Esempio n. 1
// Deform the vertex array with the shapes contained in the mesh.
void compute_shape_deformation(FbxMesh* pMesh, FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimLayer * pAnimLayer, FbxVector4* pVertexArray)
  int lVertexCount = pMesh->GetControlPointsCount();

  FbxVector4* lSrcVertexArray = pVertexArray;
  FbxVector4* lDstVertexArray = new FbxVector4[lVertexCount];
  memcpy(lDstVertexArray, pVertexArray, lVertexCount * sizeof(FbxVector4));

  int lBlendShapeDeformerCount = pMesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);

  for(int lBlendShapeIndex = 0; lBlendShapeIndex<lBlendShapeDeformerCount; ++lBlendShapeIndex) {
    FbxBlendShape* lBlendShape = (FbxBlendShape*)pMesh->GetDeformer(lBlendShapeIndex, FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);

    int lBlendShapeChannelCount = lBlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannelCount();

    for(int lChannelIndex = 0; lChannelIndex<lBlendShapeChannelCount; ++lChannelIndex) {
      FbxBlendShapeChannel* lChannel = lBlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannel(lChannelIndex);

      if(lChannel) {
        // Get the percentage of influence of the shape.
        FbxAnimCurve* lFCurve = pMesh->GetShapeChannel(lBlendShapeIndex, lChannelIndex, pAnimLayer);

        if(!lFCurve) {

        double lWeight = lFCurve->Evaluate(pTime);

        //Find which shape should we use according to the weight.
        int lShapeCount = lChannel->GetTargetShapeCount();
        double* lFullWeights = lChannel->GetTargetShapeFullWeights();

        for(int lShapeIndex = 0; lShapeIndex<lShapeCount; ++lShapeIndex) {
          FbxShape* lShape = NULL;

          if(lWeight > 0 && lWeight <= lFullWeights[0]) {
            lShape = lChannel->GetTargetShape(0);

          if(lWeight > lFullWeights[lShapeIndex] && lWeight < lFullWeights[lShapeIndex+1]) {
            lShape = lChannel->GetTargetShape(lShapeIndex+1);

          if(lShape) {
            for(int j = 0; j < lVertexCount; j++) {
              // Add the influence of the shape vertex to the mesh vertex.
              FbxVector4 lInfluence = (lShape->GetControlPoints()[j] - lSrcVertexArray[j]) * lWeight * 0.01;
              lDstVertexArray[j] += lInfluence;
        }//For each target shape
      }//If lChannel is valid
    }//For each blend shape channel
  }//For each blend shape deformer

  memcpy(pVertexArray, lDstVertexArray, lVertexCount * sizeof(FbxVector4));

  delete [] lDstVertexArray;
Esempio n. 2
void ofxFBXMesh::computeBlendShapes( ofMesh* aMesh, FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimLayer * pAnimLayer ) {
    int lBlendShapeDeformerCount = fbxMesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);
//    cout << "Computing blendshapes for " << getName() << endl;
    for(int lBlendShapeIndex = 0; lBlendShapeIndex<lBlendShapeDeformerCount; ++lBlendShapeIndex) {
        FbxBlendShape* lBlendShape = (FbxBlendShape*)fbxMesh->GetDeformer(lBlendShapeIndex, FbxDeformer::eBlendShape);
        int lBlendShapeChannelCount = lBlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannelCount();
		for(int lChannelIndex = 0; lChannelIndex<lBlendShapeChannelCount; ++lChannelIndex) {
			FbxBlendShapeChannel* lChannel = lBlendShape->GetBlendShapeChannel(lChannelIndex);
			if(lChannel) {
				// Get the percentage of influence on this channel.
				FbxAnimCurve* lFCurve = fbxMesh->GetShapeChannel(lBlendShapeIndex, lChannelIndex, pAnimLayer);
				if (!lFCurve) continue;
				double lWeight          = lFCurve->Evaluate(pTime);
//                cout << "updateMesh lWeight = " << lWeight << " time = " << pTime.GetMilliSeconds() << endl;
                int lShapeCount         = lChannel->GetTargetShapeCount();
				double* lFullWeights    = lChannel->GetTargetShapeFullWeights();
                // Find out which scope the lWeight falls in.
				int lStartIndex = -1;
				int lEndIndex = -1;
				for(int lShapeIndex = 0; lShapeIndex<lShapeCount; ++lShapeIndex) {
					if(lWeight > 0 && lWeight <= lFullWeights[0]) {
						lEndIndex = 0;
					if(lWeight > lFullWeights[lShapeIndex] && lWeight < lFullWeights[lShapeIndex+1]) {
						lStartIndex = lShapeIndex;
						lEndIndex = lShapeIndex + 1;
                FbxShape* lStartShape = NULL;
				FbxShape* lEndShape = NULL;
				if(lStartIndex > -1) {
					lStartShape = lChannel->GetTargetShape(lStartIndex);
				if(lEndIndex > -1) {
					lEndShape = lChannel->GetTargetShape(lEndIndex);
                //The weight percentage falls between base geometry and the first target shape.
				if(lStartIndex == -1 && lEndShape) {
                    float lEndWeight    = lFullWeights[0];
                    lWeight = (lWeight/lEndWeight);
                    cout << "updateMesh : weight = " << lWeight << endl;
                    for (int j = 0; j < aMesh->getNumVertices(); j++) {
                        // Add the influence of the shape vertex to the mesh vertex.
                        ofVec3f influence = (toOf(lEndShape->GetControlPoints()[j]) - original.getVertices()[j]) * lWeight;
                        aMesh->getVertices()[j] += influence;
                } else if(lStartShape && lEndShape) {
                    float lStartWeight  = lFullWeights[lStartIndex];
					float lEndWeight    = lFullWeights[lEndIndex];
                    // Calculate the real weight.
                    lWeight = ofMap(lWeight, lStartWeight, lEndWeight, 0, 1, true);
                    cout << "updateMesh : weight = " << lWeight << " lStartWeight " << lStartWeight << " lEndWeight " << lEndWeight << endl;
                    //					lWeight = ((lWeight-lStartWeight)/(lEndWeight-lStartWeight)) * 100;
                    for (int j = 0; j < aMesh->getNumVertices(); j++) {
                        // Add the influence of the shape vertex to the mesh vertex.
                        ofVec3f influence = (toOf(lEndShape->GetControlPoints()[j] - lStartShape->GetControlPoints()[j] )) * lWeight;
                        aMesh->getVertices()[j] += influence;