MapRect::ma_drawInactive(const GRect & pm_rect, const GP<GPixmap> & pm)
      // pm_rect is the rectangle of the pane in screen coordinates
      // where pm is supposed to go to
   if (mapper && pm)
      GRect border_rect=gmap_area->get_bound_rect();

      GRect irect;
      if (irect.intersect(border_rect, pm_rect))
	    // Translate the intersection into the GPixmap's coordinate
	 irect.translate(-pm_rect.xmin, -pm_rect.ymin);

	    // Do hiliting first
	 if (gmap_area->hilite_color!=0xffffffff)
	    if (gmap_area->hilite_color==0xff000000)
		  // Do XOR hiliting
	       for(int y=irect.ymin;y<irect.ymax;y++)
		  GPixel * pix=(*pm)[pm->rows()-1-y]+irect.xmin;
		  for(int x=irect.xmin;x<irect.xmax;x++, pix++)
	    } else
		  // Do COLOR hiliting
	       int r=(gmap_area->hilite_color & 0xff0000) >> (16+2);
	       int g=(gmap_area->hilite_color & 0xff00) >> (8+2);
	       int b=(gmap_area->hilite_color & 0xff) >> 2;
	       for(int y=irect.ymin;y<irect.ymax;y++)
		  GPixel * pix=(*pm)[pm->rows()-1-y]+irect.xmin;
		  for(int x=irect.xmin;x<irect.xmax;x++, pix++)
		     pix->r=((((int) pix->r << 1)+(int) pix->r) >> 2)+r;
		     pix->g=((((int) pix->g << 1)+(int) pix->g) >> 2)+g;
		     pix->b=((((int) pix->b << 1)+(int) pix->b) >> 2)+b;
MapArea::draw(const GRect & bm_rect, const GP<GBitmap> & bm_in,
	      GRect & pm_rect, GP<GPixmap> & pm_out,
	      DRAW_MODE draw_mode)
      // Draws itself into the specified bitmap. The bm_rect should be
      // in the pane's coordinates. Since GBitmap may not contain color
      // information, we will create a color GPixmap patch (pm_out), where we
      // will actually be drawing. The pm_rect is a rectangle in
      // pane coordinates where this pm_out should go to.
   DEBUG_MSG("MapArea::draw(): Highlighting " << gmap_area->url << ":" <<
	     gmap_area->target << "\n");

   if (pane)
      GRect brect=gmap_area->get_bound_rect();
      brect.inflate(3, 3);
      GRect irect;
      if (irect.intersect(bm_rect, brect))
	 irect.translate(-bm_rect.xmin, -bm_rect.ymin);
	 pm_out=GPixmap::create(*bm_in, GRect(irect.xmin, bm_in->rows()-irect.ymax,
					  irect.width(), irect.height()));
	 if (!isInactiveOutlineMode())
	    if (draw_mode==DRAW_INACTIVE || draw_mode==DRAW_ACTIVE)
	       ma_drawInactive(pm_rect, pm_out);
	 if (!isActiveOutlineMode())
	    if (draw_mode==APPLY_ACTIVE || draw_mode==DRAW_ACTIVE)
	       ma_applyActive(pm_rect, pm_out);