main() { ginit(500, 500, WHITE); GRAPH g; g.window(0, -N, 2 * N, N); g.line(0, 0, 2 * N, 0); g.line(0, N, 0, -N); double x, v, f, h, t, tend; int step; x = 1.0; v = 0.0; f = 0; tend = 100; h = 0.1; step = (int)(tend / h); for(int i = 0; i < step; i++) { euler(x, v, f, h); g.pset(t, x); t += h; } gend(); }
main() { int i, j; double t, p, x, y, z, r, R, N; ginit(500, 500, WHITE); GRAPH g; g.window(-PI, -PI, PI, PI); g.line(-PI, 0, PI, 0); // x g.line(0, PI, 0, -PI); // y g.setcolor(BLACK); r = 1.0; R = 2.0; i = 0; while(i < NUMBER) { t = i * (PI / (NUMBER / 2)); j = 0; while(j < NUMBER) { p = j * (PI / (NUMBER / 2)); x = R * cos(t) + r * cos(p) * cos(t); //External reference Wikipedia y = R * sin(t) + r * cos(p) * sin(t); z = r * sin(p); g.pset(x, y); j = j + 1; } i = i + 1; } gend(); }
bool compute_point_in_convex_polyhedron(const GRAPH<POINT,int>& G, POINT& ins) { // find four non-coplanar vertices ... // then compute a point inside the tetrahedron // defined by these points ... POINT a,b,c,d; if (G.number_of_nodes() < 4) return false; const list<node>& vert = G.all_nodes(); node v; int state = 0; forall(v,vert){ switch(state){ case 0: { a = G[v]; state++; break; } case 1: { if (a != G[v]){ b = G[v]; state++; } break; } case 2: { // 3 points must be non-collinear ... if (! collinear(a,b,G[v])){ c = G[v]; state++; } break; } case 3: { // 4 points must be non-coplanar ... if (! coplanar(a,b,c,G[v])){ d = G[v]; state++; } break; } } if (state == 4) break; } if (state == 4) { // we found 4 non-coplanar vertices ... ins = midpoint(d, midpoint(c,midpoint(a,b))); return true; } return false; }
/* Dump dom set, pdom set, idom, ipdom. 'dump_dom_tree': set to be true to dump dominate tree, and post dominate Tree. */ void DGRAPH::dump_dom(FILE * h, bool dump_dom_tree) { if (h == NULL) return; fprintf(h, "\n\n\n\n========= DUMP DOM/PDOM/IDOM/IPDOM ======="); INT c; for (VERTEX * v = m_vertexs.get_first(c); v != NULL; v = m_vertexs.get_next(c)) { INT vid = VERTEX_id(v); fprintf(h, "\nVERTEX(%d) dom: ", vid); BITSET * bs; if ((bs = m_dom_set.get(vid)) != NULL) { for (INT id = bs->get_first(); id != -1 ; id = bs->get_next(id)) { if (id != vid) { fprintf(h, "%d ", id); } } } fprintf(h, "\n pdom: "); if ((bs = m_pdom_set.get(vid)) != NULL) { for (INT id = bs->get_first(); id != -1; id = bs->get_next(id)) { if (id != vid) { fprintf(h, "%d ", id); } } } if (m_idom_set.get(vid) != 0) { fprintf(h, "\n idom: %d", m_idom_set.get(vid)); } else { fprintf(h, "\n"); } if (m_ipdom_set.get(vid) != 0) { fprintf(h, "\n ipdom: %d", m_ipdom_set.get(vid)); } else { fprintf(h, "\n"); } } //end for each vertexs fprintf(h, "\n"); fflush(h); if (dump_dom_tree) { GRAPH dom; get_dom_tree(dom); dom.dump_vcg("graph_dom_tree.vcg"); dom.erasure(); get_pdom_tree(dom); dom.dump_vcg("graph_pdom_tree.vcg"); } }
bool GRAPH::is_equal(GRAPH & g) { if (get_vertex_num() != g.get_vertex_num() || get_edge_num() != g.get_edge_num()) { return false; } BITSET vs; INT c; for (VERTEX * v1 = get_first_vertex(c); v1 != NULL; v1 = get_next_vertex(c)) { VERTEX * v2 = g.get_vertex(VERTEX_id(v1)); if (v2 == NULL) { return false; } vs.clean(); EDGE_C * el = VERTEX_out_list(v1); EDGE * e = NULL; UINT v1_succ_n = 0; if (el == NULL) { if (VERTEX_out_list(v2) != NULL) { return false; } continue; } for (e = EC_edge(el); e != NULL; el = EC_next(el), e = el ? EC_edge(el) : NULL) { vs.bunion(VERTEX_id(EDGE_to(e))); v1_succ_n++; } UINT v2_succ_n = 0; el = VERTEX_out_list(v2); for (e = EC_edge(el); e != NULL; el = EC_next(el), e = el ? EC_edge(el) : NULL) { v2_succ_n++; if (!vs.is_contain(VERTEX_id(EDGE_to(e)))) { return false; } } if (v1_succ_n != v2_succ_n) { return false; } } return true; }
