Esempio n. 1
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element into which model information is written.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_spatial
 *            Existing XML element is not of type 'GaussFunction'
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Writes the radial source location and position angle information into an
 * XML element in the following format
 *     <spatialModel type="...">
 *       <parameter name="RA"  scale="1" value="83.63" min="-360" max="360" free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="DEC" scale="1" value="22.01" min="-90"  max="90"  free="1"/>
 *       ...
 *     </spatialModel>
 * @todo The case that an existing spatial XML element with "GLON" and "GLAT"
 *       as coordinates is not supported.
void GModelSpatialRadial::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Set model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") == "") {
        xml.attribute("type", type());

    // Verify model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") != type()) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_spatial(G_WRITE, xml.attribute("type"),
              "Radial model is not of type \""+type()+"\".");

    // If XML element has 0 nodes then append 2 parameter nodes
    if (xml.elements() == 0) {
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"RA\""));
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"DEC\""));

    // Determine number of parameter nodes in XML element
    int npars = xml.elements("parameter");

    // Verify that XML element has at least 2 parameters
    if (xml.elements() < 2 || npars < 2) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Radial source model requires at least 2 parameters.");

    // Set or update model parameter attributes
    int npar[2] = {0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < npars; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle RA
        if (par->attribute("name") == "RA") {

        // Handle DEC
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "DEC") {

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Check of all required parameters are present
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Require \"RA\" and \"DEC\" parameters.");

    // Return
 * @brief Read model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Reads the elliptical disk model information from an XML element. The XML
 * element shall have either the format 
 *     <spatialModel type="DiskFunction">
 *       <parameter name="RA"          scale="1.0" value="83.6331" min="-360" max="360" free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="DEC"         scale="1.0" value="22.0145" min="-90"  max="90"  free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="PA"          scale="1.0" value="45.0"    min="-360"  max="360" free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="MinorRadius" scale="1.0" value="0.5"     min="0.001" max="10"  free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="MajorRadius" scale="1.0" value="2.0"     min="0.001" max="10"  free="1"/>
 *     </spatialModel>
 * or
 *     <spatialModel type="DiskFunction">
 *       <parameter name="GLON"        scale="1.0" value="83.6331" min="-360" max="360" free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="GLAT"        scale="1.0" value="22.0145" min="-90"  max="90"  free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="PA"          scale="1.0" value="45.0"    min="-360"  max="360" free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="MinorRadius" scale="1.0" value="0.5"     min="0.001" max="10"  free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="MajorRadius" scale="1.0" value="2.0"     min="0.001" max="10"  free="1"/>
 *     </spatialModel>
 * @todo Implement a test of the ellipse boundary. The axes
 *       and axes minimum should be >0.
void GModelSpatialEllipticalDisk::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Determine number of parameter nodes in XML element
    int npars = xml.elements("parameter");

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 5 parameters
    if (xml.elements() != 5 || npars != 5) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_READ, xml,
              "Elliptical disk model requires exactly 5 parameters.");

    // Read disk location

    // Extract model parameters
    int  npar[2] = {0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < npars; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        const GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle semiminor radius
        if (par->attribute("name") == "MinorRadius") {
            // Read parameter
            // Increment parameter counter

        // Handle semimajor radius
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "MajorRadius") {

        	// Read parameter*par);

        	// Increment parameter counter

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Verify that all parameters were found
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml,
              "Elliptical disk model requires \"MinorRadius\" and"
              " \"MajorRadius\" parameters.");

    // Return
 * @brief Read model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Reads the spectral information from an XML element. The format of the XML
 * elements is
 *     <spectrum type="PowerLaw2">
 *       <parameter name="Integral"   scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Index"      scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="LowerLimit" scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="UpperLimit" scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *     </spectrum>
 * @todo Add parameter validity check
void GModelSpectralPlaw2::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Verify that XML element has exactly 4 parameters
    if (xml.elements() != 4 || xml.elements("parameter") != 4) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_READ, xml,
              "Power law 2 spectral model requires exactly 4 parameters.");

    // Extract model parameters
    int npar[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        const GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle prefactor
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Integral") {

        // Handle index
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Index") {

        // Handle lower limit
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "LowerLimit") {

        // Handle upper limit
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "UpperLimit") {

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Verify that all parameters were found
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1 || npar[2] != 1 || npar[3] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml,
              "Power law 2 spectral model requires \"Integral\", \"Index\","
              " \"LowerLimit\" and \"UpperLimit\" parameters.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 4
 * @brief Read model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element containing power law model information.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Reads the spectral information from an XML element. The format of the XML
 * elements is
 *     <spectrum type="ExpCutoff">
 *       <parameter name="Prefactor" scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Index"     scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Cutoff"    scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Scale"     scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *     </spectrum>
void GModelSpectralExpPlaw::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Verify that XML element has exactly 4 parameters
    if (xml.elements() != 4 || xml.elements("parameter") != 4) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_READ, xml,
              "Power law model requires exactly 4 parameters.");

    // Extract model parameters
    int npar[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        const GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle prefactor
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Prefactor") {

        // Handle index
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Index") {

        // Handle cutoff
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Cutoff") {

        // Handle pivot energy
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Scale") {

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Verify that all parameters were found
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1 || npar[2] != 1 || npar[3] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml,
              "Require \"Prefactor\", \"Index\", \"Cutoff\" and \"Scale\""
              " parameters.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 5
 * @brief Write instrument scales into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML source element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of instrument tags found in XML element.
 * If there are instrument scale factors then add a tag with the following
 * format to the XML element:
 *      <scaling>
 *         <instrument name="LAT" scale="1" min="0.1" max="10" value="1.0" free="0"/>
 *         <instrument name="CTA" scale="1" min="0.1" max="10" value="0.5" free="0"/>
 *      </scaling>
void GModel::write_scales(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Continue only is scale factors are present
    if (!m_scales.empty()) {

