Esempio n. 1
JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code_absolute_mark_size(GBitmap &bm, int border)
  int xsize=CodeNum(0, BIGPOSITIVE, abs_size_x);
  int ysize=CodeNum(0, BIGPOSITIVE, abs_size_y);
  if ((xsize!=(unsigned short)xsize) || (ysize!=(unsigned short)ysize))
    G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") );
  bm.init(ysize, xsize, border);
Esempio n. 2
JB2Dict::JB2Codec::Decode::code_relative_mark_size(GBitmap &bm, int cw, int ch, int border)
  int xdiff=CodeNum(BIGNEGATIVE, BIGPOSITIVE, rel_size_x);
  int ydiff=CodeNum(BIGNEGATIVE, BIGPOSITIVE, rel_size_y);
  int xsize = cw + xdiff;
  int ysize = ch + ydiff;
  if ((xsize!=(unsigned short)xsize) || (ysize!=(unsigned short)ysize))
    G_THROW( ERR_MSG("JB2Image.bad_number") );
  bm.init(ysize, xsize, border);
Esempio n. 3
static void
maskedSubsample(const GPixmap* img,
                const GBitmap *p_mask,
                GPixmap& subsampled_image,
                GBitmap& subsampled_mask,
                int gridwidth, int inverted_mask, 
                int minpixels=1
  const GPixmap& image= *img;
  const GBitmap& mask = *p_mask;
  int imageheight = image.rows();
  int imagewidth = image.columns();
  // compute the size of the resulting subsampled image
  int subheight = imageheight/gridwidth;
  int subwidth = imagewidth/gridwidth;
  // set the sizes unless in incremental mode
  subsampled_image.init(subheight, subwidth);
  subsampled_mask.init(subheight, subwidth);
  // go subsampling
  int row, col;  // row and col in the subsampled image
  int posx, posxend, posy, posyend; // corresponding square in the original image
  for(row=0, posy=0; row<subheight; row++, posy+=gridwidth)
      GPixel* subsampled_image_row = subsampled_image[row]; // row row of subsampled image
      unsigned char* subsampled_mask_row = subsampled_mask[row]; // row row of subsampled mask
      posyend = posy+gridwidth;
        posyend = imageheight;
      for(col=0, posx=0; col<subwidth; col++, posx+=gridwidth) 
          posxend = posx+gridwidth;
            posxend = imagewidth;
          int count = 0;
          int r = 0;
          int g = 0;
          int b = 0;
          for(int y=posy; y<posyend; y++)
              const unsigned char* mask_y = mask[y]; // Row y of the mask
              for(int x=posx; x<posxend; x++)
                  unsigned char masked = (inverted_mask ? !mask_y[x] :mask_y[x]);
                      GPixel p = image[y][x];
                      r += p.r;
                      g += p.g;
                      b += p.b;
                      count ++;
          /* minpixels pixels are enough to give the color */
          /* so set it, and do not mask this point */
          if(count >= minpixels)   
              GPixel p;
              p.r = r/count;
              p.g = g/count;
              p.b = b/count;
              subsampled_image_row[col] = p;
              subsampled_mask_row[col] = 0;
          else /* make it bright red and masked */ 
              subsampled_image_row[col] = GPixel::RED;
              subsampled_mask_row[col] = 1;