Error DirAccess::copy(String p_from, String p_to, int p_chmod_flags) { //printf("copy %s -> %s\n",p_from.ascii().get_data(),p_to.ascii().get_data()); Error err; FileAccess *fsrc = FileAccess::open(p_from, FileAccess::READ, &err); if (err) { ERR_PRINTS("Failed to open " + p_from); return err; } FileAccess *fdst = FileAccess::open(p_to, FileAccess::WRITE, &err); if (err) { fsrc->close(); memdelete(fsrc); ERR_PRINTS("Failed to open " + p_to); return err; } fsrc->seek_end(0); int size = fsrc->get_position(); fsrc->seek(0); err = OK; while (size--) { if (fsrc->get_error() != OK) { err = fsrc->get_error(); break; } if (fdst->get_error() != OK) { err = fdst->get_error(); break; } fdst->store_8(fsrc->get_8()); } if (err == OK && p_chmod_flags != -1) { fdst->close(); err = FileAccess::set_unix_permissions(p_to, p_chmod_flags); // If running on a platform with no chmod support (i.e., Windows), don't fail if (err == ERR_UNAVAILABLE) err = OK; } memdelete(fsrc); memdelete(fdst); return err; }
void FindInFiles::_scan_file(String fpath) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(fpath, FileAccess::READ); if (f == NULL) { print_verbose(String("Cannot open file ") + fpath); return; } int line_number = 0; while (!f->eof_reached()) { // line number starts at 1 ++line_number; int begin = 0; int end = 0; String line = f->get_line(); while (find_next(line, _pattern, end, _match_case, _whole_words, begin, end)) { emit_signal(SIGNAL_RESULT_FOUND, fpath, line_number, begin, end, line); } } f->close(); }
void FindInFilesPanel::apply_replaces_in_file(String fpath, const Vector<Result> &locations, String new_text) { // If the file is already open, I assume the editor will reload it. // If there are unsaved changes, the user will be asked on focus, // however that means either losing changes or losing replaces. FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(fpath, FileAccess::READ); ERR_FAIL_COND(f == NULL); String buffer; int current_line = 1; ConservativeGetLine conservative; String line = conservative.get_line(f); String search_text = _finder->get_search_text(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < locations.size(); ++i) { int repl_line_number = locations[i].line_number; while (current_line < repl_line_number) { buffer += line; line = conservative.get_line(f); ++current_line; offset = 0; } int repl_begin = locations[i].begin + offset; int repl_end = locations[i].end + offset; int _; if (!find_next(line, search_text, repl_begin, _finder->is_match_case(), _finder->is_whole_words(), _, _)) { // Make sure the replace is still valid in case the file was tampered with. print_verbose(String("Occurrence no longer matches, replace will be ignored in {0}: line {1}, col {2}").format(varray(fpath, repl_line_number, repl_begin))); continue; } line = line.left(repl_begin) + new_text + line.right(repl_end); // keep an offset in case there are successive replaces in the same line offset += new_text.length() - (repl_end - repl_begin); } buffer += line; while (!f->eof_reached()) { buffer += conservative.get_line(f); } // Now the modified contents are in the buffer, rewrite the file with our changes Error err = f->reopen(fpath, FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_FAIL_COND(err != OK); f->store_string(buffer); f->close(); }
Error ResourceFormatSaverShader::save(const String &p_path, const RES &p_resource, uint32_t p_flags) { Ref<Shader> shader = p_resource; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(shader.is_null(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); String source = shader->get_code(); Error err; FileAccess *file = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::WRITE, &err); if (err) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); } file->store_string(source); if (file->get_error() != OK && file->get_error() != ERR_FILE_EOF) { memdelete(file); return ERR_CANT_CREATE; } file->close(); memdelete(file); return OK; }
void EditorFileSystem::_save_filesystem_cache() { String fscache = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_settings_path().plus_file("filesystem_cache2"); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(fscache, FileAccess::WRITE); _save_filesystem_cache(filesystem, f); f->close(); memdelete(f); }
int AudioStreamPlaybackOGGVorbis::_ov_close_func(void *_f) { //printf("close %p\n",_f); if (!_f) return 0; FileAccess *fa = (FileAccess *)_f; if (fa->is_open()) fa->close(); return 0; }
void FindInFilesPanel::apply_replaces_in_file(String fpath, PoolIntArray locations, String text) { ERR_FAIL_COND(locations.size() % 3 != 0); //print_line(String("Replacing {0} occurrences in {1}").format(varray(fpath, locations.size() / 3))); // If the file is already open, I assume the editor will reload it. // If there are unsaved changes, the user will be asked on focus, // however that means either loosing changes or loosing replaces. FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(fpath, FileAccess::READ); ERR_FAIL_COND(f == NULL); String buffer; int current_line = 1; ConservativeGetLine conservative; String line = conservative.get_line(f); PoolIntArray::Read locations_read =; for (int i = 0; i < locations.size(); i += 3) { int repl_line_number = locations_read[i]; int repl_begin = locations_read[i + 1]; int repl_end = locations_read[i + 2]; while (current_line < repl_line_number) { buffer += line; line = conservative.get_line(f); ++current_line; } line = line.left(repl_begin) + text + line.right(repl_end); } buffer += line; while (!f->eof_reached()) { buffer += conservative.get_line(f); } // Now the modified contents are in the buffer, rewrite the file with our changes Error err = f->reopen(fpath, FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_FAIL_COND(err != OK); f->store_string(buffer); f->close(); }
MainLoop *test() { print_line("this is test io"); DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); da->change_dir("."); print_line("Opening current dir " + da->get_current_dir()); String entry; da->list_dir_begin(); while ((entry = da->get_next()) != "") { print_line("entry " + entry + " is dir: " + Variant(da->current_is_dir())); }; da->list_dir_end(); RES texture = ResourceLoader::load("test_data/rock.png"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(texture.is_null(), NULL); ResourceSaver::save("test_data/rock.xml", texture); print_line("localize paths"); print_line(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->localize_path("algo.xml")); print_line(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->localize_path("c:\\windows\\algo.xml")); print_line(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->localize_path(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_resource_path() + "/something/something.xml")); print_line(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->localize_path("somedir/algo.xml")); { FileAccess *z = FileAccess::open("test_data/", FileAccess::READ); int len = z->get_len(); Vector<uint8_t> zip; zip.resize(len); z->get_buffer(&zip[0], len); z->close(); memdelete(z); FileAccessMemory::register_file("a_package", zip); FileAccess::make_default<FileAccessMemory>(FileAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES); FileAccess::make_default<FileAccessMemory>(FileAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); FileAccess::make_default<FileAccessMemory>(FileAccess::ACCESS_USERDATA); print_line("archive test"); }; print_line("test done"); return memnew(TestMainLoop); }
void FindInFiles::_scan_file(String fpath) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(fpath, FileAccess::READ); if (f == NULL) { print_line(String("Cannot open file ") + fpath); return; } int line_number = 0; while (!f->eof_reached()) { // line number starts at 1 ++line_number; int begin = 0; int end = 0; String line = f->get_line(); // Find all occurrences in the current line while (true) { begin = _match_case ? line.find(_pattern, end) : line.findn(_pattern, end); if (begin == -1) break; end = begin + _pattern.length(); if (_whole_words) { if (begin > 0 && is_text_char(line[begin - 1])) { continue; } if (end < line.size() && is_text_char(line[end])) { continue; } } emit_signal(SIGNAL_RESULT_FOUND, fpath, line_number, begin, end, line); } } f->close(); }
Error DirAccess::copy(String p_from,String p_to) { //printf("copy %s -> %s\n",p_from.ascii().get_data(),p_to.ascii().get_data()); Error err; FileAccess *fsrc = FileAccess::open(p_from, FileAccess::READ,&err); if (err) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V( err, err ); } FileAccess *fdst = FileAccess::open(p_to, FileAccess::WRITE,&err ); if (err) { fsrc->close(); memdelete( fsrc ); ERR_FAIL_COND_V( err, err ); } fsrc->seek_end(0); int size = fsrc->get_pos(); fsrc->seek(0); err = OK; while(size--) { if (fsrc->get_error()!=OK) { err= fsrc->get_error(); break; } if (fdst->get_error()!=OK) { err= fdst->get_error(); break; } fdst->store_8( fsrc->get_8() ); } memdelete(fsrc); memdelete(fdst); return err; }
