Flow Flow::operator+(Flow& s2) { Flow result; result=*this; for(Flow::iterator i2=s2.begin();i2!=s2.end();++i2) result.insert(*i2); return result; }
list<pair<Edge, ParProEState> > ParProAnalyzer::parProTransferFunction(const ParProEState* source) { list<pair<Edge, ParProEState> > result; ParProLabel sourceLabel = source->getLabel(); // compute successor EStates based on the out edges of every CFG (one per parallel component) // for (ParProLabel::iterator i=sourceLabel.begin(); i!=sourceLabel.end(); i++) { ROSE_ASSERT(_cfas.size() == sourceLabel.size()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_cfas.size(); i++) { if (_cfas[i]->contains(sourceLabel[i])) { // the artifical termination label will not be in the cfa, but has no outEdges anyways Flow outEdges = _cfas[i]->outEdges(sourceLabel[i]); for(Flow::iterator k=outEdges.begin(); k!=outEdges.end(); ++k) { Edge e=*k; // TODO: combine "feasibleAccordingToGlobalState(...)" and "transfer(...)" to avoid 2nd lookup and iteration if (isPreciseTransition(e, source)) { if (feasibleAccordingToGlobalState(e, source)) { ParProEState target = transfer(source, e); result.push_back(pair<Edge, ParProEState>(e, target)); } } else { // we do not know whether or not the transition can be triggered if (_approximation==COMPONENTS_OVER_APPROX) { // we over-approximate the global system's behavior, therefore we generate the path where the tranistion is triggered... ParProEState target = transfer(source, e); result.push_back(pair<Edge, ParProEState>(e, target)); // ...but also include the case where the execution stops (none of these two cases is guaranteed to be part of the actual global behavior). Edge terminationEdge = Edge(source->getLabel()[i], _artificalTerminationLabels[i]); terminationEdge.setAnnotation("terminate (due to approximation)"); result.push_back(pair<Edge, ParProEState>(terminationEdge, setComponentToTerminationState(i, source))); } else if (_approximation==COMPONENTS_UNDER_APPROX) { // under-approximation here means to simply not include transitions that may or may not be feasible } else { cerr << "ERROR: some parallel CFGs are ignored and a synchronization tries to communicate with one of them, however no abstraction is selected." << endl; ROSE_ASSERT(0); } } } } // for each outgoing CFG edge of a particular parallel component's current label } // for each parallel component of the analyzed system return result; }
string PromelaCodeGenerator::generateCode(Flow& automaton, int id, EdgeAnnotationMap edgeAnnotationMap, bool useTransitionIds, boost::unordered_map<string, int>& transitionIdMap) { stringstream ss; ss << "/* Process "<<id<<" */" << endl; ss << "active proctype Proc"<<id<<"()" << endl; ss << "{" << endl; ss << " int state = "<<automaton.getStartLabel().getId()<<";" << endl; ss << " do" << endl; set<Label> visited; //TODO: maybe change to hashset list<Label> worklist; worklist.push_back(automaton.getStartLabel()); visited.insert(automaton.getStartLabel()); while (!worklist.empty()) { Label label = worklist.front(); worklist.pop_front(); ss << " :: state == "<<label.getId()<<" ->" << endl; ss << " atomic {" << endl; ss << " if" << endl; Flow outEdges = automaton.outEdges(label); for (Flow::iterator i=outEdges.begin(); i!= outEdges.end(); ++i) { ss << " :: "<<communicationDetails((*i).getAnnotation(), id, edgeAnnotationMap, useTransitionIds, transitionIdMap) << endl; ss << " state = "<<(*i).target().getId()<<";" << endl; if (visited.find((*i).target()) == visited.end()) { worklist.push_back((*i).target()); visited.insert((*i).target()); } } ss << " fi" << endl; ss << " }" << endl; } ss << " od" << endl; ss << "}" << endl; return ss.str(); }