        // Get number of instruments
        int num = m_scales.size();

        // Initialise scaling tag
        GXmlElement* scale = NULL;

        // If no <scaling> tag exists then add one now with the required
        // number of instruments ...
        if (xml.elements("scaling") == 0) {
            scale = xml.append("scaling");
            for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {

        // ... otherwise get first tag
        else {
            scale = xml.element("scaling", 0);

        // Verify that scaling tag  has the required number of instruments
        if (scale->elements() != num || scale->elements("instrument") != num) {
            throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE_SCALES, *scale,
                  "Instrument scaling needs "+gammalib::str(num)+" instrument tags.");

        // Write all instruments
        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {

            // Get instrument element
            GXmlElement* inst = scale->element("instrument", i);

            // Set instrument name
            inst->attribute("name", m_scales[i].name());

            // Write instrument scaling factor

        } // endfor: looped over all instruments


    // Return
Esempio n. 6
 * @brief Write observation into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::xml_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::xml_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid parameter names found in XML element.
 * Writes information for a multi-wavelength observation into an XML element.
 * The format of the XML element is
 *     <observation name="..." id="..." instrument="MWL">
 *       <parameter name="Instrument" value="..."/>
 *       <parameter name="Data" file="..." [extno="..."] [extname="..."]/>
 *     </observation>
void GMWLObservation::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // If XML element has 0 nodes then append 2 parameter nodes
    if (xml.elements() == 0) {
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Instrument\""));
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Data\""));

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 2 parameters
    if (xml.elements() != 2 || xml.elements("parameter") != 2) {
        throw GException::xml_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE, xml,
              "MWL observation requires exactly 2 parameters.");

    // Set or update parameter attributes
    int npar[] = {0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle Instrument
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Instrument") {
            par->attribute("value", m_instrument);

        // Handle Data
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Data") {
            par->attribute("file", m_filename);
            if (gammalib::strip_whitespace(m_extno).length() > 0) {
                par->attribute("extno", m_extno);
            if (gammalib::strip_whitespace(m_extname).length() > 0) {
                par->attribute("extname", m_extname);

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Check of all required parameters are present
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1)
        throw GException::xml_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Require \"Instrument\" and \"Data\" parameters.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 7
 * @brief Read model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element containing Gaussian model information.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter name found in XML element.
 * Read the spectral Gaussian information from an XML element.
 * The format of the XML elements is:
 *     <spectrum type="Gaussian">
 *       <parameter name="Normalization" scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Mean"          scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Sigma"         scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *     </spectrum>
void GModelSpectralGauss::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Set number of parameters
    const int n_pars = 3;

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 3 parameters
    if (xml.elements() != n_pars || xml.elements("parameter") != n_pars) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_READ, xml,
              "Gaussian model requires exactly 3 parameters.");

    // Extract model parameters
    int npar[] = {0, 0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < n_pars; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        const GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle normalization
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Normalization") {

        // Handle mean
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Mean") {

        // Handle sigma
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Sigma") {

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Verify that all parameters were found
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1 || npar[2] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml,
              "Require \"Normalization\", \"Mean\", and \"Sigma\""
              " parameters.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 8
 * @brief Read CTA cube background model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * Set up CTA cube background model from the information provided by
 * an XML element. The XML element is expected to have the following
 * structure
 *     <source name="..." type="..." instrument="...">
 *       <spectrum type="...">
 *         ...
 *       </spectrum>
 *     </source>
 * Optionally, a temporal model may be provided using the following
 * syntax
 *     <source name="..." type="..." instrument="...">
 *       <spectrum type="...">
 *         ...
 *       </spectrum>
 *       <temporalModel type="...">
 *         ...
 *       </temporalModel>
 *     </source>
 * If no temporal component is found a constant model is assumed.
void GCTAModelCubeBackground::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Clear model

    // Initialise XML elements
    const GXmlElement* spectral = NULL;
    const GXmlElement* temporal = NULL;

    // Get pointer on spectrum
    spectral = xml.element("spectrum", 0);

    // Extract spectral model
    m_spectral = xml_spectral(*spectral);

    // Optionally get temporal model
    if (xml.elements("temporalModel")) {
        temporal   = xml.element("temporalModel", 0);
        m_temporal = xml_temporal(*temporal);
    else {
        GModelTemporalConst constant;
        m_temporal = constant.clone();

    // Read model attributes

    // Set parameter pointers

    // Return
Esempio n. 9
 * @brief Read instrument scales from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML source element.
 * Reads the instrument scale factors from a tag with the following format
 *      <scaling>
 *         <instrument name="LAT" scale="1.0" min="0.1" max="10.0" value="1.0" free="0"/>
 *         <instrument name="CTA" scale="1.0" min="0.1" max="10.0" value="0.5" free="0"/>
 *      </scaling>
 * The instrument name is case sensitive, but any leading and trailing white
 * space will be removed.
 * If no scaling tag is found, all instrument scale factors will be cleared.
void GModel::read_scales(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Clear any existing scales

    // Continue only if there is a <scaling> tag
    if (xml.elements("scaling") != 0) {

        // Get pointer on first instrument scale factors
        const GXmlElement* scales = xml.element("scaling", 0);

        // Determine number of scale factors
        int nscales = scales->elements("instrument");

        // Read all scale factors
        for (int i = 0; i < nscales; ++i) {
            const GXmlElement* par = scales->element("instrument", i);
            GModelPar scale;


