Esempio n. 1
  FallibleTArray<MediaByteRange> cencRanges;
  if (!GetAuxInfo(AtomType("cenc"), &cencRanges) ||
      cencRanges.Length() != mIndex.Length()) {
    return false;
  for (int i = 0; i < cencRanges.Length(); i++) {
    mIndex[i].mCencRange = cencRanges[i];
  return true;
VariableLengthPrefixSet::GetPrefixes(PrefixStringMap& aPrefixMap)
  MutexAutoLock lock(mLock);

  // 4-bytes prefixes are handled by nsUrlClassifierPrefixSet.
  FallibleTArray<uint32_t> array;
  nsresult rv = mFixedPrefixSet->GetPrefixesNative(array);

  size_t count = array.Length();
  if (count) {
    nsCString* prefixes = new nsCString();
    if (!prefixes->SetLength(PREFIX_SIZE_FIXED * count, fallible)) {
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    // Writing integer array to character array
    uint32_t* begin = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(prefixes->BeginWriting());
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      begin[i] = NativeEndian::swapToBigEndian(array[i]);

    aPrefixMap.Put(PREFIX_SIZE_FIXED, prefixes);

  // Copy variable-length prefix set
  for (auto iter = mVLPrefixSet.ConstIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
    aPrefixMap.Put(iter.Key(), new nsCString(*iter.Data()));

  return NS_OK;
bool SVGMotionSMILAnimationFunction::GenerateValuesForPathAndPoints(
    Path* aPath, bool aIsKeyPoints, FallibleTArray<double>& aPointDistances,
    SMILValueArray& aResult) {
  MOZ_ASSERT(aResult.IsEmpty(), "outparam is non-empty");

  // If we're using "keyPoints" as our list of input distances, then we need
  // to de-normalize from the [0, 1] scale to the [0, totalPathLen] scale.
  double distanceMultiplier = aIsKeyPoints ? aPath->ComputeLength() : 1.0;
  const uint32_t numPoints = aPointDistances.Length();
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
    double curDist = aPointDistances[i] * distanceMultiplier;
    if (!aResult.AppendElement(SVGMotionSMILType::ConstructSMILValue(
                                   aPath, curDist, mRotateType, mRotateAngle),
                               fallible)) {
      return false;
  return true;
Esempio n. 4
/* static */ void
ThreadSafeChromeUtils::Base64URLDecode(GlobalObject& aGlobal,
                                       const nsACString& aString,
                                       const Base64URLDecodeOptions& aOptions,
                                       JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aRetval,
                                       ErrorResult& aRv)
  Base64URLDecodePaddingPolicy paddingPolicy;
  switch (aOptions.mPadding) {
    case Base64URLDecodePadding::Require:
      paddingPolicy = Base64URLDecodePaddingPolicy::Require;

    case Base64URLDecodePadding::Ignore:
      paddingPolicy = Base64URLDecodePaddingPolicy::Ignore;

    case Base64URLDecodePadding::Reject:
      paddingPolicy = Base64URLDecodePaddingPolicy::Reject;

  FallibleTArray<uint8_t> data;
  nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64URLDecode(aString, paddingPolicy, data);
  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {

  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> buffer(aGlobal.Context(),
  if (NS_WARN_IF(!buffer)) {
// OTS drops the OT Layout tables when decoding a WOFF file, so retrieve them
// separately and cache them (unchecked) in the font entry; harfbuzz will
// sanitize them when it needs to use them.
static void
PreloadTableFromWOFF(const PRUint8* aFontData, PRUint32 aLength,
                     PRUint32 aTableTag, gfxFontEntry* aFontEntry)
    PRUint32 status = eWOFF_ok;
    PRUint32 len = woffGetTableSize(aFontData, aLength, aTableTag, &status);
    if (WOFF_SUCCESS(status) && len > 0) {
        FallibleTArray<PRUint8> buffer;
        if (!buffer.AppendElements(len)) {
            NS_WARNING("failed to cache font table - out of memory?");
        woffGetTableToBuffer(aFontData, aLength, aTableTag,
                             buffer.Elements(), buffer.Length(),
                             &len, &status);
        if (WOFF_FAILURE(status)) {
            NS_WARNING("failed to cache font table - WOFF decoding error?");
        aFontEntry->PreloadFontTable(aTableTag, buffer);
Esempio n. 6
/* static */ void
ThreadSafeChromeUtils::Base64URLDecode(GlobalObject& aGlobal,
                                       const nsACString& aString,
                                       const Base64URLDecodeOptions& aOptions,
                                       JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aRetval,
                                       ErrorResult& aRv)
  FallibleTArray<uint8_t> data;
  nsresult rv = mozilla::Base64URLDecode(aString, aOptions, data);
  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {

  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> buffer(aGlobal.Context(),
  if (NS_WARN_IF(!buffer)) {
gfxGDIFontList::MakePlatformFont(const gfxProxyFontEntry *aProxyEntry, 
                                 const uint8_t *aFontData,
                                 uint32_t aLength)
    // MakePlatformFont is responsible for deleting the font data with NS_Free
    // so we set up a stack object to ensure it is freed even if we take an
    // early exit
    struct FontDataDeleter {
        FontDataDeleter(const uint8_t *aFontData)
            : mFontData(aFontData) { }
        ~FontDataDeleter() { NS_Free((void*)mFontData); }
        const uint8_t *mFontData;
    FontDataDeleter autoDelete(aFontData);

    bool hasVertical;
    bool isCFF = gfxFontUtils::IsCffFont(aFontData, hasVertical);

    nsresult rv;
    HANDLE fontRef = nullptr;
    bool isEmbedded = false;

    nsAutoString uniqueName;
    rv = gfxFontUtils::MakeUniqueUserFontName(uniqueName);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return nullptr;

    // for TTF fonts, first try using the t2embed library if available
    if (!isCFF && TTLoadEmbeddedFontPtr && TTDeleteEmbeddedFontPtr) {
        // TrueType-style glyphs, use EOT library
        AutoFallibleTArray<uint8_t,2048> eotHeader;
        uint8_t *buffer;
        uint32_t eotlen;

        isEmbedded = true;
        uint32_t nameLen = NS_MIN<uint32_t>(uniqueName.Length(), LF_FACESIZE - 1);
        nsAutoString fontName(Substring(uniqueName, 0, nameLen));
        FontDataOverlay overlayNameData = {0, 0, 0};

        rv = gfxFontUtils::MakeEOTHeader(aFontData, aLength, &eotHeader, 
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {

            // load in embedded font data
            eotlen = eotHeader.Length();
            buffer = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*> (eotHeader.Elements());
            int32_t ret;
            ULONG privStatus, pulStatus;
            EOTFontStreamReader eotReader(aFontData, aLength, buffer, eotlen,

            ret = TTLoadEmbeddedFontPtr(&fontRef, TTLOAD_PRIVATE, &privStatus,
                                        LICENSE_PREVIEWPRINT, &pulStatus,
                                        (PRUnichar*)(fontName.get()), 0, 0);
            if (ret != E_NONE) {
                fontRef = nullptr;
                char buf[256];
                sprintf(buf, "font (%s) not loaded using TTLoadEmbeddedFont - error %8.8x",
                        NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aProxyEntry->Name()).get(), ret);

    // load CFF fonts or fonts that failed with t2embed loader
    if (fontRef == nullptr) {
        // Postscript-style glyphs, swizzle name table, load directly
        FallibleTArray<uint8_t> newFontData;

        isEmbedded = false;
        rv = gfxFontUtils::RenameFont(uniqueName, aFontData, aLength, &newFontData);

        if (NS_FAILED(rv))
            return nullptr;
        DWORD numFonts = 0;

        uint8_t *fontData = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*> (newFontData.Elements());
        uint32_t fontLength = newFontData.Length();
        NS_ASSERTION(fontData, "null font data after renaming");

        // "A font that is added by AddFontMemResourceEx is always private 
        //  to the process that made the call and is not enumerable."
        fontRef = AddFontMemResourceEx(fontData, fontLength, 
                                       0 /* reserved */, &numFonts);
        if (!fontRef)
            return nullptr;

        // only load fonts with a single face contained in the data
        // AddFontMemResourceEx generates an additional face name for
        // vertical text if the font supports vertical writing
        if (fontRef && numFonts != 1 + !!hasVertical) {
            return nullptr;

    // make a new font entry using the unique name
    WinUserFontData *winUserFontData = new WinUserFontData(fontRef, isEmbedded);
    uint16_t w = (aProxyEntry->mWeight == 0 ? 400 : aProxyEntry->mWeight);

    GDIFontEntry *fe = GDIFontEntry::CreateFontEntry(uniqueName, 
        gfxWindowsFontType(isCFF ? GFX_FONT_TYPE_PS_OPENTYPE : GFX_FONT_TYPE_TRUETYPE) /*type*/, 
        uint32_t(aProxyEntry->mItalic ? NS_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC : NS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL), 
        w, aProxyEntry->mStretch, winUserFontData, false);

    if (!fe)
        return fe;

    fe->mIsUserFont = true;

    // Uniscribe doesn't place CFF fonts loaded privately 
    // via AddFontMemResourceEx on XP/Vista
    if (isCFF && gfxWindowsPlatform::WindowsOSVersion() 
                 < gfxWindowsPlatform::kWindows7) {
        fe->mForceGDI = true;
    return fe;
Esempio n. 8
gfxGDIFontList::MakePlatformFont(const gfxProxyFontEntry *aProxyEntry, 
                                 const uint8_t *aFontData,
                                 uint32_t aLength)
    // MakePlatformFont is responsible for deleting the font data with NS_Free
    // so we set up a stack object to ensure it is freed even if we take an
    // early exit
    struct FontDataDeleter {
        FontDataDeleter(const uint8_t *aFontData)
            : mFontData(aFontData) { }
        ~FontDataDeleter() { NS_Free((void*)mFontData); }
        const uint8_t *mFontData;
    FontDataDeleter autoDelete(aFontData);

    bool isCFF = gfxFontUtils::IsCffFont(aFontData);

    nsresult rv;
    HANDLE fontRef = nullptr;

    nsAutoString uniqueName;
    rv = gfxFontUtils::MakeUniqueUserFontName(uniqueName);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return nullptr;

    FallibleTArray<uint8_t> newFontData;

    rv = gfxFontUtils::RenameFont(uniqueName, aFontData, aLength, &newFontData);

    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return nullptr;
    DWORD numFonts = 0;

    uint8_t *fontData = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*> (newFontData.Elements());
    uint32_t fontLength = newFontData.Length();
    NS_ASSERTION(fontData, "null font data after renaming");

    // "A font that is added by AddFontMemResourceEx is always private 
    //  to the process that made the call and is not enumerable."
    fontRef = AddFontMemResourceEx(fontData, fontLength, 
                                    0 /* reserved */, &numFonts);
    if (!fontRef)
        return nullptr;

    // only load fonts with a single face contained in the data
    // AddFontMemResourceEx generates an additional face name for
    // vertical text if the font supports vertical writing but since
    // the font is referenced via the name this can be ignored
    if (fontRef && numFonts > 2) {
        return nullptr;

    // make a new font entry using the unique name
    WinUserFontData *winUserFontData = new WinUserFontData(fontRef);
    uint16_t w = (aProxyEntry->mWeight == 0 ? 400 : aProxyEntry->mWeight);

    GDIFontEntry *fe = GDIFontEntry::CreateFontEntry(uniqueName, 
        gfxWindowsFontType(isCFF ? GFX_FONT_TYPE_PS_OPENTYPE : GFX_FONT_TYPE_TRUETYPE) /*type*/, 
        uint32_t(aProxyEntry->mItalic ? NS_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC : NS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL), 
        w, aProxyEntry->mStretch, winUserFontData, false);

    if (!fe)
        return fe;

    fe->mIsUserFont = true;

