Esempio n. 1
// reads a chunk of features into a memory cache; do this for performance
// and to avoid needing the OGR Mutex every time
    if ( !_resultSetHandle )

    while( _queue.size() < _chunkSize && !_resultSetEndReached )
        FeatureList filterList;
        while( filterList.size() < _chunkSize && !_resultSetEndReached )
            OGRFeatureH handle = OGR_L_GetNextFeature( _resultSetHandle );
            if ( handle )
                osg::ref_ptr<Feature> feature = OgrUtils::createFeature( handle, _profile.get() );

                if (feature.valid() &&
                    !_source->isBlacklisted( feature->getFID() ) &&
                    validateGeometry( feature->getGeometry() ))
                    filterList.push_back( feature.release() );
                OGR_F_Destroy( handle );
                _resultSetEndReached = true;

        // preprocess the features using the filter list:
        if ( !_filters.empty() )
            FilterContext cx;
            cx.setProfile( _profile.get() );
            if (_query.bounds().isSet())
                cx.extent() = GeoExtent(_profile->getSRS(), _query.bounds().get());
                cx.extent() = _profile->getExtent();

            for( FeatureFilterList::const_iterator i = _filters.begin(); i != _filters.end(); ++i )
                FeatureFilter* filter = i->get();
                cx = filter->push( filterList, cx );

        for(FeatureList::const_iterator i = filterList.begin(); i != filterList.end(); ++i)
            _queue.push( i->get() );
Esempio n. 2
TransformFilter::push( FeatureList& input, FilterContext& incx )
    _bbox = osg::BoundingBoxd();

    // first transform all the points into the output SRS, collecting a bounding box as we go:
    bool ok = true;
    for( FeatureList::iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); i++ )
        if ( !push( i->get(), incx ) )
            ok = false;

    FilterContext outcx( incx );
    outcx.isGeocentric() = _makeGeocentric;

    if ( _outputSRS.valid() )
        if ( incx.extent()->isValid() )
            outcx.profile() = new FeatureProfile( incx.extent()->transform( _outputSRS.get() ) );
            outcx.profile() = new FeatureProfile( incx.profile()->getExtent().transform( _outputSRS.get() ) );

    // set the reference frame to shift data to the centroid. This will
    // prevent floating point precision errors in the openGL pipeline for
    // properly gridded data.
    if ( _bbox.valid() && _localize )
        // create a suitable reference frame:
        osg::Matrixd localizer;
        if ( _makeGeocentric )
            localizer = createGeocentricInvRefFrame(, _outputSRS.get() );
            localizer.invert( localizer );
            localizer = osg::Matrixd::translate( );

        // localize the geometry relative to the reference frame.
        for( FeatureList::iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); i++ )
            localizeGeometry( i->get(), localizer );
        outcx.setReferenceFrame( localizer );

    return outcx;
Esempio n. 3
JSFilterContext::PropertyCallback(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::AccessorInfo& info)
    FilterContext* context = V8Util::UnwrapObject<FilterContext>(info.Holder());

    v8::String::Utf8Value utf8_value(name);
    std::string prop(*utf8_value);

    if (!context || prop.empty())
        return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();

    if (prop == "session")
        return JSSession::WrapSession(const_cast<Session*>(context->getSession()));
    if (prop == "profile")
        return JSFeatureProfile::WrapFeatureProfile(const_cast<FeatureProfile*>(context->profile().get()));
    if (prop == "extent" && context->extent().isSet())
        return JSGeoExtent::WrapGeoExtent(const_cast<osgEarth::GeoExtent*>(&context->extent().get()));
    //if (prop == "geocentric")
    //  return v8::Boolean::New(context->isGeocentric());

    return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();
Esempio n. 4
FeaturesToNodeFilter::computeLocalizers( const FilterContext& context )
    if ( context.isGeoreferenced() )
        if ( context.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric() )
            const SpatialReference* geogSRS = context.profile()->getSRS()->getGeographicSRS();
            GeoExtent geodExtent = context.extent()->transform( geogSRS );
            if ( geodExtent.width() < 180.0 )
                osg::Vec3d centroid, centroidECEF;
                geodExtent.getCentroid( centroid.x(), centroid.y() );
                geogSRS->transform( centroid, geogSRS->getECEF(), centroidECEF );
                geogSRS->getECEF()->createLocalToWorld( centroidECEF, _local2world );
                _world2local.invert( _local2world );

        else // projected
            if ( context.extent().isSet() )
                osg::Vec3d centroid;
                context.extent()->getCentroid(centroid.x(), centroid.y());

                    centroid );

                _world2local.makeTranslate( -centroid );
                _local2world.invert( _world2local );
Esempio n. 5
FeatureSource::applyFilters(FeatureList& features, const GeoExtent& extent) const
    // apply filters before returning.
    if ( !getFilters().empty() )
        FilterContext cx;
        cx.setProfile( getFeatureProfile() );
        cx.extent() = extent;
        for(FeatureFilterList::const_iterator filter = getFilters().begin(); filter != getFilters().end(); ++filter)
            cx = filter->get()->push( features, cx );
Esempio n. 6
FeatureSource::applyFilters(FeatureList& features, const GeoExtent& extent) const
    // apply filters before returning.
    if (_filters.valid() && _filters->empty() == false)
        FilterContext cx;
        cx.setProfile( getFeatureProfile() );
        cx.extent() = extent;
        for(FeatureFilterChain::const_iterator filter = _filters->begin(); filter != _filters->end(); ++filter)
            cx = filter->get()->push( features, cx );
Esempio n. 7
ExtrudeGeometryFilter::buildStructure(const Geometry*         input,
                                      double                  height,
                                      double                  heightOffset,
                                      bool                    flatten,
                                      const SkinResource*     wallSkin,
                                      const SkinResource*     roofSkin,
                                      Structure&              structure,
                                      FilterContext&          cx )
    bool  makeECEF                 = false;
    const SpatialReference* srs    = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS = 0L;

    if ( cx.isGeoreferenced() )
       srs      = cx.extent()->getSRS();
       makeECEF = cx.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
       mapSRS   = cx.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    // whether this is a closed polygon structure.
    structure.isPolygon = (input->getComponentType() == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON);

    // extrusion working variables
    double     targetLen = -DBL_MAX;
    osg::Vec3d minLoc(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX);
    double     minLoc_len = DBL_MAX;
    osg::Vec3d maxLoc(0,0,0);
    double     maxLoc_len = 0;

    // Initial pass over the geometry does two things:
    // 1: Calculate the minimum Z across all parts.
    // 2: Establish a "target length" for extrusion
    double absHeight = fabs(height);

    ConstGeometryIterator zfinder( input );
    while( zfinder.hasMore() )
        const Geometry* geom =;
        for( Geometry::const_iterator m = geom->begin(); m != geom->end(); ++m )
            osg::Vec3d m_point = *m;

            if ( m_point.z() + absHeight > targetLen )
                targetLen = m_point.z() + absHeight;

            if (m_point.z() < minLoc.z())
                minLoc = m_point;

            if (m_point.z() > maxLoc.z())
                maxLoc = m_point;

    // apply the height offsets
    height    -= heightOffset;
    targetLen -= heightOffset;
    float   roofRotation  = 0.0f;
    Bounds  roofBounds;
    float   sinR = 0.0f, cosR = 0.0f;
    double  roofTexSpanX = 0.0, roofTexSpanY = 0.0;
    osg::ref_ptr<const SpatialReference> roofProjSRS;

    if ( roofSkin )
        roofBounds = input->getBounds();