    // Return
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_spatial
 *            Existing XML element is not of type "MapCubeFunction"
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Write the map cube information into an XML element. The XML element will
 * have either the format
 *     <spatialModel type="MapCubeFunction" file="test_file.fits">
 *       <parameter name="Normalization" scale="1" value="1" min="0.1" max="10" free="0"/>
 *     </spatialModel>
 * or alternatively
 *     <spatialModel type="MapCubeFunction" file="test_file.fits">
 *       <parameter name="Value" scale="1" value="1" min="0.1" max="10" free="0"/>
 *     </spatialModel>
 * The latter format is the default for newly written XML elements. 
void GModelSpatialDiffuseCube::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Set model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") == "") {
        xml.attribute("type", "MapCubeFunction");

    // Verify model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") != "MapCubeFunction") {
        throw GException::model_invalid_spatial(G_WRITE, xml.attribute("type"),
              "Spatial model is not of type \"MapCubeFunction\".");

    // If XML element has 0 nodes then append parameter node. The name
    // of the node is "Normalization" as this is the Fermi-LAT standard.
    // We thus assure that the XML files will be compatible with
    // Fermi-LAT.
    if (xml.elements() == 0) {
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Normalization\""));

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 1 parameter
    if (xml.elements() != 1 || xml.elements("parameter") != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Map cube spatial model requires exactly 1 parameter.");

    // Get pointers on model parameter
    GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", 0);

    // Set or update parameter
    if (par->attribute("name") == "Normalization" ||
        par->attribute("name") == "Value") {
    else {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Map cube spatial model requires either \"Value\" or"
              " \"Normalization\" parameter.");

    // Set filename
    xml.attribute("file", m_filename);

    // Return
Esempio n. 11
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @todo Document method.
void GCTAModelBackground::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Initialise pointer on source
    GXmlElement* src = NULL;

    // Search corresponding source
    int n = xml.elements("source");
    for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
        GXmlElement* element = xml.element("source", k);
        if (element->attribute("name") == name()) {
            src = element;

    // If no source with corresponding name was found then append one
    if (src == NULL) {
        src = xml.append("source");
        if (spectral() != NULL) src->append(GXmlElement("spectrum"));
        if (spatial()  != NULL) src->append(GXmlElement("spatialModel"));
        //if (temporal() != NULL) src->append(GXmlElement("temporalModel"));

    // Set model type, name and optionally instruments
    src->attribute("name", name());
    src->attribute("type", type());
    if (instruments().length() > 0) {
        src->attribute("instrument", instruments());
    std::string identifiers = ids();
    if (identifiers.length() > 0) {
        src->attribute("id", identifiers);

    // Write spectral model
    if (spectral() != NULL) {
        GXmlElement* spec = src->element("spectrum", 0);

    // Write spatial model
    if (spatial() != NULL) {
        GXmlElement* spat = src->element("spatialModel", 0);

    // Write temporal model
    if (temporal() != NULL) {
        if (dynamic_cast<GModelTemporalConst*>(temporal()) == NULL) {
            GXmlElement* temp = src->element("temporalModel", 0);

    // Return
Esempio n. 12
 * @brief Write CTA instrument background model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * Write CTA instrument background model information into an XML element.
 * The XML element will have the following structure
 *     <source name="..." type="..." instrument="...">
 *       <spectrum type="...">
 *         ...
 *       </spectrum>
 *     </source>
 * If the model contains a non-constant temporal model, the temporal
 * component will also be written following the syntax
 *     <source name="..." type="..." instrument="...">
 *       <spectrum type="...">
 *         ...
 *       </spectrum>
 *       <temporalModel type="...">
 *         ...
 *       </temporalModel>
 *     </source>
 * If no temporal component is found a constant model is assumed.
void GCTAModelIrfBackground::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Initialise pointer on source
    GXmlElement* src = NULL;

    // Search corresponding source
    int n = xml.elements("source");
    for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
        GXmlElement* element = xml.element("source", k);
        if (element->attribute("name") == name()) {
            src = element;

    // If we have a temporal model that is either not a constant, or a
    // constant with a normalization value that differs from 1.0 then
    // write the temporal component into the XML element. This logic
    // assures compatibility with the Fermi/LAT format as this format
    // does not handle temporal components.
    bool write_temporal = ((m_temporal != NULL) &&
                           (m_temporal->type() != "Constant" ||
                            (*m_temporal)[0].value() != 1.0));

    // If no source with corresponding name was found then append one
    if (src == NULL) {
        src = xml.append("source");
        if (spectral() != NULL) src->append(GXmlElement("spectrum"));
        if (write_temporal)     src->append(GXmlElement("temporalModel"));

    // Set model type, name and optionally instruments
    src->attribute("name", name());
    src->attribute("type", type());
    if (instruments().length() > 0) {
        src->attribute("instrument", instruments());
    std::string identifiers = ids();
    if (identifiers.length() > 0) {
        src->attribute("id", identifiers);

    // Write spectral model
    if (spectral() != NULL) {
        GXmlElement* spec = src->element("spectrum", 0);

    // Optionally write temporal model
    if (write_temporal) {
        if (dynamic_cast<GModelTemporalConst*>(temporal()) == NULL) {
            GXmlElement* temp = src->element("temporalModel", 0);

    // Return
Esempio n. 13
 * @brief Read model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Reads the radial Gauss model information from an XML element. The XML
 * element shall have either the format 
 *     <spatialModel type="RadialGaussian">
 *       <parameter name="RA"    scale="1.0" value="83.6331" min="-360" max="360" free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="DEC"   scale="1.0" value="22.0145" min="-90"  max="90"  free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="Sigma" scale="1.0" value="0.45"    min="0.01" max="10"  free="1"/>
 *     </spatialModel>
 * or
 *     <spatialModel type="RadialGaussian">
 *       <parameter name="GLON"  scale="1.0" value="83.6331" min="-360" max="360" free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="GLAT"  scale="1.0" value="22.0145" min="-90"  max="90"  free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="Sigma" scale="1.0" value="0.45"    min="0.01" max="10"  free="1"/>
 *     </spatialModel>
 * @todo Implement a test of the sigma and sigma boundary. The sigma
 *       and sigma minimum should be >0.
void GModelSpatialRadialGauss::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Determine number of parameter nodes in XML element
    int npars = xml.elements("parameter");

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 3 parameters
    if (xml.elements() != 3 || npars != 3) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_READ, xml,
              "Gaussian source model requires exactly 3 parameters.");

    // Read Gaussian location

    // Extract model parameters
    int  npar[1] = {0};
    for (int i = 0; i < npars; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        const GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle Gaussian width
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Sigma") {
            // Read parameter
            //TODO: Check parameter
            // Increment parameter counter

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Verify that all parameters were found
    if (npar[0] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml,
              "Require \"Sigma\" parameters.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 14
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element into which model information is written.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_spatial
 *            Existing XML element is not of type 'GaussFunction'
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Writes the radial disk model information into an XML element. The XML
 * element will have the format 
 *     <spatialModel type="RadialGaussian">
 *       <parameter name="RA"    scale="1.0" value="83.6331" min="-360" max="360" free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="DEC"   scale="1.0" value="22.0145" min="-90"  max="90"  free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="Sigma" scale="1.0" value="0.45"    min="0.01" max="10"  free="1"/>
 *     </spatialModel>
void GModelSpatialRadialGauss::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Write Gaussian location

    // If XML element has 2 nodes (which should be the location nodes)
    // then append 1 parameter node
    if (xml.elements() == 2) {
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Sigma\""));

    // Determine number of parameter nodes in XML element
    int npars = xml.elements("parameter");

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 3 parameters
    if (xml.elements() != 3 || npars != 3) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Point source model requires exactly 3 parameters.");

    // Set or update model parameter attributes
    int npar[1] = {0};
    for (int i = 0; i < npars; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle Sigma
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Sigma") {

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Check of all required parameters are present
    if (npar[0] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Require \"Sigma\" parameter.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 15
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element into which model information is written.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_spectral
 *            Existing XML element is not of type "ConstantValue"
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters or nodes found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Write the spectral constant information into an XML element. The XML
 * element has to be of type "ConstantValue" and will have 1 parameter leaf
 * named "Normalization" or "Value" (default).
void GModelSpectralConst::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Set model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") == "") {
        xml.attribute("type", "ConstantValue");

    // Verify model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") != "ConstantValue") {
        throw GException::model_invalid_spectral(G_WRITE, xml.attribute("type"),
              "Spectral model is not of type \"ConstantValue\".");

    // If XML element has 0 nodes then append parameter node. The name
    // of the node is "Value" as this is the Fermi-LAT standard.
    // We thus assure that the XML files will be compatible with
    // Fermi-LAT.
    if (xml.elements() == 0) {
        xml.append(new GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Value\""));

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 1 parameter
    if (xml.elements() != 1 || xml.elements("parameter") != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Spectral constant requires exactly 1 parameter.");

    // Get parameter element
    GXmlElement* par = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(xml.element("parameter", 0));

    // Set parameyter
    if (par->attribute("name") == "Normalization" ||
        par->attribute("name") == "Value") {
    else {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml,
                          "Spectral constant requires either"
                          " \"Normalization\" or \"Value\" parameter.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 16
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element into which model information is written.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_spectral
 *            Existing XML element is not of type "FileFunction"
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters or nodes found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Writes the spectral information into an XML element. The format of the XML
 * element is
 *     <spectrum type="FileFunction" file="..">
 *       <parameter name="Normalization" scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *     </spectrum>
 * Note that the function nodes will not be written since they will not be
 * altered by any method.
void GModelSpectralFunc::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Set model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") == "") {
        xml.attribute("type", "FileFunction");

    // Verify model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") != "FileFunction") {
        throw GException::model_invalid_spectral(G_WRITE, xml.attribute("type"),
              "Spectral model is not of type \"FileFunction\".");

    // If XML element has 0 nodes then append 1 parameter node
    if (xml.elements() == 0) {
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Normalization\""));

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 1 parameter
    if (xml.elements() != 1 || xml.elements("parameter") != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Spectral function requires exactly 1 parameter.");

    // Get parameter element
    GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", 0);

    // Set parameter
    if (par->attribute("name") == "Normalization") {
    else {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml,
                          "Require \"Normalization\" parameter.");

    // Set file attribute
    //xml.attribute("file", m_filename.url());
    xml.attribute("file", gammalib::xml_file_reduce(xml, m_filename));

    // Return
Esempio n. 17
 * @brief Read observations from XML document
 * @param[in] xml XML document.
 * @exception GException::invalid_instrument
 *            Invalid instrument encountered.
 * Reads observations from the first observation list that is found in the
 * XML document. The decoding of the instrument specific observation
 * definition is done within the observation's read() method.
 * @todo Observation names and IDs are not verified so far for uniqueness.
 *       This would be required to achieve an unambiguous update of parameters
 *       in an already existing XML file when using the write method.
void GObservations::read(const GXml& xml)
    // Get pointer on observation library
    GXmlElement* lib = xml.element("observation_list", 0);

    // Loop over all observations
    int n = lib->elements("observation");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

        // Get pointer on observation
        GXmlElement* obs = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(lib->element("observation", i));

        // Get attributes
        std::string name       = obs->attribute("name");
        std::string id         = obs->attribute("id");
        std::string instrument = obs->attribute("instrument");

        // Get model
        GObservationRegistry registry;
        GObservation*        ptr = registry.alloc(instrument);

        // If observation is valid then read its definition from XML file
        if (ptr != NULL) {

            // Read definition

            // Set attributes

        } // endif: observation was valid

        // ... otherwise throw an exception
        else {
            throw GException::invalid_instrument(G_READ, instrument);

        // Append observation to container

        // Free model (appending clones the observation)
        delete ptr;

