Esempio n. 1
void FloatArray::convolve(FloatArray operand2, FloatArray destination, int offset, int samples){
  ASSERT(destination.size >= size + operand2.size -1, "Destination array too small"); //TODO: change this condition to the actual size being written(will be samples+ tail)
/// @note When built for ARM Cortex-M processor series, this method uses the optimized <a href="">CMSIS library</a>
  //TODO: I suspect a bug in arm_conv_partial_f32
  //it seems that destination[n] is left unchanged for n<offset
  //and the result is actually stored from destination[offset] onwards
  //that is, in the same position where they would be if a full convolution was performed.
  //This requires (destination.size >= size + operand2.size -1). Ideally you would want destination to be smaller
  arm_conv_partial_f32(data, size,, operand2.size, destination.getData(), offset, samples);
  //this implementations reproduces the (buggy?) behaviour of arm_conv_partial (see comment above and inline comments below)
  This implementation is just a copy/paste/edit from the overloaded method
  int size2=operand2.getSize();
  for (int n=offset; n<offset+samples; n++){
    int n1=n;
    destination[n] =0; //this should be [n-offset]
    for(int k=0; k<size2; k++){
      if(n1>=0 && n1<size)
        destination[n]+=data[n1]*operand2[k];//this should be destination[n-offset]
#endif /* ARM_CORTEX */
Esempio n. 2
void FloatArray::negate(FloatArray& destination){//allows in-place
  /// @note When built for ARM Cortex-M processor series, this method uses the optimized <a href="">CMSIS library</a>
  arm_negate_f32(data, destination.getData(), size); 
  for(int n=0; n<size; n++){
  #endif /* ARM_CORTEX */
Esempio n. 3
void FloatArray::insert(FloatArray source, int sourceOffset, int destinationOffset, int samples){
  ASSERT(size >= destinationOffset+samples, "Array too small");
  ASSERT(source.size >= sourceOffset+samples, "Array too small");
/// @note When built for ARM Cortex-M processor series, this method uses the optimized <a href="">CMSIS library</a>
  arm_copy_f32(, data+destinationOffset, samples);  
  memcpy((void*)(getData()+destinationOffset), (void*)(source.getData()+sourceOffset), samples*sizeof(float));
#endif /* ARM_CORTEX */
Esempio n. 4
void FloatArray::rectify(FloatArray& destination){ //this is actually "copy data with rectifify"
/// @note When built for ARM Cortex-M processor series, this method uses the optimized <a href="">CMSIS library</a>
#ifdef ARM_CORTEX   
  arm_abs_f32(data, destination.getData(), size);
  int minSize= min(size,destination.getSize()); //TODO: shall we take this out and allow it to segfault?
  for(int n=0; n<minSize; n++){
    destination[n] = fabs(data[n]);