Esempio n. 1
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_de_tesis_dynaware_javafx_graphics_importers_fbx_JFbxLib_triangulate(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint attributeIndex) {

	// Check FBX file has been opened.
	if (!isOpen()) { throwFileClosedException(env); }

	// Check attribute index bounds for safety.
	if (!checkAttributeBounds(attributeIndex)) { throwArrayOutOfBoundsException(env); }

	// Check attribute type for safety.
	if (!isValidType(attributeIndex, FbxNodeAttribute::EType::eMesh) &&
		!isValidType(attributeIndex, FbxNodeAttribute::EType::ePatch) &&
		!isValidType(attributeIndex, FbxNodeAttribute::EType::eNurbs) &&
		!isValidType(attributeIndex, FbxNodeAttribute::EType::eNurbsSurface)) { return; }

	FbxGeometryConverter *converter = new FbxGeometryConverter(sdkManager);
	converter->Triangulate(currentNode->GetNodeAttributeByIndex(attributeIndex), true);
Esempio n. 2
// Load Fbx File
void GenerateLOD::LoadFbx()
	FbxManager *fbxManager = FbxManager::Create();

	//Create an IOSetting
	FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(fbxManager, IOSROOT);

	//Create an impoter
	FbxImporter *lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(fbxManager, "myImporter");
	std::string tmp = std::string(".\\LODs\\") + srcFbxName;
	bool lImporterStatus = lImporter->Initialize(tmp.c_str(), -1, fbxManager->GetIOSettings());
	if (!lImporterStatus) {
		MessageBox(NULL, "No Scuh File in .\\LODs\\ directory !", "Warning", 0);

	FbxScene *fbxScene = FbxScene::Create(fbxManager, "myScene");

	FbxNode *rootNode = fbxScene->GetRootNode();
	if (rootNode != NULL) {
		for (int i = 0; i < rootNode->GetChildCount(); ++i) {
			FbxNode *node = rootNode->GetChild(i);
			FbxNodeAttribute *Att = node->GetNodeAttribute();
			if (Att != NULL && Att->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh) {
				FbxMesh *lMesh = (FbxMesh *)(Att);
				//FbxMesh *lMesh = dynamic_cast<FbxMesh *>(Att);
				if (!lMesh->IsTriangleMesh()) {
					FbxGeometryConverter converter = FbxGeometryConverter(fbxManager);
					FbxNodeAttribute *Attr = converter.Triangulate(lMesh, true);
					lMesh = (FbxMesh *)(Attr);

				//Following is the SImplification
				Reduction_EdgesCollapse_UV(node, lMesh, fbxManager, fbxScene);


	//MessageBox(NULL, "Export Succeed!", "Export", 0);
Esempio n. 3
bool gltfPackage::LoadScene (const std::string &fn) {
	auto pMgr =fbxSdkMgr::Instance ()->fbxMgr () ;
	FbxAutoDestroyPtr<FbxImporter> pImporter (FbxImporter::Create (pMgr, "")) ;

	if ( !pImporter->Initialize ((fn).c_str (), -1, pMgr->GetIOSettings ()) )
		return (false) ;
	if ( pImporter->IsFBX () ) {
		// From this point, it is possible to access animation stack information without
		// the expense of loading the entire file.

		// Set the import states. By default, the import states are always set to true.

	bool bStatus =pImporter->Import (_scene) ;
	if ( _ioSettings._name.length () )
		_scene->SetName ((_ioSettings._name).c_str ()) ;
	else if ( _scene->GetName () == FbxString ("") )
		//_scene->SetName ("untitled") ;
		_scene->SetName ((gltfPackage::filename (fn)).c_str ()) ;

	//if ( bStatus == false && pImporter->GetStatus ().GetCode () == FbxStatus::ePasswordError ) {

	// Get current UpAxis of the FBX file.
	// This have to be done before ConvertiAxisSystem(), cause the function will always change SceneAxisSystem to Y-up.
	// First, however, if we have the ForcedFileAxis activated, we need to overwrite the global settings.
	//switch ( IOS_REF.GetEnumProp (IMP_FILE_UP_AXIS, FbxMayaUtility::eUPAXIS_AUTO) ) {
	//	default:
	//	case FbxMayaUtility::eUPAXIS_AUTO:
	//		break ;
	//	case FbxMayaUtility::eUPAXIS_Y:
	//		_scene->GetGlobalSettings ().SetAxisSystem (FbxAxisSystem::MayaYUp) ;
	//		break ;
	//	case FbxMayaUtility::eUPAXIS_Z:
	//		_scene->GetGlobalSettings ().SetAxisSystem (FbxAxisSystem::MayaZUp) ;
	//	break ;
	//FbxAxisSystem sceneAxisSystem =_scene->GetGlobalSettings ().GetAxisSystem () ;
	//int lSign =0 ;
	//FbxAxisSystem::EUpVector upVectorFromFile =sceneAxisSystem.GetUpVector (lSign) ;

	FbxAxisSystem::MayaYUp.ConvertScene (_scene) ; // We want the Y up axis for glTF

	FbxSystemUnit sceneSystemUnit =_scene->GetGlobalSettings ().GetSystemUnit () ; // We want meter as default unit for gltTF
	if ( sceneSystemUnit != FbxSystemUnit::m ) {
		//const FbxSystemUnit::ConversionOptions conversionOptions ={
		//	false, // mConvertRrsNodes
		//	true, // mConvertAllLimits
		//	true, // mConvertClusters
		//	false, // mConvertLightIntensity
		//	true, // mConvertPhotometricLProperties
		//	false  // mConvertCameraClipPlanes
		//} ;
		//FbxSystemUnit::m.ConvertScene (_scene, conversionOptions) ;
		FbxSystemUnit::m.ConvertScene (_scene) ;

	FbxGeometryConverter converter (fbxSdkMgr::Instance ()->fbxMgr ()) ;
	converter.Triangulate (_scene, true) ; // glTF supports triangles only
	converter.SplitMeshesPerMaterial (_scene, true) ; // Split meshes per material, so we only have one material per mesh (VBO support)
	// Set the current peripheral to be the NULL so FBX geometries that have been imported can be flushed
    _scene->SetPeripheral (NULL_PERIPHERAL) ;

	//int nb =_scene->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxNodeAttribute> () ;
	//int nbTot =5 * nb ;
	//int nbRest =4 * nb ;
	//int nbSteps =nbRest / 8 ;

	//FbxArray<FbxNode *> pBadMeshes =RemoveBadPolygonsFromMeshes (_scene) ;

	return (true) ;