    } // endfor: looped over all observations

    // Return
Esempio n. 18
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml Source library.
void GModelSky::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Initialise pointer on source
    GXmlElement* src = NULL;

    // Search corresponding source
    int n = xml.elements("source");
    for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
        GXmlElement* element = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(xml.element("source", k));
        if (element->attribute("name") == name()) {
            src = element;

    // If no source with corresponding name was found then append one
    if (src == NULL) {
        src = new GXmlElement("source");
        src->attribute("name") = name();
        if (spectral() != NULL) src->append(new GXmlElement("spectrum"));
        if (spatial()  != NULL) src->append(new GXmlElement("spatialModel"));

    // Set model attributes
    src->attribute("name", name());
    src->attribute("type", type());
    std::string instruments = this->instruments();
    if (instruments.length() > 0) {
        src->attribute("instrument", instruments);

    // Write spectral model
    if (spectral() != NULL) {
        GXmlElement* spec = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(src->element("spectrum", 0));

    // Write spatial model
    if (spatial() != NULL) {
        GXmlElement* spat = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(src->element("spatialModel", 0));

    // Return
Esempio n. 19
 * @brief Read CTA instrument background model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * Set up CTA instrument background model from the information provided by
 * an XML element. The XML element is expected to have the following
 * structure
 *     <source name="..." type="..." instrument="...">
 *       <spectrum type="...">
 *         ...
 *       </spectrum>
 *     </source>
 * Optionally, a temporal model may be provided using the following
 * syntax
 *     <source name="..." type="..." instrument="...">
 *       <spectrum type="...">
 *         ...
 *       </spectrum>
 *       <temporalModel type="...">
 *         ...
 *       </temporalModel>
 *     </source>
 * If no temporal component is found a constant model is assumed.
void GCTAModelIrfBackground::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Clear model

    // Initialise XML elements
    const GXmlElement* spectral = NULL;
    const GXmlElement* temporal = NULL;

    // Get pointer on spectrum
    spectral = xml.element("spectrum", 0);

    // Extract spectral model
    m_spectral = xml_spectral(*spectral);

    // Optionally get temporal model
    if (xml.elements("temporalModel")) {
        temporal   = xml.element("temporalModel", 0);
        m_temporal = xml_temporal(*temporal);
    else {
        GModelTemporalConst constant;
        m_temporal = constant.clone();

    // Set model name

    // Set instruments

    // Set observation identifiers

    // Check flag if TS value should be computed
    bool tscalc = (xml.attribute("tscalc") == "1") ? true : false;

    // Set flag if TS value should be computed

    // Set parameter pointers

    // Return
Esempio n. 20
 * @brief Read model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * The model is composed of a spectrum component ('spectral'), a spatial
 * component ('spatialModel'), and, optionally, of a temporal component
 * ('lightcurve'). If no temporal component is found a constant model is
 * assumed.
void GCTAModelBackground::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Clear model

    // Initialise XML elements
    const GXmlElement* spat = NULL;
    const GXmlElement* spec = NULL;
    const GXmlElement* temp = NULL;

    // Get pointers on spectrum and radial model
    spat = xml.element("spatialModel", 0);
    spec = xml.element("spectrum", 0);

    // Clone radial and spectral models
    m_spatial  = xml_spatial(*spat);
    m_spectral = xml_spectral(*spec);

    // Optionally get temporal model
    if (xml.elements("temporalModel")) {
        temp       = xml.element("temporalModel", 0);
        m_temporal = xml_temporal(*temp);
    else {
        GModelTemporalConst temporal;
        m_temporal = temporal.clone();

    // Set model name

    // Set instruments

    // Set observation identifiers

    // Set parameter pointers

    // Return
Esempio n. 21
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_spatial
 *            Existing XML element is not of type 'ProfileFunction'
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Write the radial Profile model information into an XML element. The XML
 * element will have 3 parameter leafs named "Width", "Core" and "Tail".
void GCTAModelRadialProfile::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Set model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") == "") {
        xml.attribute("type", type());

    // Verify model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") != type()) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_spatial(G_WRITE, xml.attribute("type"),
              "Radial Profile model is not of type \""+type()+"\".");

    // If XML element has 0 nodes then append 3 parameter nodes
    if (xml.elements() == 0) {
        xml.append(new GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Width\""));
        xml.append(new GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Core\""));
        xml.append(new GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Tail\""));

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 3 parameters
    if (xml.elements() != 3 || xml.elements("parameter") != 3) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Radial Profile model requires exactly 3 parameters.");

    // Set or update model parameter attributes
    int npar[] = {0, 0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        GXmlElement* par = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(xml.element("parameter", i));

        // Handle prefactor
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Width") {

        // Handle index
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Core") {

        // Handle pivot energy
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Tail") {

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Check of all required parameters are present
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1 || npar[2] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Require \"Width\", \"Core\" and \"Tail\" parameters.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 22
 * @brief Read model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parvalue
 *            Non-positive parameter value found.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parlimit
 *            Missing or non-positive minimum parameter boundary.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Read the Profile radial model information from an XML element. The XML
 * element is required to have 3 parameter named "Width", "Core", and "Tail". 
void GCTAModelRadialProfile::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Verify that XML element has exactly 3 parameter
    if (xml.elements() != 3 || xml.elements("parameter") != 3) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_READ, xml,
              "Radial Profile model requires exactly 3 parameters.");

    // Extract model parameters
    int  npar[] = {0, 0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        GXmlElement* par = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(xml.element("parameter", i));

        // Handle Width
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Width") {
            if (m_width.real_value() <= 0.0) {
                throw GException::model_invalid_parvalue(G_READ, xml,
                      "\"Width\" parameter is required to be positive.");
            if (!m_width.hasmin() || m_width.real_min() <= 0.0) {
                throw GException::model_invalid_parlimit(G_READ, xml,
                      "\"Width\" parameter requires positive minimum boundary.");