        // if our data is lat/long, we need to reproject the geometry and the bounds into a projected
        // coordinate system in order to properly generate tex coords.
        if ( srs && srs->isGeographic() )
            osg::Vec2d geogCenter = roofBounds.center2d();
            roofProjSRS = srs->createUTMFromLonLat( Angle(geogCenter.x()), Angle(geogCenter.y()) );
            if ( roofProjSRS.valid() )
                roofBounds.transform( srs, roofProjSRS.get() );
                osg::ref_ptr<Geometry> projectedInput = input->clone();
                srs->transform( projectedInput->asVector(), roofProjSRS.get() );
                roofRotation = getApparentRotation( projectedInput.get() );
            roofRotation = getApparentRotation( input );
        sinR = sin(roofRotation);
        cosR = cos(roofRotation);

        if ( !roofSkin->isTiled().value() )
            //note: non-tiled roofs don't really work atm.
            roofTexSpanX = cosR*roofBounds.width() - sinR*roofBounds.height();
            roofTexSpanY = sinR*roofBounds.width() + cosR*roofBounds.height();
            roofTexSpanX = roofSkin->imageWidth().isSet() ? *roofSkin->imageWidth() : roofSkin->imageHeight().isSet() ? *roofSkin->imageHeight() : 10.0;
            if ( roofTexSpanX <= 0.0 ) roofTexSpanX = 10.0;
            roofTexSpanY = roofSkin->imageHeight().isSet() ? *roofSkin->imageHeight() : roofSkin->imageWidth().isSet() ? *roofSkin->imageWidth() : 10.0;
            if ( roofTexSpanY <= 0.0 ) roofTexSpanY = 10.0;

    // prep for wall texture coordinate generation.
    double texWidthM  = wallSkin ? *wallSkin->imageWidth() : 0.0;
    double texHeightM = wallSkin ? *wallSkin->imageHeight() : 1.0;

    ConstGeometryIterator iter( input );
    while( iter.hasMore() )
        const Geometry* part =;

        // skip a part that's too small
        if (part->size() < 2)

        // add a new wall.
        Elevation& elevation = structure.elevations.back();

        double maxHeight = targetLen - minLoc.z();

        // Adjust the texture height so it is a multiple of the maximum height
        double div = osg::round(maxHeight / texHeightM);
        elevation.texHeightAdjustedM = div > 0.0 ? maxHeight / div : maxHeight;

        // Step 1 - Create the real corners and transform them into our target SRS.
        Corners corners;
        for(Geometry::const_iterator m = part->begin(); m != part->end(); ++m)
            Corners::iterator corner = corners.insert(corners.end(), Corner());
            // mark as "from source", as opposed to being inserted by the algorithm.
            corner->isFromSource = true;
            corner->base = *m;

            // extrude:
            if ( height >= 0 ) // extrude up
                if ( flatten )
                    corner->roof.set( corner->base.x(), corner->base.y(), targetLen );
                    corner->roof.set( corner->base.x(), corner->base.y(), corner->base.z() + height );
            else // height < 0 .. extrude down
                corner->roof = *m;
                corner->base.z() += height;
            // figure out the rooftop texture coords before doing any transformation:
            if ( roofSkin && srs )
                double xr, yr;

                if ( srs && srs->isGeographic() && roofProjSRS )
                    osg::Vec3d projRoofPt;
                    srs->transform( corner->roof, roofProjSRS.get(), projRoofPt );
                    xr = (projRoofPt.x() - roofBounds.xMin());
                    yr = (projRoofPt.y() - roofBounds.yMin());
                    xr = (corner->roof.x() - roofBounds.xMin());
                    yr = (corner->roof.y() - roofBounds.yMin());

                corner->roofTexU = (cosR*xr - sinR*yr) / roofTexSpanX;
                corner->roofTexV = (sinR*xr + cosR*yr) / roofTexSpanY;
            // transform into target SRS.
            transformAndLocalize( corner->base, srs, corner->base, mapSRS, _world2local, makeECEF );
            transformAndLocalize( corner->roof, srs, corner->roof, mapSRS, _world2local, makeECEF );

        // Step 2 - Insert intermediate Corners as needed to satify texturing
        // requirements (if necessary) and record each corner offset (horizontal distance
        // from the beginning of the part geometry to the corner.)
        double cornerOffset    = 0.0;
        double nextTexBoundary = texWidthM;

        for(Corners::iterator c = corners.begin(); c != corners.end(); ++c)
            Corners::iterator this_corner = c;

            Corners::iterator next_corner = c;
            if ( ++next_corner == corners.end() )
                next_corner = corners.begin();

            osg::Vec3d base_vec = next_corner->base - this_corner->base;
            double span = base_vec.length();

            this_corner->offsetX = cornerOffset;

            if (wallSkin)
                base_vec /= span; // normalize
                osg::Vec3d roof_vec = next_corner->roof - this_corner->roof;

                while(nextTexBoundary < cornerOffset+span)
                    // insert a new fake corner.
                    Corners::iterator new_corner = corners.insert(next_corner, Corner());
                    new_corner->isFromSource = false;
                    double advance = nextTexBoundary-cornerOffset;
                    new_corner->base = this_corner->base + base_vec*advance;
                    new_corner->roof = this_corner->roof + roof_vec*advance;
                    new_corner->offsetX = cornerOffset + advance;
                    nextTexBoundary += texWidthM;

                    // advance the main iterator
                    c = new_corner;

            cornerOffset += span;

        // Step 3 - Calculate the angle of each corner.
        osg::Vec3d prev_vec;
        for(Corners::iterator c = corners.begin(); c != corners.end(); ++c)
            Corners::const_iterator this_corner = c;

            Corners::const_iterator next_corner = c;
            if ( ++next_corner == corners.end() )
                next_corner = corners.begin();

            if ( this_corner == corners.begin() )
                Corners::const_iterator prev_corner = corners.end();
                prev_vec = this_corner->roof - prev_corner->roof;

            osg::Vec3d this_vec = next_corner->roof - this_corner->roof;
            if ( c != corners.begin() )
                c->cosAngle = prev_vec * this_vec;

        // Step 4 - Create faces connecting each pair of Posts.
        Faces& faces = elevation.faces;
        for(Corners::const_iterator c = corners.begin(); c != corners.end(); ++c)
            Corners::const_iterator this_corner = c;

            Corners::const_iterator next_corner = c;
            if ( ++next_corner == corners.end() )
                next_corner = corners.begin();
            // only close the shape for polygons.
            if (next_corner != corners.begin() || structure.isPolygon)
                Face& face = faces.back();
                face.left  = *this_corner;
                face.right = *next_corner;

                // recalculate the final offset on the last face
                if ( next_corner == corners.begin() )
                    osg::Vec3d vec = next_corner->roof - this_corner->roof;
                    face.right.offsetX = face.left.offsetX + vec.length();

                face.widthM = next_corner->offsetX - this_corner->offsetX;

    return true;
Esempio n. 8
BuildGeometryFilter::process( FeatureList& features, const FilterContext& context )
    bool makeECEF = false;
    const SpatialReference* featureSRS = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS = 0L;

    if ( context.isGeoreferenced() )
        makeECEF   = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
        featureSRS = context.extent()->getSRS();
        mapSRS     = context.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    for( FeatureList::iterator f = features.begin(); f != features.end(); ++f )
        Feature* input = f->get();

        GeometryIterator parts( input->getGeometry(), false );
        while( parts.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part =;

            // skip empty geometry
            if ( part->size() == 0 )

            const Style& myStyle = input->style().isSet() ? *input->style() : _style;

            bool  setLinePropsHere   = input->style().isSet(); // otherwise it will be set globally, we assume
            float width              = 1.0f;
            bool  hasPolyOutline     = false;

            const PointSymbol*   pointSymbol = myStyle.get<PointSymbol>();
            const LineSymbol*    lineSymbol  = myStyle.get<LineSymbol>();
            const PolygonSymbol* polySymbol  = myStyle.get<PolygonSymbol>();

            // resolve the geometry type from the component type and the symbology:
            Geometry::Type renderType = Geometry::TYPE_UNKNOWN;

            // First priority is a matching part type and symbol:
            if ( polySymbol != 0L && part->getType() == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON )
                renderType = Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON;
            else if ( lineSymbol != 0L && part->isLinear() )
                renderType = part->getType();
            else if ( pointSymbol != 0L && part->getType() == Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET )
                renderType = Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET;

            // Second priority is the symbol:
            else if ( polySymbol != 0L )
                renderType = Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON;
            else if ( lineSymbol != 0L )
                if ( part->getType() == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON )
                    renderType = Geometry::TYPE_RING;
                    renderType = Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING;
            else if ( pointSymbol != 0L )
                renderType = Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET;

