Esempio n. 1
void AddFilmWindow::Save()
    QList<QVariant> data;

      // Order of the columns in file "filmslist/filmitem.h"
    data << eTitle->text()
         << eOriginalTitle->text()
         << eTagline->text()
         << sbYear->value()
         << eGenre->text()
         << eCountry->text()
         << eDirector->text()
         << eProducer->text()
         << eScreenwriter->text()
         << eComposer->text()
         << sbBudget->value()
         << sbRating->value()
         << cIsViewed->isChecked()
         << cIsFavourite->isChecked()
         << viewsCount
         << lStarringText->text()
         << lDescriptionText->text()
         << eTags->toPlainText()
         << eFilmFileName->text()
         << filmNewPosterName
            // Invisible items
         << viewingDates;

    FilmItem* film = new FilmItem( data );

      // Manipulations with poster
    QString posterFileName = ePosterFileName->text();

    if( !posterFileName.isEmpty() )
        QString postersDir = settings->GetPostersDirPath();

          // Create a directory for posters if it does not exist
        if( !QFile::exists( postersDir ) )
            QDir().mkdir( postersDir );

        int newHeight = settings->GetScalePosterToHeight();
        QPixmap pixmap( posterFileName );

          // Move to directory of the posters with selected format and quality
          // with or without scaling (if set in settings)
        if( newHeight != 0 && newHeight < pixmap.height() )
            pixmap = pixmap.scaledToHeight( newHeight, Qt::SmoothTransformation );

        QString newPosterFileName = film->GetPosterFilePath();

        if( newPosterFileName == posterFileName ) // "EditFilmWindow" mode
            film->SetIsPosterExists( FilmItem::Exists );
            QString newFormat = settings->GetPosterSavingFormat();
            int newQuality = settings->GetPosterSavingQuality();

            if( newPosterFileName, newFormat.toUtf8(), newQuality ) )
                film->SetIsPosterExists( FilmItem::Exists );
                QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Saving"), tr("Error while moving poster to posters directory.") );

    emit Done( film );
Esempio n. 2
QVariant FilmsListModel::data( const QModelIndex& index, int role ) const
    if( index.isValid() )
        FilmItem* item = static_cast<FilmItem*>( index.internalPointer() );
        int column = index.column();

        switch( role )
            case Qt::DisplayRole :
                return( item->GetColumnData( index.column() ) );

            case Qt::TextAlignmentRole :
                if( column == FilmItem::YearColumn ||
                    column == FilmItem::RatingColumn ||
                    column == FilmItem::IsViewedColumn ||
                    column == FilmItem::IsFavouriteColumn ||
                    column == FilmItem::ViewsCountColumn )
                    return( Qt::AlignCenter );
                    return( (int) Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter );

            case Qt::BackgroundColorRole :
                if( settings->GetCheckFilesOnStartup() && !item->GetIsFileExists() )
                    return( QColor( settings->GetUnavailableFileColor() ) );


            case Qt::DecorationRole :
                if( column == FilmItem::PosterColumn && item->GetIsPosterExists() )
                    QPixmap pixmap;

                    if( pixmap.load( item->GetPosterFilePath() ) )
                        return( pixmap );


            case UserRoles::StringListRole :
                if( column == FilmItem::GenreColumn ||
                    column == FilmItem::CountryColumn ||
                    column == FilmItem::DirectorColumn ||
                    column == FilmItem::ScreenwriterColumn ||
                    column == FilmItem::StarringColumn ||
                    column == FilmItem::TagsColumn )
                    QString str = item->GetColumnData( column ).toString();

                    if( !str.isEmpty() )
                        QStringList strings = str.split( "," );

                        for( QString& s : strings )
                            s = s.trimmed();

                        return( strings );

    return( QVariant() );