        // Handle Core
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Core") {
            if (m_core.real_value() <= 0.0) {
                throw GException::model_invalid_parvalue(G_READ, xml,
                      "\"Core\" parameter is required to be positive.");
            if (!m_core.hasmin() || m_core.real_min() <= 0.0) {
                throw GException::model_invalid_parlimit(G_READ, xml,
                      "\"Core\" parameter requires positive minimum boundary.");

        // Handle Tail
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Tail") {
            if (m_tail.real_value() <= 0.0) {
                throw GException::model_invalid_parvalue(G_READ, xml,
                      "\"Core\" parameter is required to be positive.");
            if (!m_tail.hasmin() || m_tail.real_min() <= 0.0) {
                throw GException::model_invalid_parlimit(G_READ, xml,
                      "\"Core\" parameter requires positive minimum boundary.");

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Verify that all parameters were found
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1 || npar[2] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml,
              "Require \"Width\", \"Core\" and \"Tail\" parameters.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 23
 * @brief Read model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Reads the radial source location and position angle information from an
 * XML element in the following format
 *     <spatialModel type="...">
 *       <parameter name="RA"  scale="1" value="83.63" min="-360" max="360" free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="DEC" scale="1" value="22.01" min="-90"  max="90"  free="1"/>
 *       ...
 *     </spatialModel>
 * or
 *     <spatialModel type="...">
 *       <parameter name="GLON" scale="1" value="83.63" min="-360" max="360" free="1"/>
 *       <parameter name="GLAT" scale="1" value="22.01" min="-90"  max="90"  free="1"/>
 *       ...
 *     </spatialModel>
void GModelSpatialRadial::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Determine number of parameter nodes in XML element
    int npars = xml.elements("parameter");

    // Verify that XML element has at least 2 parameters
    if (xml.elements() < 2 || npars < 2) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_READ, xml,
              "Radial model requires at least 2 parameters.");

    // Extract model parameters
    bool has_glon = false;
    bool has_glat = false;
    int  npar[2]  = {0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < npars; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        const GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle RA/GLON
        if (par->attribute("name") == "RA") {
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "GLON") {
            has_glon = true;

        // Handle DEC/GLAT
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "DEC") {
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "GLAT") {
            has_glat = true;

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Check if we have to convert GLON/GLAT into RA/DEC
    if (has_glon && has_glat) {
        GSkyDir dir;
        dir.lb_deg(ra(), dec()),
    else if (has_glon || has_glat) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml,
              "Require either \"RA\"/\"DEC\" or \"GLON\"/\"GLAT\".");

    // Verify that all parameters were found
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml,
              "Require \"RA\"/\"DEC\" and \"GLON\"/\"GLAT\" parameters.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 24
 * @brief Read model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::invalid_value
 *            Model definition requires at least one node.
 * Read the COMPTEL DRB fitting model from an XML element.
 * The model is composed of nodes that define the normalization value as
 * function of Phibar value. The following XML file syntax is expected:
 *     <source name="Background" type="DRBFitting" instrument="COM">
 *       <node>
 *         <parameter name="Phibar"        .../>
 *         <parameter name="Normalization" .../>
 *       </node>
 *       ...
 *       <node>
 *         <parameter name="Phibar"        .../>
 *         <parameter name="Normalization" .../>
 *       </node>
 *     </source>
void GCOMModelDRBFitting::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Free space for nodes

    // Get number of nodes from XML file
    int nodes = xml.elements("node");

    // Throw an error if there are no nodes
    if (nodes < 1) {
        std::string msg = "DRB fitting model requires at least one Phibar "
                          "node. Please correct XML format.";
        throw GException::invalid_value(G_READ, msg);

    // Loop over all nodes
    for (int i = 0; i < nodes; ++i) {

        // Allocate node parameters
        GModelPar phibar;
        GModelPar normalization;
        // Get node
        const GXmlElement* node = xml.element("node", i);

        // Read Phibar parameter
        const GXmlElement* par = gammalib::xml_get_par(G_READ, *node, "Phibar");*par);

        // Read Normalization parameter
        par = gammalib::xml_get_par(G_READ, *node, "Normalization");*par);

        // Set parameter names
        std::string phibar_name        = "Phibar layer "+gammalib::str(i);
        std::string normalization_name = "Scale factor "+gammalib::str(i);

        // Set Phibar attributes;

        // Set normalization attributes;

        // Push node parameters on list

    } // endfor: looped over nodes

    // Set model name

    // Set instruments

    // Set observation identifiers

    // Check flag if TS value should be computed
    bool tscalc = (xml.attribute("tscalc") == "1") ? true : false;

    // Set flag if TS value should be computed

    // Set pointers

    // Set evluation cache

    // Return
Esempio n. 25
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_spectral
 *            Existing XML element is not of required type
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters or nodes found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Write the COMPTEL DRB fitting model into an XML element.
 * The model is composed of nodes that define the normalization value as
 * function of Phibar value. The following XML file syntax is expected:
 *     <source name="Background" type="DRBFitting" instrument="COM">
 *       <node>
 *         <parameter name="Phibar"        .../>
 *         <parameter name="Normalization" .../>
 *       </node>
 *       ...
 *       <node>
 *         <parameter name="Phibar"        .../>
 *         <parameter name="Normalization" .../>
 *       </node>
 *     </source>
void GCOMModelDRBFitting::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Initialise pointer on source
    GXmlElement* src = NULL;

    // Search corresponding source
    int n = xml.elements("source");
    for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
        GXmlElement* element = xml.element("source", k);
        if (element->attribute("name") == name()) {
            src = element;

    // If no source with corresponding name was found then append one.
    // Set also the type and the instrument.
    if (src == NULL) {
        src = xml.append("source");
        src->attribute("name", name());
        src->attribute("type", type());
        if (instruments().length() > 0) {
            src->attribute("instrument", instruments());