Error DotNetSolution::save() { bool dir_exists = DirAccess::exists(path); ERR_EXPLAIN("The directory does not exist."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!dir_exists, ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); String projs_decl; String sln_platform_cfg; String proj_platform_cfg; for (Map<String, ProjectInfo>::Element *E = projects.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const String &name = E->key(); const ProjectInfo &proj_info = E->value(); bool is_front = E == projects.front(); if (!is_front) projs_decl += "\n"; projs_decl += sformat(PROJECT_DECLARATION, name, proj_info.relpath.replace("/", "\\"), proj_info.guid); for (int i = 0; i < proj_info.configs.size(); i++) { const String &config = proj_info.configs[i]; if (i != 0 || !is_front) { sln_platform_cfg += "\n"; proj_platform_cfg += "\n"; } sln_platform_cfg += sformat(SOLUTION_PLATFORMS_CONFIG, config); proj_platform_cfg += sformat(PROJECT_PLATFORMS_CONFIG, proj_info.guid, config); } } String content = sformat(SOLUTION_TEMPLATE, projs_decl, sln_platform_cfg, proj_platform_cfg); FileAccess *file = FileAccess::open(path_join(path, name + ".sln"), FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(file, ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE); file->store_string(content); file->close(); memdelete(file); return OK; }
void ResourceCache::dump(const char *p_file, bool p_short) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED lock->read_lock(); Map<String, int> type_count; FileAccess *f = NULL; if (p_file) { f = FileAccess::open(p_file, FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_FAIL_COND(!f); } const String *K = NULL; while ((K = { Resource *r = resources[*K]; if (!type_count.has(r->get_class())) { type_count[r->get_class()] = 0; } type_count[r->get_class()]++; if (!p_short) { if (f) f->store_line(r->get_class() + ": " + r->get_path()); } } for (Map<String, int>::Element *E = type_count.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (f) f->store_line(E->key() + " count: " + itos(E->get())); } if (f) { f->close(); memdelete(f); } lock->read_unlock(); #endif }
Error PCKPacker::add_file(const String& p_file, const String& p_src) { FileAccess* f = FileAccess::open(p_src, FileAccess::READ); if (!f) { return ERR_FILE_CANT_OPEN; }; File pf; pf.path = p_file; pf.src_path = p_src; pf.size = f->get_len(); pf.offset_offset = 0; files.push_back(pf); f->close(); memdelete(f); return OK; };
Error read_all_file_utf8(const String &p_path, String &r_content) { PoolVector<uint8_t> sourcef; Error err; FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ, &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, err); int len = f->get_len(); sourcef.resize(len + 1); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = sourcef.write(); int r = f->get_buffer(w.ptr(), len); f->close(); memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(r != len, ERR_CANT_OPEN); w[len] = 0; String source; if (source.parse_utf8((const char *)w.ptr())) { ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_INVALID_DATA); } r_content = source; return OK; }
RES ResourceFormatLoaderTheme::load(const String &p_path, const String& p_original_path, Error *r_error) { if (r_error) *r_error=ERR_CANT_OPEN; Error err; FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path,FileAccess::READ,&err); ERR_EXPLAIN("Unable to open theme file: "+p_path); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err,RES()); String base_path = p_path.get_base_dir(); Ref<Theme> theme( memnew( Theme ) ); Map<StringName,Variant> library; if (r_error) *r_error=ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; bool reading_library=false; int line=0; while(!f->eof_reached()) { String l = f->get_line().strip_edges(); line++; int comment = l.find(";"); if (comment!=-1) l=l.substr(0,comment); if (l=="") continue; if (l.begins_with("[")) { if (l=="[library]") { reading_library=true; } else if (l=="[theme]") { reading_library=false; } else { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Unknown section type: '"+l+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } continue; } int eqpos = l.find("="); if (eqpos==-1) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Expected '='."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } String right=l.substr(eqpos+1,l.length()).strip_edges(); if (right=="") { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Expected value after '='."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } Variant value; if (right.is_valid_integer()) { //is number value = right.to_int(); } else if (right.is_valid_html_color()) { //is html color value = Color::html(right); } else if (right.begins_with("@")) { //reference String reference = right.substr(1,right.length()); if (!library.has(reference)) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid reference to '"+reference+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } value=library[reference]; } else if (right.begins_with("default")) { //use default //do none } else { //attempt to parse a constructor int popenpos = right.find("("); if (popenpos==-1) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid constructor syntax: "+right); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } int pclosepos = right.find_last(")"); if (pclosepos==-1) { ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid constructor parameter syntax: "+right); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } String type = right.substr(0,popenpos); String param = right.substr(popenpos+1,pclosepos-popenpos-1); if (type=="icon") { String path; if (param.is_abs_path()) path=param; else path=base_path+"/"+param; Ref<Texture> texture = ResourceLoader::load(path); if (!texture.is_valid()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Couldn't find icon at path: "+path); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } value=texture; } else if (type=="sbox") { String path; if (param.is_abs_path()) path=param; else path=base_path+"/"+param; Ref<StyleBox> stylebox = ResourceLoader::load(path); if (!stylebox.is_valid()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Couldn't find stylebox at path: "+path); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } value=stylebox; } else if (type=="sboxt") { Vector<String> params = param.split(","); if (params.size()!=5 && params.size()!=9) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid param count for sboxt(): '"+right+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } String path=params[0]; if (!param.is_abs_path()) path=base_path+"/"+path; Ref<Texture> tex = ResourceLoader::load(path); if (tex.is_null()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Could not open texture for sboxt at path: '"+params[0]+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } Ref<StyleBoxTexture> sbtex( memnew(StyleBoxTexture) ); sbtex->set_texture(tex); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (!params[i+1].is_valid_integer()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid expand margin parameter for sboxt #"+itos(i+1) +", expected integer constant, got: '"+params[i+1]+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } int margin = params[i+1].to_int(); sbtex->set_expand_margin_size(Margin(i),margin); } if (params.size()==9) { for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (!params[i+5].is_valid_integer()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid expand margin parameter for sboxt #"+itos(i+5) +", expected integer constant, got: '"+params[i+5]+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } int margin = params[i+5].to_int(); sbtex->set_margin_size(Margin(i),margin); } } value = sbtex; } else if (type=="sboxf") { Vector<String> params = param.split(","); if (params.size()<2) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid param count for sboxf(): '"+right+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } Ref<StyleBoxFlat> sbflat( memnew(StyleBoxFlat) ); if (!params[0].is_valid_integer()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Expected integer numeric constant for parameter 0 (border size)."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } sbflat->set_border_size(params[0].to_int()); if (!params[0].is_valid_integer()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Expected integer numeric constant for parameter 0 (border size)."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } int left = MIN( params.size()-1, 3 ); int ccodes=0; for(int i=0; i<left; i++) { if (params[i+1].is_valid_html_color()) ccodes++; else break; } Color normal; Color bright; Color dark; if (ccodes<1) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Expected at least 1, 2 or 3 html color codes."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } else if (ccodes==1) { normal=Color::html(params[1]); bright=Color::html(params[1]); dark=Color::html(params[1]); } else if (ccodes==2) { normal=Color::html(params[1]); bright=Color::html(params[2]); dark=Color::html(params[2]); } else { normal=Color::html(params[1]); bright=Color::html(params[2]); dark=Color::html(params[3]); } sbflat->set_dark_color(dark); sbflat->set_light_color(bright); sbflat->set_bg_color(normal); if (params.size()==ccodes+5) { //margins for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { if (!params[i+ccodes+1].is_valid_integer()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid expand margin parameter for sboxf #"+itos(i+ccodes+1) +", expected integer constant, got: '"+params[i+ccodes+1]+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } // int margin = params[i+ccodes+1].to_int(); //sbflat->set_margin_size(Margin(i),margin); } } else if (params.size()!