            // No symbol? just use the geometry type.
                renderType = part->getType();

            // validate the geometry:
            if ( renderType == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON && part->size() < 3 )
            else if ( (renderType == Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING || renderType == Geometry::TYPE_RING) && part->size() < 2 )

            // resolve the color:
            osg::Vec4f primaryColor =
                polySymbol ? osg::Vec4f(polySymbol->fill()->color()) :
                lineSymbol ? osg::Vec4f(lineSymbol->stroke()->color()) :
                pointSymbol ? osg::Vec4f(pointSymbol->fill()->color()) :
            osg::Geometry* osgGeom = new osg::Geometry();
            osgGeom->setUseVertexBufferObjects( _useVertexBufferObjects.value() );

            if ( _featureNameExpr.isSet() )
                const std::string& name = input->eval( _featureNameExpr.mutable_value(), &context );
                osgGeom->setName( name );

            // build the geometry:
            osg::Vec3Array* allPoints = 0L;

            if ( renderType == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON )
                buildPolygon(part, featureSRS, mapSRS, makeECEF, true, osgGeom);
                allPoints = static_cast<osg::Vec3Array*>( osgGeom->getVertexArray() );
                // line or point geometry
                GLenum primMode = 
                    renderType == Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING ? GL_LINE_STRIP :
                    renderType == Geometry::TYPE_RING       ? GL_LINE_LOOP :
                allPoints = new osg::Vec3Array();
                transformAndLocalize( part->asVector(), featureSRS, allPoints, mapSRS, _world2local, makeECEF );
                osgGeom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays( primMode, 0, part->size() ) );
                osgGeom->setVertexArray( allPoints );

                applyLineAndPointSymbology( osgGeom->getOrCreateStateSet(), lineSymbol, pointSymbol );

                if ( primMode == GL_POINTS && allPoints->size() == 1 )
                    const osg::Vec3d& center = (*allPoints)[0];
                    osgGeom->setInitialBound( osg::BoundingBox(center-osg::Vec3(.5,.5,.5), center+osg::Vec3(.5,.5,.5)) );

            if (allPoints->getVertexBufferObject())
            // subdivide the mesh if necessary to conform to an ECEF globe:
            if ( makeECEF && renderType != Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET )
                // check for explicit tessellation disable:
                const LineSymbol* line = _style.get<LineSymbol>();
                bool disableTess = line && line->tessellation().isSetTo(0);

                if ( makeECEF && !disableTess )
                    double threshold = osg::DegreesToRadians( *_maxAngle_deg );
                    OE_DEBUG << "Running mesh subdivider with threshold " << *_maxAngle_deg << std::endl;

                    MeshSubdivider ms( _world2local, _local2world );
                    //ms.setMaxElementsPerEBO( INT_MAX );
                    if ( input->geoInterp().isSet() )
               *osgGeom, threshold, *input->geoInterp() );
               *osgGeom, threshold, *_geoInterp );

            // assign the primary color:
#if USE_SINGLE_COLOR            
            osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array( 1 );
            (*colors)[0] = primaryColor;
            osgGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_OVERALL );

            osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array( osgGeom->getVertexArray()->getNumElements() ); //allPoints->size() );
            for(unsigned c=0; c<colors->size(); ++c)
                (*colors)[c] = primaryColor;
            osgGeom->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

            osgGeom->setColorArray( colors );

            _geode->addDrawable( osgGeom );

            // record the geometry's primitive set(s) in the index:
            if ( context.featureIndex() )
                context.featureIndex()->tagPrimitiveSets( osgGeom, input );

            // build secondary geometry, if necessary (polygon outlines)
            if ( renderType == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON && lineSymbol )
                // polygon offset on the poly so the outline doesn't z-fight
                osgGeom->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes( new osg::PolygonOffset(1,1), 1 );

                osg::Geometry* outline = new osg::Geometry();
                outline->setUseVertexBufferObjects( _useVertexBufferObjects.value() );

                buildPolygon(part, featureSRS, mapSRS, makeECEF, false, outline);

                if ( outline->getVertexArray()->getVertexBufferObject() )
                osg::Vec4f outlineColor = lineSymbol->stroke()->color();                

                osg::Vec4Array* outlineColors = new osg::Vec4Array();                
                outlineColors->push_back( outlineColor );
                outline->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_OVERALL );
                unsigned pcount = part->getTotalPointCount();                
                outlineColors->reserve( pcount );
                for( unsigned c=0; c < pcount; ++c )
                    outlineColors->push_back( outlineColor );
                outline->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

                // check for explicit tessellation disable:                
                bool disableTess = lineSymbol && lineSymbol->tessellation().isSetTo(0);

                // subdivide if necessary.                
                if ( makeECEF && !disableTess )
                    double threshold = osg::DegreesToRadians( *_maxAngle_deg );
                    OE_DEBUG << "Running mesh subdivider for outlines with threshold " << *_maxAngle_deg << std::endl;
                    MeshSubdivider ms( _world2local, _local2world );
                    if ( input->geoInterp().isSet() )
               *outline, threshold, *input->geoInterp() );
               *outline, threshold, *_geoInterp );

                applyLineAndPointSymbology( outline->getOrCreateStateSet(), lineSymbol, 0L );

                // make normals before adding an outline
                osgUtil::SmoothingVisitor sv;
                _geode->accept( sv );

                _geode->addDrawable( outline );

                //_featureNode->addDrawable( outline, input->getFID() );

                // Mark each primitive set with its feature ID.
                if ( context.featureIndex() )
                    context.featureIndex()->tagPrimitiveSets( outline, input );

    return true;
ExtrudeGeometryFilter::extrudeGeometry(const Geometry*         input,
                                       double                  height,
                                       double                  heightOffset,
                                       bool                    flatten,
                                       osg::Geometry*          walls,
                                       osg::Geometry*          roof,
                                       osg::Geometry*          base,
                                       osg::Geometry*          outline,
                                       const osg::Vec4&        wallColor,
                                       const osg::Vec4&        wallBaseColor,
                                       const osg::Vec4&        roofColor,
                                       const osg::Vec4&        outlineColor,
                                       const SkinResource*     wallSkin,
                                       const SkinResource*     roofSkin,
                                       FilterContext&          cx )
    bool makeECEF = false;
    const SpatialReference* srs = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS = 0L;

    if ( cx.isGeoreferenced() )
       srs = cx.extent()->getSRS();
       makeECEF = cx.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
       mapSRS = cx.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    bool made_geom = false;

    double tex_width_m   = wallSkin ? *wallSkin->imageWidth() : 1.0;
    double tex_height_m  = wallSkin ? *wallSkin->imageHeight() : 1.0;
    bool   tex_repeats_y = wallSkin ? *wallSkin->isTiled() : false;
    bool   useColor      = (!wallSkin || wallSkin->texEnvMode() != osg::TexEnv::DECAL) && !_makeStencilVolume;

    bool isPolygon = input->getComponentType() == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON;

    unsigned pointCount = input->getTotalPointCount();
    // If we are extruding a polygon, and applying a wall texture, we need an extra
    // point in the geometry in order to close the polygon and generate a unique
    // texture coordinate for that final point.
    bool isSkinnedPolygon = isPolygon && wallSkin != 0L;

    // Total number of verts. Add 2 to close a polygon (necessary so the first and last
    // points can have unique texture coordinates)
    unsigned numWallVerts = 2 * pointCount + (isSkinnedPolygon? (2 * input->getNumGeometries()) : 0);

    // create all the OSG geometry components
    osg::Vec3Array* verts = new osg::Vec3Array( numWallVerts );
    walls->setVertexArray( verts );

    osg::Vec2Array* wallTexcoords = 0L;
    if ( wallSkin )
        wallTexcoords = new osg::Vec2Array( numWallVerts );
        walls->setTexCoordArray( 0, wallTexcoords );

    osg::Vec4Array* colors = 0L;
    if ( useColor )
        // per-vertex colors are necessary if we are going to use the MeshConsolidator -gw
        colors = new osg::Vec4Array();
        colors->reserve( numWallVerts );
        colors->assign( numWallVerts, wallColor );
        walls->setColorArray( colors );
        walls->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