    // Verify model type
    if (src->attribute("type") != type()) {
        std::string msg = "Invalid model type \""+src->attribute("type")+"\" "
                          "found in XML file. Model type \""+type()+"\" "
        throw GException::invalid_value(G_WRITE, msg);

    // Determine number of nodes
    int nodes = m_phibars.size();

    // If XML element has 0 nodes then append nodes
    if (src->elements() == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes; ++i) {

    // Verify that XML element has the required number of nodes
    if (src->elements() != nodes || src->elements("node") != nodes) {
        std::string msg = "Invalid number of nodes "+
                          " found in XML file, but model requires exactly "+
                          gammalib::str(nodes)+" nodes.";
        throw GException::invalid_value(G_WRITE, msg);

    // Loop over all nodes
    for (int i = 0; i < nodes; ++i) {

        // Get node
        GXmlElement* node = src->element("node", i);

        // Write Phibar parameter
        GXmlElement* par = gammalib::xml_need_par(G_WRITE, *node, "Phibar");

        // Write Normalization parameter
        par = gammalib::xml_need_par(G_WRITE, *node, "Normalization");

    } // endfor: looped over nodes

    // Return
Esempio n. 26
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_spectral
 *            Existing XML element is not of type "PowerLaw2"
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters or nodes found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Writes the spectral information into an XML element. The format of the XML
 * element is
 *     <spectrum type="PowerLaw2">
 *       <parameter name="Integral"   scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Index"      scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="LowerLimit" scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="UpperLimit" scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *     </spectrum>
void GModelSpectralPlaw2::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Set model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") == "") {
        xml.attribute("type", "PowerLaw2");

    // Verify model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") != "PowerLaw2") {
        throw GException::model_invalid_spectral(G_WRITE, xml.attribute("type"),
              "Spectral model is not of type \"PowerLaw2\".");

    // If XML element has 0 nodes then append 4 parameter nodes
    if (xml.elements() == 0) {
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Integral\""));
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Index\""));
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"LowerLimit\""));
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"UpperLimit\""));

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 4 parameters
    if (xml.elements() != 4 || xml.elements("parameter") != 4) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Power law 2 spectral model requires exactly 4 parameters.");

    // Set or update model parameter attributes
    int npar[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle prefactor
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Integral") {

        // Handle index
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Index") {

        // Handle lower limit
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "LowerLimit") {

        // Handle lower limit
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "UpperLimit") {

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Check of all required parameters are present
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1 || npar[2] != 1 || npar[3] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Power law 2 spectral model requires \"Integral\", \"Index\","
              " \"LowerLimit\" and \"UpperLimit\" parameters.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 27
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_spatial
 *            Existing XML element is not of type 'Polynom'
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Write the polynomial radial model information into an XML element. The XML
 * element will have 1-10 parameter leafs named "CoeffX", where X runs from
 * 0 to 9.
void GCTAModelRadialPolynom::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Determine number of coefficients
    int ncoeffs = m_coeffs.size();

    // Set model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") == "") {
        xml.attribute("type", type());

    // Verify model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") != type()) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_spatial(G_WRITE, xml.attribute("type"),
              "Radial polynomial model is not of type \""+type()+"\".");

    // If XML element has 0 nodes then append nodes for coefficients
    if (xml.elements() == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < ncoeffs; ++i) {
            std::string name = "parameter name=\"Coeff"+str(i)+"\"";
            xml.append(new GXmlElement(name));

    // Verify that XML element has one parameter per coefficient
    if (xml.elements() != ncoeffs || xml.elements("parameter") != ncoeffs) {
        std::string message = "Radial polynomial model requires exactly " +
                              str(ncoeffs) + " parameters.";
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE, xml, message);

    // Set or update model parameter attributes
    std::vector<int> npar;
    npar.assign(ncoeffs, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < ncoeffs; ++i) {

        // Set parameter name
        std::string name = "Coeff"+str(i);

        // Get corresponding parameter element
        GXmlElement* par = NULL;
        for (int k = 0; k < ncoeffs; ++k) {
            GXmlElement* element = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(xml.element("parameter", k));
            if (element->attribute("name") == name) {
                par = element;

        // Make sure that we really have one (just a double check, this should
        // never fail)
        if (par == NULL) {
            std::string message = "Required parameter \""+name+"\" not found.";
            throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml, message);

        // Write parameter

        // Increment parameter counter

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Verify that all parameters were present
    for (int i = 0; i < ncoeffs; ++i) {
        if (npar[i] != 1) {
            std::string message = "Parameter \"Coeff"+str(i)+"\" required,"
                                  " but not found in XML file.";
            throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml, message);

    // Return
Esempio n. 28
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element into which model information is written.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_spectral
 *            Existing XML element is not of type "ExpCutoff"
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters or nodes found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Writes the spectral information into an XML element. The format of the XML
 * element is
 *     <spectrum type="ExpCutoff">
 *       <parameter name="Prefactor" scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Index"     scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Cutoff"    scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Scale"     scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *     </spectrum>
void GModelSpectralExpPlaw::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Set model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") == "") {
        xml.attribute("type", "ExpCutoff");

    // Verify model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") != "ExpCutoff") {
        throw GException::model_invalid_spectral(G_WRITE, xml.attribute("type"),
              "Spectral model is not of type \"ExpCutoff\".");

    // If XML element has 0 nodes then append 4 parameter nodes
    if (xml.elements() == 0) {
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Prefactor\""));
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Index\""));
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Cutoff\""));
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Scale\""));

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 4 parameters
    if (xml.elements() != 4 || xml.elements("parameter") != 4) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Power law model requires exactly 4 parameters.");

    // Set or update model parameter attributes
    int npar[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle prefactor
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Prefactor") {

