Esempio n. 1
U_DRAFT UFormattable * U_EXPORT2
ufmt_getArrayItemByIndex(UFormattable* fmt, int32_t n, UErrorCode *status) {
  Formattable *obj = Formattable::fromUFormattable(fmt);
  int32_t count;
  (void)obj->getArray(count, *status);
  if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    return NULL;
  } else if(n<0 || n>=count) {
    setError(*status, U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR);
    return NULL;
  } else {
    return (*obj)[n].toUFormattable(); // returns non-const Formattable
Esempio n. 2
FormattableStreamer::streamOut(ostream& stream, const Formattable& obj)
    static DateFormat *defDateFormat = 0;

    UnicodeString buffer;
    switch(obj.getType()) {
        case Formattable::kDate : 
            // Creates a DateFormat instance for formatting the
            // Date instance.
            if (defDateFormat == 0) {
                defDateFormat = DateFormat::createInstance();
            defDateFormat->format(obj.getDate(), buffer);
            stream << buffer;
        case Formattable::kDouble :
            // Output the double as is.
            stream << obj.getDouble() << 'D';
        case Formattable::kLong :
            // Output the double as is.
            stream << obj.getLong() << 'L';
        case Formattable::kString:
            // Output the double as is.  Please see UnicodeString console
            // I/O routine for more details.
            stream << '"' << obj.getString(buffer) << '"';
        case Formattable::kArray:
            int32_t i, count;
            const Formattable* array;
            array = obj.getArray(count);
            stream << '[';
            // Recursively calling the console I/O routine for each element in the array.
            for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
                FormattableStreamer::streamOut(stream, array[i]);
                stream << ( (i==(count-1)) ? "" : ", " );
            stream << ']';
            // Not a recognizable Formattable object.
            stream << "INVALID_Formattable";
void TestMessageFormat::testParse()
    UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t count;
    UnicodeString msgFormatString = "{0} =sep= {1}";
    MessageFormat msg( msgFormatString, err);
    UnicodeString source = "abc =sep= def";
    UnicodeString tmp1, tmp2;

    Formattable* fmt_arr = msg.parse( source, count, err );
    if (U_FAILURE(err) || (!fmt_arr)) {
        errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) error.");
        logln("MSG parse -- count: %d", count);
        if (count != 2) {
            errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) count err.");
            if ((fmt_arr[0].getType() == Formattable::kString)
             && (fmt_arr[1].getType() == Formattable::kString)
             && (fmt_arr[0].getString(tmp1) == "abc")
             && (fmt_arr[1].getString(tmp2) == "def")) {
                logln("MSG parse (ustring, count, err) tested.");
                errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, count, err) result err.");
    delete[] fmt_arr;

    ParsePosition pp(0);

    fmt_arr = msg.parse( source, pp, count );
    if ((pp == 0) || (!fmt_arr)) {
        errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) error.");
        logln("MSG parse -- count: %d", count);
        if (count != 2) {
            errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) count err.");
            if ((fmt_arr[0].getType() == Formattable::kString)
             && (fmt_arr[1].getType() == Formattable::kString)
             && (fmt_arr[0].getString(tmp1) == "abc")
             && (fmt_arr[1].getString(tmp2) == "def")) {
                logln("MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) tested.");
                errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, parsepos., count) result err.");
    delete[] fmt_arr;

    pp = 0;
    Formattable fmta;

    msg.parseObject( source, fmta, pp );
    if (pp == 0) {
        errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, Formattable, parsepos ) error.");
        logln("MSG parse -- count: %d", count);
        if (count != 2) {
            errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, Formattable, parsepos ) count err.");
            if ((fmta[0].getType() == Formattable::kString)
             && (fmta[1].getType() == Formattable::kString)
             && (fmta[0].getString(tmp1) == "abc")
             && (fmta[1].getString(tmp2) == "def")) {
                logln("MSG parse (ustring, Formattable, parsepos ) tested.");
                errln("*** MSG parse (ustring, Formattable, parsepos ) result err.");