Esempio n. 1
 void mockFatalCall(FatalMessagePtr fatal_message) {
    g_mockFatal_message = fatal_message.get()->toString();
    g_mockFatal_signal = fatal_message.get()->_signal_id;
    g_mockFatalWasCalled = true;
    LogMessagePtr message{fatal_message.release()};
    g3::internal::pushMessageToLogger(message); //fatal_message.copyToLogMessage());
Esempio n. 2
   void LogWorkerImpl::bgFatal(FatalMessagePtr msgPtr) {
      // this will be the last message. Only the active logworker can receive a FATAL call so it's 
      // safe to shutdown logging now

      std::string reason = msgPtr.get()->reason();
      const auto level = msgPtr.get()->_level;
      const auto fatal_id = msgPtr.get()->_signal_id;

      std::unique_ptr<LogMessage> uniqueMsg(std::move(msgPtr.get()));
      uniqueMsg->write().append("\nExiting after fatal event  (").append(uniqueMsg->level());

     // Change output in case of a fatal signal (or windows exception)
      std::string exiting = {"Fatal type: "};

      uniqueMsg->write().append("). ").append(exiting).append(" ").append(reason)
              .append("\nLog content flushed flushed sucessfully to sink\n\n");

      std::cerr << uniqueMsg->message() << std::flush;
      for (auto& sink : _sinks) {
         LogMessage msg(*(uniqueMsg));

      // This clear is absolutely necessary
      // All sinks are forced to receive the fatal message above before we continue
      _sinks.clear(); // flush all queues
      internal::exitWithDefaultSignalHandler(level, fatal_id);
      // should never reach this point
      perror("g2log exited after receiving FATAL trigger. Flush message status: ");
Esempio n. 3
File: log.cpp Progetto: ronj/invent
 /** Fatal call saved to logger. This will trigger SIGABRT or other fatal signal 
  * to exit the program. After saving the fatal message the calling thread
  * will sleep forever (i.e. until the background thread catches up, saves the fatal
  * message and kills the software with the fatal signal.
 void fatalCallToLogger(FatalMessagePtr message) {
    if (!isLoggingInitialized()) {
       std::ostringstream error;
       error << "FATAL CALL but logger is NOT initialized\n"
               << "SIGNAL: " << message.get()->signal()
               << "\nMessage: \n" << message.get()->toString() << std::flush;
       std::cerr << error.str() << std::flush;
    while (true) {
Esempio n. 4
 /** Fatal call saved to logger. This will trigger SIGABRT or other fatal signal
  * to exit the program. After saving the fatal message the calling thread
  * will sleep forever (i.e. until the background thread catches up, saves the fatal
  * message and kills the software with the fatal signal.
 void pushFatalMessageToLogger(FatalMessagePtr message) {
    if (!isLoggingInitialized()) {
       std::ostringstream error;
       error << "FATAL CALL but logger is NOT initialized\n"
             << "CAUSE: " << message.get()->reason()
             << "\nMessage: \n" << message.get()->toString() << std::flush;
       std::cerr << error.str() << std::flush;
       internal::exitWithDefaultSignalHandler(message.get()->_level, message.get()->_signal_id);
    while (shouldBlockForFatalHandling()) {