    // set up rooftop tessellation and texturing, if necessary:
    osg::Vec3Array* roofVerts     = 0L;
    osg::Vec2Array* roofTexcoords = 0L;
    float           roofRotation  = 0.0f;
    Bounds          roofBounds;
    float           sinR = 0.0f, cosR = 0.0f;
    double          roofTexSpanX = 0.0, roofTexSpanY = 0.0;
    osg::ref_ptr<const SpatialReference> roofProjSRS;

    if ( roof )
        roofVerts = new osg::Vec3Array( pointCount );
        roof->setVertexArray( roofVerts );

        // per-vertex colors are necessary if we are going to use the MeshConsolidator -gw
        if ( useColor )
            osg::Vec4Array* roofColors = new osg::Vec4Array();
            roofColors->reserve( pointCount );
            roofColors->assign( pointCount, roofColor );
            roof->setColorArray( roofColors );
            roof->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

        if ( roofSkin )
            roofTexcoords = new osg::Vec2Array( pointCount );
            roof->setTexCoordArray( 0, roofTexcoords );

            // Get the orientation of the geometry. This is a hueristic that will help 
            // us align the roof skin texture properly. TODO: make this optional? It makes
            // sense for buildings and such, but perhaps not for all extruded shapes.
            roofRotation = getApparentRotation( input );

            roofBounds = input->getBounds();

            // if our data is lat/long, we need to reproject the geometry and the bounds into a projected
            // coordinate system in order to properly generate tex coords.
            if ( srs && srs->isGeographic() )
                osg::Vec2d geogCenter = roofBounds.center2d();
                roofProjSRS = srs->createUTMFromLonLat( Angular(geogCenter.x()), Angular(geogCenter.y()) );
                roofBounds.transform( srs, roofProjSRS.get() );
                osg::ref_ptr<Geometry> projectedInput = input->clone();
                srs->transform( projectedInput->asVector(), roofProjSRS.get() );
                roofRotation = getApparentRotation( projectedInput.get() );
                roofRotation = getApparentRotation( input );
            sinR = sin(roofRotation);
            cosR = cos(roofRotation);

            if ( !roofSkin->isTiled().value() )
                //note: doesn't really work
                roofTexSpanX = cosR*roofBounds.width() - sinR*roofBounds.height();
                roofTexSpanY = sinR*roofBounds.width() + cosR*roofBounds.height();
                roofTexSpanX = roofSkin->imageWidth().isSet() ? *roofSkin->imageWidth() : roofSkin->imageHeight().isSet() ? *roofSkin->imageHeight() : 10.0;
                if ( roofTexSpanX <= 0.0 ) roofTexSpanX = 10.0;
                roofTexSpanY = roofSkin->imageHeight().isSet() ? *roofSkin->imageHeight() : roofSkin->imageWidth().isSet() ? *roofSkin->imageWidth() : 10.0;
                if ( roofTexSpanY <= 0.0 ) roofTexSpanY = 10.0;

    osg::Vec3Array* baseVerts = NULL;
    if ( base )
        baseVerts = new osg::Vec3Array( pointCount );
        base->setVertexArray( baseVerts );

    osg::Vec3Array* outlineVerts = 0L;
    osg::Vec3Array* outlineNormals = 0L;
    if ( outline )
        outlineVerts = new osg::Vec3Array( numWallVerts );
        outline->setVertexArray( outlineVerts );

        osg::Vec4Array* outlineColors = new osg::Vec4Array();
        outlineColors->reserve( numWallVerts );
        outlineColors->assign( numWallVerts, outlineColor );
        outline->setColorArray( outlineColors );
        outline->setColorBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX );

        // cop out, just point all the outline normals up. fix this later.
        outlineNormals = new osg::Vec3Array();
        outlineNormals->reserve( numWallVerts );
        outlineNormals->assign( numWallVerts, osg::Vec3(0,0,1) );
        outline->setNormalArray( outlineNormals );

    unsigned wallVertPtr    = 0;
    unsigned roofVertPtr    = 0;
    unsigned baseVertPtr    = 0;

    double     targetLen = -DBL_MAX;
    osg::Vec3d minLoc(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX);
    double     minLoc_len = DBL_MAX;
    osg::Vec3d maxLoc(0,0,0);
    double     maxLoc_len = 0;

    // Initial pass over the geometry does two things:
    // 1: Calculate the minimum Z across all parts.
    // 2: Establish a "target length" for extrusion

    double absHeight = fabs(height);

    ConstGeometryIterator zfinder( input );
    while( zfinder.hasMore() )
        const Geometry* geom =;
        for( Geometry::const_iterator m = geom->begin(); m != geom->end(); ++m )
            osg::Vec3d m_point = *m;

            if ( m_point.z() + absHeight > targetLen )
                targetLen = m_point.z() + absHeight;

            if (m_point.z() < minLoc.z())
                minLoc = m_point;

            if (m_point.z() > maxLoc.z())
                maxLoc = m_point;

    // apply the height offsets
    height    -= heightOffset;
    targetLen -= heightOffset;

    // now generate the extruded geometry.
    ConstGeometryIterator iter( input );
    while( iter.hasMore() )
        const Geometry* part =;

        double tex_height_m_adj = tex_height_m;

        unsigned wallPartPtr = wallVertPtr;
        unsigned roofPartPtr = roofVertPtr;
        unsigned basePartPtr = baseVertPtr;
        double   partLen     = 0.0;
        double   maxHeight   = 0.0;

        maxHeight = targetLen - minLoc.z();

        // Adjust the texture height so it is a multiple of the maximum height
        double div = osg::round(maxHeight / tex_height_m);
        if (div == 0) div = 1; //Prevent divide by zero
        tex_height_m_adj = maxHeight / div;

        //osg::DrawElementsUShort* idx = new osg::DrawElementsUShort( GL_TRIANGLES );
        osg::DrawElementsUInt* idx = new osg::DrawElementsUInt( GL_TRIANGLES );

        for( Geometry::const_iterator m = part->begin(); m != part->end(); ++m )
            osg::Vec3d basePt = *m;
            osg::Vec3d roofPt;

            if ( height >= 0 )
                if ( flatten )
                    roofPt.set( basePt.x(), basePt.y(), targetLen );
                    roofPt.set( basePt.x(), basePt.y(), basePt.z() + height );
            else // height < 0
                roofPt = *m;
                basePt.z() += height;

            // add to the approprate vertex lists:
            int p = wallVertPtr;

            // figure out the rooftop texture coordinates before doing any
            // transformations:
            if ( roofSkin && roofProjSRS && srs )
                double xr, yr;

                if ( srs && srs->isGeographic() )
                    osg::Vec3d projRoofPt;
                    srs->transform( roofPt, roofProjSRS.get(), projRoofPt );
                    xr = (projRoofPt.x() - roofBounds.xMin());
                    yr = (projRoofPt.y() - roofBounds.yMin());
                    xr = (roofPt.x() - roofBounds.xMin());
                    yr = (roofPt.y() - roofBounds.yMin());

                float u = (cosR*xr - sinR*yr) / roofTexSpanX;
                float v = (sinR*xr + cosR*yr) / roofTexSpanY;

                (*roofTexcoords)[roofVertPtr].set( u, v );

            transformAndLocalize( basePt, srs, basePt, mapSRS, _world2local, makeECEF );
            transformAndLocalize( roofPt, srs, roofPt, mapSRS, _world2local, makeECEF );

            if ( base )
                (*baseVerts)[baseVertPtr] = basePt;

            if ( roof )
                (*roofVerts)[roofVertPtr] = roofPt;


            (*verts)[p] = roofPt;
            (*verts)[p+1] = basePt;

            if ( useColor )
                (*colors)[p+1] = wallBaseColor;

            if ( outline )
                (*outlineVerts)[p] = roofPt;
                (*outlineVerts)[p+1] = basePt;
            partLen += wallVertPtr > wallPartPtr ? ((*verts)[p] - (*verts)[p-2]).length() : 0.0;
            double h = tex_repeats_y ? -((*verts)[p] - (*verts)[p+1]).length() : -tex_height_m_adj;

            if ( wallSkin )
                (*wallTexcoords)[p].set( partLen/tex_width_m, 0.0f );
                (*wallTexcoords)[p+1].set( partLen/tex_width_m, h/tex_height_m_adj );

            // form the 2 triangles
            if ( (m+1) == part->end() )
                if ( isPolygon )
                    // end of the wall; loop around to close it off.
                    if ( isSkinnedPolygon )
                        // if we requested an extra geometry point, that means we are generating
                        // a polygon-closing line so we can have a unique texcoord for it. 