    // Uniscribe doesn't place CFF fonts loaded privately 
    // via AddFontMemResourceEx on XP/Vista
    if (isCFF && !IsWin7OrLater()) {
        fe->mForceGDI = true;

    return fe;
gfxDWriteFontEntry::CopyFontTable(uint32_t aTableTag,
                                  FallibleTArray<uint8_t> &aBuffer)
    gfxDWriteFontList *pFontList = gfxDWriteFontList::PlatformFontList();

    // Don't use GDI table loading for symbol fonts or for
    // italic fonts in Arabic-script system locales because of
    // potential cmap discrepancies, see bug 629386.
    // Ditto for Hebrew, bug 837498.
    if (mFont && pFontList->UseGDIFontTableAccess() &&
        !(mItalic && UsingArabicOrHebrewScriptSystemLocale()) &&
        LOGFONTW logfont = { 0 };
        if (!InitLogFont(mFont, &logfont))
            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

        AutoDC dc;
        AutoSelectFont font(dc.GetDC(), &logfont);
        if (font.IsValid()) {
            uint32_t tableSize =
                              NativeEndian::swapToBigEndian(aTableTag), 0,
                              NULL, 0);
            if (tableSize != GDI_ERROR) {
                if (aBuffer.SetLength(tableSize)) {
                                  NativeEndian::swapToBigEndian(aTableTag), 0,
                                  aBuffer.Elements(), aBuffer.Length());
                    return NS_OK;
                return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    nsRefPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fontFace;
    nsresult rv = CreateFontFace(getter_AddRefs(fontFace));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
        return rv;

    uint8_t *tableData;
    uint32_t len;
    void *tableContext = NULL;
    BOOL exists;
    HRESULT hr =
                                  (const void**)&tableData, &len,
                                  &tableContext, &exists);
    if (FAILED(hr) || !exists) {
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    if (aBuffer.SetLength(len)) {
        memcpy(aBuffer.Elements(), tableData, len);
        rv = NS_OK;
    } else {
        rv = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    if (tableContext) {

    return rv;
Esempio n. 10
gfxDWriteFontEntry::GetFontTable(PRUint32 aTableTag,
                                 FallibleTArray<PRUint8> &aBuffer)
    gfxDWriteFontList *pFontList = gfxDWriteFontList::PlatformFontList();

    // don't use GDI table loading for symbol fonts or for
    // italic fonts in Arabic-script system locales because of
    // potential cmap discrepancies, see bug 629386
    if (mFont && pFontList->UseGDIFontTableAccess() &&
        !(mItalic && UsingArabicScriptSystemLocale()) &&
        LOGFONTW logfont = { 0 };
        if (!InitLogFont(mFont, &logfont))
            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

        AutoDC dc;
        AutoSelectFont font(dc.GetDC(), &logfont);
        if (font.IsValid()) {
            PRInt32 tableSize =
                ::GetFontData(dc.GetDC(), NS_SWAP32(aTableTag), 0, NULL, NULL);
            if (tableSize != GDI_ERROR) {
                if (aBuffer.SetLength(tableSize)) {
                    ::GetFontData(dc.GetDC(), NS_SWAP32(aTableTag), 0,
                                  aBuffer.Elements(), aBuffer.Length());
                    return NS_OK;
                return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    HRESULT hr;
    nsresult rv;
    nsRefPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fontFace;

    rv = CreateFontFace(getter_AddRefs(fontFace));

    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
        return rv;

    PRUint8 *tableData;
    PRUint32 len;
    void *tableContext = NULL;
    BOOL exists;
    hr = fontFace->TryGetFontTable(NS_SWAP32(aTableTag),
                                   (const void**)&tableData,

    if (FAILED(hr) || !exists) {
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    if (!aBuffer.SetLength(len)) {
        return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    memcpy(aBuffer.Elements(), tableData, len);
    if (tableContext) {
    return NS_OK;