=ccodes+1) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid amount of margin parameters for sboxt."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } value=sbflat; } else { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid constructor type: '"+type+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } } //parse left and do something with it String left= l.substr(0,eqpos); if (reading_library) { left=left.strip_edges(); if (!left.is_valid_identifier()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": <LibraryItem> is not a valid identifier."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } if (library.has(left)) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Already in library: '"+left+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } library[left]=value; } else { int pointpos = left.find("."); if (pointpos==-1) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Expected 'control.item=..' assign syntax."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } String control=left.substr(0,pointpos).strip_edges(); if (!control.is_valid_identifier()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": <Control> is not a valid identifier."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } String item=left.substr(pointpos+1,left.size()).strip_edges(); if (!item.is_valid_identifier()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": <Item> is not a valid identifier."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } if (value.get_type()==Variant::NIL) { //try to use exiting if (Theme::get_default()->has_stylebox(item,control)) value=Theme::get_default()->get_stylebox(item,control); else if (Theme::get_default()->has_font(item,control)) value=Theme::get_default()->get_font(item,control); else if (Theme::get_default()->has_icon(item,control)) value=Theme::get_default()->get_icon(item,control); else if (Theme::get_default()->has_color(item,control)) value=Theme::get_default()->get_color(item,control); else if (Theme::get_default()->has_constant(item,control)) value=Theme::get_default()->get_constant(item,control); else { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Default not present for: '"+control+"."+item+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } } if (value.get_type()==Variant::OBJECT) { Ref<Resource> res = value; if (!res.is_valid()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid resource (NULL)."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } if (res->cast_to<StyleBox>()) { theme->set_stylebox(item,control,res); } else if (res->cast_to<Font>()) { theme->set_font(item,control,res); } else if (res->cast_to<Font>()) { theme->set_font(item,control,res); } else if (res->cast_to<Texture>()) { theme->set_icon(item,control,res); } else { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid resource type."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } } else if (value.get_type()==Variant::COLOR) { theme->set_color(item,control,value); } else if (value.get_type()==Variant::INT) { theme->set_constant(item,control,value); } else { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Couldn't even determine what this setting is! what did you do!?"); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } } } f->close(); memdelete(f); if (r_error) *r_error=OK; return theme; }
Error PCKPacker::flush(bool p_verbose) { if (!file) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!file, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }; // write the index file->store_32(files.size()); for (int i=0; i<files.size(); i++) { file->store_pascal_string(files[i].path); files[i].offset_offset = file->get_pos(); file->store_64(0); // offset file->store_64(files[i].size); // size // # empty md5 file->store_32(0); file->store_32(0); file->store_32(0); file->store_32(0); }; uint64_t ofs = file->get_pos(); ofs = _align(ofs, alignment); _pad(file, ofs - file->get_pos()); const uint32_t buf_max = 65536; uint8_t *buf = memnew_arr(uint8_t, buf_max); int count = 0; for (int i=0; i<files.size(); i++) { FileAccess* src = FileAccess::open(files[i].src_path, FileAccess::READ); uint64_t to_write = files[i].size; while (to_write > 0) { int read = src->get_buffer(buf, MIN(to_write, buf_max)); file->store_buffer(buf, read); to_write -= read; }; uint64_t pos = file->get_pos(); file->seek(files[i].offset_offset); // go back to store the file's offset file->store_64(ofs); file->seek(pos); ofs = _align(ofs + files[i].size, alignment); _pad(file, ofs - pos); src->close(); memdelete(src); count += 1; if (p_verbose) { if (count % 100 == 0) { printf("%i/%i (%.2f)\r", count, files.size(), float(count) / files.size() * 100); fflush(stdout); }; }; }; if (p_verbose) printf("\n"); file->close(); return OK; };
void DocDump::dump(const String &p_file) { List<StringName> class_list; ClassDB::get_class_list(&class_list); class_list.sort_custom<StringName::AlphCompare>(); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_file, FileAccess::WRITE); _write_string(f, 0, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"); _write_string(f, 0, "<doc version=\"" + String(VERSION_MKSTRING) + "\" name=\"Engine Types\">"); while (class_list.size()) { String name = class_list.front()->get(); String header = "<class name=\"" + name + "\""; String inherits = ClassDB::get_parent_class(name); if (inherits != "") header += " inherits=\"" + inherits + "\""; String category = ClassDB::get_category(name); if (category == "") category = "Core"; header += " category=\"" + category + "\""; header += ">"; _write_string(f, 0, header); _write_string(f, 1, "<brief_description>"); _write_string(f, 1, "</brief_description>"); _write_string(f, 1, "<description>"); _write_string(f, 1, "</description>"); _write_string(f, 1, "<methods>"); List<MethodInfo> method_list; ClassDB::get_method_list(name, &method_list, true); method_list.sort(); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = method_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().name == "" || E->get().name[0] == '_') continue; //hiden MethodBind *m = ClassDB::get_method(name, E->get().name); String qualifiers; if (E->get().flags & METHOD_FLAG_CONST) qualifiers += "qualifiers=\"const\""; _write_string(f, 2, "<method name=\"" + _escape_string(E->get().name) + "\" " + qualifiers + " >"); for (int i = -1; i < E->get().arguments.size(); i++) { PropertyInfo arginfo; if (i == -1) { arginfo = E->get().return_val; String type_name = (arginfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) ? arginfo.hint_string : Variant::get_type_name(arginfo.type); if (arginfo.type == Variant::NIL) continue; _write_string(f, 3, "<return type=\"" + type_name + "\">"); } else { arginfo = E->get().arguments[i]; String type_name; if (arginfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) type_name = arginfo.hint_string; else if (arginfo.type == Variant::NIL) type_name = "var"; else type_name = Variant::get_type_name(arginfo.type); if (m && m->has_default_argument(i)) { Variant default_arg = m->get_default_argument(i); String default_arg_text = String(_escape_string(m->get_default_argument(i))); switch (default_arg.get_type()) { case Variant::NIL: default_arg_text = "NULL"; break; // atomic types case Variant::BOOL: if (bool(default_arg)) default_arg_text = "true"; else default_arg_text = "false"; break; case Variant::INT: case Variant::REAL: //keep it break; case Variant::STRING: // 15 case Variant::NODE_PATH: // 15 default_arg_text = "\"" + default_arg_text + "\""; break; case Variant::TRANSFORM: if (default_arg.operator Transform() == Transform()) { default_arg_text = ""; } default_arg_text = Variant::get_type_name(default_arg.get_type()) + "(" + default_arg_text + ")"; break; case Variant::VECTOR2: // 5 case Variant::RECT2: case Variant::VECTOR3: case Variant::PLANE: case Variant::QUAT: case Variant::RECT3: //sorry naming convention fail :( not like it's used often // 10 case Variant::BASIS: case Variant::COLOR: case Variant::POOL_BYTE_ARRAY: case Variant::POOL_INT_ARRAY: case Variant::POOL_REAL_ARRAY: case Variant::POOL_STRING_ARRAY: //25 case Variant::POOL_VECTOR3_ARRAY: case Variant::POOL_COLOR_ARRAY: default_arg_text = Variant::get_type_name(default_arg.get_type()) + "(" + default_arg_text + ")"; break; case Variant::OBJECT: case Variant::INPUT_EVENT: case Variant::DICTIONARY: // 20 case Variant::ARRAY: case Variant::_RID: case Variant::IMAGE: //case Variant::RESOURCE: default_arg_text = Variant::get_type_name(default_arg.get_type()) + "()"; break; default: {} } _write_string(f, 3, "<argument index=\"" + itos(i) + "\" name=\"" + _escape_string( + "\" type=\"" + type_name + "\" default=\"" + _escape_string(default_arg_text) + "\">"); } else _write_string(f, 3, "<argument index=\"" + itos(i) + "\" name=\"" + + "\" type=\"" + type_name + "\">"); } String hint; switch (arginfo.hint) { case PROPERTY_HINT_DIR: hint = "A directory."; break; case PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE: hint = "Range - min: " + arginfo.hint_string.get_slice(",", 0) + " max: " + arginfo.hint_string.get_slice(",", 