Esempio n. 1
double Action_LIE::Calculate_LJ(Frame const& frameIn, Topology const& parmIn) const {
  double result = 0;
  // Loop over ligand atoms
  AtomMask::const_iterator mask1_end = Mask1_.end();
  AtomMask::const_iterator mask2_end = Mask2_.end();
  for (AtomMask::const_iterator maskatom1 = Mask1_.begin();
       maskatom1 != mask1_end; maskatom1++) {

    int crdidx1 = (*maskatom1) * 3; // index into coordinate array
    Vec3 atm1 = Vec3(frameIn.CRD(crdidx1));

    for (AtomMask::const_iterator maskatom2 = Mask2_.begin();
         maskatom2 != mask2_end; maskatom2++) {

      int crdidx2 = (*maskatom2) * 3; // index into coordinate array
      Vec3 atm2 = Vec3(frameIn.CRD(crdidx2));
      double dist2;
      // Get imaged distance
      Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
      switch( ImageType() ) {
        case NONORTHO:
          frameIn.BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell, recip);
          dist2 = DIST2_ImageNonOrtho(atm1, atm2, ucell, recip);
        case ORTHO:
          dist2 = DIST2_ImageOrtho(atm1, atm2, frameIn.BoxCrd());
          dist2 = DIST2_NoImage(atm1, atm2);

      if (dist2 > cut2vdw_) continue;
      // Here we add to our nonbonded (VDW) energy
      NonbondType const& LJ = parmIn.GetLJparam(*maskatom1, *maskatom2);
      double r2 = 1 / dist2;
      double r6 = r2 * r2 * r2;
      result += LJ.A() * r6 * r6 - LJ.B() * r6;

  return result;
Esempio n. 2
double Action_LIE::Calculate_Elec(Frame const& frameIn) const {
  double result = 0;
  // Loop over ligand atoms
  AtomMask::const_iterator mask1_end = Mask1_.end();
  AtomMask::const_iterator mask2_end = Mask2_.end();
  for (AtomMask::const_iterator maskatom1 = Mask1_.begin();
       maskatom1 != mask1_end; maskatom1++) {

    int crdidx1 = (*maskatom1) * 3; // index into coordinate array
    Vec3 atm1 = Vec3(frameIn.CRD(crdidx1));

    for (AtomMask::const_iterator maskatom2 = Mask2_.begin();
         maskatom2 != mask2_end; maskatom2++) {

      int crdidx2 = (*maskatom2) * 3; // index into coordinate array
      Vec3 atm2 = Vec3(frameIn.CRD(crdidx2));
      double dist2;
      // Get imaged distance
      Matrix_3x3 ucell, recip;
      switch( ImageType() ) {
        case NONORTHO:
          frameIn.BoxCrd().ToRecip(ucell, recip);
          dist2 = DIST2_ImageNonOrtho(atm1, atm2, ucell, recip);
        case ORTHO:
          dist2 = DIST2_ImageOrtho(atm1, atm2, frameIn.BoxCrd());
          dist2 = DIST2_NoImage(atm1, atm2);

      if (dist2 > cut2elec_) continue;
      // Here we add to our electrostatic energy
      double qiqj = atom_charge_[*maskatom1] * atom_charge_[*maskatom2];
      double shift = (1 - dist2 * onecut2_);
      result += qiqj / sqrt(dist2) * shift * shift;