                        (*verts)[p+2] = (*verts)[wallPartPtr];
                        (*verts)[p+3] = (*verts)[wallPartPtr+1];

                        if ( wallSkin )
                            partLen += ((*verts)[p+2] - (*verts)[p]).length();
                            double h = tex_repeats_y ? -((*verts)[p+2] - (*verts)[p+3]).length() : -tex_height_m_adj;
                            (*wallTexcoords)[p+2].set( partLen/tex_width_m, 0.0f );
                            (*wallTexcoords)[p+3].set( partLen/tex_width_m, h/tex_height_m_adj );

                        wallVertPtr += 2;
                        // either not a poly, or no wall skin, so we can share the polygon-closing
                        // loop point.

                    //nop - no elements required at the end of a line


            wallVertPtr += 2;
            made_geom = true;

        walls->addPrimitiveSet( idx );

        if ( roof )
            roof->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays(
                roofPartPtr, roofVertPtr - roofPartPtr ) );

        if ( base )
            // reverse the base verts:
            int len = baseVertPtr - basePartPtr;
            for( int i=basePartPtr; i<len/2; i++ )
                std::swap( (*baseVerts)[i], (*baseVerts)[basePartPtr+(len-1)-i] );

            base->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays(
                basePartPtr, baseVertPtr - basePartPtr ) );

        if ( outline )
            unsigned len = baseVertPtr - basePartPtr;

            GLenum roofLineMode = isPolygon ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_LINE_STRIP;
            osg::DrawElementsUInt* roofLine = new osg::DrawElementsUInt( roofLineMode );
            roofLine->reserveElements( len );
            for( unsigned i=0; i<len; ++i )
                roofLine->addElement( basePartPtr + i*2 );
            outline->addPrimitiveSet( roofLine );

            // if the outline is tessellated, we only want outlines on the original 
            // points (not the inserted points)
            unsigned step = std::max( 1u, 
                _outlineSymbol->tessellation().isSet() ? *_outlineSymbol->tessellation() : 1u );

            osg::DrawElementsUInt* wallLines = new osg::DrawElementsUInt( GL_LINES );
            wallLines->reserve( len*2 );
            for( unsigned i=0; i<len; i+=step )
                wallLines->push_back( basePartPtr + i*2 );
                wallLines->push_back( basePartPtr + i*2 + 1 );
            outline->addPrimitiveSet( wallLines );

            applyLineSymbology( outline->getOrCreateStateSet(), _outlineSymbol.get() );

    return made_geom;
GeometryCompiler::compile(FeatureList&          workingSet,
                          const Style&          style,
                          const FilterContext&  context)
    osg::Timer_t p_start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    unsigned p_features = workingSet.size();

    // for debugging/validation.
    std::vector<std::string> history;
    bool trackHistory = (_options.validate() == true);

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> resultGroup = new osg::Group();

    // create a filter context that will track feature data through the process
    FilterContext sharedCX = context;

    if ( !sharedCX.extent().isSet() && sharedCX.profile() )
        sharedCX.extent() = sharedCX.profile()->getExtent();

    // ref_ptr's to hold defaults in case we need them.
    osg::ref_ptr<PointSymbol>   defaultPoint;
    osg::ref_ptr<LineSymbol>    defaultLine;
    osg::ref_ptr<PolygonSymbol> defaultPolygon;

    // go through the Style and figure out which filters to use.
    const PointSymbol*     point     = style.get<PointSymbol>();
    const LineSymbol*      line      = style.get<LineSymbol>();
    const PolygonSymbol*   polygon   = style.get<PolygonSymbol>();
    const ExtrusionSymbol* extrusion = style.get<ExtrusionSymbol>();
    const AltitudeSymbol*  altitude  = style.get<AltitudeSymbol>();
    const TextSymbol*      text      = style.get<TextSymbol>();
    const MarkerSymbol*    marker    = style.get<MarkerSymbol>();    // to be deprecated
    const IconSymbol*      icon      = style.get<IconSymbol>();
    const ModelSymbol*     model     = style.get<ModelSymbol>();

    // Perform tessellation first.
    if ( line )
        if ( line->tessellation().isSet() )
            TemplateFeatureFilter<TessellateOperator> filter;
            filter.setNumPartitions( *line->tessellation() );
            filter.setDefaultGeoInterp( _options.geoInterp().get() );
            sharedCX = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "tessellation" );
        else if ( line->tessellationSize().isSet() )
            TemplateFeatureFilter<TessellateOperator> filter;
            filter.setMaxPartitionSize( *line->tessellationSize() );
            filter.setDefaultGeoInterp( _options.geoInterp().get() );
            sharedCX = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "tessellationSize" );

    // if the style was empty, use some defaults based on the geometry type of the
    // first feature.
    if ( !point && !line && !polygon && !marker && !extrusion && !text && !model && !icon && workingSet.size() > 0 )
        Feature* first = workingSet.begin()->get();
        Geometry* geom = first->getGeometry();
        if ( geom )
            switch( geom->getComponentType() )
            case Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING:
            case Geometry::TYPE_RING:
                defaultLine = new LineSymbol();
                line = defaultLine.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET:
                defaultPoint = new PointSymbol();
                point = defaultPoint.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON:
                defaultPolygon = new PolygonSymbol();
                polygon = defaultPolygon.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_MULTI:
            case Geometry::TYPE_UNKNOWN:

    // resample the geometry if necessary:
    if (_options.resampleMode().isSet())
        ResampleFilter resample;
        resample.resampleMode() = *_options.resampleMode();        
        if (_options.resampleMaxLength().isSet())
            resample.maxLength() = *_options.resampleMaxLength();
        sharedCX = resample.push( workingSet, sharedCX ); 
        if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "resample" );
    // check whether we need to do elevation clamping:
    bool altRequired =
        _options.ignoreAltitudeSymbol() != true &&
        altitude && (
            altitude->clamping() != AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_NONE ||
            altitude->verticalOffset().isSet() ||
            altitude->verticalScale().isSet() ||
            altitude->script().isSet() );

    // marker substitution -- to be deprecated in favor of model/icon
    if ( marker )
        if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "marker" );

        // use a separate filter context since we'll be munging the data
        FilterContext markerCX = sharedCX;

        if ( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM   ||
             marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_INTERVAL )
            ScatterFilter scatter;
            scatter.setDensity( *marker->density() );
            scatter.setRandom( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM );
            scatter.setRandomSeed( *marker->randomSeed() );
            markerCX = scatter.push( workingSet, markerCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "scatter" );
        else if ( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_CENTROID )
            CentroidFilter centroid;
            markerCX = centroid.push( workingSet, markerCX );  
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "centroid" );

        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            markerCX = clamp.push( workingSet, markerCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "altitude" );

            // don't set this; we changed the input data.
            //altRequired = false;

        SubstituteModelFilter sub( style );

        sub.setClustering( *_options.clustering() );

        sub.setUseDrawInstanced( *_options.instancing() );

        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            sub.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );

        osg::Node* node = sub.push( workingSet, markerCX );
        if ( node )
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "substitute" );
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // instance substitution (replaces marker)
    else if ( model )
        const InstanceSymbol* instance = model ? (const InstanceSymbol*)model : (const InstanceSymbol*)icon;

