Esempio n. 1
 * @brief Returns value for a SAMP Hub response parameter
 * @param[in] xml Hub response XML document.
 * @param[in] name Parameter name.
 * @return Parameter value.
 * Returns value for a SAMP Hub response parameter. If the specified
 * parameter was not found or if the response structure is not compliant,
 * an empty string is returned.
std::string GVOClient::get_response_value(const GXml&        xml,
                                          const std::string& name) const
    // Declare value
    std::string value = "";

    // Search for value of specified member
    const GXmlNode* node = xml.element("methodResponse > params > param > value > struct");
    if (node != NULL) {
        int num = node->elements("member");
        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
            const GXmlNode* member = node->element("member", i);
            std::string one_name;
            std::string one_value;
            get_name_value_pair(member, one_name, one_value);
            if (one_name == name) {
                value = one_value;

    // Return value
    return value;
Esempio n. 2
 * @brief Write observations into XML document
 * @param[in] xml XML document.
 * Write observations into the first observation library that is found in the
 * XML document. In case that no observation library exists, one is added to
 * the document.
void GObservations::write(GXml& xml) const
    // If there is no observation library then append one
    if (xml.elements("observation_list") == 0) {
        xml.append(new GXmlElement("observation_list title=\"observation list\""));

    // Get pointer on observation library
    GXmlElement* lib = xml.element("observation_list", 0);

    // Write all observations into library
    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
        // Initialise pointer on observation
        GXmlElement* obs = NULL;

        // Search corresponding observation
        int n = xml.elements("observation");
        for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
            GXmlElement* element = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(xml.element("observation", k));
            if (element->attribute("name")       == m_obs[i]->name() &&
                element->attribute("id")         == m_obs[i]->id()   &&
                element->attribute("instrument") == m_obs[i]->instrument()) {
                obs = element;

        // If no observation with corresponding name, ID and instrument was found
        // then append one now
        if (obs == NULL) {
            obs = new GXmlElement("observation");
            obs->attribute("name", m_obs[i]->name());
            obs->attribute("id", m_obs[i]->id());
            obs->attribute("instrument", m_obs[i]->instrument());
        // Write now observation

    } // endfor: looped over all observaitons

    // Return
Esempio n. 3
 * @brief Read observations from XML document
 * @param[in] xml XML document.
 * @exception GException::invalid_instrument
 *            Invalid instrument encountered in XML file.
 * Reads observations from the first observation list that is found in the
 * XML document. The decoding of the instrument specific observation
 * definition is done within the observation's GCTAOnOffObservation::read() method.
 * The following file structure is expected:
 *     <observation_list title="observation library">
 *       <observation name="..." id="..." instrument="...">
 *         ...
 *       </observation>
 *       <observation name="..." id="..." instrument="...">
 *         ...
 *       </observation>
 *       ...
 *     </observation_list>
 * The @p name and @p id attributes allow for a unique identification of an
 * observation within the observation container. The @p instrument
 * attributes specifies the instrument to which the observation applies.
 * At the moment there is only CTA but more instruments may be implemented
 * later and require the need for a registry (see GObservations.cpp).
 * The structure within the @p observation tag is defined by the instrument
 * specific GCTAOnOffObservation class.
void GCTAOnOffObservations::read(const GXml& xml)
    // Get pointer on observation library
    const GXmlElement* lib = xml.element("observation_list", 0);

    // Loop over all observations
    int n = lib->elements("observation");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

        // Get pointer on observation
        const GXmlElement* obs = lib->element("observation", i);

        // Get attributes
        std::string name       = obs->attribute("name");
        std::string id         = obs->attribute("id");
        std::string instrument = obs->attribute("instrument");

        // Allocate observation
        // (only CTA at the moment, implement registry if more)
        GCTAOnOffObservation*  ptr = new GCTAOnOffObservation;

        // If observation is valid then read its definition from XML file
        if (ptr != NULL) {

            // Read definition

            // Set attributes

        } // endif: observation was valid

        // ... otherwise throw an exception
        else {
            std::string msg =
                "Problem allocating GCTAOnOffObservation object.";
            throw GException::invalid_instrument(G_READ, msg);

        // Append observation to container

        // Free observation (the append method made a deep copy)
        delete ptr;

    } // endfor: looped over all observations

    // Return
Esempio n. 4
 * @brief Checks if response is valid
 * @return True if response is valid, false otherwise.
bool GVOClient::response_is_valid(const GXml& xml) const
    // Initialise validity flag
    bool valid = true;

    // Check for data
    const GXmlNode* node = xml.element("methodResponse > params > param > value");
    if (node == NULL) {
        valid = false;

    // Return validity
    return valid;
Esempio n. 5
 * @brief Read observations from XML document
 * @param[in] xml XML document.
 * @exception GException::invalid_instrument
 *            Invalid instrument encountered.
 * Reads observations from the first observation list that is found in the
 * XML document. The decoding of the instrument specific observation
 * definition is done within the observation's read() method.
 * @todo Observation names and IDs are not verified so far for uniqueness.
 *       This would be required to achieve an unambiguous update of parameters
 *       in an already existing XML file when using the write method.
void GObservations::read(const GXml& xml)
    // Get pointer on observation library
    GXmlElement* lib = xml.element("observation_list", 0);

    // Loop over all observations
    int n = lib->elements("observation");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

