Esempio n. 1
void DropDownMenu::CloseDropDown()
	FlyoutMenu* flyout = GetCurrentFlyout();
	if ( flyout && flyout->IsVisible() )
		flyout->CloseMenu( m_pButton );
void InGameChapterSelect::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme)

	SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );

	// Determine current game settings
	KeyValues *pGameSettings = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchNetworkMsgController()->GetActiveServerGameDetails( NULL );
	KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_pGameSettings( pGameSettings );

	char const *szGameMode = pGameSettings->GetString( "game/mode", "campaign" );

	if ( !GameModeIsSingleChapter( szGameMode ) )
		pGameSettings->SetInt( "game/chapter", 1 );

	// Get mission and campaign info
	KeyValues *pInfoMission = NULL;
	KeyValues *pInfoChapter = g_pMatchExtSwarm->GetMapInfo( pGameSettings, &pInfoMission );

	// Check if this is a custom mission?
	if ( pInfoMission && !pInfoMission->GetBool( "builtin" ) )
		pInfoChapter = pInfoMission = NULL;	// trigger to use another builtin mission

	if ( !pInfoMission || !pInfoChapter )
		KeyValues *pAllMissions = g_pMatchExtSwarm->GetAllMissions();
		for ( pInfoMission = pAllMissions ? pAllMissions->GetFirstTrueSubKey() : NULL;
			  pInfoMission; pInfoMission = pInfoMission->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
			if ( !pInfoMission->GetBool( "builtin" ) )

			pInfoChapter = pInfoMission->FindKey( CFmtStr( "modes/%s/1", szGameMode ) );
			if ( pInfoChapter )

	Assert( pInfoMission && pInfoChapter );

	// set the dropdowns
	DropDownMenu *pMissionDropDown = dynamic_cast< DropDownMenu* >( FindChildByName( "DrpMission" ) );
	DropDownMenu *pChapterDropDown = dynamic_cast< DropDownMenu* >( FindChildByName( "DrpChapter" ) );
	if( pMissionDropDown && pChapterDropDown ) //missions change what the available campaigns are, we should listen on that flyout as well
		pMissionDropDown->SetFlyout( CFmtStr( "FlmMission%s", szGameMode ) );

		if ( pInfoMission && pInfoChapter )
			pMissionDropDown->SetCurrentSelection( CFmtStr( "cmd_campaign_%s", pInfoMission->GetString( "name" ) ) );
			Q_strncpy( m_chCampaign, pInfoMission->GetString( "name" ), ARRAYSIZE( m_chCampaign ) );

			// Set this after setting the mission dropdown, as that will default the chapter to the first in the campaign
			pChapterDropDown->SetCurrentSelection( CFmtStr( "#L4D360UI_Chapter_%d", pInfoChapter->GetInt( "chapter" ) ) );
			m_nChapter = pInfoChapter->GetInt( "chapter" );

		FlyoutMenu *flyout = pMissionDropDown->GetCurrentFlyout();
		if( flyout )
			flyout->CloseMenu( NULL );

		flyout = pChapterDropDown->GetCurrentFlyout();
		if( flyout )
			flyout->CloseMenu( NULL );

		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		m_ActiveControl = pMissionDropDown;

		// Chapters are directly selectable only in some game modes
		pChapterDropDown->SetEnabled( GameModeIsSingleChapter( szGameMode ) );

	SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );