CmdType == ENUTControlCommand::SuspendProcess)
			UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("Suspend start."));

			// Setup a named pipe, to monitor for the resume request
			FString ResumePipeName = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s%u"), NUT_SUSPEND_PIPE, FPlatformProcess::GetCurrentProcessId());
			FPlatformNamedPipe ResumePipe;
			bool bPipeCreated = ResumePipe.Create(ResumePipeName, true, false);

			if (bPipeCreated)
				if (!ResumePipe.OpenConnection())
					UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("WARNING: Failed to open pipe connection."));
				UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("WARNING: Failed to create resume pipe."));

			// Spin/sleep (effectively suspended) until a resume request is received
			while (true)
				if (bPipeCreated && ResumePipe.IsReadyForRW())
					int32 ResumeVal = 0;

					if (ResumePipe.ReadInt32(ResumeVal) && !!ResumeVal)
						UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("Got resume request."));



			UE_LOG(LogUnitTest, Log, TEXT("Suspend end."));

		bHandledMessage = true;

	return bHandledMessage;
bool FPerfCounters::ProcessRequest(uint8* Buffer, int32 BufferLen, FResponse& Response)
	bool bSuccess = false;

	// scan the buffer for a line
	FUTF8ToTCHAR WideBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const ANSICHAR*>(Buffer));
	const TCHAR* BufferEnd = FCString::Strstr(WideBuffer.Get(), TEXT("\r\n"));
	if (BufferEnd != nullptr)
		// crack into pieces
		FString MainLine(BufferEnd - WideBuffer.Get(), WideBuffer.Get());
		TArray<FString> Tokens;
		if (Tokens.Num() >= 2)
			FString ContentType(TEXT("application/json"));
			Response.Code = 200;

			// handle the request
			if (Tokens[0] != TEXT("GET"))
				Response.Body = FString::Printf(TEXT("{ \"error\": \"Method %s not allowed\" }"), *Tokens[0]);
				Response.Code = 405;
			else if (Tokens[1].StartsWith(TEXT("/stats")))
				Response.Body = GetAllCountersAsJson();
			else if (Tokens[1].StartsWith(TEXT("/exec?c=")))
				FString ExecCmd = Tokens[1].Mid(8);
				FString ExecCmdDecoded = FPlatformHttp::UrlDecode(ExecCmd);

				FStringOutputDevice StringOutDevice;

				bool bResult = false;
				if (ExecCmdCallback.IsBound())
					bResult = ExecCmdCallback.Execute(ExecCmdDecoded, StringOutDevice);
					Response.Body = StringOutDevice;
					ContentType = TEXT("text/text");
					Response.Body = FString::Printf(TEXT("{ \"error\": \"exec handler not found\" }"));

				Response.Code = bResult ? 200 : 404;
				Response.Body = FString::Printf(TEXT("{ \"error\": \"%s not found\" }"), *Tokens[1]);
				Response.Code = 404;

			// send the response headers
			Response.Header = FString::Printf(TEXT("HTTP/1.0 %d\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: %s\r\n\r\n"), Response.Code, Response.Body.Len(), *ContentType);
			bSuccess = true;
			UE_LOG(LogPerfCounters, Warning, TEXT("Unable to parse HTTP request header: %s"), *MainLine);
		UE_LOG(LogPerfCounters, Warning, TEXT("Unable to immediately receive full request header"));

	return bSuccess;