1) + " step: " + arginfo.hint_string.get_slice(",", 2); break; case PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM: hint = "Values: "; for (int j = 0; j < arginfo.hint_string.get_slice_count(","); j++) { if (j > 0) hint += ", "; hint += arginfo.hint_string.get_slice(",", j) + "=" + itos(j); } break; case PROPERTY_HINT_LENGTH: hint = "Length: " + arginfo.hint_string; break; case PROPERTY_HINT_FLAGS: hint = "Values: "; for (int j = 0; j < arginfo.hint_string.get_slice_count(","); j++) { if (j > 0) hint += ", "; hint += arginfo.hint_string.get_slice(",", j) + "=" + itos(1 << j); } break; case PROPERTY_HINT_FILE: hint = "A file:"; break; default: {} //case PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE: hint="Type: "+arginfo.hint_string; break; }; if (hint != "") _write_string(f, 4, hint); _write_string(f, 3, (i == -1) ? "</return>" : "</argument>"); } _write_string(f, 3, "<description>"); _write_string(f, 3, "</description>"); _write_string(f, 2, "</method>"); } _write_string(f, 1, "</methods>"); List<MethodInfo> signal_list; ClassDB::get_signal_list(name, &signal_list, true); if (signal_list.size()) { _write_string(f, 1, "<signals>"); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *EV = signal_list.front(); EV; EV = EV->next()) { _write_string(f, 2, "<signal name=\"" + EV->get().name + "\">"); for (int i = 0; i < EV->get().arguments.size(); i++) { PropertyInfo arginfo = EV->get().arguments[i]; _write_string(f, 3, "<argument index=\"" + itos(i) + "\" name=\"" + + "\" type=\"" + Variant::get_type_name(arginfo.type) + "\">"); _write_string(f, 3, "</argument>"); } _write_string(f, 3, "<description>"); _write_string(f, 3, "</description>"); _write_string(f, 2, "</signal>"); } _write_string(f, 1, "</signals>"); } _write_string(f, 1, "<constants>"); List<String> constant_list; ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(name, &constant_list, true); /* constants are sorted in a special way */ List<_ConstantSort> constant_sort; for (List<String>::Element *E = constant_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { _ConstantSort cs; = E->get(); cs.value = ClassDB::get_integer_constant(name, E->get()); constant_sort.push_back(cs); } constant_sort.sort(); for (List<_ConstantSort>::Element *E = constant_sort.front(); E; E = E->next()) { _write_string(f, 2, "<constant name=\"" + E->get().name + "\" value=\"" + itos(E->get().value) + "\">"); _write_string(f, 2, "</constant>"); } _write_string(f, 1, "</constants>"); _write_string(f, 0, "</class>"); class_list.erase(name); } _write_string(f, 0, "</doc>"); f->close(); memdelete(f); }
Error EditorExportPlatformOSX::export_project(const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_preset, bool p_debug, const String &p_path, int p_flags) { String src_pkg_name; EditorProgress ep("export", "Exporting for OSX", 3); if (p_debug) src_pkg_name = p_preset->get("custom_package/debug"); else src_pkg_name = p_preset->get("custom_package/release"); if (src_pkg_name == "") { String err; src_pkg_name = find_export_template("", &err); if (src_pkg_name == "") { EditorNode::add_io_error(err); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } FileAccess *src_f = NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); ep.step("Creating app", 0); unzFile src_pkg_zip = unzOpen2(src_pkg_name.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!src_pkg_zip) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Could not find template app to export:\n" + src_pkg_name); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!src_pkg_zip, ERR_CANT_OPEN); int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(src_pkg_zip); String binary_to_use = "godot_osx_" + String(p_debug ? "debug" : "release") + "."; int bits_mode = p_preset->get("application/bits_mode"); binary_to_use += String(bits_mode == 0 ? "fat" : bits_mode == 1 ? "64" : "32"); print_line("binary: " + binary_to_use); String pkg_name; if (p_preset->get("application/name") != "") pkg_name = p_preset->get("application/name"); // app_name else if (String(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/name")) != "") pkg_name = String(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/name")); else pkg_name = "Unnamed"; Error err = OK; String tmp_app_path_name = ""; zlib_filefunc_def io2 = io; FileAccess *dst_f = NULL; io2.opaque = &dst_f; zipFile dst_pkg_zip = NULL; if (use_dmg()) { // We're on OSX so we can export to DMG, but first we create our application bundle tmp_app_path_name = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file(pkg_name + ".app"); print_line("Exporting to " + tmp_app_path_name); DirAccess *tmp_app_path = DirAccess::create_for_path(tmp_app_path_name); if (!tmp_app_path) { err = ERR_CANT_CREATE; } // Create our folder structure or rely on unzip? if (err == OK) { print_line("Creating " + tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS"); err = tmp_app_path->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS"); } if (err == OK) { print_line("Creating " + tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources"); err = tmp_app_path->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources"); } } else { // Open our destination zip file dst_pkg_zip = zipOpen2(p_path.utf8().get_data(), APPEND_STATUS_CREATE, NULL, &io2); if (!dst_pkg_zip) { err = ERR_CANT_CREATE; } } // Now process our template bool found_binary = false; int total_size = 0; while (ret == UNZ_OK && err == OK) { bool is_execute = false; //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(src_pkg_zip, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String file = fname; print_line("READ: " + file); Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(src_pkg_zip); unzReadCurrentFile(src_pkg_zip, data.ptr(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(src_pkg_zip); //write file = file.replace_first("", ""); if (file == "Contents/Info.plist") { print_line("parse plist"); _fix_plist(p_preset, data, pkg_name); } if (file.begins_with("Contents/MacOS/godot_")) { if (file != "Contents/MacOS/" + binary_to_use) { ret = unzGoToNextFile(src_pkg_zip); continue; //ignore! } found_binary = true; is_execute = true; file = "Contents/MacOS/" + pkg_name; } if (file == "Contents/Resources/icon.icns") { //see if there is an icon String iconpath; if (p_preset->get("application/icon") != "") iconpath = p_preset->get("application/icon"); else iconpath = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/icon"); print_line("icon? " + iconpath); if (iconpath != "") { Ref<Image> icon; icon.instance(); icon->load(iconpath); if (!icon->empty()) { print_line("loaded?"); _make_icon(icon, data); } } //bleh? } if (data.size() > 0) { print_line("ADDING: " + file + " size: " + itos(data.size())); total_size += data.size(); if (use_dmg()) { // write it into our application bundle file = tmp_app_path_name + "/" + file; // write the file, need to add chmod FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(file, FileAccess::WRITE); if (f) { f->store_buffer(data.ptr(), data.size()); f->close(); if (is_execute) { // Chmod with 0755 if the file is executable f->_chmod(file, 0755); } memdelete(f); } else { err = ERR_CANT_CREATE; } } else { // add it to our zip file file = pkg_name + ".app/" + file; zip_fileinfo fi; fi.tmz_date.tm_hour = info.tmu_date.tm_hour; fi.tmz_date.tm_min = info.tmu_date.tm_min; fi.tmz_date.tm_sec = info.tmu_date.tm_sec; fi.tmz_date.tm_mon = info.tmu_date.tm_mon; fi.tmz_date.tm_mday = info.tmu_date.tm_mday; fi.tmz_date.tm_year = info.tmu_date.tm_year; fi.dosDate = info.dosDate; fi.internal_fa = info.internal_fa; fi.external_fa = info.external_fa; int zerr = zipOpenNewFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, file.utf8().get_data(), &fi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); print_line("OPEN ERR: " + itos(zerr)); zerr = zipWriteInFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, data.ptr(), data.size()); print_line("WRITE ERR: " + itos(zerr)); zipCloseFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip); } } ret = unzGoToNextFile(src_pkg_zip); } // we're done with our source zip unzClose(src_pkg_zip); if (!found_binary) { ERR_PRINTS("Requested template binary '" + binary_to_use + "' not found. It might be missing from your template archive."); err = ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } if (err == OK) { ep.step("Making PKG", 1); if (use_dmg()) { String pack_path = tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources/" + pkg_name + ".pck"; err = save_pack(p_preset, pack_path); // see if we can code sign our new package String identity = p_preset->get("codesign/identity"); if (err == OK && identity != "") { ep.step("Code signing bundle", 2); // the order in which we code sign is important, this is a bit of a shame or we could do this in our loop that extracts the files from our ZIP // start with our application err = _code_sign(p_preset, tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS/" + pkg_name); ///@TODO we should check the contents of /Contents/Frameworks for frameworks to sign } if (err == OK && identity != "") { // we should probably loop through all resources and sign them? err = _code_sign(p_preset, tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources/icon.icns"); } if (err == OK && identity != "") { err = _code_sign(p_preset, pack_path); } if (err == OK && identity != "") { err = _code_sign(p_preset, tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Info.plist"); } // and finally create a DMG if (err == OK) { ep.step("Making DMG", 3); err = _create_dmg(p_path, pkg_name, tmp_app_path_name); } // Clean up temporary .app dir OS::get_singleton()->move_to_trash(tmp_app_path_name); } else { String pack_path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file(pkg_name + ".pck"); Error err = save_pack(p_preset, pack_path); if (err == OK) { zipOpenNewFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, (pkg_name + ".app/Contents/Resources/" + pkg_name + ".pck").utf8().get_data(), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); FileAccess *pf = FileAccess::open(pack_path, FileAccess::READ); if (pf) { const int BSIZE = 16384; uint8_t buf[BSIZE]; while (true) { int r = pf->get_buffer(buf, BSIZE); if (r <= 0) break; zipWriteInFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, buf, r); } zipCloseFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip); memdelete(pf); } else { err = ERR_CANT_OPEN; } } } } if (dst_pkg_zip) { zipClose(dst_pkg_zip, NULL); } return OK; }