        // use a separate filter context since we'll be munging the data
        FilterContext localCX = sharedCX;
        if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "model");

        if ( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM   ||
             instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_INTERVAL )
            ScatterFilter scatter;
            scatter.setDensity( *instance->density() );
            scatter.setRandom( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM );
            scatter.setRandomSeed( *instance->randomSeed() );
            localCX = scatter.push( workingSet, localCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "scatter" );
        else if ( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_CENTROID )
            CentroidFilter centroid;
            localCX = centroid.push( workingSet, localCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "centroid" );

        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            localCX = clamp.push( workingSet, localCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "altitude" );

        SubstituteModelFilter sub( style );

        // activate clustering
        sub.setClustering( *_options.clustering() );

        // activate draw-instancing
        sub.setUseDrawInstanced( *_options.instancing() );

        // activate feature naming
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            sub.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );

        osg::Node* node = sub.push( workingSet, localCX );
        if ( node )
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "substitute" );

            resultGroup->addChild( node );

            // enable auto scaling on the group?
            if ( model && model->autoScale() == true )
                resultGroup->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(0, osgEarth::AUTO_SCALE_BIN );

    // extruded geometry
    if ( extrusion )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "altitude" );
            altRequired = false;

        ExtrudeGeometryFilter extrude;
        extrude.setStyle( style );

        // apply per-feature naming if requested.
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            extrude.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );

        if ( _options.mergeGeometry().isSet() )
            extrude.setMergeGeometry( *_options.mergeGeometry() );

        osg::Node* node = extrude.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "extrude" );
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // simple geometry
    else if ( point || line || polygon )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "altitude" );
            altRequired = false;

        BuildGeometryFilter filter( style );
        filter.maxGranularity() = *_options.maxGranularity();
        filter.geoInterp()      = *_options.geoInterp();

        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            filter.featureName() = *_options.featureName();

        osg::Node* node = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "geometry" );
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    if ( text || icon )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "altitude" );
            altRequired = false;

        BuildTextFilter filter( style );
        osg::Node* node = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "text" );
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    if (Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL())
        if ( _options.shaderPolicy() == SHADERPOLICY_GENERATE )
            // no ss cache because we will optimize later.
                "osgEarth.GeomCompiler" );
        else if ( _options.shaderPolicy() == SHADERPOLICY_DISABLE )
                new osg::Program(),
                osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );
            if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "no shaders" );

    // Optimize stateset sharing.
    if ( _options.optimizeStateSharing() == true )
        // Common state set cache?
        osg::ref_ptr<StateSetCache> sscache;
        if ( sharedCX.getSession() )
            // with a shared cache, don't combine statesets. They may be
            // in the live graph
            sscache = sharedCX.getSession()->getStateSetCache();
            sscache->consolidateStateAttributes( resultGroup.get() );
            // isolated: perform full optimization
            sscache = new StateSetCache();
            sscache->optimize( resultGroup.get() );
        if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "share state" );

    if ( _options.optimize() == true )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "optimize begin" << std::endl;

        // Run the optimizer on the resulting graph
        int optimizations =
            osgUtil::Optimizer::FLATTEN_STATIC_TRANSFORMS |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::REMOVE_REDUNDANT_NODES |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::COMBINE_ADJACENT_LODS |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::SHARE_DUPLICATE_STATE |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::MERGE_GEOMETRY |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::CHECK_GEOMETRY |
            osgUtil::Optimizer::MERGE_GEODES |

        osgUtil::Optimizer opt;
        opt.optimize(resultGroup.get(), optimizations);
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "optimize complete" << std::endl;

        if ( trackHistory ) history.push_back( "optimize" );

    //test: dump the tile to disk
    //osgDB::writeNodeFile( *(resultGroup.get()), "out.osg" );

    static double totalTime = 0.0;
    static Threading::Mutex totalTimeMutex;
    osg::Timer_t p_end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    double t = osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s(p_start, p_end);
    totalTime += t;
    OE_INFO << LC
        << "features = " << p_features
        << ", time = " << t << " s.  cummulative = " 
        << totalTime << " s."
        << std::endl;

    if ( _options.validate() == true )
        OE_NOTICE << LC << "-- Start Debugging --\n";
        std::stringstream buf;
        buf << "HISTORY ";
        for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator h = history.begin(); h != history.end(); ++h)
            buf << ".. " << *h;
        OE_NOTICE << LC << buf.str() << "\n";
        osgEarth::GeometryValidator validator;
        OE_NOTICE << LC << "-- End Debugging --\n";

    return resultGroup.release();
Esempio n. 11
GeomCompiler::compile(FeatureCursor*        cursor,
                      const Style&          style,
                      const FilterContext&  context)

    if ( !context.profile() ) {
        OE_WARN << LC << "Valid feature profile required" << std::endl;
        return 0L;

    if ( style.empty() ) {
        OE_WARN << LC << "Non-empty style required" << std::endl;
        return 0L;

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> resultGroup = new osg::Group();

    // start by making a working copy of the feature set
    FeatureList workingSet;
    cursor->fill( workingSet );

    // create a filter context that will track feature data through the process
    FilterContext cx = context;
    if ( !cx.extent().isSet() )
        cx.extent() = cx.profile()->getExtent();

    // only localize coordinates if the map if geocentric AND the extent is
    // less than 180 degrees.
    const MapInfo& mi = cx.getSession()->getMapInfo();
    GeoExtent workingExtent = cx.extent()->transform( cx.profile()->getSRS()->getGeographicSRS() );
    bool localize = mi.isGeocentric() && workingExtent.width() < 180.0;

    // go through the Style and figure out which filters to use.
    const MarkerSymbol*    marker    = style.get<MarkerSymbol>();
    const PointSymbol*     point     = style.get<PointSymbol>();
    const LineSymbol*      line      = style.get<LineSymbol>();
    const PolygonSymbol*   polygon   = style.get<PolygonSymbol>();
    const ExtrusionSymbol* extrusion = style.get<ExtrusionSymbol>();
    const AltitudeSymbol*  altitude  = style.get<AltitudeSymbol>();
    const TextSymbol*      text      = style.get<TextSymbol>();
    // transform the features into the map profile
    TransformFilter xform( mi.getProfile()->getSRS(), mi.isGeocentric() );   
    xform.setLocalizeCoordinates( localize );
    if ( altitude && altitude->verticalOffset().isSet() )
        xform.setMatrix( osg::Matrixd::translate(0, 0, *altitude->verticalOffset()) );
    cx = xform.push( workingSet, cx );

    bool clampRequired =
        altitude && altitude->clamping() != AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_NONE;

    // model substitution
    if ( marker )
        if ( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM   ||
             marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_INTERVAL )
            ScatterFilter scatter;
            scatter.setDensity( *marker->density() );
            scatter.setRandom( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM );
            scatter.setRandomSeed( *marker->randomSeed() );
            cx = scatter.push( workingSet, cx );

        if ( clampRequired )
            ClampFilter clamp;
            clamp.setIgnoreZ( altitude->clamping() == AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN );
            cx = clamp.push( workingSet, cx );
            clampRequired = false;

        SubstituteModelFilter sub( style );
        sub.setClustering( *_options.clustering() );
        if ( marker->scale().isSet() )
            sub.setModelMatrix( osg::Matrixd::scale( *marker->scale() ) );

        cx = sub.push( workingSet, cx );

        osg::Node* node = sub.getNode();
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // extruded geometry
    if ( extrusion && ( line || polygon ) )
        if ( clampRequired )
            ClampFilter clamp;
            clamp.setIgnoreZ( altitude->clamping() == AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN );
            if ( extrusion->heightReference() == ExtrusionSymbol::HEIGHT_REFERENCE_MSL )
                clamp.setMaxZAttributeName( "__max_z");
            cx = clamp.push( workingSet, cx );
            clampRequired = false;