        // Handle index
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Index") {

        // Handle index
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Cutoff") {

        // Handle pivot energy
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Scale") {

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Check of all required parameters are present
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1 || npar[2] != 1 || npar[3] != 1) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Require \"Prefactor\", \"Index\", \"Cutoff\" and \"Scale\""
              " parameters.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 29
 * @brief Write model into XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element into which model information is written.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_spectral
 *            Existing XML element is not of type "Gaussian"
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters or nodes found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Writes the spectral information into an XML element. The format of the XML
 * element is
 *     <spectrum type="Gaussian">
 *       <parameter name="Normalization" scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Mean"          scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *       <parameter name="Sigma"         scale=".." value=".." min=".." max=".." free=".."/>
 *     </spectrum>
void GModelSpectralGauss::write(GXmlElement& xml) const
    // Set model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") == "") {
        xml.attribute("type", "Gaussian");

    // Verify model type
    if (xml.attribute("type") != "Gaussian") {
        throw GException::model_invalid_spectral(G_WRITE, xml.attribute("type"),
              "Spectral model is not of type \"Gaussian\".");

    // If XML element has 0 nodes then append 3 parameter nodes
    if (xml.elements() == 0) {
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Normalization\""));
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Mean\""));
        xml.append(GXmlElement("parameter name=\"Sigma\""));

    // Verify that XML element has exactly 3 parameters
    if (xml.elements() != 3 || xml.elements("parameter") != 3) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Power law model requires exactly 3 parameters.");

    // Set or update model parameter attributes
    int npar[] = {0, 0, 0};
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        GXmlElement* par = xml.element("parameter", i);

        // Handle normalization
        if (par->attribute("name") == "Normalization") {

        // Handle mean
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Mean") {

        // Handle sigma
        else if (par->attribute("name") == "Sigma") {

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Check of all required parameters are present
    if (npar[0] != 1 || npar[1] != 1 || npar[2] != 1 ) {
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_WRITE, xml,
              "Require \"Normalization\", \"Mean\" and \"Sigma\""
              " parameters.");

    // Return
Esempio n. 30
 * @brief Read model from XML element
 * @param[in] xml XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnum
 *            Invalid number of model parameters found in XML element.
 * @exception GException::model_invalid_parnames
 *            Invalid model parameter names found in XML element.
 * Read the radial Polynom model information from an XML element. The XML
 * element is required to have at least one parameter. Parameters are named
 * "CoeffX", where "X" starts from "0".  
 * @todo Implement a test of the coefficient boundaries.
void GCTAModelRadialPolynom::read(const GXmlElement& xml)
    // Free space for coefficients

    // Get maximum number of coefficients from XML file
    int max_coeffs = xml.elements("parameter");

    // Throw an error if no parameters were found
    if (max_coeffs < 1) {
        std::string message = "Radial polynomial model requires at least"
                              " one coefficient.";
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_READ, xml, message);

    // Verify XML file consistency and determine number of coefficients
    int ncoeffs = 0;
    std::vector<int> npar;
    npar.assign(max_coeffs, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < max_coeffs; ++i) {

        // Get parameter element
        GXmlElement* par = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(xml.element("parameter", i));

        // Verify that parameter is indeed a coefficient
        if (par->attribute("name").compare(0,5,"Coeff") != 0) {
            throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml, 
        // Verify that parameter coefficient has index in valid range
        int index = -1;
        size_t nchars = par->attribute("name").length() - 5;
        if (nchars > 0) {
            index = toint(par->attribute("name").substr(5, nchars));
        else {
            throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml,
                  "Radial polynomial \"Coeff\" parameter has no index.");
        if (index < 0) {
            throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml,
                  "Radial polynomial \"Coeff\" parameter index < 0.");
        if (index >= max_coeffs) {
            std::string message = "There are "+str(max_coeffs)+" parameters,"
                                  " hence polynomial coefficients are expected"
                                  " to run from 0 to "+str(max_coeffs-1)+", yet"
                                  " a coefficient with index "+str(index)+" was"
                                  " encountered.";
            throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml, message);

        // Increment parameter counter
        // Update number of coefficients
        if (index+1 > ncoeffs) {
            ncoeffs = index + 1;

    } // endfor: verified XML file consistency
    // Verify that the number of coefficients is between 1 and max_coeffs
    if (ncoeffs < 0 || ncoeffs > max_coeffs) {
        std::string message = "Radial polynomial model requires at between"
                              " 1 and "+str(max_coeffs)+" parameters.";
        throw GException::model_invalid_parnum(G_READ, xml, message);

    // Verify that all parameters were found
    for (int i = 0; i < ncoeffs; ++i) {
        if (npar[i] == 0) {
            std::string message = "Parameter \"Coeff"+str(i)+"\" required,"
                                  " but not found in XML file.";
            throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml, message);
        else if (npar[i] > 1) {
            std::string message = "Multiple parameters \"Coeff"+str(i)+"\""
                                  " found in XML file.";
            throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml, message);

    // Finally get all coefficients in order
    for (int i = 0; i < ncoeffs; ++i) {

        // Set parameter name
        std::string name = "Coeff"+str(i);

        // Get corresponding parameter element
        GXmlElement* par = NULL;
        for (int k = 0; k < ncoeffs; ++k) {
            GXmlElement* element = static_cast<GXmlElement*>(xml.element("parameter", k));
            if (element->attribute("name") == name) {
                par = element;

        // Make sure that we really have one (just a double check, this should
        // never fail)
        if (par == NULL) {
            std::string message = "Required parameter \""+name+"\" not found.";
            throw GException::model_invalid_parnames(G_READ, xml, message);

        // Now read that parameter ...
        GModelPar coeff;*par);

        // ... set other attributes ...;

        //TODO: Check parameter

        // ... and push it on the list

    } // endfor: looped over all parameters

    // Update parameter mapping

    // Return