void EditorFileSystem::_scan_scenes() { ERR_FAIL_COND(!scanning || scandir); //read .fscache HashMap<String,FileCache> file_cache; HashMap<String,DirCache> dir_cache; DirCache *dc=NULL; String cpath; sources_changed.clear(); String project=Globals::get_singleton()->get_resource_path(); FileAccess *f =FileAccess::open(project+"/.fscache",FileAccess::READ); if (f) { //read the disk cache while(!f->eof_reached()) { String l = f->get_line().strip_edges(); if (l==String()) continue; if (l.begins_with("::")) { Vector<String> split = l.split("::"); ERR_CONTINUE( split.size() != 3); String name = split[1]; dir_cache[name]=DirCache(); dc=&dir_cache[name]; dc->modification_time=split[2].to_int64(); if (name!="res://") { cpath=name+"/"; int sp=name.find_last("/"); if (sp==5) sp=6; String pd = name.substr(0,sp); DirCache *dcp = dir_cache.getptr(pd); ERR_CONTINUE(!dcp); dcp->subdirs.insert(name.get_file()); } else { cpath=name; } } else { Vector<String> split = l.split("::"); ERR_CONTINUE( split.size() != 4); String name = split[0]; String file; if (!name.begins_with("res://")) { file=name; name=cpath+name; } else { file=name.get_file(); } FileCache fc; fc.type=split[1]; fc.modification_time=split[2].to_int64(); String meta = split[3].strip_edges(); fc.meta.enabled=false; if (meta.find("<>")!=-1){ Vector<String> spl = meta.split("<>"); int sc = spl.size()-1; if (sc%3==0){ fc.meta.enabled=true; fc.meta.import_editor=spl[0]; fc.meta.sources.resize(sc/3); for(int i=0;i<fc.meta.sources.size();i++) { fc.meta.sources[i].path=spl[1+i*3+0]; fc.meta.sources[i].md5=spl[1+i*3+1]; fc.meta.sources[i].modified_time=spl[1+i*3+2].to_int64(); } } } file_cache[name]=fc; ERR_CONTINUE(!dc); dc->files.insert(file); } } f->close(); memdelete(f); } total=0; DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); //da->change_dir( Globals::get_singleton()->get_resource_path() ); List<String> extensionsl; ResourceLoader::get_recognized_extensions_for_type("",&extensionsl); Set<String> extensions; for(List<String>::Element *E = extensionsl.front();E;E=E->next()) { extensions.insert(E->get()); } EditorProgressBG scan_progress("efs","ScanFS",100); md_count=0; scandir=_scan_dir(da,extensions,"",0,1,"",file_cache,dir_cache,scan_progress); memdelete(da); if (abort_scan && scandir) { memdelete(scandir); scandir=NULL; } //save back the findings f=FileAccess::open(project+"/.fscache",FileAccess::WRITE); _save_type_cache_fs(scandir,f); f->close(); memdelete(f); scanning=false; }
void EditorFileSystem::_reimport_file(const String &p_file) { print_line("REIMPORTING: " + p_file); EditorFileSystemDirectory *fs = NULL; int cpos = -1; bool found = _find_file(p_file, &fs, cpos); ERR_FAIL_COND(!found); //try to obtain existing params Map<StringName, Variant> params; String importer_name; if (FileAccess::exists(p_file + ".import")) { //use existing Ref<ConfigFile> cf; cf.instance(); Error err = cf->load(p_file + ".import"); if (err == OK) { List<String> sk; cf->get_section_keys("params", &sk); for (List<String>::Element *E = sk.front(); E; E = E->next()) { params[E->get()] = cf->get_value("params", E->get()); } importer_name = cf->get_value("remap", "importer"); } } else { late_added_files.insert(p_file); //imported files do not call update_file(), but just in case.. } Ref<ResourceImporter> importer; bool load_default = false; //find the importer if (importer_name != "") { importer = ResourceFormatImporter::get_singleton()->get_importer_by_name(importer_name); } if (importer.is_null()) { //not found by name, find by extension importer = ResourceFormatImporter::get_singleton()->get_importer_by_extension(p_file.get_extension()); load_default = true; if (importer.is_null()) { ERR_PRINT("BUG: File queued for import, but can't be imported!"); ERR_FAIL(); } } //mix with default params, in case a parameter is missing List<ResourceImporter::ImportOption> opts; importer->get_import_options(&opts); for (List<ResourceImporter::ImportOption>::Element *E = opts.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (!params.has(E->get() { //this one is not present params[E->get()] = E->get().default_value; } } if (load_default && ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("importer_defaults/" + importer->get_importer_name())) { //use defaults if exist Dictionary d = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("importer_defaults/" + importer->get_importer_name()); List<Variant> v; d.get_key_list(&v); for (List<Variant>::Element *E = v.front(); E; E = E->next()) { params[E->get()] = d[E->get()]; } } //finally, perform import!! String base_path = ResourceFormatImporter::get_singleton()->get_import_base_path(p_file); List<String> import_variants; List<String> gen_files; Error err = importer->import(p_file, base_path, params, &import_variants, &gen_files); if (err != OK) { ERR_PRINTS("Error importing: " + p_file); } //as import is complete, save the .import file FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_file + ".import", FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_FAIL_COND(!f); //write manually, as order matters ([remap] has to go first for performance). f->store_line("[remap]"); f->store_line(""); f->store_line("importer=\"" + importer->get_importer_name() + "\""); if (importer->get_resource_type() != "") { f->store_line("type=\"" + importer->get_resource_type() + "\""); } if (importer->get_save_extension() == "") { //no path } else if (import_variants.size()) { //import with variants for (List<String>::Element *E = import_variants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String path = base_path.c_escape() + "." + E->get() + "." + importer->get_save_extension(); f->store_line("path." + E->get() + "=\"" + path + "\""); } } else { f->store_line("path=\"" + base_path + "." + importer->get_save_extension() + "\""); } f->store_line(""); if (gen_files.size()) { f->store_line("[gen]"); Array genf; for (List<String>::Element *E = gen_files.front(); E; E = E->next()) { genf.push_back(E->get()); } String value; VariantWriter::write_to_string(genf, value); f->store_line("files=" + value); f->store_line(""); } f->store_line("[params]"); f->store_line(""); //store options in provided order, to avoid file changing. Order is also important because first match is accepted first. for (List<ResourceImporter::ImportOption>::Element *E = opts.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String base = E->get(); String value; VariantWriter::write_to_string(params[base], value); f->store_line(base + "=" + value); } f->close(); memdelete(f); //update modified times, to avoid reimport fs->files[cpos]->modified_time = FileAccess::get_modified_time(p_file); fs->files[cpos]->import_modified_time = FileAccess::get_modified_time(p_file + ".import"); fs->files[cpos]->deps = _get_dependencies(p_file); fs->files[cpos]->type = importer->get_resource_type(); //if file is currently up, maybe the source it was loaded from changed, so import math must be updated for it //to reload properly if (ResourceCache::has(p_file)) { Resource *r = ResourceCache::get(p_file); if (r->get_import_path() != String()) { String dst_path = ResourceFormatImporter::get_singleton()->get_internal_resource_path(p_file); r->set_import_path(dst_path); r->set_import_last_modified_time(0); } } }
void EditorFileSystem::_scan_filesystem() { ERR_FAIL_COND(!scanning || new_filesystem); //read .fscache String cpath; sources_changed.clear(); file_cache.clear(); String project=Globals::get_singleton()->get_resource_path(); String fscache = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_settings_path().plus_file("filesystem_cache"); FileAccess *f =FileAccess::open(fscache,FileAccess::READ); if (f) { //read the disk cache while(!f->eof_reached()) { String l = f->get_line().strip_edges(); if (l==String()) continue; if (l.begins_with("::")) { Vector<String> split = l.split("::"); ERR_CONTINUE( split.size() != 3); String name = split[1]; cpath=name; } else { Vector<String> split = l.split("::"); ERR_CONTINUE( split.size() != 5); String name = split[0]; String file; file=name; name=cpath.plus_file(name); FileCache fc; fc.type=split[1]; fc.modification_time=split[2].to_int64(); String meta = split[3].strip_edges(); fc.meta.enabled=false; if (meta.find("<>")!=-1){ Vector<String> spl = meta.split("<>"); int sc = spl.size()-1; if (sc%3==0){ fc.meta.enabled=true; fc.meta.import_editor=spl[0]; fc.meta.sources.resize(sc/3); for(int i=0;i<fc.meta.sources.size();i++) { fc.meta.sources[i].path=spl[1+i*3+0]; fc.meta.sources[i].md5=spl[1+i*3+1]; fc.meta.sources[i].modified_time=spl[1+i*3+2].to_int64(); } } } String deps = split[4].strip_edges(); if (deps.length()) { Vector<String> dp = deps.split("<>"); for(int i=0;i<dp.size();i++) { String path=dp[i]; fc.meta.deps.push_back(path); } } file_cache[name]=fc; } } f->close(); memdelete(f); } EditorProgressBG scan_progress("efs","ScanFS",1000); ScanProgress sp; sp.low=0; sp.hi=1; sp.progress=&scan_progress; new_filesystem = memnew( EditorFileSystemDirectory ); new_filesystem->parent=NULL; DirAccess *d = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES); d->change_dir("res://"); _scan_new_dir(new_filesystem,d,sp); file_cache.clear(); //clear caches, no longer needed memdelete(d); //save back the findings // String fscache = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_settings_path().plus_file("file_cache"); f=FileAccess::open(fscache,FileAccess::WRITE); _save_filesystem_cache(new_filesystem,f); f->close(); memdelete(f); scanning=false; }
Error EditorExportPlatformBB10::export_project(const String& p_path, bool p_debug, int p_flags) { EditorProgress ep("export","Exporting for BlackBerry 10",104); String src_template=custom_package; if (src_template=="") { String err; src_template = find_export_template("", &err); if (src_template=="") { EditorNode::add_io_error(err); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } FileAccess *src_f=NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); ep.step("Creating FileSystem for BAR",0); unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(src_template.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Could not find template zip to export:\n"+src_template); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); da->change_dir(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_settings_path()); if (da->change_dir("tmp")!=OK) { da->make_dir("tmp"); if (da->change_dir("tmp")!=OK) return ERR_CANT_CREATE; } if (da->change_dir("bb10_export")!=OK) { da->make_dir("bb10_export"); if (da->change_dir("bb10_export")!=OK) { return ERR_CANT_CREATE; } } String bar_dir = da->get_current_dir(); if (bar_dir.ends_with("/")) { bar_dir=bar_dir.substr(0,bar_dir.length()-1); } //THIS IS SUPER, SUPER DANGEROUS!!!! //CAREFUL WITH THIS CODE, MIGHT DELETE USERS HARD DRIVE OR HOME DIR //EXTRA CHECKS ARE IN PLACE EVERYWERE TO MAKE SURE NOTHING BAD HAPPENS BUT STILL.... //BE SUPER CAREFUL WITH THIS PLEASE!!! //BLACKBERRY THIS IS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT MAKING A BETTER WAY!! bool berr = bar_dir.ends_with("bb10_export"); if (berr) { if (da->list_dir_begin()) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Can't ensure that dir is empty:\n"+bar_dir); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(berr,FAILED); }; String f = da->get_next(); while (f != "") { if (f == "." || f == "..") { f = da->get_next(); continue; }; Error err = da->remove(bar_dir + "/" + f); if (err != OK) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Can't ensure that dir is empty:\n"+bar_dir); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err!=OK,err); }; f = da->get_next(); }; da->list_dir_end(); } else { print_line("ARE YOU CRAZY??? THIS IS A SERIOUS BUG HERE!!!"); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_OMFG_THIS_IS_VERY_VERY_BAD); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!pkg, ERR_CANT_OPEN); int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); while(ret==UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg,&info,fname,16384,NULL,0,NULL,0); String file=fname; Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); unzReadCurrentFile(pkg,data.ptr(),data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); //write if (file=="bar-descriptor.xml") { _fix_descriptor(data); } if (file=="icon.png") { bool found=false; if (this->icon!="" && this->icon.ends_with(".png")) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(this->icon,FileAccess::READ); if (f) { data.resize(f->get_len()); f->get_buffer(data.ptr(),data.size()); memdelete(f); found=true; } } if (!found) { String appicon = GlobalConfig::get_singleton()->get("application/icon"); if (appicon!="" && appicon.ends_with(".png")) { FileAccess*f = FileAccess::open(appicon,FileAccess::READ); if (f) { data.resize(f->get_len()); f->get_buffer(data.ptr(),data.size()); memdelete(f); } } } } if (file.find("/")) { da->make_dir_recursive(file.get_base_dir()); } FileAccessRef wf = FileAccess::open(bar_dir.plus_file(file),FileAccess::WRITE); wf->store_buffer(data.ptr(),data.size()); ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } ep.step("Adding Files..",2); FileAccess* dst = FileAccess::open(bar_dir+"/data.pck", FileAccess::WRITE); if (!dst) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Can't copy executable file to:\n "+p_path); return ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE; } save_pack(dst, false, 1024); dst->close(); memdelete(dst); ep.step("Creating BAR Package..",104); String bb_packager=EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("blackberry/host_tools"); bb_packager=bb_packager.plus_file("blackberry-nativepackager"); if (OS::get_singleton()->get_name()=="Windows") bb_packager+=".bat"; if (!FileAccess::exists(bb_packager)) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Can't find packager:\n"+bb_packager); return ERR_CANT_OPEN; } List<String> args; args.push_back("-package"); args.push_back(p_path); if (p_debug) { String debug_token=EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("blackberry/debug_token"); if (!FileAccess::exists(debug_token)) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Debug token not found!"); } else { args.push_back("-debugToken"); args.push_back(debug_token); } args.push_back("-devMode"); args.push_back("-configuration"); args.push_back("Device-Debug"); } else { args.push_back("-configuration"); args.push_back("Device-Release"); } args.push_back(bar_dir.plus_file("bar-descriptor.xml")); int ec; Error err = OS::get_singleton()->execute(bb_packager,args,true,NULL,NULL,&ec); if (err!=OK) return err; if (ec!=0) return ERR_CANT_CREATE; return OK; }
void EditorFileSystem::_scan_filesystem() { ERR_FAIL_COND(!scanning || new_filesystem); //read .fscache String cpath; sources_changed.clear(); file_cache.clear(); String project = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_resource_path(); String fscache = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_settings_path().plus_file("filesystem_cache2"); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(fscache, FileAccess::READ); if (f) { //read the disk cache while (!f->eof_reached()) { String l = f->get_line().strip_edges(); if (l == String()) continue; if (l.begins_with("::")) { Vector<String> split = l.split("::"); ERR_CONTINUE(split.size() != 3); String name = split[1]; cpath = name; } else { Vector<String> split = l.split("::"); ERR_CONTINUE(split.size() != 5); String name = split[0]; String file; file = name; name = cpath.plus_file(name); FileCache fc; fc.type = split[1]; fc.modification_time = split[2].to_int64(); fc.import_modification_time = split[3].to_int64(); String deps = split[4].strip_edges(); if (deps.length()) { Vector<String> dp = deps.split("<>"); for (int i = 0; i < dp.size(); i++) { String path = dp[i]; fc.deps.push_back(path); } } file_cache[name] = fc; } } f->close(); memdelete(f); } String update_cache = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_settings_path().plus_file("filesystem_update2"); print_line("try to see fs update2"); if (FileAccess::exists(update_cache)) { print_line("it exists"); { FileAccessRef f = FileAccess::open(update_cache, FileAccess::READ); String l = f->get_line().strip_edges(); while (l != String()) { print_line("erased cache for: " + l + " " + itos(file_cache.has(l))); file_cache.erase(l); //erase cache for this, so it gets updated l = f->get_line().strip_edges(); } } DirAccessRef d = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); d->remove(update_cache); //bye bye update cache } EditorProgressBG scan_progress("efs", "ScanFS", 1000); ScanProgress sp; sp.low = 0; sp.hi = 1; sp.progress = &scan_progress; new_filesystem = memnew(EditorFileSystemDirectory); new_filesystem->parent = NULL; DirAccess *d = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES); d->change_dir("res://"); _scan_new_dir(new_filesystem, d, sp); file_cache.clear(); //clear caches, no longer needed memdelete(d); //save back the findings //String fscache = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_project_settings_path().plus_file("file_cache"); f = FileAccess::open(fscache, FileAccess::WRITE); _save_filesystem_cache(new_filesystem, f); f->close(); memdelete(f); scanning = false; }