  return result;
Esempio n. 3
/** Calc Covariance Matrix */
void Action_Matrix::CalcCovarianceMatrix(Frame const& currentFrame) {
# ifdef _OPENMP
#ifdef NEW_MATRIX_PARA /* New matrix parallelization */
  //int idx2, atomCrd2, offset2, midx, idx1, atomCrd1, offset1;
  int idx2, midx, idx1;
  double Mj;
  if (useMask2_) { // FULL MATRIX TODO
  } else { // HALF MATRIX
    DataSet_MatrixDbl& matrix = *Mat_;
    Darray& vect1 = Mat_->V1();
    //int Ncoords = mask1_.Nselected() * 3;
    int Ncoords = (int)crd_indices_.size();
//#   pragma omp parallel private(idx2, atomCrd2, offset2, midx, idx1, atomCrd1, offset1, Mj)
#   pragma omp parallel private(idx2, midx, idx1, Mj)
#   pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
    for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < Ncoords; idx2++)
      //atomCrd2 = mask1_[idx2 / 3] * 3;
      //offset2 = idx2 % 3;
      //Mj = currentFrame[atomCrd2 + offset2];
      Mj = currentFrame[ crd_indices_[idx2] ];
      vect1[idx2] += Mj;
      vect2_[idx2] += (Mj * Mj);
      midx = (idx2 * (int)matrix.Ncols() - (idx2 * (idx2-1) / 2));
      for (idx1 = idx2; idx1 < Ncoords; idx1++, midx++)
        //atomCrd1 = mask1_[idx1 / 3] * 3;
        //offset1 = idx1 % 3;
        //matrix[midx] += (currentFrame[atomCrd1 + offset1] * Mj);
        matrix[midx] += (currentFrame[ crd_indices_[idx1] ] * Mj);
    } // END for loop
    } // END openmp pragma
#else /* Original matrix parallelization */
  int m1_idx, m2_idx;
  double Vj;
  const double* XYZi;
  const double* XYZj;
  unsigned int ny;
  DataSet_MatrixDbl::iterator mat;
  v_iterator v1, v2;
  if (useMask2_) { // FULL MATRIX
    int NX = (int)Mat_->Ncols();
    int crd_max = (int)crd_indices_.size();
#   pragma omp parallel private(m1_idx, m2_idx, XYZi, XYZj, Vj, mat, v1, v2, ny)
    #pragma omp for
    for (m2_idx = 0; m2_idx < mask2_.Nselected(); m2_idx++) {
      mat = Mat_->begin() + ((m2_idx*3)*NX);
      XYZj = currentFrame.XYZ( mask2_[m2_idx] );
      for (ny = 0; ny < 3; ny++) {
        Vj = XYZj[ny];
        for (m1_idx = 0; m1_idx < mask1_.Nselected(); m1_idx++) {
          XYZi = currentFrame.XYZ( mask1_[m1_idx] );
          *(mat++) += Vj * XYZi[0];
          *(mat++) += Vj * XYZi[1];
          *(mat++) += Vj * XYZi[2];
    // Mask1/Mask2 diagonal
    #   pragma omp for
    for (m1_idx = 0; m1_idx < crd_max; m1_idx++) {
      v1 = Mat_->v1begin() + (m1_idx * 3); // Index into vect/vect2
      v2 = vect2_.begin()  + (m1_idx * 3);
      StoreVec(v1, v2, currentFrame.CRD( crd_indices_[m1_idx] ));
  } else {         // HALF MATRIX
    int v_idx;
    unsigned int nx;
    double d_m2_idx;
    double TwoN = (double)( Mat_->Ncols() * 2 );
#   pragma omp parallel private(m1_idx, m2_idx, d_m2_idx, v_idx, XYZi, XYZj, Vj, mat, v1, v2, ny, nx)
    #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
    for (m2_idx = 0; m2_idx < mask1_.Nselected(); m2_idx++) {
      v_idx = m2_idx * 3;
      d_m2_idx = (double)v_idx;
      mat = Mat_->begin() + (int)(0.5*d_m2_idx*(TwoN-d_m2_idx-1.0)+d_m2_idx);
      v1 = Mat_->v1begin() + v_idx;
      v2 = vect2_.begin() + v_idx;
      XYZj = currentFrame.XYZ( mask1_[m2_idx] );
      StoreVec(v1, v2, XYZj);
      for (ny = 0; ny < 3; ny++) {
        Vj = XYZj[ny];
        // m1_idx = m2_idx, diagonal
        for (nx = ny; nx < 3; nx++)
          *(mat++) += Vj * XYZj[nx]; // Vj * i{0,1,2}, Vj * i{1,2}, Vj * i{2}
        for (m1_idx = m2_idx+1; m1_idx < mask1_.Nselected(); m1_idx++) {
          XYZi = currentFrame.XYZ( mask1_[m1_idx] );
          *(mat++) += Vj * XYZi[0];
          *(mat++) += Vj * XYZi[1];
          *(mat++) += Vj * XYZi[2];
# else
  DataSet_MatrixDbl::iterator mat = Mat_->begin();
  v_iterator v1idx1 = Mat_->v1begin();
  v_iterator v2idx1 = vect2_.begin();
  if (useMask2_) {
    // Full Matrix
    // Position for mask2 halfway through vect/vect2
    v_iterator v1idx2 = Mat_->v1begin() + (mask1_.Nselected() * 3); 
    v_iterator v2idx2 = vect2_.begin()  + (mask1_.Nselected() * 3); 
    bool storeVecj = true; // Only store vecj|vecj^2 first time through inner loop
    for (AtomMask::const_iterator atom2 = mask2_.begin(); atom2 != mask2_.end(); ++atom2)
      const double* XYZi = currentFrame.XYZ( *atom2 );
      // Store veci and veci^2
      StoreVec(v1idx2, v2idx2, XYZi);
      // Loop over X, Y, and Z of veci
      for (int iidx = 0; iidx < 3; ++iidx) {
        double Vi = XYZi[iidx];
        // INNER LOOP
        for (AtomMask::const_iterator atom1 = mask1_.begin(); atom1 != mask1_.end(); ++atom1)
          const double* XYZj = currentFrame.XYZ( *atom1 );
          // Store vecj and vecj^2, first time through only
          if (storeVecj) 
            StoreVec(v1idx1, v2idx1, XYZj);
          *(mat++) += Vi * XYZj[0];
          *(mat++) += Vi * XYZj[1];
          *(mat++) += Vi * XYZj[2];
        storeVecj = false;
  } else {
    // Half Matrix
    for (AtomMask::const_iterator atom2 = mask1_.begin(); atom2 != mask1_.end(); ++atom2)
      const double* XYZi = currentFrame.XYZ( *atom2 );
      // Store veci and veci^2
      StoreVec(v1idx1, v2idx1, XYZi);
      // Loop over X, Y, and Z of veci
      for (int iidx = 0; iidx < 3; ++iidx) {
        double Vi = XYZi[iidx];
        // Diagonal
        for (int jidx = iidx; jidx < 3; jidx++)
          *(mat++) += Vi * XYZi[jidx]; // Vi * j{0,1,2}, Vi * j{1,2}, Vi * j{2}
        // INNER LOOP
        for (AtomMask::const_iterator atom1 = atom2 + 1; atom1 != mask1_.end(); ++atom1)
          const double* XYZj = currentFrame.XYZ( *atom1 );
          *(mat++) += Vi * XYZj[0];
          *(mat++) += Vi * XYZj[1];
          *(mat++) += Vi * XYZj[2];
# endif