void operator()(const GRAPH& _graph, STRATEGY _strategy, OUTPUT& _out) { typedef typename GRAPH::slice_type slice_type; for_each(_graph,[&](const slice_type& _slice) { using namespace gex; using gex::base::expand; auto& _holes = _slice.polygon().holes(); Scalar _middle = _slice.range().middle(); Axis _axis = _slice.axis(); for (auto& _hole : _holes) { // Calc center point of slice polygon auto&& _a = expand(algorithm::centroid(_hole),_axis,_middle); auto&& _upperSlices = _graph.indexesToPointers(_slice.upper()); for (auto& _connSlice : _upperSlices) { auto& _upperHoles = _connSlice->polygon().holes(); Scalar _upperMiddle = _connSlice->range().middle(); for (auto& _upperHole : _upperHoles) { if (!boost::geometry::intersects(_hole,_upperHole)) continue; auto&& _centroid = expand(algorithm::centroid(_upperHole),_axis,_upperMiddle); _out.emplace_back(_a,_centroid); } } } }); }
bool GRAPH::clone(GRAPH & src) { erasure(); m_is_unique = src.m_is_unique; m_is_direction = src.m_is_direction; //Clone vertexs INT c; for (VERTEX * srcv = src.get_first_vertex(c); srcv != NULL; srcv = src.get_next_vertex(c)) { VERTEX * v = add_vertex(VERTEX_id(srcv)); /* Calls inherited class method. Vertex info of memory should allocated by inherited class method */ if (VERTEX_info(srcv) != NULL) { VERTEX_info(v) = clone_vertex_info(srcv); } } //Clone edges for (EDGE * srce = src.get_first_edge(c); srce != NULL; srce = src.get_next_edge(c)) { EDGE * e = add_edge(VERTEX_id(EDGE_from(srce)), VERTEX_id(EDGE_to(srce))); /*Calls inherited class method. *Edge info of memory should allocated by inherited class method * */ if (EDGE_info(srce) != NULL) { EDGE_info(e) = clone_edge_info(srce); } } return true; }
void operator()(const GRAPH& _graph, STRATEGY _strategy, OUTPUT& _out) { typedef typename GRAPH::slice_type slice_type; for_each(_graph,[&](const slice_type& _slice) { // Calc center point of slice polygon auto&& _a = centroid(_slice); auto&& _upperSlices = _graph.indexesToPointers(_slice.upper()); auto&& _lowerSlices = _graph.indexesToPointers(_slice.lower()); for (auto& _connSlice : _upperSlices) { _out.emplace_back(_a,centroid(*_connSlice)); } for (auto& _connSlice : _lowerSlices) { _out.emplace_back(_a,centroid(*_connSlice)); } }); }
ABS_NODE * CFS_MGR::construct_abs_tree( IN IR_BB * entry, IN ABS_NODE * parent, IN BITSET * cur_region, IN GRAPH & cur_graph, IN OUT BITSET & visited) { IR_CFG * cfg = m_ru->get_cfg(); ABS_NODE * lst = NULL; IR_BB * bb = entry; GRAPH g; g.clone(cur_graph); VERTEX * next = NULL; VERTEX * v; if (cur_region != NULL) { if (cur_region->get_elem_count() == 0) { visited.clean(); return NULL; } INT c; for (v = g.get_first_vertex(c); v != NULL; v = next) { next = g.get_next_vertex(c); if (cur_region->is_contain(VERTEX_id(v))) { continue; } g.remove_vertex(v); } } BITSET loc_visited; while (bb != NULL && (cur_region == NULL || cur_region->is_contain(IR_BB_id(bb)))) { ABS_NODE * node = NULL; loc_visited.clean(); LI<IR_BB> * li = cfg->map_bb2li(bb); if (li != NULL) { node = construct_abs_loop(bb, parent, LI_bb_set(li), g, loc_visited); } else { IR * last_xr = cfg->get_last_xr(bb); if (last_xr != NULL && //'bb' is branching node of IF. last_xr->is_cond_br()) { IS_TRUE0(map_ir2cfsinfo(last_xr) != NULL); /* There might not exist ipdom. e.g: if (x) //BB1 return 1; return 2; BB1 does not have a ipdom. */ UINT ipdom = ((DGRAPH*)cfg)->get_ipdom(IR_BB_id(bb)); IS_TRUE(ipdom > 0, ("bb does not have ipdom")); node = construct_abs_if(bb, parent, g, loc_visited); } else { node = construct_abs_bb(bb, parent); loc_visited.bunion(IR_BB_id(bb)); } } insertbefore_one(&lst, lst, node); visited.bunion(loc_visited); //Remove visited vertex. next = NULL; INT c; for (v = g.get_first_vertex(c); v != NULL; v = next) { next = g.get_next_vertex(c); if (!loc_visited.is_contain(VERTEX_id(v))) { continue; } g.remove_vertex(v); } IR_BB * cand = NULL; for (v = g.get_first_vertex(c); v != NULL; v = g.get_next_vertex(c)) { if (g.get_in_degree(v) == 0) { IS_TRUE(cand == NULL, ("multiple immediate-post-dominators")); cand = cfg->get_bb(VERTEX_id(v)); } } if (cand == NULL) { //Cannot find leading BB, there might be exist cycle in graph. bb = cfg->get_ipdom(bb); } else { bb = cand; } if (parent != NULL && bb == ABS_NODE_bb(parent)) { //Here control-flow is cyclic. break; } } lst = reverse_list(lst); return lst; }
//-------------------------------------------------------- //update graph "G" when delete edge "te" from graph void change_graph_as_del_edge(leda_edge& te, GRAPH<int, int>& G) { leda_node source_node=G.source(te); leda_node; leda_edge e; //connect source node with sink if the node's outdegree ==1 if(G.outdeg(source_node)==1){ e=G.new_edge(source_node, G.last_node()); G.assign(e, G[te]); } //connect target node with source if the node's indegree ==1 if(G.indeg(target_node)==1){ e=G.new_edge(G.first_node(), target_node); G.assign(e, 0); } //delete original edge G.del_edge(te); }
//##################################################################### // Function Add_Horizontal_Edges //##################################################################### template<class T_GRID> template<class T_FACE> void LAPLACE_RLE<T_GRID>:: Add_Horizontal_Edges::Apply(const LAPLACE_RLE<T_GRID>& laplace,GRAPH& graph) { for(T_FACE face(laplace.grid,0);face;face++)if(!laplace.psi_N(face.Face())){int c1=face.cell1.Cell(),c2=face.cell2.Cell(); for(int i1=0;i1<=(int)face.cell1.Long();i1++)for(int i2=0;i2<=(int)face.cell2.Long();i2++)graph.Add_Undirected_Edge(c1+i1,c2+i2);} }
void Hv_Matrix::update_matrix(int i, int j, char x, GRAPH<int, int>& G, leda_edge& e) { leda_edge old_e; if(i < j) { if(x=='H') { if(triangle_matrix[i][j-i-1].direction!=H){ //delete old edge in the graph old_e=triangle_matrix[i][j-i-1].ed; G.del_edge(old_e); //update matrix triangle_matrix[i][j-i-1].direction=H; triangle_matrix[i][j-i-1].ed=e; } else{ cout<<"update matrix error of h edge <"<<i<<"," <<j<<">"<<endl; exit(0); } } else if(x=='V') { if(triangle_matrix[i][j-i-1].direction!=V) { //delete old edge in the graph old_e=triangle_matrix[i][j-i-1].ed; G.del_edge(old_e); //update matrix triangle_matrix[i][j-i-1].direction=V; triangle_matrix[i][j-i-1].ed=e; } else{ cout<<"update matrix error of v edge <"<<i<<"," <<j<<">"<<endl; exit(0); } } else error_message("update matrix error (not H or V)!!!"); } else { if(x=='H') { if(triangle_matrix[j][i-j-1].direction!=h) { //delete old edge in the graph old_e=triangle_matrix[j][i-j-1].ed; G.del_edge(old_e); //update matrix triangle_matrix[j][i-j-1].ed=e; triangle_matrix[j][i-j-1].direction=h; } else{ cout<<"update matrix error of h edge <"<<j<<"," <<i<<">"<<endl; exit(0); } } else if(x=='V') { if(triangle_matrix[j][i-j-1].direction!=v) { //delete old edge in the graph old_e=triangle_matrix[j][i-j-1].ed; G.del_edge(old_e); //update matrix triangle_matrix[j][i-j-1].direction=v; triangle_matrix[j][i-j-1].ed=e; } else{ cout<<"update matrix error of v edge <"<<j<<"," <<i<<">"<<endl; exit(0); } } else error_message("update matrix error (not H or V)!!!"); } }