static int godot_close(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream) { FileAccess* f = (FileAccess*)opaque; f->close(); return 0; };
Error DocData::save(const String& p_path) { Error err; FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path,FileAccess::WRITE,&err); if (err) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Can't write doc file: "+p_path); ERR_FAIL_V(err); } _write_string(f,0,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"); _write_string(f,0,"<doc version=\""+String(VERSION_MKSTRING)+"\" name=\"Engine Types\">"); for( Map<String,ClassDoc>::Element *E=class_list.front();E;E=E->next()) { ClassDoc &c=E->get(); String header="<class name=\"""\""; if (c.inherits!="") header+=" inherits=\""+c.inherits+"\""; String category=c.category; if (c.category=="") category="Core"; header+=" category=\""+category+"\""; header+=">"; _write_string(f,0,header); _write_string(f,1,"<brief_description>"); if (c.brief_description!="") _write_string(f,1,c.brief_description.xml_escape()); _write_string(f,1,"</brief_description>"); _write_string(f,1,"<description>"); if (c.description!="") _write_string(f,1,c.description.xml_escape()); _write_string(f,1,"</description>"); _write_string(f,1,"<methods>"); c.methods.sort(); for(int i=0;i<c.methods.size();i++) { MethodDoc &m=c.methods[i]; String qualifiers; if (m.qualifiers!="") qualifiers+=" qualifiers=\""+m.qualifiers.xml_escape()+"\""; _write_string(f,2,"<method name=\"""\""+qualifiers+">"); if (m.return_type!="") { _write_string(f,3,"<return type=\""+m.return_type+"\">"); _write_string(f,3,"</return>"); } for(int j=0;j<m.arguments.size();j++) { ArgumentDoc &a = m.arguments[j]; if (a.default_value!="") _write_string(f,3,"<argument index=\""+itos(j)+"\" name=\"""\" type=\""+a.type.xml_escape()+"\" default=\""+a.default_value.xml_escape(true)+"\">"); else _write_string(f,3,"<argument index=\""+itos(j)+"\" name=\"""\" type=\""+a.type.xml_escape()+"\">"); _write_string(f,3,"</argument>"); } _write_string(f,3,"<description>"); if (m.description!="") _write_string(f,3,m.description.xml_escape()); _write_string(f,3,"</description>"); _write_string(f,2,"</method>"); } _write_string(f,1,"</methods>"); if ( { _write_string(f,1,"<members>");; for(int i=0;i<;i++) { PropertyDoc &[i]; _write_string(f,2,"<member name=\"""\" type=\""+p.type+"\">"); if (p.description!="") _write_string(f,3,p.description.xml_escape()); _write_string(f,2,"</member>"); } _write_string(f,1,"</members>"); } if (c.signals.size()) { c.signals.sort(); _write_string(f,1,"<signals>"); for(int i=0;i<c.signals.size();i++) { MethodDoc &m=c.signals[i]; _write_string(f,2,"<signal name=\"""\">"); for(int j=0;j<m.arguments.size();j++) { ArgumentDoc &a = m.arguments[j]; _write_string(f,3,"<argument index=\""+itos(j)+"\" name=\"""\" type=\""+a.type.xml_escape()+"\">"); _write_string(f,3,"</argument>"); } _write_string(f,3,"<description>"); if (m.description!="") _write_string(f,3,m.description.xml_escape()); _write_string(f,3,"</description>"); _write_string(f,2,"</signal>"); } _write_string(f,1,"</signals>"); } _write_string(f,1,"<constants>"); c.constants.sort_custom<_ConstantComparator>(); for(int i=0;i<c.constants.size();i++) { ConstantDoc &k=c.constants[i]; _write_string(f,2,"<constant name=\"""\" value=\""+k.value+"\">"); if (k.description!="") _write_string(f,3,k.description.xml_escape()); _write_string(f,2,"</constant>"); } _write_string(f,1,"</constants>"); if (c.theme_properties.size()) { c.theme_properties.sort(); _write_string(f,1,"<theme_items>"); for(int i=0;i<c.theme_properties.size();i++) { PropertyDoc &p=c.theme_properties[i]; _write_string(f,2,"<theme_item name=\"""\" type=\""+p.type+"\">"); _write_string(f,2,"</theme_item>"); } _write_string(f,1,"</theme_items>"); } _write_string(f,0,"</class>"); } _write_string(f,0,"</doc>"); f->close(); memdelete(f); return OK; }
MainLoop* test() { print_line("this is test io"); DirAccess* da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); da->change_dir("."); print_line("Opening current dir "+ da->get_current_dir()); String entry; da->list_dir_begin(); while ( (entry = da->get_next()) != "") { print_line("entry "+entry+" is dir: " + Variant(da->current_is_dir())); }; da->list_dir_end(); RES texture = ResourceLoader::load("test_data/rock.png"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(texture.is_null(), NULL); ResourceSaver::save("test_data/rock.xml",texture); print_line("localize paths"); print_line(Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path("algo.xml")); print_line(Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path("c:\\windows\\algo.xml")); print_line(Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(Globals::get_singleton()->get_resource_path()+"/something/something.xml")); print_line(Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path("somedir/algo.xml")); { FileAccess* z = FileAccess::open("test_data/", FileAccess::READ); int len = z->get_len(); Vector<uint8_t> zip; zip.resize(len); z->get_buffer(&zip[0], len); z->close(); memdelete(z); FileAccessMemory::register_file("a_package", zip); FileAccess::make_default<FileAccessMemory>(FileAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES); FileAccess::make_default<FileAccessMemory>(FileAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); FileAccess::make_default<FileAccessMemory>(FileAccess::ACCESS_USERDATA); print_line("archive test"); #if 0 Archive arch; Archive::get_singleton()->add_package("a_package"); FileAccessArchive f; print_line("opening for read"); f._open("file.txt", FileAccess::READ); int pos = f.get_pos(); printf("file has %i bytes, initial pos %i\n", (int)f.get_len(), pos); do { printf("%c", f.get_8()); } while (!f.eof_reached()); print_line("opening for stored seek");"seek.bin", FileAccess::READ); pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8());; pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8()); print_line("opening for deflated seek");"seek_deflated.bin", FileAccess::READ); pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8());; pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8()); pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8()); pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8());; pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8()); pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8()); pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8());; pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8()); pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8()); pos = f.get_pos(); printf("byte at pos %i is %i\n", pos, (int)f.get_8()); f.close(); DirAccessArchive d; String dir = "../blah1/blah2/blahask/../blah3/.//blah4/"; printf("changing dir to %s\n", dir.utf8().get_data()); d.change_dir(dir); printf("current dir is %s\n", d.get_current_dir().utf8().get_data()); FileAccessMemory::cleanup(); #endif }; print_line("test done"); return memnew( TestMainLoop ); }
Error DynamicFontAtSize::_load() { int error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library); ERR_EXPLAIN(TTR("Error initializing FreeType.")); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(error != 0, ERR_CANT_CREATE); // FT_OPEN_STREAM is extremely slow only on Android. if (OS::get_singleton()->get_name() == "Android" && font->font_mem == NULL && font->font_path != String()) { // cache font only once for each font->font_path if (_fontdata.has(font->font_path)) { font->set_font_ptr(_fontdata[font->font_path].ptr(), _fontdata[font->font_path].size()); } else { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(font->font_path, FileAccess::READ); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!f, ERR_CANT_OPEN); size_t len = f->get_len(); _fontdata[font->font_path] = Vector<uint8_t>(); Vector<uint8_t> &fontdata = _fontdata[font->font_path]; fontdata.resize(len); f->get_buffer(fontdata.ptr(), len); font->set_font_ptr(fontdata.ptr(), len); f->close(); } } if (font->font_mem == NULL && font->font_path != String()) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(font->font_path, FileAccess::READ); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!f, ERR_CANT_OPEN); memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(FT_StreamRec)); stream.base = NULL; stream.size = f->get_len(); stream.pos = 0; stream.descriptor.pointer = f; = _ft_stream_io; stream.close = _ft_stream_close; FT_Open_Args fargs; memset(&fargs, 0, sizeof(FT_Open_Args)); fargs.flags = FT_OPEN_STREAM; = &stream; error = FT_Open_Face(library, &fargs, 0, &face); } else if (font->font_mem) { memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(FT_StreamRec)); stream.base = (unsigned char *)font->font_mem; stream.size = font->font_mem_size; stream.pos = 0; FT_Open_Args fargs; memset(&fargs, 0, sizeof(FT_Open_Args)); fargs.memory_base = (unsigned char *)font->font_mem; fargs.memory_size = font->font_mem_size; fargs.flags = FT_OPEN_MEMORY; = &stream; error = FT_Open_Face(library, &fargs, 0, &face); } else { ERR_EXPLAIN("DynamicFont uninitialized"); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_UNCONFIGURED); } //error = FT_New_Face( library, src_path.utf8().get_data(),0,&face ); if (error == FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format) { ERR_EXPLAIN(TTR("Unknown font format.")); FT_Done_FreeType(library); } else if (error) { ERR_EXPLAIN(TTR("Error loading font.")); FT_Done_FreeType(library); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(error, ERR_FILE_CANT_OPEN); /*error = FT_Set_Char_Size(face,0,64*size,512,512); if ( error ) { FT_Done_FreeType( library ); ERR_EXPLAIN(TTR("Invalid font size.")); ERR_FAIL_COND_V( error, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }*/ error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, id.size); ascent = face->size->metrics.ascender >> 6; descent = -face->size->metrics.descender >> 6; linegap = 0; texture_flags = 0; if (id.mipmaps) texture_flags |= Texture::FLAG_MIPMAPS; if (id.filter) texture_flags |= Texture::FLAG_FILTER; //print_line("ASCENT: "+itos(ascent)+" descent "+itos(descent)+" hinted: "+itos(face->face_flags&FT_FACE_FLAG_HINTER)); valid = true; return OK; }
RES ResourceFormatLoaderShader::load(const String &p_path, const String& p_original_path, Error *r_error) { if (r_error) *r_error=ERR_FILE_CANT_OPEN; String fragment_code; String vertex_code; String light_code; int mode=-1; Error err; FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path,FileAccess::READ,&err); ERR_EXPLAIN("Unable to open shader file: "+p_path); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err,RES()); String base_path = p_path.get_base_dir(); if (r_error) *r_error=ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; Ref<Shader> shader;//( memnew( Shader ) ); int line=0; while(!f->eof_reached()) { String l = f->get_line(); line++; if (mode<=0) { l = l.strip_edges(); int comment = l.find(";"); if (comment!=-1) l=l.substr(0,comment); } if (mode<1) vertex_code+="\n"; if (mode<2) fragment_code+="\n"; if (mode < 1 && l=="") continue; if (l.begins_with("[")) { l=l.strip_edges(); if (l=="[params]") { if (mode>=0) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Misplaced [params] section."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } mode=0; } else if (l=="[vertex]") { if (mode>=1) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Misplaced [vertex] section."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } mode=1; } else if (l=="[fragment]") { if (mode>=2) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Misplaced [fragment] section."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } mode=1; } else { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Unknown section type: '"+l+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } continue; } if (mode==0) { int eqpos = l.find("="); if (eqpos==-1) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Expected '='."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } String right=l.substr(eqpos+1,l.length()).strip_edges(); if (right=="") { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Expected value after '='."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } Variant value; if (right=="true") { value = true; } else if (right=="false") { value = false; } else if (right.is_valid_float()) { //is number value = right.to_double(); } else if (right.is_valid_html_color()) { //is html color value = Color::html(right); } else { //attempt to parse a constructor int popenpos = right.find("("); if (popenpos==-1) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid constructor syntax: "+right); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } int pclosepos = right.find_last(")"); if (pclosepos==-1) { ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid constructor parameter syntax: "+right); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } String type = right.substr(0,popenpos); String param = right.substr(popenpos+1,pclosepos-popenpos-1).strip_edges(); if (type=="tex") { if (param=="") { value=RID(); } else { String path; if (param.is_abs_path()) path=param; else path=base_path+"/"+param; Ref<Texture> texture = ResourceLoader::load(path); if (!texture.is_valid()) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Couldn't find icon at path: "+path); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } value=texture; } } else if (type=="vec3") { if (param=="") { value=Vector3(); } else { Vector<String> params = param.split(","); if (params.size()!=3) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid param count for vec3(): '"+right+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } Vector3 v; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) v[i]=params[i].to_double(); value=v; } } else if (type=="xform") { if (param=="") { value=Transform(); } else { Vector<String> params = param.split(","); if (params.size()!=12) { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid param count for xform(): '"+right+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } Transform t; for(int i=0;i<9;i++) t.basis[i%3][i/3]=params[i].to_double(); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) t.origin[i]=params[i-9].to_double(); value=t; } } else { memdelete(f); ERR_EXPLAIN(p_path+":"+itos(line)+": Invalid constructor type: '"+type+"'."); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } } String left= l.substr(0,eqpos); // shader->set_param(left,value); } else if (mode==1) { vertex_code+=l; } else if (mode==2) { fragment_code+=l; } } shader->set_code(vertex_code,fragment_code,light_code); f->close(); memdelete(f); if (r_error) *r_error=OK; return shader; }
Error EditorExportPlatformWindows::export_project(const String& p_path, bool p_debug, int p_flags) { Error err = EditorExportPlatformPC::export_project(p_path, p_debug, p_flags); if(err != OK) { return err; } EditorProgress ep("editexe","Edit EXE File",102); ep.step("Create ico file..",0); DVector<uint8_t> icon_content; if (this->icon_ico!="" && this->icon_ico.ends_with(".ico")) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(this->icon_ico,FileAccess::READ); if (f) { icon_content.resize(f->get_len()); DVector<uint8_t>::Write write = icon_content.write(); f->get_buffer(write.ptr(),icon_content.size()); f->close(); memdelete(f); } } else if (this->icon_png!="" && this->icon_png.ends_with(".png") && (icon16 || icon32 || icon48 || icon64 || icon128 || icon256)) { #ifdef PNG_ENABLED Vector<Image> pngs; Image png; Error err_png = png.load(this->icon_png); if (err_png==OK && !png.empty()) { if(icon256) { Image icon_256(png); if(!(png.get_height()==256 && png.get_width()==256)) icon_256.resize(256,256); pngs.push_back(icon_256); } if(icon128) { Image icon_128(png); if(!(png.get_height()==128 && png.get_width()==128)) icon_128.resize(128,128); pngs.push_back(icon_128); } if(icon64) { Image icon_64(png); if(!(png.get_height()==64 && png.get_width()==64)) icon_64.resize(64,64); pngs.push_back(icon_64); } if(icon48) { Image icon_48(png); if(!(png.get_height()==48 && png.get_width()==48)) icon_48.resize(48,48); pngs.push_back(icon_48); } if(icon32) { Image icon_32(png); if(!(png.get_height()==32 && png.get_width()==32)) icon_32.resize(32,32); pngs.push_back(icon_32); } if(icon16) { Image icon_16(png); if(!(png.get_height()==16 && png.get_width()==16)) icon_16.resize(16,16); pngs.push_back(icon_16); } // create icon according to store_16(icon_content,0); //Reserved store_16(icon_content,1); //Type store_16(icon_content,pngs.size()); //Count int offset = 6+pngs.size()*16; //List of bitmaps for(int i=0;i<pngs.size();i++) { int w = pngs[i].get_width(); int h = pngs[i].get_height(); icon_content.push_back(w<256?w:0); //width icon_content.push_back(h<256?h:0); //height icon_content.push_back(0); //ColorCount = 0 icon_content.push_back(0); //Reserved store_16(icon_content,1); //Planes store_16(icon_content,32); //BitCount (bit per pixel) int size = 40 + (w * h * 4) + (w * h / 8); store_32(icon_content,size); //Size of (InfoHeader + ANDbitmap + XORbitmap) store_32(icon_content,offset); //FileOffset offset += size; } //Write bmp files. for(int i=0;i<pngs.size();i++) { int w = pngs[i].get_width(); int h = pngs[i].get_height(); store_32(icon_content,40); //Size of InfoHeader structure = 40 store_32(icon_content,w); //Width store_32(icon_content,h*2); //Height store_16(icon_content,1); //Planes store_16(icon_content,32); //BitCount store_32(icon_content,0); //Compression store_32(icon_content,w*h*4); //ImageSize = Size of Image in Bytes store_32(icon_content,0); //unused = 0 store_32(icon_content,0); //unused = 0 store_32(icon_content,0); //unused = 0 store_32(icon_content,0); //unused = 0 //XORBitmap for(int y=h-1;y>=0;y--) { for(int x=0;x<w;x++) { store_32(icon_content,pngs[i].get_pixel(x,y).to_32()); } } //ANDBitmap for(int m=0;m<(w * h / 8);m+=4) store_32(icon_content,0x00000000); // Add empty ANDBitmap , TODO create full ANDBitmap Structure if need. } } #endif } ep.step("Add rsrc..",50); String basename = Globals::get_singleton()->get("application/name"); product_name=product_name.replace("$genname",basename); String godot_version; if(set_godot_version) godot_version = String( VERSION_MKSTRING ); String ret = pe_bliss_add_resrc(p_path.utf8(), version_major, version_minor, company_name, file_description, legal_copyright, version_text, product_name, godot_version, icon_content); if (ret.empty()) { return OK; } else { EditorNode::add_io_error(ret); return ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE; } }