        ExtrudeGeometryFilter extrude;
        if ( extrusion )
            if ( extrusion->height().isSet() )
                extrude.setExtrusionHeight( *extrusion->height() );
            if ( extrusion->heightExpression().isSet() )
                extrude.setExtrusionExpr( *extrusion->heightExpression() );
            //extrude.setHeightReferenceFrame( *extrusion->heightReference() );
            if ( extrusion->heightReference() == ExtrusionSymbol::HEIGHT_REFERENCE_MSL )
                extrude.setHeightOffsetExpression( NumericExpression("[__max_z]") );
            extrude.setFlatten( *extrusion->flatten() );
        if ( polygon )
            extrude.setColor( polygon->fill()->color() );

        osg::Node* node = extrude.push( workingSet, cx );
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // simple geometry
    else if ( point || line || polygon )
        if ( clampRequired )
            ClampFilter clamp;
            clamp.setIgnoreZ( altitude->clamping() == AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN );
            cx = clamp.push( workingSet, cx );
            clampRequired = false;

        BuildGeometryFilter filter( style );
        if ( _options.maxGranularity().isSet() )
            filter.maxGranularity() = *_options.maxGranularity();
        if ( _options.mergeGeometry().isSet() )
            filter.mergeGeometry() = *_options.mergeGeometry();
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            filter.featureName() = *_options.featureName();
        cx = filter.push( workingSet, cx );

        osg::Node* node = filter.getNode();
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    if ( text )
        if ( clampRequired )
            ClampFilter clamp;
            clamp.setIgnoreZ( altitude->clamping() == AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_TO_TERRAIN );
            cx = clamp.push( workingSet, cx );
            clampRequired = false;

        BuildTextFilter filter( style );
        cx = filter.push( workingSet, cx );

        osg::Node* node = filter.takeNode();
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    //else // insufficient symbology
    //    OE_WARN << LC << "Insufficient symbology; no geometry created" << std::endl;

    // install the localization transform if necessary.
    if ( cx.hasReferenceFrame() )
        osg::MatrixTransform* delocalizer = new osg::MatrixTransform( cx.inverseReferenceFrame() );
        delocalizer->addChild( resultGroup.get() );
        resultGroup = delocalizer;

    resultGroup->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode( GL_BLEND, 1 );

    //osgDB::writeNodeFile( *(resultGroup.get()), "out.osg" );

    return resultGroup.release();
CropFilter::push( FeatureList& input, FilterContext& context )
    if ( !context.extent().isSet() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Extent is not set (and is required)" << std::endl;
        return context;

    const GeoExtent& extent = *context.extent();

    GeoExtent newExtent( extent.getSRS() );

    if ( _method == METHOD_CENTROID )
        for( FeatureList::iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end();  )
            bool keepFeature = false;

            Feature* feature = i->get();
            Geometry* featureGeom = feature->getGeometry();

            if ( featureGeom && featureGeom->isValid() )
                Bounds bounds = featureGeom->getBounds();
                if ( bounds.isValid() )
                    osg::Vec3d centroid =;
                    if ( extent.contains( centroid.x(), centroid.y() ) )
                        keepFeature = true;
                        newExtent.expandToInclude( bounds.xMin(), bounds.yMin() );

            if ( keepFeature )
                i = input.erase( i );

    else // METHOD_CROPPING (requires GEOS)

        // create the intersection polygon:
        osg::ref_ptr<Symbology::Polygon> poly;
        for( FeatureList::iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end();  )
            bool keepFeature = false;

            Feature* feature = i->get();

            Symbology::Geometry* featureGeom = feature->getGeometry();
            if ( featureGeom && featureGeom->isValid() )
                // test for trivial acceptance:
                const Bounds bounds = featureGeom->getBounds();
                if ( !bounds.isValid() )

                else if ( extent.contains( bounds ) )
                    keepFeature = true;
                    newExtent.expandToInclude( bounds );

                // then move on to the cropping operation:
                    if ( !poly.valid() )
                        poly = new Symbology::Polygon();
                        poly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( extent.xMin(), extent.yMin(), 0 ));
                        poly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( extent.xMax(), extent.yMin(), 0 ));
                        poly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( extent.xMax(), extent.yMax(), 0 ));
                        poly->push_back( osg::Vec3d( extent.xMin(), extent.yMax(), 0 ));

                    osg::ref_ptr<Geometry> croppedGeometry;
                    if ( featureGeom->crop( poly.get(), croppedGeometry ) )
                        if ( croppedGeometry->isValid() )
                            feature->setGeometry( croppedGeometry.get() );
                            keepFeature = true;
                            newExtent.expandToInclude( croppedGeometry->getBounds() );

            if ( keepFeature )
                i = input.erase( i );


        OE_WARN << "CropFilter - METHOD_CROPPING not available - please compile osgEarth with GEOS" << std::endl;
        return context;


    FilterContext newContext = context;
    newContext.extent() = newExtent;

    return newContext;
Esempio n. 13
GeometryCompiler::compile(FeatureList&          workingSet,
                          const Style&          style,
                          const FilterContext&  context)
    osg::Timer_t p_start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    unsigned p_features = workingSet.size();

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> resultGroup = new osg::Group();

    // create a filter context that will track feature data through the process
    FilterContext sharedCX = context;
    if ( !sharedCX.extent().isSet() && sharedCX.profile() )
        sharedCX.extent() = sharedCX.profile()->getExtent();

    // ref_ptr's to hold defaults in case we need them.
    osg::ref_ptr<PointSymbol>   defaultPoint;
    osg::ref_ptr<LineSymbol>    defaultLine;
    osg::ref_ptr<PolygonSymbol> defaultPolygon;

    // go through the Style and figure out which filters to use.
    const PointSymbol*     point     = style.get<PointSymbol>();
    const LineSymbol*      line      = style.get<LineSymbol>();
    const PolygonSymbol*   polygon   = style.get<PolygonSymbol>();
    const ExtrusionSymbol* extrusion = style.get<ExtrusionSymbol>();
    const AltitudeSymbol*  altitude  = style.get<AltitudeSymbol>();
    const TextSymbol*      text      = style.get<TextSymbol>();
    const MarkerSymbol*    marker    = style.get<MarkerSymbol>();    // to be deprecated
    const IconSymbol*      icon      = style.get<IconSymbol>();
    const ModelSymbol*     model     = style.get<ModelSymbol>();

    // check whether we need tessellation:
    if ( line && line->tessellation().isSet() )
        TemplateFeatureFilter<TessellateOperator> filter;
        filter.setNumPartitions( *line->tessellation() );
        sharedCX = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );

    // if the style was empty, use some defaults based on the geometry type of the
    // first feature.
    if ( !point && !line && !polygon && !marker && !extrusion && !text && !model && !icon && workingSet.size() > 0 )
        Feature* first = workingSet.begin()->get();
        Geometry* geom = first->getGeometry();
        if ( geom )
            switch( geom->getComponentType() )
            case Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING:
            case Geometry::TYPE_RING:
                defaultLine = new LineSymbol();
                line = defaultLine.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET:
                defaultPoint = new PointSymbol();
                point = defaultPoint.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON:
                defaultPolygon = new PolygonSymbol();
                polygon = defaultPolygon.get();
            case Geometry::TYPE_MULTI:
            case Geometry::TYPE_UNKNOWN:

    // resample the geometry if necessary:
    if (_options.resampleMode().isSet())
        ResampleFilter resample;
        resample.resampleMode() = *_options.resampleMode();        
        if (_options.resampleMaxLength().isSet())
            resample.maxLength() = *_options.resampleMaxLength();
        sharedCX = resample.push( workingSet, sharedCX );        
    // check whether we need to do elevation clamping:
    bool altRequired =
        _options.ignoreAltitudeSymbol() != true &&
        altitude && (
            altitude->clamping() != AltitudeSymbol::CLAMP_NONE ||
            altitude->verticalOffset().isSet() ||
            altitude->verticalScale().isSet() ||
            altitude->script().isSet() );

    // marker substitution -- to be deprecated in favor of model/icon
    if ( marker )
        // use a separate filter context since we'll be munging the data
        FilterContext markerCX = sharedCX;

        if ( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM   ||
             marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_INTERVAL )
            ScatterFilter scatter;
            scatter.setDensity( *marker->density() );
            scatter.setRandom( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM );
            scatter.setRandomSeed( *marker->randomSeed() );
            markerCX = scatter.push( workingSet, markerCX );
        else if ( marker->placement() == MarkerSymbol::PLACEMENT_CENTROID )
            CentroidFilter centroid;
            centroid.push( workingSet, markerCX );