        // Get pointer on observation
        GXmlElement* obs = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(lib->element("observation", i));

        // Get attributes
        std::string name       = obs->attribute("name");
        std::string id         = obs->attribute("id");
        std::string instrument = obs->attribute("instrument");

        // Get model
        GObservationRegistry registry;
        GObservation*        ptr = registry.alloc(instrument);

        // If observation is valid then read its definition from XML file
        if (ptr != NULL) {

            // Read definition

            // Set attributes

        } // endif: observation was valid

        // ... otherwise throw an exception
        else {
            throw GException::invalid_instrument(G_READ, instrument);

        // Append observation to container

        // Free model (appending clones the observation)
        delete ptr;

    } // endfor: looped over all observations

    // Return
Esempio n. 6
 * @brief Return response error message
 * @return Response error message (blank if no error occured).
std::string GVOClient::response_error_message(const GXml& xml) const
    // Initialise error message
    std::string error_message;

    // Extract error message
    const GXmlNode* node = xml.element("methodResponse > fault > value > struct");
    if (node != NULL) {
        const GXmlNode* msg  = node->element("member[1] > value");
        if (msg != NULL) {
            error_message = static_cast<const GXmlText*>((*msg)[0])->text();

    // Return error message
    return error_message;
Esempio n. 7
 * @brief Return response error code
 * @return Response error core (0 if no error occured).
int GVOClient::response_error_code(const GXml& xml) const
    // Initialise error code
    int error_code = 0;

    // Extract error code
    const GXmlNode* node = xml.element("methodResponse > fault > value > struct");
    if (node != NULL) {
        const GXmlNode* code = node->element("member[0] > value > int");
        if (code != NULL) {
            error_code = gammalib::toint(static_cast<const GXmlText*>((*code)[0])->text());

    // Return error code
    return error_code;
Esempio n. 8
 * @brief Test XML element access
void TestGXml::test_GXml_access(void)
    // Test root document access
    GXml xml;
    test_value(xml.size(), 3, "Check number of child elements");

    // Test node access
    for (int i = 0; i < xml.size(); ++i) {
        GXmlNode* ptr = xml[i];
        test_assert(ptr != 0, "Check XML node access");
    test_value(xml.elements(), 1, "Check number of child elements");

    // Test node access
    for (int i = 0; i < xml.elements(); ++i) {
        GXmlNode* ptr = xml.element(i);
        test_assert(ptr != 0, "Check XML element access");
    test_value(xml.elements("source_library"), 1, "Check number of child elements");

    // Test element access
    for (int i = 0; i < xml.elements("source_library"); ++i) {
        GXmlElement* ptr = xml.element("source_library", i);
        test_value(ptr->name(), "source_library", "Check element name");

    // Test hierarchy access
    GXmlElement* ptr = NULL;
    ptr = xml.element("source_library");
    test_value(ptr->name(), "source_library", "Check hierarchy level 1");
    ptr = xml.element("source_library > source");
    test_value(ptr->name(),  "source", "Check hierarchy level 2");
    ptr = xml.element("source_library > source > spectrum");
    test_value(ptr->name(), "spectrum", "Check hierarchy level 3");
    ptr = xml.element("source_library > source > spectrum > parameter[2]");
    test_value(ptr->name(), "parameter", "Check hierarchy level 4");
    test_value(ptr->attribute("name"), "PivotEnergy", "Check for attribute");

    // Return
Esempio n. 9
 * @brief Test XML constructors
void TestGXml::test_GXml_construct(void)
    // Test void constructor
    test_try("Test void constructor");
    try {
        GXml xml;
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Test load constructor
    test_try("Test load constructor");
    try {
        GXml xml(m_xml_file);
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Test copy constructor
    test_try("Test copy constructor");
    try {
        GXml xml1(m_xml_file);
        GXml xml2 = xml1;
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Test XML file creation
    test_try("Test XML file creation");
    try {
        GXml xml;
        xml.append(GXmlComment("This is a comment."));
        GXmlElement* lib = xml.element("source_library", 0);
        lib->append(GXmlElement("source name=\"LMC\" type=\"DiffuseSource\""));
        GXmlNode* src = lib->element("source", 0);
        src->append(GXmlElement("spectrum type=\"PLSuperExpCutoff\""));
        GXmlNode* spec = src->element("spectrum", 0);
        spec->append(GXmlElement("parameter free=\"1\" max=\"1000\" min=\"1e-07\""
                " name=\"Prefactor\" scale=\"1e-07\""
                " value=\"0.02754520844\""));
        spec->append(GXmlElement("parameter free=\"1\" max=\"5\" min=\"-5\""
                " name=\"Index1\" scale=\"1\" value=\"-2.0458781\""));
        GXmlElement* par = spec->element("parameter", 0);
        par->attribute("value", "1.01");
        par->attribute("error", "3.145");
        par = spec->element("parameter", 1);
        par->attribute("value", "-2.100");
        par->attribute("error", "9.876");
        src->append(GXmlElement("spatialModel file=\"LMC.fits\" type=\"SpatialMap\""));
        GXmlNode* spat = src->element("spatialModel", 0);
        spat->append(GXmlElement("parameter free=\"0\" max=\"1000\" min=\"0.001\""
                " name=\"Prefactor\" scale=\"1\" value=\"1\""));
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Return