        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            markerCX = clamp.push( workingSet, markerCX );

            // don't set this; we changed the input data.
            //altRequired = false;

        SubstituteModelFilter sub( style );

        sub.setClustering( *_options.clustering() );

        sub.setUseDrawInstanced( *_options.instancing() );

        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            sub.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );

        osg::Node* node = sub.push( workingSet, markerCX );
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // instance substitution (replaces marker)
    else if ( model )
        const InstanceSymbol* instance = model ? (const InstanceSymbol*)model : (const InstanceSymbol*)icon;

        // use a separate filter context since we'll be munging the data
        FilterContext localCX = sharedCX;

        if ( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM   ||
             instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_INTERVAL )
            ScatterFilter scatter;
            scatter.setDensity( *instance->density() );
            scatter.setRandom( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_RANDOM );
            scatter.setRandomSeed( *instance->randomSeed() );
            localCX = scatter.push( workingSet, localCX );
        else if ( instance->placement() == InstanceSymbol::PLACEMENT_CENTROID )
            CentroidFilter centroid;
            centroid.push( workingSet, localCX );

        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            localCX = clamp.push( workingSet, localCX );

        SubstituteModelFilter sub( style );

        // activate clustering
        sub.setClustering( *_options.clustering() );

        // activate draw-instancing
        sub.setUseDrawInstanced( *_options.instancing() );

        // activate feature naming
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            sub.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );

        osg::Node* node = sub.push( workingSet, localCX );
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

            // enable auto scaling on the group?
            if ( model && model->autoScale() == true )
                resultGroup->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(0, osgEarth::AUTO_SCALE_BIN );

    // extruded geometry
    if ( extrusion )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            altRequired = false;

        ExtrudeGeometryFilter extrude;
        extrude.setStyle( style );

        // Activate texture arrays if the GPU supports them and if the user
        // hasn't disabled them.        
        extrude.useTextureArrays() =
            Registry::capabilities().supportsTextureArrays() &&
            _options.useTextureArrays() == true;

        // apply per-feature naming if requested.
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            extrude.setFeatureNameExpr( *_options.featureName() );
        if ( _options.useVertexBufferObjects().isSet())
            extrude.useVertexBufferObjects() = *_options.useVertexBufferObjects();

        osg::Node* node = extrude.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    // simple geometry
    else if ( point || line || polygon )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            altRequired = false;

        BuildGeometryFilter filter( style );
        if ( _options.maxGranularity().isSet() )
            filter.maxGranularity() = *_options.maxGranularity();
        if ( _options.geoInterp().isSet() )
            filter.geoInterp() = *_options.geoInterp();
        if ( _options.featureName().isSet() )
            filter.featureName() = *_options.featureName();

        osg::Node* node = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    if ( text || icon )
        if ( altRequired )
            AltitudeFilter clamp;
            clamp.setPropertiesFromStyle( style );
            sharedCX = clamp.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
            altRequired = false;

        BuildTextFilter filter( style );
        osg::Node* node = filter.push( workingSet, sharedCX );
        if ( node )
            resultGroup->addChild( node );

    if (Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL())
        if ( _options.shaderPolicy() == SHADERPOLICY_GENERATE )
            // no ss cache because we will optimize later.
                "osgEarth.GeomCompiler" );
        else if ( _options.shaderPolicy() == SHADERPOLICY_DISABLE )
                new osg::Program(),
                osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );

    // Optimize stateset sharing.
    if ( _options.optimizeStateSharing() == true )
        // Common state set cache?
        osg::ref_ptr<StateSetCache> sscache;
        if ( sharedCX.getSession() )
            // with a shared cache, don't combine statesets. They may be
            // in the live graph
            sscache = sharedCX.getSession()->getStateSetCache();
            sscache->consolidateStateAttributes( resultGroup.get() );
            // isolated: perform full optimization
            sscache = new StateSetCache();
            sscache->optimize( resultGroup.get() );

    //test: dump the tile to disk
    //osgDB::writeNodeFile( *(resultGroup.get()), "out.osg" );

    osg::Timer_t p_end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    OE_INFO << LC
        << "features = " << p_features
        << ", time = " << osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s(p_start, p_end) << " s." << std::endl;

    return resultGroup.release();
Esempio n. 14
FeaturesToNodeFilter::computeLocalizers( const FilterContext& context )
    computeLocalizers(context, context.extent().get(), _world2local, _local2world);
    FeatureCursor* createFeatureCursor(const Symbology::Query& query, ProgressCallback* progress)
        FeatureCursor* result = 0L;

        std::string url = createURL( query );

        // the URL wil lbe empty if it was invalid or outside the level bounds of the layer.
        if (url.empty())
            return 0L;

        OE_DEBUG << LC << url << std::endl;
        URI uri(url, _options.url()->context());

        // read the data:
        ReadResult r = uri.readString(_readOptions.get(), progress);

        const std::string& buffer = r.getString();
        const Config&      meta   = r.metadata();

        bool dataOK = false;

        FeatureList features;
        if ( !buffer.empty() )
            // Get the mime-type from the metadata record if possible
            std::string mimeType = r.metadata().value( IOMetadata::CONTENT_TYPE );
            //If the mimetype is empty then try to set it from the format specification
            if (mimeType.empty())
                if (_options.format().value() == "json") mimeType = "json";
                else if (_options.format().value().compare("gml") == 0) mimeType = "text/xml";
                else if (_options.format().value().compare("pbf") == 0) mimeType = "application/x-protobuf";
            dataOK = getFeatures( buffer, *query.tileKey(), mimeType, features );

        if ( dataOK )
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Read " << features.size() << " features" << std::endl;

        //If we have any filters, process them here before the cursor is created
        if (getFilters() && !getFilters()->empty() && !features.empty())
            FilterContext cx;
            cx.extent() = query.tileKey()->getExtent();

            for (FeatureFilterChain::const_iterator i = getFilters()->begin(); i != getFilters()->end(); ++i)
                FeatureFilter* filter = i->get();
                cx = filter->push(features, cx);

        // If we have any features and we have an fid attribute, override the fid of the features
        if (_options.fidAttribute().isSet())
            for (FeatureList::iterator itr = features.begin(); itr != features.end(); ++itr)
                std::string attr = itr->get()->getString(_options.fidAttribute().get());                
                FeatureID fid = as<long>(attr, 0);
                itr->get()->setFID( fid );

        result = new FeatureListCursor(features);
        return result;
    FilterContext push(FeatureList& input, FilterContext& context)
        if (_featureSource.valid())
            // Get any features that intersect this query.
            FeatureList boundaries;
            getFeatures(context.extent().get(), boundaries );
            // The list of output features
            FeatureList output;

            if (boundaries.empty())
                // No intersecting features.  If contains is false, then just the output to the input.
                if (contains() == false)
                    output = input;
                // Transform the boundaries into the coordinate system of the features
                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                    itr->get()->transform( context.profile()->getSRS() );

                for(FeatureList::const_iterator f = input.begin(); f != input.end(); ++f)
                    Feature* feature = f->get();
                    if ( feature && feature->getGeometry() )
                        osg::Vec2d c = feature->getGeometry()->getBounds().center2d();

                        if ( contains() == true )
                            // coarsest:
                            if (_featureSource->getFeatureProfile()->getExtent().contains(GeoPoint(feature->getSRS(), c.x(), c.y())))
                                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                                    Ring* ring = dynamic_cast< Ring*>(itr->get()->getGeometry());
                                    if (ring && ring->contains2D(c.x(), c.y()))
                                        output.push_back( feature );

                            bool contained = false;

                            // coarsest:
                            if (_featureSource->getFeatureProfile()->getExtent().contains(GeoPoint(feature->getSRS(), c.x(), c.y())))
                                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                                    Ring* ring = dynamic_cast< Ring*>(itr->get()->getGeometry());
                                    if (ring && ring->contains2D(c.x(), c.y()))
                                        contained = true;
                            if ( !contained )
                                output.push_back( feature );

            OE_INFO << LC << "Allowed " << output.size() << " out of " << input.size() << " features\n";

            input = output;

        return context;